Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – September 2023

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show
that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out
if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie
along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that
comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!


September 1



reading of The Way of Mastery lesson 8

Oreganoil -michael and Jeanie use Oreganol P73 Super Strength (from Amazon) – it is hot if it touches tissue in your mouth, so put water in your mouth and tip your head like you would gargle and drop a dropper full into the water and swallow.  This works on sore throats, coughs, congestion, sinus issue, UTI – any where bacteria is trying to grow. Here is a link to a student who did a study comparing Amoxicillin to Oregano Oil applied to bacteria in petri dishes. 

There are cases when Amoxicillin is useful when bacteria is overgrown in your system however drugs do not cure dis-ease. Jeanie told how toxic the building was from just manufacturing penicillin in it.

Hippocrates quotes: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” and “Those diseases which medicines do not cure, iron cures; those which iron cannot cure, fire cures; and those which fire cannot cure, are to be reckoned wholly incurable.”

Caller Lucy – wants explanation from CoDependence Self-Study intensive. Become aware of energy stored in tissue, you do not have to have a memory to process energy directly and avid putting it into my reality of you. Tools – all the above.

Caller Susan, update on situation with Michael (their house guest) and her physical challenges.

ACIM says when you are healed you are never healed alone. And Y’Shua said a little leavening leavens the whole loaf (he was not talking about bread. Critical mass.

September 2





September 3





September 4



Caller Tim Bingham went through a worksheet with Dr. Tim

reading of The Way of Mastery lesson 9

Caller Susan, story about her birth and as she was an infant, does not remember it but can picture it. Shalom Retreat years again and found this event outside of her memory during a mat session, pushing her breath to hyperventilation, people holding her down.  No thoughts about it just a thing that happened. Is she stuck if she can’t access it? michael said cognitive memory is not required to process it.

MindShifter: “Safety and deep security have always been my companion in life, especially in the presence of others rage or abuse.”

Arya told Susan, “thank you for Jesus” Susan sent us a Creche set made out of wood, it is beautiful. Susan told her to talk to Y’Shua and he would lead her.

Take care of the ‘heart’ for out of it come the issues in life. The heart is the unconscious. Ask and Receive.  Your ‘asker’ is the heart not the mouth. Power of life and death is in our words.

September 5



Caller Susan and Tim Bingham processing with Dr Tim

reading of The Way of Mastery lesson 9 continued

YouTube NASA Quantum Physicist PROVES We LIVE in a CONSCIOUS SIMULATION – NEW EVIDENCE! Tom Campbell Ph.D – spooky physics but not material

Marcel Vogel and the DeLaWarr camera Takes a picture by frequency not light. Ex. take a picture of an acorn and tune it just right and the picture is an oak tree.  The instruction set is there, you just need to know how to read it.

In the beginning was the willed action (or the mind energy) and it became flesh. (Aramaic) the potential becomes the manifest (obvious) world. Expressed in the physical world.

Filters of the Mind – you must maintain Rakhma when you think of the Creator, neighbor in order to maintain self. Hostility and fear distort our reality. Perception is then ‘looking through a glass darkly’ We have a genetic predisposition to one of the 3 filters.

Inertia – a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force. Forgiveness will change your inertia.

Most people spend 40 years in the desert (unconscious) before they wake up and begin to create consciously and move into the promised land

Caller Doug, wants to build more brain cells about certain concepts. Forgiveness cleans up CBM and also sets Rakhma?  michael says setting Rakhma empowers forgiveness – you want Rakhma set before and as you do the forgiveness process. We can engage in the mechanical process without Rakhma, although on the worksheet it says set Rakhma as the core. When you set Rakhma, isn’t that what enables you to change the content? Not that Black & White, if someone is in the space holding Love present then forgiveness happens, we are not in this alone.

September 6




2nd hour replay of Why Workshop 1 hr

September 7



Jeanie read an email from Roma in Hawaii

michael spoke about the indigenous people (Hawaii and Native Americans) being evicted from their land.  They considered themselves inhabitants of the earth – not ‘owners’ of the land. Need the filter of Rakhma set in the mind for just and fair behavior.

