Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – May 2014

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

May 1



  • SPECIAL GUEST: Archbishop Donald Jolly-Gabriel
  • How letting someone else off the hook rather than forgiving them works against us
  • The definition of a true human being
  • Dr. Tim shares how few people who come into his office have any understanding of their responsibility for their lives and how that works…
  • Archbishop Jolly, who is part of the Khaburis manuscript research project, introduces his background and his deep respect for the Aramaic language because it gives us true understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ no matter what our religion or non-religion…
  • The historical meaning of “The Way” is explained and Michael shares information about the recent movie by that name…
  • Dr. Jolly shares information about his work with the dying, Mother Teresa, and training Buddhists …
  • Hyperbaric chambers, oxygen, proper breathing, testing oxygen levels to be above 95, and 98 is even better…
  • Tomorrow’s guest is Dale Allen Hoffman presenting Aramaic Friday…
  • The author of “My Mommy Manual” and “Conscious Parenting” will be a guest on Monday’s show…
  • The word “lord” didn’t exist until medieval times and the word applied to Jesus was probably Maria which had a completely different meaning…
  • Several stories about the confusion that idioms can foster as applied to understanding what Y’Shua (Jesus) said 2.000 years ago…
  • The importance of Shbag (release, remove, and forgive) is explained…
  • Please hold a space of Love for Michele, her husband and her family
  • Dr. Jolly closes with a message urging us to take care of our bodies because of the incredible gift that they are…

May 2



  • ARAMAIC FRIDAY: Special Guest, Dale Allen Hoffman

May 3


May 4


May 5



  • SPECIAL GUEST: Suzanne Tucker
  • The first of PARENT / TEACHER TALK RADIO with Suzanne Tucker, creator of My Mommy Manual
  • Julie Haverstick, author of “Healing Children Loving Children”, reitred school teacher spoke about getting kids to cooperate vs. controlling…
  • The topic of hitting children was discussed and the insane thinking behind it…
    * Societal pressure to discipline children…
    * Positive parenting 6 week course Suzanne offers in St Louis, MO…
    * Dr Tim shared a quote he often uses with parents:  “Take everything they do seriously but take nothing personally.”
    * A caller shared a parenting miracle happen this past weekend…
    *Suzanne has agreed to co-host with Michael every Monday “Parent /Teacher talk Monday’s” where the topic every Monday will be Parenting starting today!

May 6



  • Dr. Ryce shares the story from yesterday’s show about the child who brought rocks to his mother when he couldn’t find a “switch,” and more information about conscious parenting and the new show every Monday…
  • A discussion about discipline, punishment, rejection, and trying to produce Love with a spanking…
  • How to restore ourselves to our birth right…
  • Dr. Tim shares some information from Guy Finley regarding the “inside job”…
  • A caller receives guidance regarding her daughter, former husband, and diabetes
  • A caller shares how her shame and guilt continually cause her to loose focus.  Michael offers a MindShifter that may be helpful, “It is safe and healing for me to be conscious and fully present in every moment of my life” and instructions about how to do it…
  • A prank call is followed by another call to warn Michael and Jeanie that the number for this show has been put on a website for pranks…
  • Michael speaks to the needs of the prankster
  • A caller shares his new and profound awareness that he doesn’t understand real forgiveness even though he had previously “taught forgiveness”…
  • A very detailed conversation about what forgiveness is and how it really works…
  • See the schedule on for the classes and locations in the next few days…

May 7



  • Dr. Ryce announces the new weekly topic of parenting called “Parent/Teacher Talk”each Monday with special guest Suzanne Tucker…
  • Everyone who had a parent or is a parent will relate…
  • Lenin said the way to destroy a culture is to change the meaning of its words and how that relates to the word discipline…
  • Properly taught or properly beat up?…
  • The stories of the switch, the rocks, and the horse whip
  • Dr. Tim Hayes talks about course corrections that can be achieved in our lives at all ages using these tools…
  • You must be present to win
  • If you don’t have a support group, start one for yourself…
  • A caller from Sweden says 5 worksheets a day keeps the doctor away and how he does that in his life …
  • Aristotle said,”The least initial deviation from truth is multiplied later a thousand fold” …
  • Rex reports on his work with Michele teaching the Laws of Living Course in the Ionia, MI prison…
  • The involvement of the warden in the class for the first time
  • The President and Vice-President of the Lifer’s Association are working to get the class in all prisons with lifers…
  • Please hold the space of Love for continued involvement and expansion of the program
  • A discussion about authority issues that both the inmates and warden share…
  • Jeanie and Michael’s schedule this week and in the future…

