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Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce
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March 1
Dr Tim talked about the book “The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom” by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy – “Literalists teach that the important thing is to blindly believe in religious dogmas. Gnostics interpret their teachings as signposts pointing to the experience of awakening. Literalists see their teachings as literally the truth itself. Gnostics use symbolic parables to communicate the way to wake up.” The Enlightenment Study archives either on YouTube or Podbean GETTING THE STRESS Schematics of the Mind (Three filters) revised 2017 from Getting the Stress You Need (PDF format) Rakhma and Khooba explained. Caller Joanna, can we heal for others even if they are not on this plane? |
March 2
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March 3
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March 4 | Jeanie’s book “Healing Generations: One Breath at a Time” – first draft arrived for editing.
Master Cleanse (Kidney Flush) Celinda primal fear over rides her rage – goes back to being 2 yrs old (may be genetic). PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF EMOTIONAL SUPPRESSION Chart revised 2017 from Empowered to Heal Youthing/Aging Chart (PDF format) Listen to RadioShow September 22, 2023 (MP4 format on YouTube) Power Person messages bought into become thought disorders, direct from PP or indirect (passively made up ourself). There are 9 of our workshops we have played on radio shows. Do a search on the website for these titles.
Caller Camie asked about Rakhma & Khooba and GETTING THE STRESS Schematics of the Mind (Three filters) revised 2017 from Getting the Stress You Need (PDF format) Rakhma and Khooba explained.
Rookha d’Koodsha (translated as Holy Spirit) definition is on reality wake-up sheet. Elemental force who undoes the effects of our errors and teaches us the truth.
Caller Rome, work with ADHD? michael said his take is ADHD is a defense mechanism against attack (hyper-vigilant). Parasympathetic vs Sympathetic
March 5 | Email “In the Old Testament Israel seems to constantly struggle with being governed by God. So at first they are ruled by judges and after continual rejection of God they ‘demanded a king like all the other (heathen) nations.’ God warned Israel against it but permitted it and things got worst. What is your take on Matthew 20:25-26? Was Yeshua saying it is still preferable to have God as your king and not to be like the other nations (Gentiles) who are ruled by lords who exercise authority over them?” Jeanie responded “That is exactly what he’s saying. And he says render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s (ie taxes if you play in the world’s business) and the rest unto God.” michael addressed further, chosing man over God – here is the results.
Caller Susan, grandson Jacob issue. Does the devil exist outside of us? Refer to the quote: “The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.” michael said he would change it to “…that he does exist.” because it is easier to blame someone else (even an outside devil). The resistor is one who misleads, inside job. Caller Camie, offered support to Susan. Camie has been 1 year sober and feels Susan has made the right choice to not enable Jacob. Engage in mind energy that is disintegrative in nature and the energetic patterns will become physiology (dis-ease). Engage in mind energy that is integrative and it will heal the physiology. According to our thoughts we set up either serenity or drama and accordingly we bring about the results. |
March 6 | “The Brain that Changes Itself” by Norman Doidge is a revolutionary book that describes the incredible brain’s plasticity by sharing stories of people that overcame neurological impediments and changing their lives.
