Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – April 2014

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

April 1




April 2



  • Why the Aramaic language is the foundation of 6 of the worlds major religions and how it informs us about how our minds work…
  • An example of how meaning gets lost through translations because of different cultural understandings…
  • Our true identity is “the offspring of the Creator, of Love” and we can verify that by holding and experiencing the essence of a new born baby
  • An awesome letter from a person whose life was changed by the work she has done after attending a nine day intensive one year ago…
  • Beware the distorting power of the way you want it to be, because your mind will bring up proof that it is true…
  • Tim reports that he didn’t go to do the prison classes yesterday because he
  • chose to stay with his back pain and describes all of the tools he used to clear the issues underlying his pain…
  • The source of all of this work is Y’Shua (Jesus) whose teachings have been more correctly translated from the Khaburis Manuscript
  • Go to YouTube and type in “Invitation to Love” to get the information about Mitzi’s April 22nd global 90 seconds of Love…
  • An in-depth answer to the question of how and why to do a Reality Management worksheet with ourselves as the trigger…
  • Information about how to use the MindShifter tool…
  • Go to  to get FREE materials, instruction, and current information about Michael and Jeanie’s schedule …

April 3



  • Dr. Ryce shares that it is only by doing the work, that the benefits of the teachings in the books of great wisdom can be experienced
  • A caller shares how wonderful last night’s workshop was for her and asks for and receives more information about setting the filter of Khooba over our perceptions…
  • More clarification about Rakhma and Khooba
  • Asking Rookha to show us what work sheet needs to be done and quietly listening…
  • A caller shares her gratitude for being triggered because it led her to healing the pain associated with being disconnected from God …
  • A caller shares how her relationships and her whole life has changed because of the forgiveness work she has been doing, and receives guidance regarding a current issue she is dealing with around perfection and being a blessing…
  • More information about how important it is to be precise when canceling goals in order to open a pathway to what is preventing us from achieving our goals…
  • All of the worksheets are available FREE on

April 4



  • ARAMAIC FRIDAY: Special Guest, Dale Allen Hoffman
  • Go to to find all of his offerings…
  • Dale shares some information about the new book he is working on
  • Information about I AM and INANA
  • I am the light of the world” and “The Father and I are One” explained from the original Aramaic perspective…
  • “What you are looking for is what is looking,” from St. Francis of Assisi explained…
  • Direct experience and conscious realization can only happen by doing our inner work rather than by studying and memorizing
  • The mind of sophistry, fraud, lies, and false self is explained…
  • In order to live, you have to die” as it applies to the false self…
  • There are currently 34 wars going on this planet and how they reflect the internal wars we have inside of us and what to do about it…
  • Taking the Lord’s name in vain; be careful about any word that we use after the words “I am” …
  • A discussion about the three largest religions
  • The brainwashing that has been done in the service of “kings”, “wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross”…
  • A caller shares information about rip tides and how similar the phenomenon is to the forces of hostility, fear, and forgiveness…
  • The “I within the I” is discussed and clarified; my center is your center…
  • Dr. Ryce explains why it was impossible for the Greek culture to have accurately translated Y’Shua’s (Jesus’) words and meanings…
  • Check Dale’s website (above) for upcoming presentations to learn more about the Aramaic translations…

April 5




April 6




April 7



  • What is a true Human life?  Hold a new born child and tune into that essence and remember it is our essence too, the active presence of Love…
  • Dr. Tim shares a story of someone who lives in an abusive relationship, who it is, and how to remedy it…
  • “Jesus was not a Christian” – a book that gives the history of the doctrine of original sin…an extreme form of denial…
  • A question about the toxic energies that can sometimes get dumped and create the symptoms of healing as we do our forgiveness work…
  • Intuition – more about the highest teacher on the planet…
  • Jeanie shares a healing crisis she went through recently to illustrate how deep the forgiveness work can go…
  • Eat my body and drink my blood” – the true meaning in Aramaic…
  • Information about the 4 hour live “Why is this Happening to Me Again/” on CD for someone with visual impairment…
  • A discussion about the “Feeling Wheel” and “I Am Somebody” tools located on
  • Our key power person is the one whose behavior we replicate when we are under stress and a discussion about meeting our power person’s needs…
  • The power person dynamics explained – three behaviors that are possible when we are under stress…
  • “The Gentle Art of Blessing” – wonderful book that contains the story of a WWII prisoner who was able to choose Love and Forgiveness in the face of cruelty, persecution, and murder…

