Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – January 2023

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show
that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out
if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie
along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that
comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!

January 1





January 2



Happy New Year!

reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at

Callers Susan B and Magda discussion with Dr. Tim

Jeanie read her little Facebook blog: “Before midnight (December 31, 2022), I’m getting happy new year texts from family and friends in different time zones. Funny…I’m still in your yesterday and you’re already in my tomorrow and yet we are all present in our own today. May each be blessed and may 2023 be awesome. Love to all.”

New Interview on our YouTube channel. Between Sorinne Ardekeanu and dr. michael ryce –
See Sorinne Ardekeanu’s YouTube Channel – she may run for President in 2024 (Healer in Chief)

Why book is now online in 9 languages – we got Swedish digitally now (was only in hardback print before)

michael speaks of fantasies that can help like “time” and others where we believe and engage in fantasies like we can do whatever we like and the earth will survive. We need to wake up to what is going on and check out what of our ‘knowledge’ is really true. We are starting a “Homegrown Park” in our back yard. To support the bees and butterflies and insects that supports life here.  There is a mind within each of us to guide us so our fantasies don’t kill us.  What is it going to take to move us and our children and grandchildren into the future.  Be-Attitude speaks of  ‘just and fair behavior between men’ – resources need to be available for all. 

“If you think you are separate or separated from others you are living in an optical illusion.” – Einstein

Caller Kerry L., starting with climate change comments and how do we shift and change our perspective?  What was important to her was to first get in touch with her grief over what was happening to the world and the grief over her own participation. Fantastical ideas: culture, institution, etc. This work shows us the truth in our own power, yet we cannot do this alone. That is a fantasy too. We have to be in community. Our food system is bereft of nutrients and energy.  Things we cannot see will work in co-creation to bring the energy back into our natural areas.  People say they want transformation and yet are not willing to do the work it will take, needs to be life purpose.

The industry is trying to grow food on dirt by adding chemicals, you have to grow food in soil (live).  Thank you for your support in getting us in the soil course. We are working on encouraging the native insects, bees and butterflies (all species) to come back, but they depend on native plants to pollinate.

One single edge sword that cannot be turned against you…Forgiveness! Removing from genetic history of conception: the forming or devising of a plan or idea that is not based in Truth.  The self-blame for what has happened is part of the grief and it did not start with you, but it can end with you. This New Year, the sun coming up again, is a concept to give us an opportunity to consciously take a look of how we want to shift our being into a new phase. Take the opportunity to go deeper and deepen our relationship with each other.

Caller Magda, there is a cleansing going on, getting rid of things and making space.

January 3



Dr Tim suggests the commitment to do more worksheets this year.

reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at

Susan sharing her recent health struggles, including anxiety, fatigue, and a rash. Michael provided insights from naturopathic medicine, suggesting a colon cleanse and referencing the book “Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management” by Bernard Jensen.

Susan appreciated the advice and shared updates about her family, particularly her son Luke, who has been dealing with addiction and is now on a recovery path. She mentioned his struggles and progress, emphasizing the importance of facing and processing emotional pain rather than avoiding it. Susan also discussed her other son Michael’s positive contributions to their household, showcasing how small acts of care can foster a loving environment.

Michael elaborated on the physiological effects of emotional suppression, using a detailed chart to explain how different thought disorders affect various parts of the body. He underscored the importance of living in enthusiasm and the negative impacts of thought patterns such as self-blame, humiliation, vengeance, hostility, anger, fear, and grief. He illustrated how these disintegrative energies can lead to physical ailments, emphasizing the role of forgiveness in healing and reversing these processes.

The show concluded with a focus on the importance of love and support in overcoming trauma and fostering healing, both at a personal and generational level. The hosts encouraged listeners to engage in practices that promote emotional and physical well-being, reiterating their availability for support.

January 4



reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at

2nd hour is a pre-recorded interview between Ben Azadi and dr. michael ryce and Dr. John Lieurance

January 04, 2023, Interview on the KetoCAM Podcast

In this episode of the KetoCAM Podcast, Ben Azadi interviews Dr. Michael Ryce and Dr. John Lieurance. The conversation builds on themes from a previous episode with Dr. Bruce Lipton, focusing on the influence of thoughts on health and the power of perspective. Dr. Michael Ryce, appearing for the first time on the show, and Dr. John Lieurance, a returning guest, delve into topics related to breathwork, mental health, and holistic healing. Dr. Ryce explains still point breathing, a technique he developed to alleviate mental and emotional stress, emphasizing the role of forgiveness and the flow of love through one’s body. The discussion also touches on the broader implications of perspective and energy in viewing the world, the significance of fasting in spiritual practices, and the healing process involving the autonomic nervous system.

