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Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!
$20.00 – $30.00
Based on the Why Is This Happening To Me…AGAIN?! work. An original, unique synthesis of science, psychology, and theology that is rich with insights from the ancient Aramaic language and culture. Explores human possibilities using the inner principles of Forgiveness, “Response-ability,” Shifting Perception, and Personal Empowerment. Tools are presented for self-healing; putting an end to recurring life patterns and consciously recreating your life! Powerful, usable tools that are changing our planet!
Richard, the character in the book, represents a composite of a thousand conversations with real people. Any resemblance to people you know is purely intentional and highly probable. The dialogue between dr. michael ryce and the troubled Richard is fast-paced, nurturing, and enlightening. Be aware your healing journey is about to take another step.
Introduction by James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy. Includes complete instructions for The Reality Management (Forgiveness) Sheet (chapter 24).
Note: The paperback book is currently unavailable (out of print) – you can find copies on e-Bay or Amazon, but can be downloaded free from our website. For more information contact It is available on CD – listen to the book being read to you.
Based on the Why Is This Happening To Me…AGAIN?! work. An original, unique synthesis of science, psychology, and theology that is rich with insights from the ancient Aramaic language and culture. Explores human possibilities using the inner principles of Forgiveness, “Response-ability,” Shifting Perception, and Personal Empowerment. Tools are presented for self-healing; putting an end to recurring life patterns and consciously recreating your life! Powerful, usable tools that are changing our planet!
Richard, the character in the book, represents a composite of a thousand conversations with real people. Any resemblance to people you know is purely intentional and highly probable. The dialogue between dr. michael ryce and the troubled Richard is fast-paced, nurturing, and enlightening. Be aware your healing journey is about to take another step.
Introduction by James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy. Includes complete instructions for The Reality Management (Forgiveness) Sheet (chapter 24).
Note: The paperback book is currently unavailable (out of print) – you can find copies on e-Bay or Amazon, but can be downloaded free from our website. For more information contact It is available on CD – listen to the book being read to you.
Format | Audiobook CDs & Free Forever Streaming, Streaming Audiobook, Streaming Audio, Book |