April 8



  • Aramaic – the root language of at least 6 of the world’s major religions…
  • Forgiveness, the tool with which we go inside ourselves to remove what never belonged, is explained in detail with examples, especially in regard to the Greek translations…
  • An invitation to obtain FEEE forgiveness materials and instruction on
  • Information about the correct meaning of the Beatitudes which are really a set of instructions to activate our Love-based guidance system…
  • The Lord’s Prayer and prayer in general explained from the Aramaic understanding…
  • How do we inherit eternal life?
  • Dr. Tim shares information about books by Gregg Braden which reveal the truth about prayer
  • Information about what Michael and Jeanie are doing in Las Vegas
  • Returning vets: 75 women and 15 men are raped daily in the military; the hidden statistic of 200 suicides every day and more…
  • A caller receives a MindShifter (explained) to help her get into her heart – “It is safe and healing for me to live totally out of my mind.”

April 9



  • Dr. Ryce explains how energetic patterns are passed from generation to generation, which was understood in the ancient Aramaic language…
  • Clarification of “being lost in the desert for 40 years…
  • If we were true Human Beings, we would not be capable of any form of hostility or fear…
  • Go to to access the FREE forgiveness tools and examples of how to do real forgiveness to remove what never belonged in our field…
  • Dr. Tim shares how and why it is important to heal hostility or fear before choosing what to do…
  • An example of what kind of clarity and peace can come by doing true forgiveness…
  • A discussion of pictures our minds present to us as actuality
  • Jeanie shares an example of working with the cause behind the effect
  • Dr. Ryce thoroughly explains how our energy around an issue calls the same energy toward us using a current example from someone in the chat room…
  • A chat about the difference between blame and responsibility
  • Dora reminds us that this is “Unstuck/Breakthrough Wednesday” and shares how her personal power increases every time she does her work…
  • A caller shares that he is beginning to introduce this work to Vets and Dr. Ryce shares info. about a group in Las Vegas called “Life After Active Duty”
  • The issue of being deserving is explored…
  • Email Eva at to get more information about the real statistics regarding suicide among Vets…
  • A short report about yesterday’s prison classes

April 10



  • An explanation of how anti-inhibitors function in our minds like the anti-inhibitors that work on the breaks of a truck…
  • A test we can do for ourselves to witness the conspiracy of violence and viciousness that is programmed into our media…
  • An invitation to learn new words to build happy, healthy relationships by going to and finding “The Commitment” and using it daily…
  • If we choose to be finished with pain, we can go to the same website to find the FREE forgiveness materials and guidance…
  • Dr. Ryce talks a listener through an example of how she might do a Reality Management worksheet on the issue she presents and does a mini’ Why Again’ workshop in the process of explaining each step…

April 11



ARAMAIC FRIDAY: Special guest, Dale Allen Hoffman

April 12




April 13




April 14



  • GUEST HOST: Dr. Tim Hayes
  • Technical problems in the first few minutes make it impossible for Dr. Ryce and Jeanie to be clearly heard.  Dr. Hayes fills in and continues the show…
  • A discussion about wanting to be right; the ability to laugh about our strange beliefs; willingness; trusting the process; and persistence…
  • “The feel is real, but the why is a lie,” a quote from Guy Finley which illustrates why we need to push past our own resistance and put the pencil to the paper…
  • Unless you have the right goal in number 3, you won’t get the opening and release that is related to the person or situation in the first part of the worksheet…
  • A caller states that “Maybe Rookha likes everyone else but me” which can’t be true because Rookha is the all encompassing breath of life…
  • A caller shares information about a donation received to support the prison work and a new diagnose being created to label children…
  • Take a breath and sit right down in it instead of running away from it…
  • April 22 is Earth Day. Go to facebook and type in ‘Invitation to Love’ or to get information about joining others around the globe in holding the space of Love for 90 seconds…
  • Details about Dale Allen Hoffman, special guest at the Woodstock, IL support group tomorrow…