Dr. Michael Ryce, the founder and director of Heartland, a self-healing center in the Ozark Mountains, shares his extensive background in naturopathic medicine and holistic philosophy. His work integrates body-mind principles, physics, and ancient studies into a comprehensive approach to self-healing. Dr. John Lieurance, known for his expertise in functional neurology, chiropractic care, and various detoxification protocols, provides insights into the application of these principles in his practice. He recounts his personal journey of overcoming anxiety and depression through Dr. Ryce’s teachings, highlighting the transformative power of breathwork and the mind’s ability to shape reality.

The conversation further explores the physiological and psychological aspects of healing, emphasizing the importance of addressing underlying energetic patterns. Dr. Ryce discusses the concept of sin from an Aramaic perspective, explaining it as “off the mark” rather than a moral failing, and how this understanding impacts one’s approach to health and relationships. The episode underscores the necessity of building brain cells for truth and the role of breath in unlocking the unconscious mind, ultimately facilitating a state of being where love flows freely through every cell.


The interview provides a deep dive into the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the healing process. Dr. Michael Ryce’s pioneering work in still point breathing and his holistic approach to health are highlighted as powerful tools for personal transformation. Dr. John Lieurance’s experiences underscore the practical application and benefits of these techniques. The episode calls attention to the significance of perspective, the flow of love, and the need for forgiveness in achieving holistic well-being. Through their discussion, listeners gain a profound understanding of how to cultivate health and harmony in their lives.

January 5



reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at

On the radio show, the hosts Magda, Dr. Tim, and Michael navigate technical difficulties while discussing various personal and insightful topics. The conversation starts with Magda experiencing issues connecting to the show, reflecting on the challenges and marvels of technology. Once connected, the discussion shifts to family interactions, particularly focusing on Michael and Arya’s visit to the Hands-On Museum. They highlight the importance of kindness and how Arya’s encounter with a younger girl became a teachable moment about using gentle and kind voices.

The conversation also delves into the impact of media on children’s innocence. Michael and Jeanie share concerns about exposing Arya to shows with crass content and discuss strategies to maintain her innocence while acknowledging the inevitability of encountering such content in the world. They emphasize the value of discussing and contextualizing these experiences with children.

A significant portion of the show is dedicated to discussing physical and emotional health. Magda shares her experience with a persistent facial rash and seeks advice from Michael, who recounts his own detoxification journey and the importance of understanding the body’s elimination processes. They discuss the role of the colon and skin in detoxification and suggest methods for deeper cleansing.

The conversation touches on deeper psychological and spiritual insights, including the interconnectedness of the mind and body and the importance of addressing unconscious thoughts and traumas. They reference teachings from A Course in Miracles and Carl Jung, emphasizing that our perceptions are reflections of our internal states. The hosts encourage listeners to engage in forgiveness and introspection to heal both physically and emotionally.

Throughout the show, the hosts underscore the joy and privilege of human life, the importance of maintaining innocence and compassion, and the ongoing journey of personal and collective healing.

January 6



Dr Tim completed the reading of “The Way of Knowing, The Way of Mastery” (35 lessons took just over a year)  The recordings are posted at   Go to for free downloads.

Caller Susan, the idea that we draw our experiences/lessons to our-self and we have a choice on how I regard what is happening. Still not sure she grasps that she created the event. How did she draw the rash to herself, how to incorporate that in her life. Bless the hives. Two sides of coin, we draw to us then we can react or not. ‘Itching’ to do things.

We did a podcast this morning on TAO-Living with Dr. Lou Corleto – his tagline is “where are you will be supported to remember that you are the driver and not the vehicle so that you can walk your life in TRUST.”

Jeanie offered the story of Peter walking on water in the midst of the storm.

Book of Micah “You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.

Energetically we pull experiences to us – our ‘asker’ is not in the conscious but the unconscious. Focus is a creative act. We are told to take care of the heart, (the unconscious) for out of it comes the issues of life. Also the desert is the unconscious, and the old generations (genare = beliefs) have to die to move into the promised land (conscious creation). Most people spend 40 years in the desert. We give permission for it to come in and also permission to leave. A connection made beyond our control but yet it is in our power to release it. Ask yourself, is there anything in your life that you have not dealt with that ‘gets under your skin or irritates you?’ Skin is eliminative organ. The structure is doing its best to get rid of toxic energy and you may have just hit a new vitality level and an ancient energy is moving out. Ask your skin what it is doing and then listen.

