Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – August 2018

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

August 1



ACIM lesson 213 Review: “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” and “All things are lessons God would have me learn.”

Thank you Dr. Tim and Michele for filling in for us while we pack to get on the road.

Podcast iHeart Radio

August 2



ACIM lesson 214 Review: “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” and “I place the future in the Hands of God.”
August 3



ACIM lesson 215 Review: “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” and “Love is the way I walk in gratitude.”
August 4



August 5





August 6




Wake-up Sheet portion of show
(edited out other parts)

August 6, 2018 Susan B processes Terror

ACIM lesson 216 Review: “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” and “It can be but myself I crucify.”
ACIM lesson 217 Review: “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” and “It can be but my gratitude I earn.”
ACIM lesson 218 Review: “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” and “Only my condemnation injures me.”


Caller Susan B. from PA, does a powerful process around terror.

August 7



ACIM lesson 219 Review: “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” and “I am not a body. I am free.”
August 8



ACIM lesson 220 Review: “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” and “There is no peace except the peace of God.”
August 9



Awareness of yourself as the presence of Love. If you have lost that then forgiveness is the tool to remove what holds you from the experience.  Hold a newborn – it is Love.  Hold the space as we get ready to welcome Arya Reign Shaw into the world (Jeanie’s son Ryan and daughter-in-love Gabby are due any day).

ACIM lesson 221 “Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still.”  Translated as Peace would more closely be Serenity.  Be in the practice of controlling your own mind.  Take a moment to be still … hold the space of quiet. Breathe! Allow the space for the Creator to show up and fill the space for you.

Dr Tim continue to assist people in establishing new and loving more productive patterns. Blog where he speaks of the shows on August 1 – 2 – 3 “This work is Amazing to Me.”  Had several parents who because of their fear of alienating their children or not being good enough of a parent have entered the pattern of rewards not earned that leads to a sense of entitlement. A habit that is unhealthy.  Helping people to dismantle their fear and reassess the value of the fear.  Seeing through a glass darkly.

New Drag-ons & Cling-ons App is in process.  Can read about it at

Caller Yolanda. School is starting will have to listen to archives.  michael mentioned go to podcast ( ) She asks the thinking between the difference in Peace and Serenity? Peace comes out of the thought of an absence of conflict or war. Whereas Serenity is a connected state of being, connected to something greater than myself that feeds every cell. Dr Tim said look up the word serene.  It is an energetic state of bliss and calm.

Another question, about the discussion of the sad child, these emotions and thoughts re implanted from generations before. What happens to cultures, i.e. slavery and the Native Americans and African Americans. It feels monumental task.  Yes, we can get overwhelmed and burdened by the monumentalness or we can say what is my next piece of work?

August 10



ACIM lesson 222 “God is with me. I live and move in Him.”  main thought is we live, move and have our being in Love!  Induction and Resonance. Exchange of energy where two fields are in the same frequency. Walked us through a meditation of being still and experiencing Love.

Dr Tim glad to be one who slows down and listens, appreciation for the gift. And when he happens to be present when others choose the gift is icing on the cake.

Amazing technology that allows us to do what we do to come together as a community. Standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us.

Caller Claudia. Last week 15 people in support group and some had disappeared and are now back, encouraging to see changes in their lives.  Been working on a worksheet and needs guidance. Breathe! The farm is going great and interest is increasing, people wanting our produce and yet there is fear. That I am not good enough.  Cancel the goal and I hear the voices.  michael offered how genius Claudia is and how she teaches this so well, bilingually.  Yet these voices tell her otherwise. He suggested worksheets around each of those voices and if she can recognize whose voice it is to work around those too.  She tapped into self-sabotage, looking at all the things she has to do that may be more important.  Invitation to sit still and breathe and be with what comes up. MindShifter: “It is safe & healing for me to acknowledge and appreciate my genius, my wisdom and the presence of myself as love!”  michael offered he was impacted by Claudia’s deep caring of people and her determination to learn it and teach it (first introduced to this 8 years ago).  Stop performing and sit with your own awesomeness.  “It is safe & healing to receive acknowledgement and appreciation.”  Assignment: when someone acknowledges you say “thank you, I have been thinking that about myself too.”  Jeanie added to refine the goal to acknowledging self and the ability she has to make this successful. michael added that she is the backbone of the support group and people add that it has saved their life.  Dr Tim added that he wishes he’d met her years ago because to have someone that powerful in his life.  Thanks to everyone who takes the opportunity to share because it flows.

