Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!



Purpose, Personal Power and Commitment

Question:  I copied the Purpose worksheet in my note book and got up to the part of the secondary purpose at the bottom but not sure how to proceed from there. Any guidance or is it in a future video?  Worksheet:

Answer: Jeanie gave her examples for the three sections:

  1. 10 unique characteristics, talents and abilities for me is I am deeply devoted to family and friends, I can write, listen well, nourish others, I learn quickly, I am intuitive, have great organizational skills and administrative skills, I can teach, I can guide people in the process
  2. 10 things I enjoy doing includes some of the above or a variation of the same being with family and friends, teaching, sharing with others, being with God, learning
  3. My vision of a perfect world is where there is a shift and we all experience our BEING (Love) and live in truth and harmony as God originally planned.

Then you look at what is in #1 that goes with #2 and put them together to form the Secondary Purpose Statement for You.  I will use my ability in #1 to do #2 to create the perfect world ….

Jeanie’s finished Purpose Statement is a combination of the above ….

“I now use my deep devotion to my family & friends to be supportive, enjoy time together; listening and sharing. I will nourish and comfort others as I create a safe space for healing to happen. I will use my writing abilities to produce a book that shares my experiences of healing and expresses the potential and hope to others. I now use my love for learning to search for Truth and then use my teaching skills to share my highest understanding with those whose paths I cross. I now use my intuition (my inner tutor) to follow in the way of peace. I will stay committed, fully aware, responsible and connected to God. I will radiate the Love in me, be a clear voice to my calling, so that my life produces a longing in others to follow in the way of Truth, to join me on the path, to likewise make a difference. I will use my organizational and administrative skills in accord with this purpose. To have such an impact on this planet that we create the shift where we all experience our BEING (Love) and live in truth and harmony as God originally planned.”

I worked on that a LONG time for it to be that ‘polished’ – LOL.  Hope this helps.

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