‘Falling off your be-lief’ story by Dr Tim Learn to live in the question without demanding an answer. Open to learn and give our-self the space to experience life. Ask to be shown. The mind is a faithful servant not to be our master. Precious gift is through the intuitive mind or the awakened heart. Caller Joan asks if Energy Field Work is connected to ‘tapping’ From Friday, doing work changes for others too? Mitakuye Oyasin – for all my generations. Power Person dynamic discussion. MindShifter 7-5: Healing Generations: “It is safe for me to invite the darkest parts of my family history to come to awareness and heal.” From yesterday chatroom: “The other day you said ADHD is a defense mechanism against attack (hyper-vigilant). I have a few members & friends with ADHD, wondering what work sheets may be helpful to work on with them.” or any other information on ADHD. First have them pick from MindShifters numbers. The need to be hyper-vigilant. Let them know it is safe to look. Continue reading from ‘Enlightenment’ – Khooba filter over Perception and gateway for Love to enter. |
March 7 |
Continue reading from The Enlightenment – Be-Attitudes (covered the first one) BE-ATTITUDES (Beatitudes) poster from Laws of Living (PDF format) for detail explanation, go to BEATITUDES Page & Listen to MP3s |
March 8 | Dr Tim talked about a client and doing Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping focuses on tapping the 12 meridian points of the body to relieve symptoms of a negative experience or emotion. Shifting the thought of self instead of ‘them’ during tapping. “Never upset for the reason I think I am.” Way of Mastery says “And indeed, once again, greetings unto you, beloved and holy friends. We would trust, then, that this moment finds you well. We would trust, then, that this moment finds you willing to be wholly where you are. We would trust, then, that in this moment, we would find you willing to assume responsibility for the choices you have made, that have literally created the environment that you are experiencing in this moment: the chair in which you sit, the walls around you, the things that hang upon the walls, the individuals with whom you find yourself in close proximity, the individuals with whom you find yourself in relationship, the individuals with whom you work, those with whom you play, those with whom you share. We would trust that this moment finds you, the Holy Child of God, at play in the Kingdom of Christ. And if not…if, as you listen to that greeting, you are aware within yourself that, Well, that’s not quite the perspective from which I was beginning my listening of this tape. I thought I was going to sit down and listen to Christ. If there be some element, some touch, some trace within you of that perspective, then pause the tape right now. And, as you do so, abide by yourself, and take several deep breaths, if you wish. Go back to the five minute exercise of simply being the presence of Christ. For well do we perceive that many of you have already forgotten that the exercise exists. At the end of the five minutes, simply remind yourself that what is true always, is always true: Only Love is Real.”Call to action. Examples of Nelson Mandela and Roger McGowen AND BUTTERFLY Poster (PDF format) Stay connected to your Source. The name of God (YHWH – vowels were added to make it Yahweh) is like the Breath.Be-Attitudes are a set of instructions for producing the results BE-ATTITUDES (Beatitudes) poster from Laws of Living (PDF format) for detail explanation, go to BEATITUDES Page & Listen to MP3sCaller Susan, saw a podcast on a young man (Holden Lee) who experienced a Near Life (Death) Experience and could feel other people’s emotions (an empathic state). michael said he opened up the veil of their own denial and now get to face everything they have not dealt with on a greater level. He fell into drinking and such. Many people have intense generational pain and it is easier to resonate and take over the mind. Video to watch “A Walk in the Physical: Understanding the Human Experience Within the Larger Spiritual Context” by Christian Sundberg Similar to Dannion Brinkley “Saved by the Light” Time changes this weekend |
March 9
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March 10
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March 11 | email from Shawn (in UK) addressed stepping stone or door mat video “Six Aramaic Keys of Y’Shua” the ‘list’ is all the aboveConscious / Subconscious / Unconscious – explainedCaller Michael T., shared his experience of 3-days intensive work with michael. |
March 12 | Shawn asks in chatroom about what changes filters in the mind
What do we do with generational memories? What does it take to get out of the desert? Rukha d’Koodsha feminine force for human (3rd unit of trinity) translated Holy Spirit – internal therapist to assist you if you ask. Invisible forces will be known to you by the effects / results (like the wind). We can experience the effects if we are aware, get our ‘bloated nothingness’ out of the way. Sandy on Podbean asks how she can forgive thinking about her nephew who is a liar. Apply forgiveness inside of you the part that holds the disturbing energy about lies. You experience what moves inside of you. Caller Melanie, sent her an email and and links to Julie’s children’s worksheets at (scroll down about half-way) The term Rookha d’Koodsha refers to the ‘Super-processor,’ so to speak, the ‘Elemental Force’ that, when invited into activity undoes the old realities based in hostility or fear. It is the term that has been translated in Greek as the ‘Holy Spirit’ but, in no way, shape or form, in the Aramaic, infers a disembodied spirit being. An interesting aside on this topic is the way that the Greek translations appear to be designed to keep people in fear, the chemistry of a dull (and therefore controllable) mind. In Aramaic we are told that the denial of ‘Rookha d’Koodsha’ keeps us in unforgiveness, where the Greek translation tells us that the denial of the ‘Holy Spirit’ is the ‘unforgivable sin!’ I have worked with so many people over the years who live in terror of going to hell because they committed this errantly named ‘unforgivable sin.’ Such a tragedy! Yesterday on Podbean a new listener asked what they can do with the fear they have about ghosts, spirits and shadows. |
March 13 | Dr. Tim talks to caller Celinda – about the dark matter. There are things hidden in plain site. Example of the lineage of Y’Shua through Joseph but we know Joseph was not his Father, immaculate conception. Don’t go down the road of what we know down the physical realm. You can have a direct experience, shift your mind energy and create a life experience in the next moment that you don’t understand. Don’t need someone to explain it as right or wrong. They don’t have the ability to change your experience.