Caller Grady shared his thanks to Claudia, he had some failed businesses before he was successful but she is so powerful. If he could reach through the phone and hug he consider it done.  Then his comment towards programs for prisoners that are faith based is required for change of heart to take place.  The Laws of Living Course brings together with a the faith-based program in Love. We teach best what we most need to learn. Accurate words to have an accurate change of heart.  Grady said we build our own prisons (false walls) based on false perceptions.  michael said Y’Shua said perception is the guide for your earthly life and if the perception you follow is hostility and fear then how deep will your darkness become, how crazy will life get?  (Aramaic hostility and fear is darkness)

August 11



August 12



August 13



ACIM lesson 223 “God is my life. I have no life but His.”  Love is my life and I have no life but this. We are the off-spring of the Creator Love!
ACIM lesson 224 “God is my Father, and He loves His Son.”  Presence of Love at the birth of a child.
ACIM lesson 225 “God is my Father, and His Son loves Him.”

Dr Tim shared so many have a perception of the world based on the media and anger and depression and yet time after time goes to events where people are promoting each other and making a huge impat on the world.  Many of these did not have the loving support and upbringing and despite of that have turned their lives into a gift for themselves and others.  Anyone listening, if you hold there is so much wrong (climite change, politics, hatred, etc) and have tapped into the worst of the worst through the media that is how you will see it.  Tap into gratitude and see the critical mass of awakening.

michael offered if you watch the media then bring the presence of love to what come forward in you.

Caller Susan D., she is working with someone who is a ‘rager’ and has extreme pain almost unbearable, she was encouraging them the process of breathing.  Some use the excuse of anger and that Y’Shua was angry in the temple.  michael referred to his own back pain for many decades (spondylolisthesis from birth) and has not had pain in about 7 years. Go to and watch the documentary ‘All the Rage’ by Dr. Sarno. Back pain is unresolved rage.  The pain is physical but it is manifested by the tightness created in tissue because of the thoughts. Apply forgiveness and remove that which tightens the muscle. Susan added it is a drug.  Dr Tim added that the use to numb me out from pain is addictive and one needs to abstain.  Dr Tim shared he too had back issues from an accident but tapped into Sarno’s work and has fewer times the back ‘goes out’ and does the mental emotional work first when it does react.

August 14



ACIM lesson 226 “My home awaits me. I will hasten there.”
August 15



Jeanie’s son and daughter-in-love’s baby Arya is not here yet but hopefully will be by the end of the week or they are going to induce on Monday.  Baby is growing faster than Gabby’s skin is stretching. Hold the space for them. Thanks Dr Tim and Michele for filling in yesterday.

ACIM lesson 227 “This is my holy instant of release.” Living in hostility and fear is not the truth of actuality. No matter what you have engaged in, your BEING is still intact and pristine.

Caller Susan B from PA, spoke of her grandson leaving.  Also doing a worksheet on someone who she refused to think of something positive about. unsuccessful.

Dr Tim said it is magnificent to have the archives of this show.  Support Group last night started with people who had listened to a show with Michele and questions followed. Talked about regulatory speech and it can be used like a metal detector on the beach to show us what is buried in the sand (our unconscious).  If the detector beeps and we keep going and ignore the signal then we don’t gain.  We can stop and use a tool and explore and monitor and dig up the gems that are hidden. Statistically information in the mental network will come forward when we give it permission to bring it into conscious awareness.

Caller from Australia. set intention for a gentle, loving, abundant life. Lost everything but learned to let go.

Caller Michele, shared a shift in her life with Mark answering texts where before he would not. Then asked if she could join him and the kids for Emma’s birthday and the door opened, joined them last night for dinner. Sent love and felt it was so different than before.  Then she heard from her son and that her kids were invited to go to Mark’s Dad’s memorial service and she had not been invited. She could measure her healing by the feelings behind the thoughts, so significantly less in pain. More like an observation that she was not invited but she did not freak out. michael acknowledged her progress.

August 16



ACIM lesson 228 “God has condemned me not. No more do I.”  The Creator (Love) has not condemned me so nor do I. Hold a newborn and recognize who you are. Accept truth for what I am.