Caller Celinda, shared her time on Hawaii. They discussed gold and silver and Federal Reserve notes. Injustices and Greed.

Caller Susan,asked about michael’s foot. Been a pattern of going on a trip and having a foot issue. Discussed her grandson ranting about what is going on in the world. He is a spectrum of autism and sees the world differently.

Caller Joe, marvel that when something takes him out of the flow of love, instead of disguising it, he sees the idea of pain and he thinks I am not in the flow, if I wait and am patient it will come around. This too shall pass. Relationship stuff said and heard differently. Exciting to say you are never upset for the reason you think so BE the space and maintain human life in the presence of it. “without you I am not going to be OK” marvel at my self-talk, can now self-regulate. Choosing to watch my words. So what can I do instead of being brutally honest? Should be able to say what I think? MindShifter: “It is safe and healing, and people have always deeply appreciated me and acknowledged me, for speaking exactly what is on my mind, because the truth is always safe and healing.”

September 8



Caller Nene, did Teachers’ Training Twelve years ago and has been teaching since.  Nene does a meditation usually in Spanish. Will be doing a guided Shabag Functional Meditation via Zoom on Tuesday, September 12th, 8:00PM – you can text Nene 954-607-9539 (will do in English the 2nd Tuesday of each month). Does in Spanish the 2nd and 4th Tuesday but 12:30pm eastern.

ZOOM for English Meditation
Topic: Shbag. Beingness VS. Doingness, with Rosario Nené Ortega  @nenedanzante
Date: Tuesday  Sep 12, 2023 
Time: 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 5409 2664
Passcode: 028538
ZOOM for Spanish Meditation
Topic:  SER …. o No-SER
Shbag Meditación Funcional con Rosario Nené Ortega
Fecha: Sábado 16 de Septiembre , 2023 
Hora:  12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Miami-Caracas
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 3807 5531
Passcode: 348616

Caller Terry, spoke with Nene about incorporating her meditation with his Spanish workers.Caller Joe shared

Terry asked his AA sponsor, how many meetings do I have to go to?  He said keep going to meetings until you want to go to meetings, then you will go anyway.  Well, do worksheets until you want to do worksheets – then continue.

September 9





September 10





September 11




2nd hour pre-recorded Communication Part 1

September 12




2nd hour pre-recorded Communication Part 2

September 13




2nd hour pre-recorded Women Healing Women

September 14




2nd hour pre-recorded Similarities to AA

September 15




2nd hour pre-recorded Discussion of 12-steps

September 16





September 17





September 18



Fear inducing spiritual teachings are in almost all religions.

michael helps Julia go through a worksheet on breaking her vow in Buddhism and going to Vajra Hell. Karma belief. Guilt, did not keep my vow, not faithful. May be generational thoughts, what is at the root of ‘figuring it out’? Maybe great grandfather cheated on his spouse and afterward had such distraught energy that who knows what he did. Or maybe something mom did while you were in utero.

MindShifter: “It is safe and healing for me to change my mind, even a vow, when I reach a new level of awareness.”

Goal: Freedom is general. Be specific: more like I want him to support my new choices or to be strong enough to make my own choices.  To release me from my vow.

Suggest another worksheet on self, I am stuck in a cycle of punishment if I change my mind. Goal to be able to choose to give it up and that is ok.

At any point I can breathe and hold the space of love, apply ‘forgiveness’ and the energy behind can dissolve. Can’t figure it out.

September 19



Blog Talk had issues with callers calling in (fast busy signal)

Caller Doug continued the conversation about filters ‘hostility, fear or Rakhma’ which quality of the filter change the quality of intentions. See poster

Acceptance verses being in the state of Love and having the best knowledge to know how to deal with what is happening.


