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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to contact Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
March 1 |
ACIM lesson 56 review of lessons 26-30 Dr Tim, working with the 10 year old last night and they can wrap their mind around this concept and use the tools. Validate how powerful it can be. So many think they can’t use with kids. Tools I am Somebody and Child’s Commitment are easily integrated. Breathing and calming and shifts the energy profoundly. michael spoke of the principle of resonance. Consistant, persistant and the frequency will decay away in strength. Sitting in front of the television and continuously see the negative or put in something different. Caller Susan in PA. Shared an experience. Dr Tim wrote to her and Roma called her after the show the other day…support continues after we hang up on the show. She held a quiet space for a lady who talks continuously. Out of the blue she asked if she needed to be quieter. It is always an inside job. It is an operating issue and not a one time solution. “From Anxiety to Love” by Corinne Zupko took the book to a friend who is so depressed, she is Jewish and says she is athiest. Every tool I offer her is not useful. I have a fear of her killing herself. Is it the right thing to pray for her to want to live? michael said we don’t know what is best for her, perhaps moving on is what is best for her. If we were in that situation if I give it a meaning that is what it means for me and might not mean that for them. When people have tried everything and nothing works for them then they conclude that nothing works…when they actually have not tried everything … this works. It is ‘thought disorders’ – support you in continung to hold the space for her. Dr Tim said he first clears his own energy so he can be absolutely calm regardless of their reaction. michael added I am not responsible for the other person accepting what is offered. michael said he was introduced to a Rabbi who invited us to come visit him to determine whether or not to present to his congregants, he said their wisdom keepers were Aramaic and he opened the door for us to present as long as we did not mention Christ. michael used old testament references and taught forgiveness. We were in a holocaust museum and I presented that Job said “what I feared most has come upon me” and then asked where their focus was. Caller Roma. A few days ago talking about ‘rejection’ and michael told her it was a thoought not a feeling. Called into the show yesterday and couldn’t get on so did a worksheet. The experience of falling on the kitchen floor was like being pushed. Had a past life memory of being shoved from behind into a guillotine. Fulfilment of life purpose. |
March 2 |
Dr Tim -support group. 1 person and myself and these smaller groups get deeper work done. Lovely meeting. Sometimes people thing they can’t do a group unless 6 or 8 come every week. There have bee times when it is just me and I keep the space open for a hour and half incase people are late. Make the commitment to use the tools. Start a group and stay with it, life gets better. What do we magnetize toward ourselves. Winter games in Korea, Norway delivered the greatest performance and won 14 gold, 38 total wins. Refer to Jante Law, Norway says perhaps they won too much.
Dr Tim said it is taking the “we are all the same, all one” to an extreme Joanna Tufts in AL, was in water exercise class (use as meditative exercise) and heard the life guard whistle go off twice and the class did not miss a beat. Saw someone come out of an office and took the place of the life guard who went to the other pool. There was a mishap in the other pool, everyone knew their part and did their part, a microcosim of the world. Chaos at one part and calm at the other part. Was exqusite, oneness. Kim Turner Wilmington, thank you for this work you do. Met you at Susan’s Support Group and been doing these worksheets and on the way to heal her life. Susan Darnell, Wilmington, michael offered apologies, we should have invited you to dinner last night. Susan said she is thrilled with Kim T. doing the worksheets and how she is drilling down to the next layer (hydra). One break through after another. |
March 3 Listen Download |
March 4 Listen Download |
March 5 |