Correction from yesterday: it was not George Washington Carver but Booker T Washington who said “I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.”

Jeanie introduced three men who influenced each other and ultimately our world today. Armstrong – Booker – Carver  (created a page on the website with the articles read and links to more information –

George Washington Carver however asked the Creator what the peanut is for. (read the funny yet truthful conversation with God).

Caller Celinda, asked about lungs, her unfinished work on safety, abandonment and nurturing. Also, candidiasis problem. michael will forward information on BRAVO a probiotic product that might help get gut back in balance. MindShifter: “It is safe and healing and the delight of my life to enter fully into the world and when I do, I am enthusiastically embraced by all that I meet.  I am embraced fully because of the gentleness of my presence as love.”

Key energy that is fueling the anti-life organisms in you – hostility. Feeding off the unconscious hostility and when you open the veil of your temple and allow the space for that energy to rear its head in the presence of love – that is when it will be dissolved and the other will disappear.

January 7





January 8





January 9



Summary and Reviews from Way of Mastery / Way of Knowing

Comment on website: RE: Why Again book “I would say the book is a great read for anyone searching Truth. It’s at least a very helpful accessory to anyone’s library. I really like how it’s pointed out that the Aramaic understanding of forgiveness involves looking within. And I would even say this is when Heaven on earth can be found. I have found Roy Masters has been able to articulate these things with a depth that is just amazing. I believe he followed your work to some extent. He’s right, the Aramaic brings out life in Scripture that more known translations just don’t shake a stick at. Roy is now past but leaves behind plenty to seek out. There is even a skype meet that a gentlemen has been kind enough to allow some of the followers to use. I’d like to openly invite you and your team and friends to chat. I’d love to exchange ideas and connect people together. There is a monthly meet, details can be found here: There is the main US site but the UK side holds the meet.  Shawn and Kayla”michael and Jeanie will join the next Skype meeting which is this Sunday at 3PM Eastern (8PM UK) is the next meeting. The next meeting will be on Sunday 15th January 2023 8pm UK time. “We have monthly Skype meetings which are open discussions where we share, spur each other on and raise questions regarding our inner journey to discovering our true self in so that we can find the: love, joy, kindness, patience, forgiveness, self-control, and faith that dwells inside us, in order to live our live to our full potential.​Or just sign in as a guest sit back and listen. All you need to do is click on the link below to join the meeting.  Skype will then ask you to login or join as a guest. If you have any problems with connecting then please get in touch.​ Looking forward to seeing you.

Read testimonial from David J. on his participation in the Self-Study CoDependence Communication Intensive can read all testimonials at

michael shared that a gentleman in Hawaii is talking about utilizing HeartLand in August 2023 for their meeting on expanding and introducing to more people the Steiner Education / School. “A Steiner education fosters the human spirit in children and young adults, allowing them to flourish in a holistic learning environment that is oriented towards moral growth, social consciousness and citizenship.”

“As the light increases, we see ourselves to be worse than we thought. We are amazed at our former blindness as we see issuing forth from the depths of our heart a whole swarm of shameful feelings, like filthy reptiles crawling from a hidden cave. We never could have believed that we had harbored such things, and we stand aghast as we watch them gradually appear. But while our faults diminish, the light by which we see them waxes brighter, and we are filled with horror. Bear in mind, for your comfort, that we only perceive our malady when the cure begins.” – Francois Fénelon

Greater than all physical dangers are the tremendous effects of delusional ideas, which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much vaunted reason and our boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly powerless in the face of “unreal” thoughts.” Carl Jung

Caller Magda added, coming out the other side.If we used an emotional tone scale, living from 1-painful, burdened and 10-elated, full enlightenment – across the board people weigh in at a 3 or 4 based on their genetics (mom at a 3, dad at a 5, grandparents were 3, 3, 4, 2 = puts you at the average of less than 3.5)Primary and Secondary purpose –

Who am I?
I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper, or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward, or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.
Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me; and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly.
I am easily managed – you must merely be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done, and after a few lessons I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of all great people and, alas, of all failures, as well. Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a person.
You may run me for profit or run me for ruin – it makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet.  Be easy with me, and I will destroy you.
Who Am I???  (author unknown)    Answer: Habit.

Caller Celinda, realized she holds a habit.