Relationship between Rakhma and Faith – Rukha d’Khoodsha is the Breath and is the link

September 20



Read a letter from a lady asking about needing details around a traumatic event when she was 12 and had a panic attack. MindShifter: “It is safe & healing and I give myself permission to access the thought disorders and events around the panic attack that happened when I was 12.” Who was involved? Panic would mean it’s about safety and having the goal of someone to take care of you.  If you have had more panic attacks what triggered it?  Unconscious thought disorders that are activated and panic sets in.  michael gave an example of a lady whose dad was a drunk and she was the one who tested the waters to see if he was an angry drunk or happy drunk. (follow-up michael spoke on alcohol)

Caller Julia, continue worksheet. What came up for her was a theme of guilt. She rejects guilt but thought of when her Mom’s sister blurted out about her biological father and her Mom then took her to meet him, then she has not heard from him in 28 years. michael suggested do a worksheet vicariously as if you were your Mom and tap into her energy, suspect something like that might be the root truth behind all the deities and damnation.Cancel the goal for him to support my choices, or to accept me, embrace me as a Buddhist with integrity although I changed my mind. Refer to Mom and her wanting her sister to honor her and offer integrity toward private information.

Cancel the goal, Breathe, feel relief with the breath.  Invite Rukha. Feels if he were here today it might be different. See maybe I was the one projecting I was bad. See that guilt is useless.

September 21



Dr Tim shared holding the space means to allow, expand, breathe, not know, stay out of fear.

Response from the lady who’s email we addressed yesterday.

Caller Susan speaks of her ‘house guest’ Michael and holding back her thoughts.  MindShifter: “It is safe and healing, appreciated, approved of and accepted by Tim, myself, and Michael, when I speak up and share every thought that goes through my mind.”  michael said he got a visual of Susan as a child having to withhold her thoughts, disapproved by others. Time to let the flood gates open, instead of fear of disapproval for speaking her truth. She said you are not really wanting me to do that, just put it on paper? That would be triple terrible. Fear comes up. Admire that you are willing to do the work.

She said her mind is struggling with itself.  MindShifter: “Self acceptance is safe and healing.” There is a middle ground.

Something like, “Michael you know you have more challenges today than when you first came here (back pain, teeth, etc).  You seem to be going in a downhill direction. I want to support you but I also want to take care of me.  If you keep going you may be an invalid and I am not able to take care of you.  I want to support you looking at resources for the future. Services available. Take responsibility for your life.”  His instant response is you want me out of here.  “No, I want to make plans. If you got stronger and healthier that would be the plan I would like but that is not happening.”

Caller Magda, gone through numerous conversations with people that my mind told me might be difficult to do. What I do is readily, often during conversation, say you know we want to talk to you and we are NOT saying we want you out of here. Then maybe his fear would not be ignited. or Michael you know we are delighted you are here …

Caller Celinda, having a large challenge. Unwilling to put it on the air, will wrestle with it some more. Mentioned she feels connected with Susan, leap frogging in the healing. Going through Healing Crisis but good news is she is more regular than any time in her life. Elimination is a reflection of letting go. And laughs more.

September 22



Dr Tim read the history, tortured life told by Diederik Wolsak in “Choose Again: Six Steps to Freedom” and his taking a different direction to heal his anger, self-deprecation.

Jeanie read the clarification – another response from Rachel, “my sister told me she had said to my mom that my mom broke me, not that I had broken my mom.” Creating thoughts of I am broken.

michael explains the first step in ‘aging’ is when enthusiasm is not allowed to express (with thoughts of what is wrong with me? self-blame and guilt/shame and degrading self thoughts) and tends to impact the pineal gland. He went through the chart all the way to apathy and unconsciousness.

See the chart

Scriptures says the mind energy becomes flesh. Bruce Lipton also address thoughts becoming chemistry (neuropeptide).