Jeanie shared from the intensive. ACIM lesson 57 review of lessons 31-35 Dr Tim said he had 14 very committed, needy people at his EFT class this weekend, some had been diagnosed with cancer, auto-immune etc and they took matters in their own hands and learning to do things different. They are willing to spend money and time to learn a new set of skills. The mind that receives creates the meaning. Caller Roma. tumeric and ginger drink. Caller Jill, panic about a phone call and realized she had a lot of goals around the call, began to cancel goals. Planning and setting goals were different. Dialed down from a 10 to a 2 stress level. Breathing, cancel goals, all of the above. Thank you. Caller Susan in PA, ACIM says “here is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not “harder” or “bigger” than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal. 2 Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is far beyond evaluation. 3 Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle….” She told two stories and ask for clarity. michael said it is within me where the difficuty lies, not within the miracle itself. My work is to bring Love present and keep Love present. Susan shared her friend Julie is doing better. |
March 6 |
Dr Tim and Michelle are filling in while the intensive does breathing today. Thank you. |
March 7 |
Jeanie mentioned the intensive progress and then announced the Forgiveness: HeartLand Aramaic Android App is available in PlayStore and iPhone should be available by Friday. Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work Program – the second 10-weeks of Pay-it-Forward, working with Julie Haverstick, will begin March 11th. This is a FREE gift to those who register (pay) for the FFF&W before March 10. ACIM lesson 58 review of lessons 36-40 Dr Tim shared from their Support Group, a new person and one who had not been there in awhile and even a conferenced in person who could not physically be there. Comparing different works and how they are the same. Creator’s essence expressing through us and around us and then we create an internal perception that is in alignment. Not the optical delusion of separateness. Gratitude for people willing to do their work. A client yesterday who was able to pull herself back from the content and apply the tools. She could see the irritation they held and knew she could not talk about the content because of their energy around the content. A participant of the intensive expressed gratitude, said they “were excited to see the possibility of a healing way to have a dialoge that would change my life and the lives people I am involved in. Thank you.” Caller Julie in Oregon. Things are shifting a lot. Gratitude. Balance. Caller Brenda needs support. Bought property for son but now another company has ‘taken over’ and they are being evicted. Legal fairness and justice to prevail. See the truth and good in every person keeps her balanced. And financial support for the attorney we will need. Go Fund Me page being set up. Sunday evening, March 11 – 19, we will begin CoDependence to InterDependence intensive. What in me is creating an unpleasant situation in my emotions, mind, or physiology? Process of various tools to move through. New: set of 48 MP3s on disks of a series of early ACIM lessons. Then a new ACIM DVD “The Name of God is My Inheritance” |
March 8 |
Update on intensive and iPhone app. ACIM lesson 59 review of lessons 41-45 michael thanked Dr. Tim for the video link he sent this morning. New awareness of what is creating in arterial disease and resulting in heart disease. Plant based diet reverses arteriosclerosis. Ted talk “Making Heart Attacks History: Caldwell Esselstyn at TEDxCambridge 2011” two questions from chatroom. 1) what do you mean about Carbon Based Memory? 2) would like more research on this guy, selling his own product? michael said this man is a heart surgeon and is actually taking away his income if people listen to him and reverse their diets. Selling nothing. Yet CBM, diet is embedded as well as acidic thoughts and emotions. Dr Tim also emphasized that this man was a meat eater (as his family for generations) yet as a researcher he has found that patterns from one country to another and people come to this country and change diets and they developed our dis-eases. Time for a change. Heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes and such. Discussion of mercury and sea salts with plastics. Donna in chatroom also said she had been in Japan and heard some gentlemen talking about insurance sales were not as good in Japan because they were predominately healthy people. michael spoke of the Raw-cipe book with Ari’s and our information on food combining, raw food recipes, miscellaneous info on sprouting, etc. And Naturopathic Keys to Health DVD. As well as free information on our website Caller Brenda, about the Raw-Cipe book, spoke of her favorite recipe for a sauce that can be a salad dressing or sandwich dressing. Regarding meat eating and how we evolved from Native Americans eating buffalo verses what is happening now. michael mentioned organic and caged, tortured flesh. Know your farmer, conscious raising and slaughtering is as important as what it is fed, no antibiotics. Suspect they used to eat a few ounces of meat a day and now there are restaurants that boast of a 64oz steak challenge. question: Have you heard whether not eating meat is advantageous for expanding your consciousness? Michael said his take is that actual fresh and raw vegetarian food expands the healing process (expands consciousness). Tortured meat has to pass on the energy. Shared the story of Jeanie being raised on a farm and her grandfather telling her about slaughtering to avoid ‘fear or anger’ going through the meat and ruining it. |