May 8



  • Dr. Tim opened the show with an explanation of Aramaic forgiveness.  “We are creators, in every moment we have a choice of how we create our reality.”
  • Dr. Tim also discussed the worksheets and the process of doing them.
  • Rex and Michelle called in with an update of their prison work:  talked about the reentry program affecting prisoners reentering society after jail, the dog / parolee program that is being offered at the prison and the benefits to both prisoners and pets.  
  • Michelle shared her experience of being in a very small room in the prison and the feeling of being trapped came up for her and how she processed that event later that day in the Lansing support group.  
  • The prison warden sat in on the class on Tuesday and did some process work, Michael shared his vision of the Laws of Living being integrated into the community through the parolees.
  • Rex shared about his Laws of Living group at Unity of Lansing on Wed. nights and how we are not able to “study” the laws of living we must take action with the laws and put the pen to the paper everyday to integrate the process of LOL.  
  • A caller from Ashland, OR called in to share about how her life is Really changing using the tools. 

May 9




  • ARAMAIC FRIDAY: Special Guest, Dale Allen Hoffman

May 10


May 11


May 12



PARENT/TEACHER TALK MONDAY: Special guests – Suzanne Tucker, Julie Havertsick, Dr. Tim Hayes

  • *Positive parenting is firm and respectful. Permissive parenting is respectful however without boundaries, not firm direction.   Autocratic parenting is firm but not respectful parenting.  Suzanne offered to have these definitions added to the  web site.

    *Michael talked about how enabling inappropriate behavior is confusing to kids as well as parents.

    *Suzanne shared that in her 6 week parenting course she often hears parents state “I don’t want to parent the way my parents did”  she offered to look at it as “Parenting coming from a center of love” change the dynamic of how you wish the situation to be.

    *Suzanne talked about the power person dynamic.

     *Suzanne offered that after every interaction we have with our children, to look at it when they walk away and ask “What is the belief they have about themselves?”  Look at this for a 24 hour period and see how your connections with your child are shaping their beliefs about who they are.

    *Julie from Heartland shared a story about the “Love Chair” she used in her classroom to help children redirect their energy.  Most parents will place a child in a “time out” and the love chair was a safe place for the child to go and think about how they might be off target.  The children would be able to soak of the love while in the chair and refocus themselves.

    *Suzanne talked about rituals with children and how powerful they can be, what are we creating with our kids?

    *Dr. Tim shared about his 9th grade high school experience with corpral punishment and how when it was taken away the summer after 9th grade how the system at his Catholic High school fell apart because the teachers and administration did not have a plan or tool in place to effectively train, the children.The frmness with respect parenting/teaching model would have worked nicely in this case.

    *Suzanne shared how boundaries are really helpful in ALL relationships.  Ask yourself does “No” really mean no or maybe?  She uses “all done” with her kids at times in stead of no, get creative with your way of saying no.

    *Our children know our actions speak much louder than our words.  If our actions are inconsistent with our words the children will always follow the action of the parent over the words.  “How consistent are you?”  If you are being challenged by your children look at your consistency and give yourself permission to be firm.

    *Suzanne and her kids have a “crazy things” list that she asks their input in making some decisions, once they are part of the process they get behind the ideas.    

May 13



  • Dr. Ryce shares the truth about Forgiveness and pardoning
  •  A person who carried his pain for 65 years before discovering that the Forgiveness process works by using the Reality Management Worksheet…
  • “There is only one Mind” from The Way of Mastery and how it relates to privacy, connection, and planting the future…
  • The proper translation of the “Heart” from the Aramaic and how it relates to denial and dissociation…
  • Locking it down like a spring and resonant energy…
  • A letter from a lady who resisted learning the work, finally did, and shared how different her life has been since then…
  • A caller receives guidance about how to handle what is coming up for her with some examples of how to use the worksheet to frame her issues
  • The mistake we make when we try “not” to be triggered…
  • A report from a new support group in Florida
  • A discussion about how much debt American college students leave school with…
  • An example of “stepping up” from Nazi Germany…
  • If you have concerns about doing the worksheet correctly, listen to the radio shows on where callers where taken through a worksheet step-by-step…