Caller Peter – daughter issues, divorced her mom when she was 3. michael said mindset is during the first 5 years of life. Blame self. Power Person dynamic. POWER PERSON DYNAMICS – runs you based on the level of stress. From ‘nice guy’ (Dad I Love you) to resistance ‘snarky’ to ultra stressed ‘do what PP did to them that they hated the most’ (never see you again) Actively (thought received from PP) or Passively (own thought disorder). Need to arrive where we act out of Love instead of PP dynamic. Generational “sins of the father passed to 3 or 4 generations of those who hate me” The causes must die to move into the promised land. POWER PERSON WORKSHEET – who is your power person and what did you perceive their needs to be and how has it played out in your life? (PDF format) Listen to the excerpts (MP3s) of the radioshows from April 10 & 13, 2020. Also, MP3 excerpt from July 6, 2020 RESPONSE-ABILITY COMMUNICATION RULES revised 2021 from COMMUNICATION, Did You Hear What I Think I Said? (PDF format) The Breath – breaks through the veil between the unconscious and conscious mind. Safe data or dissociated data. Resistor – one who misleads. Willingness is also key. Everyone has to face their own work. Caller Barry – guided he needed transformation (rebirth). Growing slowly over time, maintaining balance in life. Am I resisting? Confusion is a step in the process, Blockage of Truth and then Truth and Love comes in. Denial is blaming someone outside of me for what I feel. Sadness is inside, not Mom or Dad’s sadness. What’s your specific goal for Mom or Dad? Cancel and your mind can collapse into the thought disorder underlying it. Every time you load the goal it resonates the unconscious dynamic inside, not that anything is wrong with the goal. Listen to Special shows where we walk someone through the forgiveness process Stay engaged with the principles instead of waiting until you are ‘stalled’ MindShifters & StillPoint Breathing this weekend |
March 14 | Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) stepping into life with the 8 Cs: confidence, calm, compassion, courage, creativity, clarity, curiosity, and connectedness.
Dr Tim discusses with Susan, living life differently, being Love. He has donated his time to this work for almost 20 years. Had to do work around being seen as ‘woowoo.’ The actuality Susan if asked ‘What’s your name? Tell me about yourself.’ Would you say I am Love and Light? Not invasive or intrusive to answer them this way. Essence of life and love just as you are. Depending on the setting: business or conference. Culture dependent. Be gentle with yourself, nobody is forcing you to do this. You are whole and complete just as you are. Susan continued conversation with michael. Switched to grandson who they have cut-off due to his drug/alcohol abuse and her house person Michael setting a departure date. Caller Camie playing in technology platform, with AI. Chiropractor and lemon & cayenne and breathing. Moving to a place of energy moving. Playing in higher energy. Stepped completely out of drama and trauma. Support is coming out of the woodwork. House in Missouri is seen beautifully instead of ‘run down.’ Sees a vision now. Caller Ann, respond to Susan, “I am a child of God and my name is…” my name is not who I am. Set a wedding date of June 9th and moving forward in my relationship – positive triggers. Caller Terri W., my mind/brain always sees things the way life shows up as an opportunity to change my perception. When a negative thing shows up in my perception it is an invitation. Maybe the invitation is truly not loving but if I am being Love, I have the power to introduce a loving thought. It is practice. Then the negative can transmute to positive, change in energy. When negative comes up, would an affirmative prayer work or forgiveness? An energy pattern comes up that does not support me as Love (life supporting) then I want to remove it. Can’t cover it up we must face it and deal with the issue (i.e. spray air freshener on the compost bucket to cover the smell but eventually we have to deal with the contents of the compost bucket). Attended a shadow workshop, listed everyone who has characteristics or traits I don’t like – which reflect the same in my own life. Do a worksheet naming ‘them’ and the situation and realize I drive that false picture with a goal for them. Maybe they are rageful, I wanted loving acknowledgement or for them to be loving to themself or to speak gently. Precisely identify what you wanted from ‘them’ – cancel and collapse the part of the mind that constructs the ‘shadow’ part. Can see the underlying content that projected onto them. The shadows dissolve. What about survivors guilt over parental suicide? MindShifter: “Mom supports and approves of me living a delightful fulfilling life.” Do a worksheet for her (as if you were her) around what was going on for her then. Power Point Caller Terry B., goal to call for thanks for this work. Thanks for the Purpose Worksheet Jeanie helped me with, so helpful. When people come together for supporting each other. |