March 9 |
ACIM lesson 60 review of lessons 46-50
March 10 Listen Download |
March 11 Listen Download |
March 12 |
Jeanie gave the update on the intensives. We have Susan from Wilmington and Michele Pischea – yeah! And iPhone app hopefully will be this week. Android is LIVE in the PlayStore. ACIM lesson 61 “I am the light of the world.” and then Y’Shua said “You are the light of the world.” Denial is the instruction to my mind to show me it is someone else’s fault. Our words are the keyboard to the driver/command of our life. And it is the focus (the body) that brings us what we ask for…universe does not hear ‘not’ Dr Tim had a presentation in Rockford, IL yesterday, audio will be on his website shortly. Took props (i.e. tuning fork) gave example of the resonance. One of the key phrases is “You have the infinite capacity to choose the focus of your conscious awareness in each moment and the focus of your conscious of awareness in each moment creates your experience of life in each moment.” The root of that statement he found in “The Way of Mastery” which gave validity. What do we chose to focus on? That is my life. Billions of dollars spent to tell us what to think and then for us to think it is our idea. Had a session with a 16 year old and he wanted to know how to deal with people who are ‘all over the map’ or emotionally volatile. Focus on positive energy and outlook not the negative. He said “I wish I had had this in the 7th grade. Everyday I dreaded the 7th period class because of the teacher.” Caller Susan in PA, appreciation for you support. ACIM says if we truly forgive that person will appear radiant in loveliness. michael stressed the difference in forgiveness and pardoning. Discussion of no out there. Dr Tim had input for Susan. A nurse in the first intensive, touched into a grief situation and processed through it. The next morning her bloodsugar was down 32 points lower than it had been in the last year. |
March 13 |
ACIM lesson 62 “Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.” (the forgiveness process is what we will be doing in the next class of the intensive) PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation explains the forgiveness process (cancel the goal) Ran out of time at the end of the call yesterday … Dr Tim has some thoughts to share with Susan B. We all have work to do, none of us are complete. “There are a lot of crazy things going on in the world.” Look at the difference in judging and discerning. Can tell the difference in two things without judgment. Energies sent out create ripples that come back to me. Susan read from her lesson 121, Text Chapter 20 – III, Sin as an Adjustment, T-20.III.5. Have you not wondered what the world is really like; how it would look through happy eyes? 2 The world you see is but a judgment on yourself. 3 It is not there at all. 4 Yet judgment lays a sentence on it, justifies it and makes it real. 5 Such is the world you see; a judgment on yourself, and made by you. 6 This sickly picture of yourself is carefully preserved by the ego, whose image it is and which it loves, and placed outside you in the world. 7 And to this world must you adjust as long as you believe this picture is outside, and has you at its mercy. 8 This world is merciless, and were it outside you, you should indeed be fearful. 9 Yet it was you who made it merciless, and now if mercilessness seems to look back at you, it can be corrected. Truth and knowledge from innocence? Does not mean you don’t take action. michael said if I join with a thought in my mind it is judgement. Can take action to make a change in a dynamic from the state of love, and if hostility or fear comes forward then that is my work to do. Oct 14, 2015 show, so often we want to attribute to a person higher qualities but we are just a conduit. michael shared a story of being a child and hearing his neighbor beat his dog daily and following guidance to go speak to the neighbor. Caller Terry, more relaxed than she has felt in years! Left without the grief. Shared her blood sugar levels during the intensive. michael acknowledged her for taking it into the nursing field. Caller Julie put in a plug for Teachers’ Training and wants to talk about coming to Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work |