Dr Tim shared it is a process to release when triggered (not ‘throwing a switch’)

Caller Karen from Canada, eye issues (detached retina) and what is it she does not want to see.  michael explains the forgiveness process (and directs her to the app) and her cancelling the goal to see. When I can bring forward what is at the root then I can heal it. Add to special shows of worksheets.

Caller Dameron, the first caller resonated how he has been explaining why he can or cannot do things, making ‘excuses’ condemning self to be uncoordinated with his regulatory speech.  michael said there is a fine line between telling yourself the truth of energetic patterns within yourself that has unfolded as a lack of coordination and willing to be guided to clean that up and then lying to yourself by not acknowledging there is a challenge to face. Negotiate with yourself but acknowledge the truth and we are here to support you.  Michael said he has always had lung issues and continues to do his work around it and listens to inner guidance (instead of ignoring it and denying there is a manifestation of energy).

Caller Yolanda, happy eternal day! The story of the Rose and Butterfly helped her understand the importance of staying connected to love.

Podcast – iHeart Radio –


August 17



ACIM lesson 229 “Love, Which created me, is what I am.”  Your BEING is always safe and intact. Thank you Creator for keeping it safe.

Quote by Rumi “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

Bugs and buzzards, bacteria and viruses are the clean up crew – the reducer organisms – they only impact the diseased tissue that gives rise to the clean up crew.

Caller Michele, shared a worksheet she did with a client, their goal was they wanted their object of attention to feel guilt – that is affirmative but is not constructive.  Goal is supposed to be a constructive goal. michael said it would be more like wanting a good relationship. Second chance with same person, breakup when younger and then got back together and he did it again.  michael suggested watching “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” with Matthew McConaughey and seeing how he created his callousness from his uncle and the pain denied with his true ‘love’ of childhood.  Internal pain unresolved.

Camille in the chatroom, said “Throughout this tour of Europe, Robert prefers to visit war memories. I hold a space of love as we go to cemeteries, etc but have difficulty ‘enjoying’ myself.  What’s the value of memories of war and it’s many atrocities?”  Jeanie responded “it touches into the hidden pain in a way that is 1 step removed from us (we think)… looking at the event but thinking it is not about us (denial)”  Michele offered to consider her focus, she herself would be thrilled to be in her husband’s space regardless of location. michael offered, Robert has horrific memories of war as a child and he will be attracted to whatever brings it forward to process through the pain he has not resolved. Then he will be attracted to something different. You need to look at what it is that takes you out of Love and be the space for his healing (that is what you say you want).  What in you draws you to someone with that war memory? Genetically?  And it is also reasonable to say you understand the importance to remember and that you choose to go to The Louvre and if he chooses to go to the museum then that is ok too.

Caller Roma, update on Hawaii volcanic fog.  Has deep levels of fear around her position and money and responsibility of the upcoming events – she has set herself up to live in anxiety for the next year. It is scary. michael brought her around to “it is not scary” – michael asked if with the issues of her parents there had been any of these issues? she said yes. And michael offered perhaps she has simply set herself up to face her fears. Look at how she creates life to be hard. Quoted her own words and pointed out what her words actually said.  She diverted to another topic around performing. michael said ‘forgive anxiety’ (topic to be continued perhaps Monday)

August 18





August 19





August 20



ACIM lesson 230 “Now will I seek and find the peace of God.”
ACIM lesson 231 “Father, I will but to remember You.”
ACIM lesson 232 “Be in my mind, my Father, through the day.”
August 21



Arya Reign Shaw arrived at 7:43AM this morning 8-1/2 lb. 21 inches long, beautiful and perfect!

ACIM lesson 233 “I give my life to God to guide today.”


August 22



Jeanie shared the awesome experience of Arya’s birth yesterday. Thanks to Michele and Dr Tim for all the support.

ACIM lesson 234 “Father, today I am Your Son again.”  Ask to just be what you are! Love.

michael spoke of what human life would do in any situation (even what might be considered ‘bad’) and suggested the movie “Hacksaw Ridge”

Dr Tim shared of last night’s support group and hearing a testimonial from a member of the group who was fairly new and she listened to the archived shows from August 1, 2, 3 and putting it to work in her life changed her marriage.  Thanks to Michele for being open and sharing as it guided this woman to a new level. She was so shifted (unilaterally – her husband did not do the work) and realized her part in what was happening in her life.