Time is Not Toxic

Thoughts Cause Changes to Genes

Caller Dan, got Covid but is doing well. Enthusiastic about doing the worksheets but then felt kinda confused and groggy. Shared a worksheet of being the joyful child then about 3 or 4 he went to a Chinese restaurant and got a fortune cookie, he couldn’t read but said it said ‘Calm down, Danny’ and took it on that he had to do that (and it was his own words).  Parents get enraged and embarrassed so knew he had to be quiet.  MindShifter: “It is safe and healing and people love it and approve of me when I am in total enthusiasm.” Also, rivalry as a kid in school, he was held in contempt by the girls in class.  He is always trying to get women to approve of him.  Try to get people to like me to build my own self esteem. Asked if he could do the MindShifter over time, like 10 minutes a day? If it is a significant issue then sit with it for an hour.

Power Person dynamic  child draws in the energy of the parent.  When ultra stressed we do the behavior that our PP did that we hated the most, because that is how to win.

2nd hour excerpt saved under Special Shows

September 23





September 24





September 25



Dr Tim finished reading by Diederik Wolsak in “Choose Again: Six Steps to Freedom” Similar to our reality management sheet, not to replace it but another tool.

Caller Julia,has trouble identifying ‘punishment’ – list in the CoDependence intensive. michael added the upset or disturbance is within you. Getting rid of what is in you would give you the higher guidance of what you can do. Example of worksheet around taxes or waste or supporting countries. Jeanie read from the list of punishment / avoidance list from the Detailed Power Person worksheet.

Caller Joe, the vastness becomes peace, profit and purpose. “This is so hard.” like lotus peeling away. Hopeless to get mud off, not true. The set-up a certain way based on what I learned. Collapse and delete methods you thought worked. Did not work as well as forgiveness – the results spreads the peacefulness in the vastness of my space. Language helps with this misperception.  Out standing in the field.  What’s the best thing to throw in the smoothie that is green? Kale, lettuce, spinach.

Caller Magda, reminder to go through this intensive again. In terms of self-punishment, everything I do that keeps me out of the space of love is self-punishment. Usually wrote: scream and yell but that is surface, real punishment is not being in the space of love. Made something more important than the connection to my source. Story of Christian the Lion   When Christian holds the space, his female (who is completely wild) allows the guys to pet her too. It wakes up the love in everyone. The possibility we all have. The Rose and Butterfly

Thanks for being willing to stay with the process, Magda, the Communication tool went to the next level after that intensive process.

michael addressed projection communication (‘you made me’) verses responsibility communication (it is all about me)

September 26



Dr Tim reading by Diederik Wolsak “Choose Again”

Today’s daily thought from Diedrick (Choose Again) and Sandy Wilder (Educare Unlearning) were so in sync with each other

New page on website on Punishment / Avoidance  also refer to Emotions and Thoughts and Feeling Wheel

michael did an interview on PBN with Jill Nicolini (a powerhouse in news and entertainment industry) podcast this morning and it will be available soon.

Caller Susan, discussed going through a healing crisis (physical and emotionally). Dr Tim said write down (journal writing) every thought about her house guest. Then michael gave her the MindShifter. Amazing how you two work in tandem without speaking with each other. It is reasonable for him to find a place with resources and purpose for caring for him and reasonable to care for yourself too. Being able to embrace our foibles and stay connected to love. You give him the awesome gift of telling him the truth, you can help support him in getting where he can get help, and say we cannot take responsibility for and we are not willing to take care of you.

Thursday September 28, 2023 is the Book club Topic: Hear My Voice Book Club
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 9401 2819  Passcode: 54321

Will be doing a worksheet (with Gabriela perhaps) – if she cannot then Yinka will do one herself.

ACIM says in Responsibility for Sight: “²It is the same small willingness you need to have your whole relationship transformed to joy; the little gift you offer to the Holy Spirit for which He gives you everything; the very little on which salvation rests; the tiny change of mind by which the crucifixion is changed to resurrection. ³And being true, it is so simple that it cannot fail to be completely understood. ⁴Rejected yes, but not ambiguous. ⁵And if you choose against it now it will not be because it is obscure, but rather that this little cost seemed, in your judgment, to be too much to pay for peace.” (ACIM, T-21.II.1:2-5)

