Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!



In the context of 1st Century Aramaic Forgiveness there are some things about Ho’oponopono that are off base in the way it is taught. Below is a summary of the Four Suggested Steps.

“I’m sorry”… my experience is that people who say I’m sorry become sorry people. We suggest deleting those words from your vocabulary and, instead, using the apology tool. Since words are one of the ways we put energy into creation, sorry is not something that we want to focus on nor create from.

We have the “Apology Tool” in the ‘Why’ work and it includes ownership of conflict and error. “I made an error. I apologize for my error in the future I will…” and speak into the creation and in connection with the other person what the replacement behavior is going to be.

“Please forgive me,” perpetuates the error that I’m supposed to let you off the hook, or you’re supposed to let me off the hook, for the pain that, if present in either of us, is an experience clearly generated from energies held within each of us.

I have spent 40+ years bringing the technology of First Century Aramaic Forgiveness to the world. This Why Again workshop (link in next paragraph) shows precisely how denied, internally generated pain is convincingly projected into one’s brain’s image of another, and how to directly access and remove, that is Forgive, the offending energy from one’s own Mind and Body.

What most of the world calls “Forgiveness” has nothing whatsoever to do with actual Forgiveness but is a Greek substitute, “pardoning,” letting others, “off the hook.” While that certainly is an okay thing to do, is NOT Forgiveness which is a strictly INTERNAL act that involves no one but the person doing the Forgiveness! Using the words, “I forgive you!” accomplishes the act of, “letting another off the hook,” but leaves actual Forgiveness undone…

💞 Here is how True Forgiveness is accomplished: the latest version of “Why Is This Happening To Me . . . AGAIN?! and What You Can Do About It”

💞 Here is a 24-minute PowerPoint that diagrams the mechanics of Forgiveness and what it accomplishes:

“The power of life and death is in your words,” Y’Shua offered 2,000 years ago. Speech regulates everything — perception, cellular chemistry, our emotions and the creative process.

Vladimir Lenin, the man responsible for more deaths on planet Earth than probably anybody in history, said, “The way to destroy a culture is by changing meaning of its words.”

Based on the above understanding I have spent several years now, since I learned the difference, working to eradicate the words, “I love you” from the vocabulary of the world. Since Love is a state of being, not something we can do to each other, we set up an unachievable goal in the mind with those words. That goal leaves the mind with an impossible task, which tends to lead to the deep frustration many unknowingly create in themselves and blame others for. This error seems innocuous but results in huge problems in relationships.

Y’Shua never instructed us to love God or love our neighbor. The instruction He gave that was mistakenly translated as “love,” in Aramaic, was to have Rakhma when you think of the Creator, or your neighbor, and by so doing, you maintained your own human life, Love. As a result, I never tell anyone that I love them, but rather that I cherish them, and I do that by taking responsibility for making sure that I am living as the presence of Love, maintaining my human life whatever another does. The proper use of words is a major key to living a healthy, happy life.

💞 Here is my take on Ho’oponopono in the light of the 1st Century Aramaic teachings of Y’Shua…

1. In gratitude, even in the midst of my conflict, I choose to remember the place in me that is the same as the place in you, where we are creations of Love, connected, and are, in fact, one! In the invisible, indivisible world we are important parts of each other, and I cherish you!

“If you think you are separate or separated from the rest of humanity you are living in an optical delusion.” ALBERT EINSTEIN

2. I acknowledge and accept responsibility for my error. I apologize and both now, and in the future, I will focus on correction of my error. I ask for guidance in freeing myself from my error(s) and acting from the state of Love toward you…. Namaste. (The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you.)

3. Let us join in canceling the goals we hold that drive the pain in either of us so that that pain may be uncovered and undone in us, for us, and for all our generations. Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ LAKOTA/SIOUX — “For all my Relations.”

4. I appreciate and cherish you in my life.

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