May 14



GUEST HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea

  • The purpose of this show is to learn and teach the ancient Aramaic process of Forgiveness…
  • To access completely free tools and instruction, go to and click on the bull’s eye to get started…
  • Shbag, the ancient Aramaic word which means cancel, remove, forgive…
  • Being on target and being off target and our own internal warning system
  • What got lost in translation or was perhaps a power and control move…
  • It’s all an inside job because we are creators 100% of the time
  • “The key to becoming a master is to master the art of always being a student” explained…
  • A caller asks about the role of visualization and shares how different her family relationships are because she has been doing her personal work using these tools…
  • Fake it till you make it” reveals how important it is to realize that everyone’s understanding and definitions of words are different…
  • A caller from the new support group in FL reveals that she is probably
  • moving into a deeper level of her issues
  • “Love your enemy” explained from the ancient Aramaic understanding…
  • Dr. Tim uses a caller’s event to suggest how to put it into a worksheet without getting sidetracked…

May 15



  • Michael opened the show with a description of resonate energy and how we are energetic beings, not physical beings.
  • Reminder: invitation to connect to love 5 minutes prior to show time daily.
  • Dr Tim explained trust vs pardoning and 4 key components to regaining trust in a relationship.
  • The Commitment Tool was explained.
  • We are constantly in a creative process.
  • Rex shared his experience of asking Rookha for guidance and how he was given an immediate answer even before asking.
  • Rex and Michele shared experience with the Deputy Warden in the prison work they do.  And how powerful the session was with the Deputy Warden openly sharing with the groupAn inmate gave Rex his book of work that was an incredible act of trust to share his innermost thoughts and writings.
  • Reminder to do the work daily.

     May 16




 ARAMAIC FRIDAY:  Special Guest, Dale Allen Hoffman

  • A discussion about the importance of knowing ‘how to’ and ‘living it’ instead of just understanding the translations…
  • More information about Rookha, spirit, breath, and Eternal Forces
  • “Let go of all the things you think you want. Your trifling treasures put away and leave a clean and open space for …
  • In depth information about the subject of “altar” in Aramaic
  • The meaning of ‘Children of God’ – open channel of the One…
  • The physicist David Bohme – unbroken wholeness
  • Details of Dale’s schedule in Ohio and Michigan for the next few days including toning…
  • Rex shares his experience of peacefulness in the face of an old trigger
  • Did the historical Jesus (Y’Shua) really exist? An extensive response including the example of shining a light through a piece of black paper…
  • Finding excuses to not do our work, not be in the Light…
  • Canceling our need to be right so that we get to be Love in the situation…


May 17


May 18


May 19



Parent/Teacher Talk Monday with special guests Suzanne Tucker, Julie Havertsick, and Dr. Tim Hayes
 **Topic today is lying**
  • Michael shared about their travels in Oregon and teaching at a Tibetan facility this week.  The sponsor offered the need for forgiveness in the USA but how it is not necessary in Tibet.  Michael gained insight about this comment this week.
  • Michael talked about a movie “God Grew Tired of Us” about young men from Sudan.  He was moved by their lack of hostility and vengeance after the horrors they endured.
  • Parents must make the same changes they are wanting their children to do.  
  • What do I do when my child lies to me?
  • Find out the underlying motivation for your child to lie.
  • Power struggles with children, how often do you enter them with your child?
  • Julie from Heartland shared her target or bulls eye grading system to teach kids about being on target.
  • 80% of what kids learn from parents is by watching what we do, NOT what we say.
  • Be impeccable with your word
  • Dr. Tim has a Parenting Handbook that is available at
  • A caller who is a former school teacher and school social worker shared that every moment with a child is a teaching moment.
  • If we are in hostility and fear that is what we are teaching.
  • Teaching gardening at school, google “seed to table” for information.
  • Suzanne shared her tool of connecting before correcting her children.