April 15




April 16



  • Information about the events offered by Michael and Jeanie Ryce tonight and in the next few days in the Las Vegas area…
  • Dr. Ryce explains the purpose of this show; the difference between forgiveness and pardoning; the meaning of a true Human life…
  • Dr. Hayes shares how awesome Dale Allen Hoffman’s presentation was at last night’s support group…
  • Why “fighting for peace” is an error…
  • More information about the “Invitation to Love” next Tues., Earth Day and where to find information about when and how…
  • More information about; stopping our denial and blaming; taking responsibility; being willing to see that our pain comes from our internal content…
  • Dora called to remind us that today is “Unstuck/Breakthrough Wednesday” and shared the improvements in her life that continue to manifest as she proceeds with her daily work…
  • Julie offers some other possibilities that could positively replace “Unstuck/Breakthrough” based upon the qualities that Dora has and the growth that she shares…
  • It takes the whole community to spread the knowledge of this work…
  • Michele and Rex share what happened in the prison yesterday including the possibility of extending the “Laws of Living” course to other prisons through a “Lifer’s Organization”

April 17



April 18



  • ARAMAIC FRIDAY & GOOD FRIDAY  Special Guest, Dale Allen Hoffman
  • Dale talks about what is actually real; our “suffering in relationship to Good Friday…
  • A discussion about “taking up your cross” as Y’Shua (Jesus) did…
  • The srory of the “Garden of Gethsemane”
  • How do we live as the active presence of Love? We must remove from ourselves everything that is unlike Love…
  • Dr. Tim shares that the recording of Dale’s visit to his support group is now available on his website…
  • A discussion about scholars; the treasures on earth and the treasures in heaven
  • How important it is to remember that looking outside of ourselves is the wrong place, that we must look within
  • The courage it takes to go deep enough to heal generations of pain…
  • Dale shares how his process has developed over the years starting from when he stayed at Heartland for awhile and how important it is to have support which is what this show is for…
  • Resurrection of true Human life that has been extinguished in most people by the age of four…

April 19



April 20




April 21



  • To find out what Human Life is supposed to be, hold a new born child and tune into the essence – Love…
  • The fantasies and hallucinations of time, hostility, and fear…
  • Some information about one of the most important lessons in “A Course in Miracles,” What is the World?…
  • The problem with applying “forgiveness” to someone or something outside of ourselves
  • “It will remain no longer than the thought that gave it birth is cherished”…
  • The real process of forgiveness is about collapsing, collapsing, and collapsing everything within us that does not belong…
  • The analogy of the lights and the water being like the peace of mind that allows us to have a direct experience of Love
  • F.E.A.R – false evidence appearing real…
  • Tomorrow is the 90 second global event of the active presence of Love at 2:00 EST…
  • Mitzi, who created the “Invitation to Love” which is available on ‘events’ on YouTube, shares how it came about…
  • The story of being the “One Voice”
  • To find a link to see the video “An Invitation to Love” and to access FREE tools and instructions to learn Forgiveness, go to
  • Stirring up the muck from our mind so that we can clean them out and prevent the cell deterioration that those energies cause…
  • Rex suggests that the “Invitation to Love” could be a regular event

April 22




April 23



  • Dr. Ryce introduces the importance of understanding the power of our words and all that includes…
  • A few thoughts about a new version of the Reality/Stress Management Worksheet that is being developed.…
  • A discussion about the abundant positive reactions to Mitzi’s “Invitation to Love” event yesterday and the possibility of making it a weekly event…
  • Dora reminds us that today is “Unstuck Wednesday” and shares how her appreciation increases as she continues to do her own work…
  • A caller shares her appreciation for Dr. Tim and Dr. Ryce for their support when she’s in her process…
  • Rex and Michele share the events at the prison with the Laws of Living groups including the plans of the National Lifers of America to integrate the Laws of Living class in all of the prisons
  • The topic of ‘Lifers as Healers’ and ‘Veterans as Healers,’ etc…