January 10



Summary and Reviews from Way of Mastery / Way of Knowing ( “Jayem’s surrendered studentship has blossomed him into a rare master teacher and gifted facilitator. He is known the world over for his compassionate, clear sharing of Truth and for his ability to rapidly help others ‘cut to the chase’ of the pain, wounds, and illusions that are binding them. He is devoted to the correction of the mind, restoration of the true heart and the return to Soul as our only Identity, at one –and at play – both with, and in, the infinite Divine Reality of ‘God’.”

Caller Susan, read from “Gentle Art of Blessing” by Pierre Pradervand chapter 9 preamble.  Practice of blessing puts us in our heart space. Still feel upset yet can walk away.Signals from the brain to the heart (Heart Math bring the heart and mind into coherence. Several questions received about the Khabouris Manuscript – see

2nd hour replay of the Khabouris show from October 25, 2019 discussion of the validity of the Khabouris as source.

January 11



Summary and Reviews from Way of Mastery / Way of Knowing

Question from App “Is it wrong to think about smoking cannabis is not good.”

Caller Susan, discussion around ‘doing’ more for another than they are willing to do for themselves. michael shared an experience with a homeless man here that we have helped.

Dives into the distinction between reality and actuality, using personal anecdotes to explore how perception shapes one’s experience of the world. Michael Ryce shares a story involving his granddaughter, Arya Reign, who, at the age of four, demonstrated a deep understanding of the difference between what we see with our eyes and what we see with our brain. Ryce reflects on how, through playing a game of turning a drawing in various directions, Arya grasped that each person’s mind generates a different reality based on perception. This observation leads to a larger discussion about the limitations of perception and how understanding these limitations can lead to spiritual growth.

Ryce ties this concept to the work of Bob Beck, a scientist and inventor, who introduced him to the idea of reality versus actuality. This insight profoundly influenced Ryce’s work and thinking, offering a framework for understanding how the mind constructs its own version of reality, which can often be distorted by personal experiences, goals, and biases. Ryce emphasizes that these distortions are rooted in the ego, which often fabricates narratives that serve its desires. He advocates for the use of forgiveness as a tool to break free from these mental constructs and reconnect with the truth.

In addition to philosophical discussions, the show touches on practical matters such as environmental consciousness. Ryce and Jeanie share their efforts to support pollinators by creating a pollinator garden with indigenous plants. They emphasize the importance of environmental stewardship, noting that the extinction of insects and other pollinators poses a serious threat to global biodiversity. The show encourages listeners to take action by supporting ecological practices that promote the survival of native species.

January 12



Summary and Reviews from Way of Mastery / Way of Knowing

Caller Susan discussion of where to draw the line and ask this man living in her basement to move out without her feeling bad.  Magda asked a question on the difference between allowing and accepting.

Book Club today at 3:30 Eastern Time details go to will be doing a worksheet today.
Topic: Hear My Voice Book Club, Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 9401 2819  Passcode: 54321

michael discusses the EGO (Edging God Out). Example of the woman in the TV series “In The Dark” she is despicable and does horrible things to even those she says she cherishes in order to get her way.

ACIM Chapter 4 “Illusions of the Ego” “The ego tries to exploit all situations into forms of praise for itself in order to overcome its doubts.”

Caller Michael asked about Bob Beck and the energy systems he created. One on parasites. Everything is frequency and energy. Receptor sites are in different frequency ranges.

Online Intensive 9-day Why and 9-day Teachers Training – 3 hrs on Sunday then 2 hrs during week for 20 weeks (equal to the 17 day at HeartLand)

January 13



Summary and Reviews from Way of Mastery / Way of Knowing

Caller Ann


Question on “Is there a Creator?”

Caller Susan, doing the gentle art of blessing and has challenges and yet can look at “wow, that thought.” yet stay connected. But now am more challenged. Not feeling good, but feeling angry and blaming. Dr Tim said ‘you can tell that story and get corroboration and sympathy and look like the ‘good’ guy, but is that helping?’ She wants to stay on track.

Caller Joe B, whole-heartedly endorse what Susan said, he knows his own insecurities moves like lightening and busy-ness is a drug that will screw up clarity. Like a dam that holds back the flow. The idea of Noah’s ark, two by two, an intimate friendship or relationship is to open to vulnerability. And a challenge to explain the worksheet.

We all get what we are asking for but just not in touch with our asker. It is in our heart (unconscious) and sets up what we order. And when delivery comes we resist.

Caller Celinda, how to catch a chicken.