May 20



  • Information about how denial, co-dependence, and Forgiveness all work together…
  • The real foundation of our culture
  • The fraud of “pardoning”…
  • How to access the FREE forgiveness materials, examples, and instruction step by step…
  • Info. about what’s happening in Portland, OR this week-end
  • Discussion about the Co-Dependence workshop being divided into two sections
  • More thoughts about co-dependence, even with Jesus…
  • How we do violence to ourselves and how violence has been done to others in the name of God
  • “The Marriage Box,” a great story describing the truth about marriage…
  • An explanation and examples of “Oota,” a suffix that when added to a word in the Aramaic language, indicates that there is an unconscious and deep seated reason for what we are doing…
  • Resolving the separation that different religions have caused…
  • “The Kingdom of Heaven” or the “Community of Love”?
  • How to hold a space of Love for Michele as she presents at the prison herself today because of  Rex’s birthday – and anyone or anything else…
  • The Summer Intensives at Heartland begin in July. Check the schedule at for details about the new 16 day intensive, “Co-dependence/ Communication Practicum” and more…

May 21



May 22



  • Michael opened the show with the definition of forgiveness and how our culture has been taught pardoning.  He referenced and article on “forgiveness” out of Berkeley University.
  • No one can cause your pain however they can trigger it in you.
  • Michael encouraged us to talk, blog, etc… about True Forgiveness, get the word out there are 7.5 billion minds on the planet to change.
  • Dr. Tim shared about the uphill battle with the mental health system not willing to promote true forgiveness.
  • Dr. Tim commented about a Ted Talk he watched about skewed results from peer reviews.
  • How far off have we gone from true forgiveness?
  • Caller from NY had a question about suffering and how we might be addicted to it.
  • Caller from IN shared how EFT tapping and the “Why” work helps with terror.
  • Ari called in to share information about the Food Fun and Forgiveness week at Heartland this summer July 7-16th.

May 23




  • ARAMAIC FRIDAY: Special Guest, Dale Allen Hoffman
  • Dale explains why we need to cancel our goal before we can heal the pain that impedes our reaching it…
  • A discussion about the older ideas needing to die off before the truth can be understood and how the younger generation is already open…
  • Michael and Dale share stories about their children’s process and how it affects them
  • Unloading the driver, changing the guitar string, removing the unloving content from our minds…
  • Dale remembers when he realized the true meaning of projection and shares that info…
  • Dale remembers the vitality and healing he experienced when he was at Heartland because of doing his work and consuming the raw food diet…
  • The summer schedule at Heartland begins with “Food, Fun, and Forgiveness” in July followed by a new intensive – check out the whole schedule on
  • A caller gets clarity about the Aramaic words related to Forgiveness in “The Lords Prayer”…
  • The energetic experience that comes with uttering the Aramaic language…

May 24


May 25


May 26



  •  Special rebroadcast of last year’s 2013 Memorial Day program

May 27



  • A discussion about war and teaching people to kill other people
  • Two hundred veterans commit suicide every day after getting back home…
  • Directions about how to access and learn how to use the FREE forgiveness tools on
  • Forgiveness really means “remove” – the true meaning derived from the original Aramaic language spoken by Jesus (Y’Shua)…
  • See the schedule on the above site for the upcoming events in the Asheville, NC area next week
  • Dr. Tim shares how his clients are flourishing in their growth by using these Forgiveness tools…
  • Michael illustrates the concept of false realities by telling the story of the movie, “The Upside of Anger”…
  • A caller asks how you know if you’re in the right relationship
  • A discussion about Pseudo solution # 1 – “If I could just figure this out” and how to be in the right relationship…
  • Co-dependence in relationship and how to process through it…
  • Clarification of the use of the word hallucination, it is all an inside job…
  • How a caller might be tricking herself about why she left a relationship…
  • Waiting and clearing our part in the demise of the last relationship before moving into the next one…

May 28



May 29



  • Dr Ryce talks about forgiveness and “Healing Through Relationships” work…
  • Objections you have show the content of your mind, not what is “objected.”  ie...every word you say is showing the content of your mind.
  • Everything you are dealing with is inside of you…not “out there”.  They are the disturbances in your mind.
  •  Forgiveness . work removes disturbances.
  • International caller made the statement “5 sheets a day keeps the doctor away” 🙂  Also asked a question regarding the worksheet question 6c.
  • Michael talks about the power person and how that dynamic can play out years and years later.
  • A caller shared about how feelings of panic and sadness come up often.
  • A question about holding the space of love was addressed. Dr. Tim shared about how violating the goal on the worksheet is and opportunity to ask Rookha for guidance.
  • Hostility is an internal drug that is used to cover up pain and fear.  

May 30




  • ARAMAIC FRIDAY: Special Guest, Dale Allen Hoffman

 May 31




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