March 14 |
ACIM lesson 63 “The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.” Dr Tim gave update on last night support group. Caller Julie in Oregon, comment on yesterday’s story of michael as a child and the neighbor’s dog. Caller Susan in PA question about Y’Shua in the garden sweating blood. Listen to the first 2 chapters of michael’s latest book “The End of Suffering” at |
March 15 |
ACIM lesson 64 “Let me not forget my function.” To BE Love! iPhone should be LIVE by tomorrow. Dr Tim “Wisdom is not gained, it is accessed!” Caller Roma, appreciates the speaking of Truth on this show. Removal of subconscious patterns then allows us to access more and more. Has written a booket due to a push from Susan Bingham. She has wonderful questions that elicits an outpouring of truth. Go to the GoFund Me page for one in our MindShifter Radio Community member’s son and his family. Christopher Reyes, Sarah Fleming, and their two daughters are fighting an eviction from their home where Christopher has lived for 25 years. Christopher and Sarah are up against a Luxury Hotel Group with gobs of money and power. Caller Kim from Wilmington. New to this work. Asked the meaning of some things from the Aramaic. Caller Susan in PA, question for her husband, there was a man who appeared in his dream who he felt was evil, threatening or vicious he awoke in anxiety. michael offered doing forgiveness on the man in the dream, goal of wanting the man to be gentle and supportive, he may find his Power Person who was not supportive. The dream comes forward from his past not a premonition of the future. Dreams come from the same place as our awake time – unconscious. |
March 16 |
Dr Tim filled in hosting and switchboarding as mchael & jeanie were in the intensive and doing the Breathing Session with participants. Thank you Dr Tim Conversation on ‘specialness’ |
March 17 Listen Download |
March 18 Listen Download |
March 19 |
ACIM lesson 65 “My only function is the one God gave me.” ACIM lesson 66 “My happiness and my function are one.” ACIM lesson 67 “Love created me like itself.” Caller Kim from Wilmington asked about the EFT tapping process. Dr Tim uses it a lot in his practice as an augment to the tools to assist in moving through energetic blocks. Caller Roma writing a book. Desire to teach the Why work. Caller Lisa C., in Blockage of Truth. Always felt she was not always love in the presence of her children and in a committed relationship now and still not in the space of love a lot of the time. michael spoke towards getting back to the experience of Love. The culture we live in. And he reminded her that there was a time when she would rage around an issue and now she is grounded and pretty connected. Still an issue yes but come a long way. Julie Haverstick joined the conversation. Lisa is in the part of her mind of wanting to ‘quit’ – she said too many goals, too much to do. No results yet on her stress test for her heart … it is the stress and closing down the heart. Julie asked if it was grief about her children and not being in their lives. Lisa said ‘what is the use?” michael said if you carry the load then you will set up the field that will shutdown the ability to open that space up. Bring back the purpose of being. |
March 20 |
Hindsight note, we skipped ACIM lesson 68 “Love holds no grievances.” and ACIM lesson 69 “My grievances hide the light of the world in me.” ACIM lesson 70 “My salvation comes from me.” Thank you Dr Tim for covering the switchboard. |
March 21 |
ACIM lesson 71 “Only God’s plan for salvation will work.” Dr Tim’s Support Group discussion of specialness and whether it is healthy or not. Different meanings for the word special. Caller Laura, from Dr. Andracki’s Support Group. Has immersed self in this learning, read book twice and listen to radio show archives. Her children are in their 40s. A few years ago she was prescribed opiates. Her children won’t see her or let her see her grandkids and ‘it’s killing her’ michael invited her to shift that wording and that energy. He hears the separation of the family is challenging. She said she had to go to hospital 3 years ago but 2 years ago got off of all of the drugs. michael offered the children are experiencing a lot of pain around that whole process. Cancel the need for children to communicate. Send them a note to thank them for their intervention when you were in trouble and that you since then went through a program and are now clear and getting back on track and experiencing self as being and wants to reestablish communication. Caller Susan in Allentown PA. If we got a group would you come here and teach us forgiveness? Question about ‘loving’ others. michel offered you can’t love another … you are love in their presence. Question about an empath or just resonance. |
