Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


A MINDSHIFTER® is a thought about an issue in my life about which I hold thought disorders. A MindShifter is a written process, designed to replace the concept of an affirmation — the pretense that something untrue is true — with the opportunity to use the principles of resonance to uncover — to surface, process and heal related thought disorders that block my full expression as Creative Love.Proper use? It is recommended that you write, depending on the intensity of the issue you are facing, at least 2, perhaps up to 4, or more uninterrupted hours. Do that by dividing a piece of paper in half and writing your MindShifter on the left side of the page. Then allow yourself to free associate — write whatever your selected MindShifter resonates in you on the right side of the page. Write, uncensored, whatever surfaces — describe body sensations, emotions, cravings, ravings, wishes, curses, avoidance thoughts, joy thoughts — anything, whether it seems related or not, that surfaces in your mind until you run out of thoughts, then write the MindShifter again, and again, as often as you need to, until the mind dumps whatever it holds and you experience a satisfactory level of completion. That completion will not mean you are finished with that MindShifter — for many issues will need to be revisited several times, as vitality increases until you are actually complete with the thought disorders related to those issues. Just allow yourself to do a major, unimpaired, free and open mind dump — uncovering, perhaps, issues from all the way back into childhood, including even genetic, or generational, issues. If, as you work with these MindShifters, you come up with a different suggested wording for a MindShifter, a particularly powerful MindShifter, or a suggested topic for a new section in this series, please send it to us!“Our (experimental) results allow us to appreciate how the experiences of a parent, before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations. Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential inter generational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”Dr. Brian Dias of the Emory University Department of Psychiatry.

Example: Listen to Magda as she shares the process and result of looking into generational issues to do with heart issues… A powerful piece of ancestral inquiry and healing that she did in the “Codependence To Interdependence/Responsibility Communication” Intensive.Https://

“In order to heal we must learn to hold Love present in our minds as painful thought disorders surface, for once truly embraced in the actual Presence of Love we are freed of those mental constructs. What we cannot embrace in Love diminishes us!” dr. michael ryce“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” Carl JungOnce complete you have a record of thought disorders you need to work through — review each limiting thought and, in order to correct whatever you have uncovered, choose which tools to use to clean up those thoughts. Mark beside each issue which tool is appropriate — the Reality Management tool, the Codependence WorkSheet, My Commitment, the Power Person WorkSheet, Responsibility Communication, The Apology Tool — whatever tools you have to heal those thought disorders so they no longer remain in the hidden parts of your mind. And remember that a memory of pain is just a memory of pain. You do not need to re-empower or make such memories real, just embrace them and allow Love to free you.

It is recommended that, rather than using your intellect to choose what to work on, that you select two numbers as follows:First — a number from 1 to (the number of sections: 1-3 for this set)Second — a number from 1-13 (the number of MindShifters in each section)Then look up, using the 2 numbers, your MindShifter in the section you have selected…   1. HEALING INTO ALIVENESS1. I deserve to experience myself as Love just because the breath of life was put into me.2. Telling the truth quickly is safe, healing, relieves anxiety and nurtures me and my relationships.3. I, Love, thrive even when someone tells me “no.”4. I enjoy the experience of my power especially in the presence of women/men/_________.5. I now attract the ideal relationship and heal through the Presence and Power of Love, Gentleness and Respect.6. It’s easy for me to be aware of any disintegrative thought, to Forgive, and heal into aliveness.7. I am inclined to do everything necessary to be in charge of my life.8. Commitments are easy to keep, bringing life, joy, fulfillment and they serve the purpose of my life.9. It’s safe and healing to ask _______ for what I want.10. Love, vitality, alertness and aliveness increases as the day goes on and as the years unfold.11. Every criticism that I see, hear or think reminds me to connect with Love, my Source, my Being.12. I take responsibility and heal all ideas of being wrong, guilty or at fault.13. Breathing when stressed strengthens the expression of Love that I Am.2. HEALING FEAR AND HOSTILITY THROUGH FORGIVENESS1. Fully embracing Mother/Father/________in my Heart, even with his/her faults, heals us both.2. When I stay connected to Love Mother’s/Father’s/___’s hostility and/or disrespect heals us both.3. My Mother/Father/_________ is/was always there for me, holding me in Love.4.  I choose to engage in my work when I am in resistance, especially when hostility is aroused.5. I have always been held in Love and received total approval and affirmation from myself, my parents and___________.6. The craziness that was/is in our house is healing us all.7. My existence, vitality and aliveness is supported by myself, the Creator, my parents, friends and everyone I contact.8. My birth was filled with the Presence of Love and was a gentle and wondrous experience.9. Healing my relationship issues with my Mother/Father/_________heals my attitude toward life.10. Forgiving realities in my mind about Mother/Father/____opens healing through that relationship.11. All of my actions toward my Mother/Father/__________ have always been based in Love and are highly pleasing to them and to myself.12. Humility, seeing the highest and best in myself and others, and holding to the Presence of Love, is easy and natural for me.13. It’s safe and healing for me to be in touch with my _________.3. CREATING FROM ABUNDANCE1. I freely Presence Love, create and give of my substance and the universe acknowledges with full support.2. As I forgive, and choose to Live the Truth of who I am, Love, I youth and strengthen.3. I Am Love. I have all the wisdom, time, money and energy needed to accomplish all of my aspirations.4. I, Love, am always in the right place at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activity.5. God, my Mother, Father and I approve of my being a sexual Being.6. Everyone supports the realization of mySelf as Love and my full expression and aliveness.7. My relationship with __________ gives me opportunities to heal my guilt.8. I have an abundance of _______ (time) (intelligence) (money) (energy) in all of my relationships.9. It’s safe and healing for me to be Love and have a joyful, sweet, committed eternal relationship.10. Everyone on the planet now acknowledges me as Love and supports my work and true purpose.11. Motivation to “do” easily comes from inside of me according to my choices.12. The soul purpose of the universe and everyone in it is to nurture, hold me in Love and support me.13. I am intuitively guided to inspire the decision makers to provide all the support I need.Sample of what a MindShifter would look like…..

I cherish mySelf. My preacher said that is selfish and I will go to hell.
I was told pride goes before a fall!
I cherish mySelf. Is that ego?
I have no value. I’m hungry.
I hate people who brag. I don’t like hating.
I cherish mySelf. It is scary to imagine that.
They put my Mother in an asylum and she was babbling about people hating her. I need a smoke.
I don’t want to do this it is bringing up a lot of fear.
I cherish mySelf. I am feeling angry and my gut hurts.
I’m holding my breath alot.
I remember my Dad raging at my Mom.
I cherish mySelf. Why can’t people just be kind to each other?
I remember hitting my brother and Mom screaming at me.
Maybe it is time to do one of those Reality Management Forgiveness Sheets!

Once complete, review your writing and choose which tools to use to heal what you have uncovered.

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