Recommend a support group.  He is going on 14 years with the Tuesday night group and 4 years with the Thursday night group, and it is so life changing.

michael spoke of the power of sharing for our own sake and others.  There is a power (Rukha d’Koodsha) in us that gives us the answer but the questions is what is most important to initiate the answers.

HeartLand Aramaic Forgiveness App will have a 3rd part hopefully by the end of the week – the “Drag-on, Cling-on” Game.

Caller Jill in Wilmington.  Facing her Power Person dynamic everywhere she goes.  Her Mom used to say “If you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all.” so she stuffs everything down because she does not know if others will think what she says is not nice.  She has become very introverted and yet her son is extremely extroverted and she would love to tell him to be quiet and she sees this is the same thing (different form).  She does not want to stick to her story. michael caught her on her speech so she wants a new story.  michael offered to de-energize the information so the story does not get resonated and played out repeatedly. It holds the energy. Forgiveness peels the layers away, peels the amplitude off piece by piece. As we forgive the story is quieter and we can be aware of what is really going on and it does not run us. Dr Tim offered it is “Lather – Rinse – Repeat” and Breathe!

It is amazing the willingness that actually makes the change. Dr Tim offered, it is important to recognize that I do my healing and everyone else does their own healing.   Can present the same information to another who is not willing to engage the tools and they see no change.  It is an inside job.  michael offered to read the chapter of his book on priestcraft verses priesthood. Priestcraft tries to take-over another’s mind where the priesthood uses the same tools to gather a benefit for the individual being processed. Litergy is ‘our common work’ and this is in any arena not just religous.

Caller Susan, congrats on the new grandbaby. And as to what Jill said about being told to not say anything unless it was nice, she experienced that yesterday herslef.  There was an interction and she stayed silent and then went to her wake-up sheet and cancelled the goals and was then able to thank the person who triggered her. She is thankful for this work.  And loves teaching it (Laws of Living) and seeing people do the work.

michael suggested going to hospitals and volunteer to hold babies whose parents are absent

August 23



ACIM lesson 235 “God in His mercy wills that I be saved.” Salvation from our own hell. Forgiveness frees us.

Re-member to reconnect with the community of love. So called ‘aging’ is due to hostility and fear.

Not travelling as much as usual, offer 95% of our workshops for free, the APP is free, many things on website for free, this show is free support. All donations appreciated. Go to our website and click donate.

Dr Tim spoke of Rev Jane Evanstar who got him started on the Way of Mastery.  Blessing again.  Support Group tonight. Had a client in their 20s and was sharing the APP with them, feel fabulous with sharing this tool with young people.  Suggest people use the archives.

Had a client who was facing something with fear and trepidation. Helping them understand that if they are functioning from fear then they won’t be happy with choices and behaviors.

Caller Susan in PA. Refer to previous conversation about ‘missing’ being a construct we are not designed to experience. michael said when we tap into fear the mind will construct a reality to pin it on and make it real. Ex. if I pin my happiness on something, like when we held Arya yesterday and just tapped in and experienced such love and joy…we could say she is the cause of our joy and she is not, she was the trigger for the joy in us.  But if I tell my mind that being separated from her will create loss then I will create that pain. Gave example of Addie and his mother, not being with either of them does not create pain in me but I could make it so.  Be delighted in their life process and time and space does not matter.  And energetically I will serve them best being in the space of love. We can tap into their energy regardless, our connection with them is not within their physical body. Give positive input 24/7/365 energetically support instead of infusing fear.  She had another question, when her son walks into the room her heart ‘leaps’ but it does not with others. Special relationship.  michael offered that is fine, CBM is designed to support us. Just realize it is the awesome things you have created with him not that ‘he makes me feel so good’ interdependent wholy relationship.  Dr Tim added, Einstein said the human being is part of the whole in time and space but optical delusion of consciousness … our task is to free ourselves of the prison to embrace all creatures and nature in it’s beauty.  It is not about removing the feelings you have toward your son but to expand it to include everyone else. Brings it home to me.