March 22 |
ACIM lesson 72 “Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.” Dr Tim, 30 year old young father is being challenged by stresses in life and delight in saying it is an inside job, take a breath. Change your life step into 100% responsibility of your creation. Also, while testing the APP on the iPhone and iPad, gratitude and accalades on getting this done. It is already being given to others. Thought disorders need to be corrected. Must go under the surface to what is creating your process… deeper than the surface mind. Caller Dameron, from the intensive. People ask “What was it like?” The free presentations were awesome, information based at the church but the intensive was process, transformation based. The container of love that was there, the space was supportive and michael’s capacity to lead in the healing of the physical, mental, spiritual body all at once was amazing. Using the BEMER, role playing, looking at Power Person, Breathing, the nutritional value of the food, it was all so powerful. Going through the Power Person dynamics was enlightening. To write from their perspective (Mother and Father) was powerful. Seeing the PP dynamics of grandfather ‘throwing away’ grandmother, then mother throwing away father and now both brother and I have thrown away our spouses. Dameron realized these dynamics and called his brother Steve, he was amazed that while Dameron was at the intensive he had dreamed about their father and processed some of the same things as Dameron around things he had not thought of before. They had not contacted each other, 8 hours away from each other but simultaneously they processed things around their father. His brother is a song writer and wrote a song after this process. Astonishing affirmation of how powerful the work is. it was one of the most challenging experiences he has ever had, to look at these inner dynamics, and then to realize his brother got it too. michael acknowledged Dameron and his integrity in doing his work and how powerful of an affirmation of how we are all connected beings. When one of us goes deeper it opens the space for everyone else with the same issue, especially those connected genetically. Dameron said he was impressed with the Personal Code Evalation and the process of looking at the balance of Maintaining the Love for Others, Self and Truth. It offers areas to work in for greater improvements. michael offered accolades to Dan MacDougald for the PCE, it is designed to have one stop and think “What does that mean?” Question on “The Way of Mastery” and Jayem. Dr Tim clarified. Caller Roma, writing her book and asked about “carve out a space in me” … from Aramaic, Lord’s Prayer, michael’s interpretation, “Our Eternal Creator, parent to us all, who is in the realms of the unmanifest, make a space in us for wholeness that we may be taught to honor, worship and serve You.” |
March 23 |
ACIM lesson 73 “I will there be light.” michael spoke of the Spiritual faculty of ‘will’ and the world has a cheap copy called willpower. Five smooth stones of David (Being), who took down Goliath (carbon based memory). In ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ Doss has such a commitment to life, example of ‘will’ carrying through until job is done. Dr Tim update on Support Group and gratitude for these tools. Caller Brenda, worked with Julie the night before going to court (over her son’s family potential eviction). The attorney on the other side was so loud and dominating (a past issue for her). It gave her a foundation for what will be coming when she is on the stand. Postponed until Tuesday. Hold the space for justice to prevail. Thanks for those who are offering support. Noticed the ‘issue’ is basically the same as what she was going through last year and the year before, why is the universe presenting the same thing at the same time of year. michael said he has noticed that this happens, around birthdays or holidays that people’s files open. Look at the ‘common thread’. Dr Tim said he agrees, the universe comes along and presents based on resonance. What emotion came up when this occurred again? That is the energy that brought it about. michael told the story of Jeanie’s son around laundry. Unconscious dynamics run our lives. Request to hold the space for a friend on donor list for a kidney. Discussion of marijuana use. Dr. Daniel Amen Clinics (michael also suggested the person look at who is doing the research and what is their gain for what they are ‘proving’) Caller Susan B., ask about God’s violence toward people he is not happy with (Old Testament). michael said God did not punish anyone. Start with the 1st Law: must maintain Rakhma active when you think