Caller Susan, your reporting on Facebook is amazing and has a lot of intensity. Hope you are staying on the right side of the track. I could not do that. Like watching movies with villainous people to ‘bring it up’ – michael said it was to keep people aware so there is a decent place for my grandchildren to grow up in. Before I research to find the facts I will do my work around anything that comes up for me so I can see the facts and not be clouded with frustration. Susan asked is it fair to say if you post something from a neutral place and you get angry feedback, are you missing the mark as a communicator? Perhaps not presented in a loving space.  ACIM says, “Can you speak about a person or an issue and remain in perfect peace? When another thinks of you do they share your perfect peace?” I have not passed that test always. I am delighted to stay connected and have a rational conversation with anyone who may disagree but not irrational, silly nonsense argument. An itchy, fidgety person – running as fast as she can from a riding crop welding mother. Being aware. michael offered the mechanism of itchy, fidgety is to race and keep ahead of what is ‘chasing’ you – goal to be safe or one step ahead.

This Saturday is StillPoint Breathing. 

Question sent in about the Teacher’s Training possibility, time and cost?

January 14





January 15





January 16



Jeanie shared their discussion with Arya on being Kind.

Watch for more information about HeartLand in July/August 2023.

From yesterday’s Skype meeting wit ha group that followed Roy Masters (based in UK) a page has been added to the website

And then from the MindShifters Group on Saturday a discussion of Grief.  Another page added to the website on Emotions

Today we covered Grief on the show.

MindShifter: “If grief surfaces I remember my true identity, I breathe, as I bring love present to my mind and heal all thought disorders related to loss.”

Means bringing the emotions forward in the presence of Love, not figuring it out

Healing of the EGO mind

Caller Celinda asked for a MindShifter from the EGO section. #2: “EGO offerings, those tainted with even a touch of fear and/or hostility, are always inferior.”

Also, MindShifter from section 8, #4 Dealing with Power Person issues:” The more mistakes I made the more my parents cherished and were there for me.”

Aramaic language was the source of 5 major religions: Basis of Bahai Faith, YShua, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Christianity and suspected that of the Buddha.
3D shadows of the periodic table of the elements, based in physics of universe.

January 17



Addition to website on Marijuana and Anesthetics. Initiated by an email michael received from a young lady whose son is now doing marijuana. She had several questions around her spouse (separated from) and the impact on her son.

Centers around a discussion on the myths surrounding marijuana and its impact on brain development, particularly in youth. Michael Ryce begins by recalling a decades-old educational video on the subject, which he is working to make available online. The video highlights how marijuana use among teenagers can lead to significant cognitive and emotional harm, including organic brain damage. Ryce underscores that the potency of THC in marijuana has drastically increased from around 5-6% in the 1960s to as high as 90% today, amplifying its harmful effects, particularly on developing brains.

Ryce addresses the broader issue of substance use, likening it to alcohol abuse and emphasizing that both substances are often used as anesthetics to escape unresolved pain or trauma. He urges listeners to explore forgiveness work as a way to heal this internal pain and avoid the need for such substances. The episode is inspired by a listener’s story about her son’s marijuana use, which is leading him down a path similar to his father’s. Ryce advises the listener to continue doing her own healing work and to encourage her son to use the forgiveness tools, such as the Drag-on/Cling-on game, to become more aware of his emotions and behaviors.

The episode touches on how unresolved emotional pain from childhood and generational trauma often leads people to blame others for their discomfort. Ryce discusses the “file folder effect,” a psychological phenomenon in which past painful experiences are subconsciously linked to current relationships, often causing conflict. He encourages listeners to use forgiveness to break these negative links and create healthier, more loving connections with others.

HeartLand this summer, the Steiner Waldorf Education group wants to use the facility beginning August 6th for a few weeks. If that confirms, then we will do a 16-day Food, Fun, Forgiveness and Work program to get the buildings and grounds ready (as it has been closed almost 4 years).  We do work projects during the day and have class at night. AND if there is enough commitment we could do a 9-day Why and/or 17-day Teachers Training in person instead of online as planned.  We would require everyone take a Covid test (and it be negative) before arriving and Dr John Lieurance has a nasal spray that is great for assisting the immune system.  We would be as safe as possible.

