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Support the Shaw Family

We have a present need for your support.

Many of you know Jeanie’s son, Ryan Shaw, is having brain surgery to remove a tumor at Vanderbilt in Nashville, TN on December 27, 2024. We have rented a space near the medical center for us to be close to him during his stay. His wife Gabrielle Shaw and their two children (ages 2 months and 6 years) and Jeanie. michael, and Gabrielle’s parents will be in Nashville at least 8 days. While his medical bills are covered under his insurance, the cost of the rental space is way beyond our means. Several friends encouraged us to start a fund raising. So we have. Go to They give the option for the donor to cover fees but it is not required to do so and they give us all of the donation amount made. Please share this and if you are able to donate it is greatly appreciated. If you cannot donate, keep us in your prayers.

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