of God, neighbor in order to maintain self. If I decide to rage then the neuropeptides of rage circulates in my structure and inserts itself in a cell with a receptor site. Enough cells get into that state and there will be a terrible disease but it is not God who did it, Sin is an archery term which is an energy off the mark. Enough cells die and organ systems fall apart. Self Inflicted Nonsense – we do it to our selves. What about the little cat? It did not ask for that? michael said ultimately, the animals do not have volition but just do what they do. It was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Humans can use words to create a different outcome, some people have power phrases ‘that kills me’ michael gave the example of us doing treasure boards in Asheville NC and 3 years later one of the pictures Jeanie takes in a cathedral in Sweden and gasps that it is exactly one of the pics on the treasure board. |
March 24 Listen Download |
March 25 Listen Download |
March 26 |
ACIM lesson 74 “There is no will but God’s.” Caller Michele, former husband passed away, current husband got a call from her father saying to not call or say anything to her daughter so she did not. Then her daughter reached out and asked for pictures of her Dad. Back and forth calls and texts between daughter and parents and such disconnect and no response. Now she does not want to reach out any more, is she off target? michael asked “Who has the tools and who does not?” You have to have a higher standard and hold the space for your parents and daughter. Caller Brenda, go back into court tomorrow. Holding for Rukha outcome tomorrow in court. Question came up around “how do you define a Personal Code?” michael said it is a set of rules that my mind demands I follow under stress, most people don’t realize they have a PC and it is not usually set by me consciously. Example is the previous call, my niece’s daughter was raised primarily by my sister and brother-in-law and has taken on their behaviors when under stress. So, if Brenda has taken on setting a plan B in order to remain more loving and centered regardless of outcomes, is that changing the PC? yes. Caller Karri, Wilmington, scared and alone. Not stable or self-sufficient and feels depressed. michael asked what is your mind telling you the fear is about? The bottomline is about something is wrong with me that I am not creating the life I want. michael suggested she take the little one and sit where she can look at him and herself in the mirror and get centered, then bring forward the thought of the ‘worst case scenario’ in the presence of that love. Strengthen her resolve to stay connected to love. The whole community in Wilmington holds love for you and your son and is there to support you. Stuck on wake-up sheets. michael said stay with it, the next layer may seem thicker but it is generational. It is effortless to stay status quo, it takes effort to keep with your work but life is easier in the end. |
March 27 |
ACIM lesson 77 “I am entitled to miracles.” We are designed to live in that miracle of true being! |
March 28 |
ACIM lesson 78 “Let miracles replace all grievances.” When the primary energy running in the system is the presence of Love then it “re-organizes” everything. The key is to tap into the thoughts and feelings and cancel the goal that is using pained content to build my perception – that is forgiveness. Bring the pain and hostility and fear forward and it dissolves in the presence of love. Then the miracle replaces the grievances. And we play in a different world. Movie: I Can Only Imagine – the young man who writes the song is transformed from his pain when his father changes and holds the space for the son’s healing. The father pounded ‘smallness’ into the son and it runs the son’s life until the father does a piece of his own work. So many new films coming out that show healing of old grievances and undoes some belief systems people have about the Creator (i.e. The Shack). Dr Tim says the book “The Shack” resonated various issues among people in a book group he is part of until they finally saw it all come together. Learning to live in the mystery. Productive discussion in the support group last night. It is a process not a destination. michael spoke of Susan Darnell and her Monday night Laws of Living class and Tuesday night support group. Caller Susan D., thanks for coming to the group last night. Wake-up sheet on sadness, overwhelming need to see her grandson. Drilled down to the memory of when she and her children’s father divorced and he had the kids one weekend and she begged him to bring her children home. Desperate pain. Things had gone too far to turn it around. Decisions verses choices and thinking I was trapped instead of seeing I could do