January 18



New pages “More” is tied to the App, 2023 HeartLand this summer, and another Newsletter is getting ready to go out.
Caller John went through a worksheet with michael’s guidance. Live worksheet online  he is feeling hostility, rage, grief, sadness with this cerebrospinal fluid issue.  His story is “my life is handicapped and diminished, minimal, had to move away from 16 yr old daughter, life sucks.” Can you imagine removing the patterns of locking down the rage for example to the point of building pressure in the mind (manifesting as your head issues)?  Under Stress we do what our Power Person did that we hated the most.Bruce Lipton “Biology of Belief” thoughts become your chemistry in your cells.
January 19



Dr Tim walked Celinda through a worksheet

Caller Susan, appreciation

michael suggested John look into Upledger Institute International – – CranioSacral Therapy

Caller John, continue at Step 2 in Live worksheet – willing to look at what is true (generational issues, Lakota says “Mitakuye Oyasin” – for all my relations)

A continuation of a profound conversation with a caller named John, who is navigating severe physical challenges related to brain trauma and mobility issues. The episode builds on previous discussions about emotional healing and the power of forgiveness. Michael Ryce begins by reconnecting with John and revisiting the core ideas discussed in the previous day’s session, especially those related to the work of Dr. John Sarno, whose teachings on mind-body connection and the role of suppressed emotions in physical pain resonated with John. Ryce emphasizes that unresolved emotions, like rage, grief, and fear, can manifest as physical symptoms and create long-term damage in the body if left unaddressed.

The bulk of the episode is dedicated to guiding John through a detailed step-by-step process using the seven-step “wake-up sheet.” Ryce walks John through identifying the core emotion—rage in this case—and the deeper, unresolved generational trauma that likely fuels it. They discuss how rage, grief, and other emotions are stored in the body and how releasing them can alleviate physical conditions, such as the pressure building up in John’s brain and spine. Ryce encourages John to work with love, asking him to cancel his current goal of being physically healthy and walking well, explaining that releasing this goal can collapse the mental constructs driving the emotional pain.

Through guided breathing and focusing on love, John is led to a place of empowerment. Ryce explains that true healing requires the presence of love and the willingness to face buried emotions, which can be deeply tied to generational patterns. By the end of the session, John reports feeling peaceful and empowered, marking a significant shift in his emotional state, which Ryce links to a potential improvement in his physical condition as well.

The episode is a powerful example of how deep emotional work can lead to both mental and physical healing, with Ryce offering practical tools like the forgiveness process to help John and others address the root causes of their suffering.

January 20



Dr Tim walks Tim B through a worksheet.

Caller Lisa asks michael about the AVACEN, late stage cancer, treating holistically. When minerals are not getting into the scalp (for example) and hair turns grey. Deliver minerals back into the hair follicles the hair turns back dark.

AVACEN is a delivery system throughout the body. Have the practitioner administering the “dosage” of immune-therapy chemical to monitor closely as the chemical may be delivered at a different speed than normal. Only contraindication is that if you are ‘fragile’ because a controlled research study found that using the AVACEN after a meal was equal to a brisk walk. Sugar metabolism. It changes how the body metabolizes everything.

Caller Paula, discussion of the healing process and breathing into the pain.  Refer to John’s worksheet, in the beginning his rage at life and the pain, then at the end his goal was to go into and open the heart space and be the presence of love. You have to enter into the practice of entering your life. She has had nothing but pain and being in a body means suffering and abuse.

Separated the two shows : dr. michael ryce walks caller JohnC through a very powerful wake-up sheet (2 parts) now under Special Shows and also on the YouTube channel
January 18, 2023 Part 1 Radio Show (MP3 format)
January 19, 2023 Part 2 Radio Show (MP3 format) 

January 21





January 22





January 23



technical difficulties at the beginning

Jeanie said she has India (her tech developer) working on the online worksheets. They have tested the app both iPhone and Android and both were working on her devices.

We were part of a group in Johnson City this weekend and michael create a new, simpler 7-step worksheet (will be on the site soon).

michael talks about the ‘one world religion’ of blame and most everyone is trapped in it. As long as I live in blame I cannot capture the part of my mind where I create false perception.

Live in our own personal Trauma Law or the Law of the Universe – we have free will and can stay ‘stuck’ in the patterns if we choose.

HeartLand the 1st or 2nd week of July for 16-day Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work Program, and we may do a 9-day Why or 17-day Teacher’s Training then the workshop with the Steiner Organization beginning August 6th.  Please notify Jeanie at

Caller Patrick, from this weekend workshop, the expansion is amazing. michael added the kingdom of God is about expansion. Patrick asked if adopted do you carry double the dynamics? The energy from the biological parents becomes part of the genetic structure and then the dynamics from the adoptive parents is added to the mix. Started working on fear and rejection and then anger came up. michael said anger is actually an anesthetic to cover pain. Epiphany is there is more underneath be gentle with yourself.