People will be introduced to this Aramaic process and the brain cells that fire will either be ‘ah the opportunity to heal’ or ‘oh I will have to look at all the autrocities in my life’ and depending on which fires will determine whether they dig in or turn the other way. They have to have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  They will be thrilled to do it or they will anesthesize themselves to avoid it.

Recordings of “The Way of Mastery” and “The Way of Knowing” by Dr Tim

Due to more interest in doing a 9-day Why Again intensive, the CoDependence intensive in Kitty Hawk (October 27 to Nov 3) may shift … please contact michael if interested.

August 24



Just sitting and holding the newborn in our life and in awe.  Check your hospital and see if they need volunteers to come hold the newborns whose parents are absent (ie drug babies)

ACIM lesson 236 “I rule my mind, which I alone must rule.”  Old causes (drama, trauma, fear, hostility) must go to enter into conscious co-creation.  Story of the Jews in the desert, old generations had to die off to move into the promised land. Genare means cause. It was not about physical bodies dying.

We look to reach critical mass.

Dr Tim shared from support group. Measuring the amount of improvement in lives. People get stuck with “I am not there yet. I am not done yet.” Do a status check, how would you have responded a year ago around the same issue and most say yes they handled it better…but if not observant they will launch into “but…”  It is a pattern of family origin (familiar) and we must be vigilent and patient to move through it and see our improvement. Encourage people to rate upset level at beginning and end of worksheet.

Lightness of Being in chatroom, has a couple going through triggers.  Husband does not like that his wife has gained weight during menopause and also he is triggered by his wife procrastinating and not going according to his paradigm.  Is there a MindShifter for him that she can offer?  michael said it sounds he has many projections toward his wife and it is triggering the behavior of anger. “It is safe and healing for me to look at my denial and be in direct contact with my anger and heal it.”  (he is in denial to think it is caused by her) michael explained the Power Person dynamic. Cathy Lightness said he also has back pain, michael suggested watching is Dr Sarno’s documentary “All the Rage” and he explains that while the physical pain is real it is not due to illness or injury but it is emotional – unconscious rage. He was a back surgeon and stopped doing surgery and used the mental/emotional direction and had greater success rate of recovery for those who would do their work. Jeanie also suggested the wife do work on why she has drawn someone in to blame her and be angry towards her.  Michele offered M/Ss: “The more overweight my wife becomes, the more I love her.” “The less my wife listens to me, the more I cherish her.” “I love my wifes voice and all the demands she places on me, heals me.”  and for the wife: “It is safe and healing, and i LOVE it, when my husband let’s me know everything that is wrong about me.” Lightness said thank you. She now has a smorgasbord to offer. (her client will listen to the archive)

Dr Tim dittoed the basic principles and application of Dr Sarno’s work.

michael explained how to do a MindShifter. Carl Jung says “until the unconscious becomes conscious it will direct our lives and we will call it fate.”

Caller Susan in PA, regarding regulatory speech and watching our language. She is reading “The Way of Mastery” and the chapter she is in has statements and they suggest taking a week and repeating it but they are all negative wording, for example “It is not possible for you to be without Love” or “… for you to be alone.” “… for you to taste death.”  michael said use it as a MindShifter and see what comes up to get to the root of the frequency.  In normal language I would suggest them to look at the request they are making by saying that and reword it  in the positive like “You are completely safe.” “You are Love.” etc.  What if I am aligning with the world? Am I in denial? michael said you are not in pain because of what is happening in the world, you carry pain and the world resonates it. Be empowered. Be the active space of love instead of a contributor to the tragedy. Always comes back to me. Embarassed to ask again. michael asked if this was from PP being embarassed?  Her mom would say “who do you think you are?” what would you have liked to have heard? “you are a powerful girl.” so cancel the need for mom to say that, she said she falls into something ‘raw’. Whatever we are willing to expose to Love will heal.

August 25





August 26





August 27



ACIM lesson 237 “Now would I be as God created me.” We are Love!
ACIM lesson 238 “On my decision all salvation rests.”  Y’Shua said he came to bring us Life and more abundantly. Change ‘decision’ to choice – it is my choice to do things differently.
ACIM lesson 239 “The glory of my Father is my own.” Can you free yourself of hostility and fear and stand as the presence of Love before the so called ‘enemy’?

Does not mean you can’t speak up or hold people accountable.

Dr Tim had a productive weekend and looks forward to teaching the work. He had a 70+ yr old client this morning who is just beginning this work.