things differently. Power Person dynamics playing out. Dr Tim added, one of the great gifts of this work is that we are not trying to figure it out, the most value is that today I am to stay in touch with the experience of love and apply the tools when anything less than comes up. It is not our conscious, logical mind. It is never what I think it is, it is always a distraction. Live in the mystery and use the tools. No bad self-knowledge. will be more loving and forgiving and compassionate. Gave example of a 12 year old in his office and his father and step-mother being so abusive right in front of Dr. Tim and the helplessness of this little boy and what came up for him was the helplessness when his grandmother Hayes moved out of their home just before she died (had nothing to do with any abuse toward himself). Susan expressed gratitude for this show and the tools that have been given to the world. Wisdom is not acquired but accessed. Caller Susan Bingham, working with a youngman who has been cut off from his family. Understands the principle of cancelling the goal but does not know where to start. michael suggested backing into a worksheet – what goal is driving his pained perception? Wanting Dad to hold him? Then back into the emotions of sadness or grief or loss. He deserves caring support. |
March 29 |
ACIM lesson 79 “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.” There is only one problem in your life and you are it! And you are the solution too! Caller Michele from Canada. Update on her correspondence with her daughter. Dr. Tim happening in practice today has basically been the intro you did. How to refine a little more and tap into the intuitive mind. Caller Julie question for Dr Tim, noticed the other day he mentioned his grandmother and feeling separate and then she left and died. Have you worked on that? Dr Tim said the key to the story is because it is a wonderful example of trying to figure it out. Any time I try to do that it is a trap, going unconscious on some level and not see what I need to see. Background, everyone noticed grandmother treated Tim differently and literally coached Tim how to handle his grandmother and her ax she wanted to grind. The trigger he mentioned the other day was when his helplessness and hopelessness was triggered when he worked with a 12 year old boy. His grandmother died before he resolved those issues. This happened years before finding this work and yes he had a lot of work to do around it. Julie asked if he ‘had an ax to grind’ with either self or another female? He said he was williing to look at that. It is a term used in his family about unresolved issues. He does grind that he is not perfect yet. Julie asked about impacting tissue integrity? Dr Tim said he was 4 to 6 years old and yet she treated him so differently than his three siblings and even his parents saw it. At the time it was triggered he realized there was still so much to do around it, and progress made was experienced / seen when his father passed in 1999 and Dr Tim was able to give the eulogy and mention the women in his life, including his mother. Julie said she felt the grandmother just had higher expectations for Dr Tim. Caller Tracey, similar experience with her mother’s mother. Totally relate with that story. Why do you think she did that? Dr Tim said grandma had two sons (one being his father) and when the father died she was a single mother and Tim’s dad was very responsible as the older brother and the younger was more scattered energy. What she did was raised the pedestal and transferred the dynamics of the younger one to Dr. Tim. Similar dynamics with Tracey’s mother and her sister. Always trying to prove she is good enough. Cancel need to be affirmed, loved, approved, embraced and for her to ‘see you’ (Tracey has eye issues). Dr Tim said this is the power of community, to resonate what needs to be seen. Dr Tim said when Tracey mentioned the ‘artist / creative’ part and receiving disapproval – Tim saw the same in himself growing up an going through his education. MindShifter: “My father and I were delightfully respected and appreciated for being in touch with and expressing our creativity.” Tracey also took on the need to make money instead of staying with career but wonder if grandmother would be proud that she turned her creativity into a mean of money too. Driven at the expense of her own health too. michael said work toward a guided life instead of driven or controlled life. michael said his father also could not see why he did not go into the steel mill where there was a lot of money to be made. |
March 30 |
ACIM lesson 80 “Let me recognize my problems have been solved.”
On the road again! |
March 31 Listen Download |
…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””