Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!

“Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer”

I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love.

I have a background in electronics and other technical areas, which plays a role in my own ministry. But, my own ministry is subject to my need for personal growth. So when a friend shared Dr. Ryce’s video about “Setting a Trap for God,” my own growth was accelerated. I just wanted to say thank you and share what I wrote about his video.

Shawn Keena, February 2023

“Even as a minister, in the entirety of my life, I have struggled with the concept of love. In spite of the unloving nature that I have displayed toward others at times, I am not a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In fact, as many of us are, I am the opposite. I have been a sheep for my entire life, even when I wasn’t aware as an atheist or an agnostic. But the world taught me wrongful behavior as it has with all of us; because a broken world produces broken people.

That is because, since the flesh-and-blood version of Jesus Christ, there has been no other human available to teach us how to do everything exactly right. And therefore, the world and the enemy have applied a thick layer of fur that never belonged to me. And now, as a Christian, I work hard day by day, moment by moment, to shed that layer and be a better person than I was the moment before.

I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. But, until I watched the following video, I didn’t fully understand how to get from point A to point B. I want to thank a friend of mine for sharing this video with me. I want to thank God for bringing it to me at exactly the right time. I want to thank the man who delivered the sermon, Dr Michael Ryce.  And I want to invite you to watch and learn what it means to set a trap for God’s love.”

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