March 15 | Caller Celinda, referring to yesterday’s conversation with Susan, share what goes for her. Fake it until you make it and the making is slow. Keep doing until it becomes real. Not hypocritical, michael offered to look at hypocrisy. MindShifter: 9-13 Living without Perception & Memory “Every destructive expression of hostility and fear in the world reminds me to forgive as to my perception and stay connected with my Source, my True Being … Love!” She started to write perfection instead of perception. Another MindShifter: “It has always been a wondrous experience when someone has caught me in hypocrisy and condemned me for it.” Forget to ask to be shown. Shaking and closing down her thyroid (throat chakra). In the 50’s they thought the enlarged thymus gland of a child was overgrown because thymus in an adult is small (shrinks 50% from active fear).
Can’t figure it out. So many energetics involved. No way the 9-bit mind can figure it out but can be forgiven.Made up a MindShifter: “It is safe and healing for me to feel affection.” regarding tightness around her house guest. Chose 9-9: “I willingly allow my past to be removed.” offering everything you see about Michael is from your past and inhibits your affection for him. There might be a resistance from your family past. Person eager to get us in therapy to change our ways so his goals can be met. Curious to know what is going on but does not want to know. He needs to go to CoDependence anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Jeanie asked about a comment made the other day: Stop projecting on my past. Substitute my past onto the actual present event. Then avoid the ability to be in active, present love. Collapse the projection / perception and move it out of the way to be in the present. |
March 16
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March 17
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March 18 | Caller Susan shared about her grandson.
michael continued with the Be-Attitudes Rocco Errico michael went to the dictionary in the back of The Enlightenment |
March 19 | Dr Tim reading the book by Kelly Jensen “(Don’t) Call Me Crazy: 33 Voices Start the Conversation about Mental Health” (interviewing K Jensen on Thursday) a combination of 33 different writings about this topic.
Words represent a frequency. Divine perception, sourced from energetic place of Love. Let go of the CBM construct. michael continued in the dictionary in the back of The Enlightenment |
March 20 | new page on website regarding Ho’oponopono – In the context of 1st Century Aramaic Forgiveness there are some things about Ho’oponopono that are off base in the way it is taught. A summary of the Four Suggested Steps and michael’s take on Ho’oponopono in the light of the 1st Century Aramaic teachings of Y’Shua.
the article and all the information michael covered is in the link above Caller Peter, about relatives stealing money from him and his wife. Focus was on thief in his worksheets, however, attending funeral other relatives had the same kind of losses. michael explanation of ‘forgiving’ in Aramaic ‘forgive as to your brother’ – what they brought up with their action. You can pardon them or not. Forgiveness is toward the action brought up in you, the pained perception in self being projected onto them. Energetically is what brought the situation into my space. The ‘thief’ even used the name of Jesus to justify their behavior. Now he is ‘mad at his wife’ – mad because you have mad in you. Discussion of holding one accountable after you’ve done your forgiveness work. Normally an imbalance of Honor Others, Self, Truth but yours are balanced. Honor Laws of Living is high. Perhaps not seeing full meaning, twist of gullibility. Discuss being love not loving someone. |
March 21 | Caller Susan and Magda discuss with Dr Tim – as a child “I must be dumb or stupid.” and not having a good memory (self shutdown new information). Opportunity to take the mess and move in a new direction. Not responsibility to save your grandson. The only thing that matters is Love which is unchangeable. Outcome is feeling compassion for the teacher.
