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Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!
$20.00 – $40.00
Survivor or victor? What is the gift of the co-dependent relationship? Uncover the cause and cure of addiction, discover how to eliminate dependency and how to create
intimacy in the process! Identify and heal “Power Person” issues at the root of our Personality and Reality Formation Systems. When denial is removed, conscious relationships provide a forum for recovery. Transform dysfunction into health and wholeness! How is denial healed? How is co-dependence identified? Can intimacy be created through co-dependence? What are the precious gifts of the co-dependent relationship? How are they acted upon? How can we create true intimacy? What is an inter-dependent lifestyle? What is the cause and cure of addiction? Experience and Express your natural birthright!
Survivor or victor? What is the gift of the co-dependent relationship? Uncover the cause and cure of addiction, discover how to eliminate dependency and how to create intimacy in the process! Identify and heal “Power Person” issues at the root of our Personality and Reality Formation Systems. When denial is removed, conscious relationships provide a forum for recovery. Transform dysfunction into health and wholeness! How is denial healed? How is co-dependence identified? Can intimacy be created through co-dependence? What are the precious gifts of the co-dependent relationship? How are they acted upon? How can we create true intimacy? What is an inter-dependent lifestyle? What is the cause and cure of addiction? Experience and Express your natural birthright!
Actual time: 1:53
Format | Streaming Audio, Streaming Video, Streaming Video Collection, Audio CD & Free Forever Streaming, Video DVD & Free Forever Streaming, Book |