Dr John Lieurance’s company MitoZen, has a nose spray GlutaStat. Use prophylactic and after being around others to build and support the immune system.  We will require negative result of Covid test

Caller Patrick McGhan, when you do work and genes change (adapt). Bruce Lipton.

The person with the dubious honor of being the first to study sperm in detail was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutchman who developed the early compound microscope. Each sperm carries different genes from the father and the egg determines which sperm gets in (not just the first to get to the egg gets in). Epigenetics (that which is over the genes) epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence.

January 24



Dr Tim did a worksheet from the app

Caller Celinda asked about the abbreviated worksheet

Why Again book is now in 9 languages with Mandarin coming.

YouTube Channel – will post the video of the most recent podcasts soon

New 7-Step Current Short used in workshop on Sunday in Johnson City TN (presentation to be online soon)

Global Book Club on January 12, 2023, Michael wasn’t able to join in this session but the group decided as a group to go through a Reality Worksheet.

New section on website with article on alcohol

and the section on Marijuana

Question in a text about the file folder effect: ‘wire together’ and ‘fire together’ – example purple alligator

Caller Dusty – talked about friends having issues with Alzheimer’s. Suggest trying (from Amazon) Nutricost MCT Oil Powder 2LBS (32oz) – Great for Ketosis and Ketogenic Diets – Zero Net Carbs – Non-GMO + Gluten Free – $33 for 2lb – we saw it make a difference in Jeanie’s Dad and his memory issues

Caller Bob from Australia – reaching out to make a difference in other lives – concerned he will die before his message gets out there Go to

Caller Magda, question around MCT Oil Powder. We use as a prophylactic. Is a support and fuel that takes a load off the pancreas. Dr. Pradip Jamnadas is the founder and medical director of Cardiovascular Interventions.

January 25



Dr Lou Corleto, TAO-Living Podcast interview with dr. michael ryce “The Healing Power of Forgiveness” on YouTube

Celinda’s questions about MCT Oil Powder. Will MCT work with hypoglycemia?
michael was not real familiar with Dr. D’Adamo’s blood type research but addresses calcium and magnesium deficiency. What you are eating/drinking is a factor in everything. It must be able to be absorbed by the body. Discusses digestion, elimination. Do more study of cause of health than cause of disease. Second year syndrome, intense study of abnormal states (ie disease) creates that disease within 2 years. MCT oil powder mixes well in teas or smoothies and tastes better than the oil.

Celinda asked about the work program at HeartLand.  Mentioned the Vision Statement and Purpose Statement

The book is in 9 languages (some just partial) on website

Caller Terry B, shared when he was at HeartLand for 2 years and on his way home he had a full-blown awareness experience.  Then spoke about genetic stuff to deal with to be able to hang onto the awareness.  Reminiscing of the oak floor in Heaven, the concrete Heart in the HeartCenter and all the work done by Terry, David, Jerry, Mahsa, Nousha, Kathleen and others on the Team in 2009

Rakhma and Khooba – discussed. The Thai translation of an article on Rakhma and Khooba was I believe a translation from a FAQ about the subject. See – michael may turn it into an article to be posted. Jeanie has created a page on the site to redirect people who might search for the topic

January 26



Dr Tim goes through a worksheet – Callers Susan and Magda have input and questions

New items on website: Wellness Through Stillness FREE Meditation

Go to the menu item “Healing” and then “In michael’s Words” have you read these articles and listened to the meditations?

Have you checked out the Frequently Asked Questions?

Have you watched the Instructional Videos for the website and the app?

Today Global Book Club with dr michael ryce at 3:30PM eastern time today
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 9401 2819  Passcode: 54321

Question received by email on the AVACEN -“Does the Avacen work for long term healing as well as temporary relief? Is the increased circulation helping the body to do its own healing or is it more of a tool to bring some blood flow and thus pain relief in the moment?”

The scripture about the woman with a 12-year issue of blood and not strong enough on her own to heal. She touched the hem of Y’Shua’s garment and was healed and Y’Shua said thy faith has made you whole (not him).

Caller Celinda, talk about ‘terra firma’ solid ground.  She mentioned her dis-eases were actually protection until she was strong enough to deal.  michael suggested as the quote says “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours.” Richard Bach

January 27



Dr Tim clarifies it is always an inside job, it is never about whatever or whoever outside of me.

