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I Am (2011) – Tom Shadyac is the director who “had it all” and then had a wreck (and a near life experience) and realized he “had it all wrong.”
Soul Surfer (2011) – is a true story. A teen surfer, Bethany Hamilton, lost her arm in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through
her sheer determination and unwavering faith.
A Rumor of Angels (2000) – An old woman helps a young boy resolve his feelings over the death of his mother.
Joyeux Noel (2005) – On Christmas Eve during world War I, the Germans, French, and Scottish are trying to make peace in the trenches.
Saved by the Light (1995 for TV) – Dannion Brinkley’s true story. He was struck by lightening, died twice, and the profound revelations he received and how his life changed. Also available in book. Watch on YouTube Dannion Brinkley Sved by the Light
August Rush (2007) – August Rush is an orphaned child of eleven, who was born with the gift to hear music all around him. He believes that he will find his parents if they only hear his music.
Forks Over Knives (2011) – A documentary that “examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.”
Fireproof (2008) – Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter’s adage: Never leave your partner behind. Inside burning buildings, it’s his natural instinct. In the cooling embers of his marriage, it’s another story. After seven years of marriage, Caleb and Catherine Holt have drifted so far apart that they are ready to move on without each other. Yet as they prepare to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb’s dad asks his son to try an experiment: The Love Dare, for 40 days.
Buck (2011) – True story about Buck Brannaman who moved from being an abused child to having amazing intuition and perception. He could communicate with the horses and was was the inspiration behind the “Horse Whisperer.”
Courageous (2011) – Honor and Courage begin at home. Tragedy strikes and four police officers struggle with faith and family and choose to do something different.
Orphans (1987) – The two brothers Treat and Philip lived alone since they were kids. Interdependent they dwell in a loft house and live on little thefts, until an aging minor criminal (Albert Finney) moves in with them and takes over the role of a father.
The Other Son (2012) – Two young men, one Israeli and one Palestinian, discover they were accidentally switched at birth.
Amish Grace (2010 for TV) – When a gunman killed five Amish children and injured five others in a Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania schoolhouse shooting in October of 2006, the world media attention rapidly turned from the tragic events to the extraordinary forgiveness demonstrated by the Amish community. Through the eyes of a grieving mother, Ida Graber, and other devastated families, this movie explores the Amish’s astonishing reaction to the horrific shootings – of forgiveness and compassion.
The Upside of Anger (2005) – When her husband unexpectedly disappears, a sharp-witted suburban wife and her daughters juggle their mom’s romantic dilemmas and family dynamics.
The following two films show the contrast of the cultures – killing makes you a hero is such a lie, be prepared to BREATHE through “300” and then “Mystic India” shows how we can remain in BEING and face any challenge in our world. Please write to your local IMAX theaters and request they bring “Mystic India” to your town.
300 (2006) – King Leonidas and a force of 300 men fight the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 B.C.
Mystic India (2005) – In 1792, Neelkanth, an 11 year old boy in India, begins his journey of awakening.
…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””