Caller Roma called in to say the storm/hurricane has moved on and all is safe. Noticed herself drawing in but Friday afternoon she did a worksheet on isolation. It occurred to her to call a person who she had incompletion with and they had been watching the news.  Sunday gathering talked about their experience with the storm. A hurricane is actually a contraction in itself. Group consciousness.  michael said if you are in harmony with the Creator you will get rain in due season.  If the energy is one then everything impacts everything including the weather. She has been reading David Wilcock and he says human consciousness  goes in cycles, Synchronicity Key

Caller Susan in PA. Reading Way of Mastery, and it says we begin and will end.  But michael has said Dec 31, 4949 we will meet for a celebration.  Explain the eternal body.  michael offered that belief is around us being a body.  But we are energy not physical. We have been hypnotised to believe we are bodies. Dr Tim added. It is possible to take it literally or take it as a lesson to be aware and not be attached to the energy system called the body. How can I use the tools to make life around me better.
Another issue. We have a sign that says no solicitors please. Our neighborhood is nice and fairly well off so people solicite to sale magazines etc. A young black man caught her in the yard and he pushed for her to support him. She felt she did not handle it very well and did not feel good about it. She also felt obligated and guilty (which is part of the scam). michael offered to forgive guilt and support the person to live as truth. She felt responsible, making excuses.  Dr Tim added from The Way of Mastery, when you learn before each thought to surrender and ask to be shown, you will receive information you need in the moment and not the past.  Learn to live in the question.  Look at the mental gynastics you went through trying to figure it out. Return to other question, it is high and admirable and wonderful but I am so far from knowing my body is not real. We can interupt the thought and become immortal. michael said break the word down – I’m Mortal (dead). Change your language to “I am Eternal.” michael said he has experienced the fact that the body is eternal but this is not always the case – he was raised with the same belief of being physical too. Forgive all the stories based in death. Collapse the surface minds construct and drop into the truth of it (underlying). It takes 5 to 10 years to comprehend it.  MindShifter: “It is safe and healing and I love the process I enter into when I encounter people who reject and hate me.” (the person who has hate for you may be you.) Also, took 2 shingle shots but one of them seemed to hit something and is sore 2 months later (her son said it may have hit the bursita) is she over thinking?  michael offered left side is female and the arm is carrying a weight or load, these could be expressing. And the energy has landed in that part of the system, use a technique of going back to the event and allow yourself to get into the physiological position you were in and perhaps realign the antenna.

August 28



Drag-on and Cling-on Game will be live in Android within the next 2 days. iPhone to follow.

ACIM lesson 240 “Fear is not justified in any form.” Live in the state of fear and it becomes  iPhone to follow shortly.a state of prophecy. What energies we hold will draw to us a circumstance to play it out for us and give us a chance to heal. Return to the experience of being Love 24/7/365

Jeanie announced the change in the Kitty Hawk Intensive to 8-day Why and 8-day Teachers’ Training. A newsletter is going out in the next day or two, if you are not recieving our newsletter go to “Join our Mailing List” at the top of

michael spoke that this really isn’t ‘healing work’ but is about re-membering. The energy system gets a distortion from its original designed state and when I re-member it re-organizes and restores to normal state. Health is restored.  Quote: “The greatest error of a man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself.”  Ramana Maharshi

Y’Shua said he came to bring us Life – More Abundantly!  This work is to ferret out everything that would keep us from experiencing that abundance.

Caller Ann, regarding a young man who she has helped with a job and such. She has talked to him about his anger and genetic issues and in the conversation realized he holds the belief that he was ‘born into sin’ how can I explain our true nature to him as being Love? michael offered this youngman’s sister is getting ready to have a baby, sit in the space of the presence of pure love and tap into it’s essence.  We come in as pure love and it takes time for the genetic components (sin) to be activated.  Example, on a cloudy day one might say there is no sun but we know it is there it is just hidden behind the cloud.  The being is still there but is just hidden behind the stuff we buy into.  michael offered for Ann to inform him that people do drugs and alcohol to keep from looking at an issue or shutdown his higher guidance, anesthesize self.

