Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!

Support this Work / Donations

 If you have benefited from and wish to support this work financially,

you can now make your donations online by clicking here!

Credit or Debit Card, or PayPal Accepted
(PayPal is the gateway BUT A PAYPAL ACCOUNT IS NOT 


if you have a particular skill to offer in support of the work,

dr. michael ryce




This Spiritual work belongs to the Creator.

We offer FREE travel workshops (99% of our travel
workshops each year are free!), as well as offering FREE book downloads,
FREE APPs, an hour of FREE support on our radio show Monday through Friday and
multiple FREE offerings of audios and videos on this website.

To support our continued work, we ask a minimal exchange
for Intensives, tapes and other products and services.

Our mission is the healing of ourselves, each other and the planet.
Everything we offer is dedicated as our contribution toward that purpose.
Join in empowering us through your Love, service projects,

DVD, CD or book purchases, by attending residential intensives
or by love donations.

And have the BEST year YET of YOUR Eternal Life!
In Smiles and Blessings. michael & jeanie

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