Jeanie shared getting the online worksheets ‘fixed’ and the tech wants $400. If anyone can help with that expense please contact – also have a Zelle account where there are no fees – contact me

michael suggested to Susan B to register her yard as a Home Grown Park

discussion of breathing through the mouth or nose – when ‘dumping’ and moving things the toxicity hits the stomach and the body goes yuck and nausea happens

New Short work sheet

Caller Susan B said she is doing a gentle cleanse, skin wants to be scratched. Her grandson Luke has been sober for 3 months and helping at a children’s hospital and is even talking to Jacob to change.

Caller Celinda offered the parent does not even realize.

Suggest Plumfund as a fundraiser app.

January 28





January 29





January 30



Dr Tim assists Ann formulate a worksheet

michael speaks about “healing” and gives a personal example about his back and neck and the ‘symptoms’ coming forward with memories of events through his life.

SYMPTOMS OF HEALING revised 2019 What does it mean to be willing to go through the symptoms of healing?  What’s the difference in dis-ease process and a healing crisis (PDF format)  Listen to excerpts from April 2020 radio show MP3 where michael explains a Healing Crisis and additional info on MP3 of May 4, 2020. Also, about thoughts and emotions becoming physical radioshow October 22, 2020 MP3. Another discussion on healing through past (even generational) issues and focusing on healing not symptoms January 27, 2021 MP3.

20 Mule Team Borax – 2 Tablespoons in a liter bottle, shake well wait until dissolved then take 2 Tablespoons a day

Energy systems coming into alignment bring in more energy, not by efforting.

The radio show recording delves deeply into the healing process, discussing both physical and emotional aspects. The speaker shares their personal journey of overcoming chronic back pain, which originated from a condition they had as a child, called spondylolisthesis. Over the years, through various therapies, the pain subsided, but a recent massage session brought up old, unprocessed memories. The speaker emphasizes the connection between emotional trauma and physical symptoms, illustrating how unprocessed emotions can manifest physically even after emotional work has been done. They recount the memory of being severely punished by their father, and how this trauma led to physical pain decades later.

In the discussion, the speaker also explores the body’s energy systems, explaining that the body stores unresolved emotional and physical trauma in tissues, which can manifest as pain when the body is ready to heal. They share the importance of continuous healing work, noting that even if emotional forgiveness has occurred, the physical body may still hold onto that energy. The speaker advocates for practices like breath work, energy work, and forgiveness as essential tools in moving past these stored traumas.

Additionally, they touch upon the symptoms of healing, explaining how they can resemble disease symptoms, such as low energy, negative emotions, or mental confusion. The speaker explains how to differentiate between a healing process and a disease process by asking four key questions, which involve evaluating if one has reached new levels of vitality and whether elimination processes have improved. The show encourages listeners to stay committed to their healing journey, underscoring that healing is a gradual process that often happens in layers.

The speaker also discusses the interplay between different parts of the body, such as the neck and back, showing how trauma in one area can affect other parts due to the body’s interconnected energy systems. This is emphasized through their personal experience of how clearing back pain led to shifts in their neck and jaw. The overall message is one of hope and perseverance in the healing journey, stressing that the body will release trauma when it has the vitality to process it.

January 31



Caller Susan and Dr Tim discuss

The Power of Boron video now on our YouTube

Testimonial of a gentleman participating in the Self-Study CoDependence and feels his chronic PTSD is gone

Worksheets online are fixed (they carry forward the answers)

“Madness” by Alanis Morissette:

Now I see the madness in meIs brought out in the presence of youNow I know the madness lives onWhen you’re not in the room

And though I’d love to blame you for I’d miss these moments of opportuneYou’ve simply brought this madness to lightAnd I should thank you

Oh, thank you, much thanks for this bird’s eye viewOh, thank you for your most generous triggers

Carl Jung said “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
The Greek misinterpretation leads us to seek forgiveness outside our-self – that is pardoning. Aramaic Forgiveness is the access of the hidden parts (energetic assaults, genetics) of the mind and remove them.

16-day Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work has been $100/day ($1,600) work during the day, class at night. We have Terry Bowling (contractor) to head up the work crew. Saturday will be MindShifters & StillPoint Breathing and that night a movie.

9-day Why cost will be $1,675 (increase $100 from previous years)

Caller Terry B.  had a great talk with both Chuck and Michael T. and got input on all the units at HeartLand to be repaired. Material costs are up. If 100 people would give $100 each we would have $10,000 to go towards costs. A go-fund-me is now set up

There are multiple videos with Anil Seth (Ted Talk) Your Brain Hallucinates Your Conscious Reality – now on our YouTube channel too

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