September 27



michael discusses Pseudo Solutions
Pseudo Solutions List now on website
New page on website on Punishment / Avoidance 
Shbag Saturday, September 3oth, 12:30 pm. EDT. EN ESPAÑOL
Shbag . Rosario Nené Ortega is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Shbag . Meditación Funcional. IKIGAI
Time: Sep 30, 2023 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 4236 2352
Passcode: 560250
Caller Terry, listening to Joe Dispenza  into the particle and wave.  The worksheet assists us in pushing our mind into the wave state and collapses the particles. 
Marcel Vogel and the DeLaWarr camera Takes a picture by frequency not light. Ex. take a picture of an acorn and tune it just right and the picture is an oak tree.  The instruction set is there, you just need to know how to tune into it and read it.  Everything is potential until measured (in resonance). The image (the instruction set) of the oak tree is in the acorn and this camera could decode it.  Took a picture of the high energy wave that leaves the mind when we think a thought. Creator-ship. If I have the mind energy of pain, grief or trauma that is what I will create. Interacts with the quantum potential. In Aramaic, manifest means obvious. If it is obvious that I get ripped off, the strongest resonating energy, then I create situations to get ripped off.  Living with the fruits of my thoughts (the quantum potential collapses the wave). Physic’s mechanics of our creation.
January 31, 2011 to today is 3,303 hours of 1 hour shows. Dr Tim began a 2nd hour on March 4, 2019 adding another 1,193 shows = total 4,496 hours of archives
September 28



Dr Tim has callers Susan and Gail, upset inside is inside. Synchronicity with 12-steps, dr. michael ryce’s work and Wolsak. AlAnon adopted the 12-steps as AA – we carry the message to others.

Detailed Power Person Worksheet – one person said way “this is way over the top and more than they are interested in doing.” Scripture says nothing will remain hidden, everything will come to the light of day.

Jeanie shared a news break that triggered something in her. Healthcare desert and “pro-life” desert of the United States.

Caller Terry, saw the email from Jeanie but has not gone all the way through it, the gist was abundantly there.  A lot of amazing conversations but would be major to transcribe all. Once he makes a commitment all these things come up. Afternoon radio show time and so many people won’t leave him alone. Now, that the camera can see different stages of development?  The egg has a screening device and which sperm is selected to create the body this Being needs to come into life.  Would there be a time where more perfect humans would come in? Conjecture as to whether we are trying to get back to there? Wo-man verses man, mental and emotional variances. Energetic principle – that which originates, sets the program as to how it unfolds. Except if a person chooses to remove energies and live differently. Develop the ability to interrupt the pattern. Change predestined to potential reality. Quiet the predestined mind and bring unrealized potential and bring it into expression. Ability to change the possibilities.

Caller Dan, the predestination verses pre-choice resonates with him. Are we playing out the programing or taking responsibility and using the faculty of choice? When he learned a particular path (at 2 months old, became part of underlying dynamic), took on the reality, but being responsible for his ‘taking it on’ he has freedom of choosing.  May not access cognitively but can forgive and collapse the goal 50 years later and drop into the experience as love and the reality construct will collapse in the presence of love and the root energy collapses and transmutation of the impact of the experience takes place.

Anil Seth Ted Talk –

Example of Ryan (Jeanie’s son) remembering he had a sister in utero. And the story of him looking for the cat before the dryer is started.

September 29



Shbag Meditation in Spanish tomorrow. Call 954-607-9539 Text / What’s Ap or Call Nene if you have any questions. Link below.

Caller Dan, most of his goals are like “go away” “leave me alone” are those positive goals? michael explained the Laws of Living regulatory speech. “Don’t think about the color of your car.” Resonates the hidden counteractive content. Matching bags of garbage.

Caller Terry joined the conversation.

ACIM “In my defenselessness, my power and safety lies” Holding defense is a call for attack.

September 30




Shbag Saturday, September 30th, 12:30 pm. EDT. EN ESPAÑOL
Shbag . Rosario Nené Ortega is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Shbag . Meditación Funcional. IKIGAI
Time: Sep 30, 2023 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 4236 2352
Passcode: 560250
September 31



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