Camille in the chatroom, wanted share her healing situation, she has been dealing with frequent urination and diarhea and said after Julie directed her to the chapter on the idols of sickness, one new idea ‘dawned’ upon my CBM is that both the diarrhea and the frequent urination are “special needs” my ego has created in which she feels separated from the attention she deserves. And she believes the ‘belly fat’ she’s upset with is actually suppressed anger which she began ‘stuffing down’ as an adolescent at the dinner table.

michael spoke again of the Outer Banks’ intensives: 9-day intensive compressed into 8 days.

August 29



ACIM lesson 241 “This holy instant is salvation come.”

Quote: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin “Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.”  michael rephrased to “the awareness of the presence” because the Presence is always there.  We are designed to live connected to Source 24/7/365 and experience bliss in every cell of our structure – that is salvation.

What Is The World? How Do I Forgive?  Discern which world the lesson is talking about. “W” world the Creator created or “w” world between your ears and is what we each make up in our mind.  It is the lower case world that is in error. If you put the focus on the outer eye you will think the illusions are real. Forgiveness collapses false perception.

Dr Tim shared the support group was small and intimate last night. Played the Promo audio files he is working on, combination of testimonials and editing them. He began reading “The Human Body Owners Workshop Manual” and it was the same thing you were saying on Monday’s show with Susan B. about the ‘physical body’ verses an energy field.  In practice he is working on getting people to step into the process and quiet the mind and stop trying to ‘figure it out.’  To step into the emotions they do not want to feel, breathe and engage the tools. Concept of the Power Person dynamic is powerful.

Caller Julie in Oregon, is learning to be OK with the nurturing she is receiving instead of what she thinks she needs. We are our own ‘test tube’ in the experiment and there is no ‘right way.’  Thankful for Magda as my partner doing worksheets.  Understands the value of the support group but has not gone there yet.  Appreciate the love we share around our new grandbaby.  michael shared the story of the conscious creation of this baby and has brought such a shift in Gabby (she is lighter and open and loving) especially.

movie: Temple Grandin – she was autistic but she is brilliant.  She sees everything in pictures and taps into frequencies that most people do not.  example the cattle ‘hugger’ and the disturbance and upset is gone. Lives in the question and receives the answers. She creates more humane slaughter houses – she says “nature is cruel, we do not have to be,” and in one scene she is touching a cow and it is ‘zapped’ and as it drops she asks where did it go? it was a cow now it is just meat.

michael spoke of a plant and the nurturing for it to grow. If something in the foundation is missing then it might have to struggle to produce.  Go back (in your imagination, image in) to being born and being totally embraced in everyone’s embrace as the active presence of love. If something was missing there then it can be remembered.  Also, soak in a tub with candles lit or get a massage.  Practice that and keep it active and generate more of the same.

It would be easy to sit and be in the space of Arya – she deserves to experience the love of all of us.

Movie: “Alpha” theory of man and dog. Awesome film.

Drag-on and Cling-on Game should go live on Android by weekend, iPhone to follow.  michael announced the 8-day Why and 8-day TT in Kitty Hawk beginning Oct 27th

Caller Susan B., son has pneumonia and yet still working, has chronic fatigue syndrome. Worry about he and my grandson.  michael offered there is a product P-23 Oreganoil that works great.  Susan asked if this was an OK MindShifter: “It is safe, good and healing to let go of worry about John and Luke.”  michael offered that sounds right on and also write “I love it when my son and grandson challenge and bring up the part of me that gets lost in worry.” she said she also is concerned about her sister who is going in for a procedure. Susan said she wants to do something other than worry.

August 30



ACIM lesson 242 “This day is God’s. It is my gift to Him.”  We are here to support you in understanding who you are.

Dr Tim said the theme in sessions has been about control. We believe we are so powerful and can control so much i.e. that we can make another person feel something or that they can make us feel something, such as happy, sad, angry, scared. If we do not understand how we digest and breathe etc then we certainly can’t control those things or control the emotions of someone outside of us. Correct the words “I am angry because…” to taking responsibility “I have anger inside and they triggered it in me.” Trigger is not cause.  We are not that powerful. I control a limited amount of what is going on in me and around me. Yet where we focus is the creative force.

michael offered the subtleties in words to manipulate another.

Movie: “Beautifully Broken” a sweet, gentle young girl experiences rape and she blames herself and tries to pretend it does not happen and yet her energy becomes a flowering rage that she sprays on everyone.  Then in an amazing turn around another young girl in Kenya (she is a pen pal with, her family sponsors the Kenya family) is the catalyst for her healing.