April 24



April 25



ARAMAIC FRIDAY :  Special Guest, Dale Allen Hoffman

  • True stories of people who have had the full blown direct experience of the active presence of Love because of doing their personal Forgiveness work…
  • An explanation of “the world is false perception” from A Course in Miracles…
  • Cherishing the thought that produce the world we see…
  • Looking in the wrong places for that which we truly are…
  • The story of the master, the student, and the cup of tea
  • Debate (to beat), Dale shares a story of those who debate about rather than live in Love…
  • A caller shares that he has 3 more people signed up for the support group he is starting for vets
  • Follow your bliss when you find one of the DVD’s that appeals to you and watch it repeatedly so that you can develop the brain cells for that information to the fullest extent…

April 26



April 27



April 28



  • Dr. Ryce invites us to use our television to do a piece of research on the presence of fear, anger, and Love in the media
  • A discussion about the difference between Law and rules, regulations, and ordinances…
  • In order to maintain your human life, you must maintain the active presence of Love (the condition of Rakhma) when you think of the Creator or your neighbor…
  • Talking about what true Forgiveness is
  • A community of Love rather than a community of fear…
  • A comment from a listener in the chat room who thought Dr. Ryce sounded angry rather than Loving and his response
  • Dr. Hayes recaps what he offered to a caller last week Thursday…
  • A caller shares the events about his first support group meeting with combat Vets. ..
  • A true story that illustrates how we cover the truth of who we really are by layers of our own garbage…
  • Developing the skill of decoding the content of our carbon based memory…
  • A caller shares another way to address anger that seems to be present in someone else’s voice…

April 29



  • Forgiveness is an inside job because the cause of our feelings is an inside job…
  • Hostility and fear are viruses within us that hide the truth of who we are…
  • Go to www.whyagain.orgto access the tools and education for True Forgiveness…
  • A detailed discussion about the internal dynamics that occur when a person is visually exposed to the word “no” or any other word that the person considers a negative…
  • A caller shares how powerful yesterday’s show was for her and that she has decided to support the work financially…
  • An excellent example of using a “really bad week” to take responsibility for our own feelings and use the opportunity to heal some very old mind content …
  • Dr. Tim shares a letter written to Dr. Ryce regarding a listener’s reaction to Michael’s call for action yesterday…and Dr. Ryce’s response
  • A listener in the chat room asks for and receives guidance because she is having PTSD symptoms

April 30



  • The true meaning of the word “forgiveness” from the original language that Y’Shua (Jesus) spoke…
  • “Rakhma”, the true meaning of this word from the Aramaic language rather than the Greek translation of “Love”
  • The cascade of chemicals that go thru our structure as a response to something that triggered material within us…
  • The story of “The Stoning of Sonora M” and how it illustrates how we might be triggered and what we can do about it within ourselves…
  • Bringing a healed mind to the events in the world that are products of energies that are less than Loving…
  • “When we are healed, we are never healed alone” is explained…
  • Dr. Tim shares his experiences while sitting on a Grand Jury
  • Dr. Ryce describes some recent posts he put on Facebook @ why is this happening to me again? –  pictures of Jews and Muslims working together for peace; a posting of Dr. Tim’s article, “You Can’t Handle the Truth”; and an article on parenting…
  • Dr. Tim explains how the belief that “I can’t handle it” is completely erroneous
  • Please hold a space of Love for a wildfire in California and a meeting with an archbishop of the Syrian Orthodox Church regarding the Khaburis manuscript…
  • Dora calls to remind us that it is “Possibility Wednesday” and reports how her energy for thinking of and carrying out possibilities is opened up when she clears her upset energy around an issue…
  • “Pura vida” (pure life) a phrase used in Costa Rica in response to anything and everything that happens…
  • A caller shares that Rev. Jane’s memorial was recently held and gives information for those who might like a copy of the CD …




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