Take responsibility for the way I interpret events that happen in my life, directly related to the emotional reaction due to resonance within. Choose to focus on the one thing that is mine – drop the judgement, choose a different interpretation and choose a more productive, loving, creative response. And that takes an enormous amount of conditioning.

Movie: “Gandhi” fasts to end a conflict between Hindus and Muslims. During his fast, a very distraught Hindu man came to Gandhi and confessed, “I am going to go to hell! I killed a Muslim boy!” Gandhi looked at him and replied calmly, “I can tell you how to find your way out of hell. Go out and find a homeless Muslim boy, take him into your home and raise him as a Muslim.”  (see the clip

Discussion of people coming at you with anger or pain. Be willing to fee, feel and be responsible for any negative response they may show me in me. Restore my own awareness and from that space see the truth of their nature to hold the space and create a loving experience even in face of negative energies.

Discussion in chatroom from Michele and Camille.

Ask to review the MindGoal Management Sheet? Not enough time but will set aside a time and announce it so people can download the sheet and we will go over the whole sheet.

Caller Yolanda, regarding someone’s pain reflecting our own pain.  She thought she was centered but the person came back with attack and she found herself attacking back (and was conscious she was attacking back). CBM had her by the face. michael said that is your next level of healing.

August 31



ACIM lesson 243 “Today I will judge nothing that occurs.” Stop pretending you know you know or understand the whole.  Forgiveness allows you to cancel the goal and collapse the perceptual construct and access the deeper hidden parts of the mind.  Give up all judgements, if there is hostility or fear active then my perception is incorrect.  Am I willing to be one who brings in the active presence of love and allow creation be as it was created to be. Recognize my part in this creation.

Spoke with Tracey Gibson and she is willing to financially support us in adding the 11-step worksheet to the app, this is the wake-up sheet that Julie Haverstick is using with those doing process work with her (during the Pay-It-Forward Program)

Caller Terri from NC, vitality through the roof and taking the Laws of Living again with Susan D.  What is 666 (anti-christ number)?  michael offers “the number of the beast” or “the number of man” is 666 (in the scriptures).  Primary element that makes up our bodies in the physical world is carbon which is constructed of 6 electrons 6 protons and 6 nutrons.  Our Carbon Based Memory is what takes us out of Love.  Terri said the indigenous people used things made from plants which are also carbon, why would we think we could put something synthetic in our bodies and heal? What do I need to heal not what do I need to treat?  Discussion of supplementing endogenous or exogenous sources.

Caller Jill from NC, realize I am at ground zero. Had been discussing comparison of Mom and her to her and her son interactions.  But has dug down to the core that it is my Dad. Used to say she was codependent from her first breath with her father.  He is in ICU and they are talking about discharging him. She feels he will go right back to the behavior that landed him in ICU and she wants to control him. She has a whole story of what will happen but wants to set him free and herself free. She has tried to control so she feels better. michael said let’s back into what you just said – that you wanted to change the dynamic with your son. First, you yell at your son so you can feel at rest. How did it feel for you when your PP yelled at you? Terrible. MindShifter: “It is easy for me to sit in total peace as I watch my son act out 100%.” Now a MindShifter for your Dad, “It is safe & healing for me to stay connected to joy as my father consciously or unconsciously walks himself into his grave.”  Jill said control sneaks in for the outcome and she knows she needs to let go of the outcome.  She wants their time together to be productive and loving instead of resentful and grumpy.  She wants to be the presence of love regardless of what happens.  Realizes she uses hostility to control (her method of operation).  Needs to let go of thinking she was the cause of their upset and so her behavior determined whether they were happy or mad so even by her actions she is controlling them.

8-day Why Again Intensive October 27 – November 3  and 8-day Why Teachers’ Training in Kitty Hawk, NC

Dr Tim is with his sister in the hospital.  Hold the space for them.

Caller Susan in PA, asked do we know Dr Bruce Lipton, michael said yes he is the one we quote on neuropeptides. His work interfaces with ACIM and the Forgiveness work.  michael explained their meeting. Susan said he mentions that we have no intellectual remembrance consciously but are programed as children.  You can tap into what flows naturally discussion of positive thinking verses forgiving.



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