Caller Celinda adds her thoughts about discerning what her emotions are telling her. Let go of her need to ‘fix it’ or ‘figure it out’ Check out Napsha – Enlightenment pg 86 dictionary – The Enlightenment is part of the Laws of Living Course Caller Camie working in her purpose, love this series. Carving out a small piece of paradise in Missouri. 2 minutes to tap into your Napsha – breath. |
March 22 | 2nd hour pre-recorded Aramaicisms part 3 (part 1 was played January 26th, part 2 was played February 26th)
March 23
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March 24
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March 25 | michael addressed an email talking about ‘unconditional love’ it is Rakhma – the gateway for Love to enter your mind/body unit
Filter of Love – continuously reset to experience love and bring Rakhma into your mind and apply forgiveness of anything less than love Then he addressed a second email “What is your take on the meaning, if accurately translated, of ‘new heaven and earth’ in “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.“ Isaiah 65:17 NKJV” do the work of Y’Shua and join with the community of Love (heaven) and then your physiology (earth) changes. michael shared his ‘earth suit’ at birth compared to today after this work has been an upgrade. We are designed to be eternal. Caller Chris, amazing that this show is 5-days a week. Redundancy is perfect. Impressive that for all these years you all are dedicated to this. FYI: January 31, 2011 we began 1 hr radio shows then March 4, 2019 Dr Tim took on another hour (for 2 hours of shows 5 days a week) Mind Goal Management – Getting the Stress You Need – you have to manage your goals. Nothing wrong with goals. Visit Hillside Chapel (Atlanta) Rev Barbara King often has Rocco Errico (Aramaic scholar) worked with George Lamsa |
March 26 | New page on website with full explanation of how to choose and use the MindShifters
Caller Celinda, mentioned Bruce Lipton saying we learn through energy work, hypnosis or repetition. Suggest a book to Jeanie “A Woman’s Way through The Twelve Steps” by Stephanie Covington from a feminine perspective. Caller Susan, do you have to ‘like’ a person or situation to hold the space for them? Speaks of book “The Lost Art of Dying: Reviving Forgotten Wisdom” by Lydia S. Dugdale and read a portion about ‘annihilating all’ – forgiveness of everything but Love. Gratitude. Thankful for food and the other side is thinking of those who are starving. Forgiveness of the energetic patterns about lack, pain and suffering (annihilate in you and become a vote for something different). Become an energetic being for enough for everyone to have it all. Recognize the parallel of the energy you point to the billionaire who does not share his wealth and your grandson pointing the same energy to you (without the conditions). His thinking is different. Rage attached to those who don’t share becomes an amplifier, reinforces and strengthens that rage. Forgive rage and become a vote for being a presence of love. What energetic patterns are resonated in others when we hold a particular mindset to continue in the world? Napsha is my created essence of Love but we hold in our CBM the thoughts of the starving, etc. A house divided against itself. The world of survival lacks creatorship from being. If we say we want everyone to have it all but we hold the energetic oomph of lack then we need to be free of the lack and projection on others. Denial that it about them. What part of my structure is this locked into? There is no one we have ‘disliked’ but we hold the energy of dislike in us and we hook it up to our image of them. We can show up as who I AM and live in actuality instead of perception and bring active presence of love to the situation (no matter the like or dislike). Example: Go to a funeral and a friend is there as pain and trauma around the death. If I go in with my unresolved death, it is resonated and we can suffer together OR I can (having handled my trauma around death) go in as the presence of active Love and become a space where the friend gets to resolve their pain and suffering. Facilitate healing. Baptism. Y’Shua was baptized (due to culture) but he never baptized anyone. He did Breath for the forgiveness of sins – then physiology is relieved of the energy that did not belong. |
March 27 | Women Healing Women Intensive is set last week of September and first week of October, see details at
michael continued with Enlightenment – Rukha d’Koodsha Caller Peter. michael suggests watch “Let Me be Frank” Caller Ann, what about the lack of sleep? try (from Amazon) Nutricost C8 MCT Oil Powder 2LBS (32oz) – 95% C8 MCT Oil Powder |
March 28 | 2nd hour pre-recorded Aramaicisms part 4 (part 1 was played January 26th, part 2 was played February 26th, part 3 was played March 22nd)
March 29 | Jeanie offered her flyer for the Women’s intensive is now on the website Caller Jamuna, talks about ‘being pissed off’ because her neighbor’s dog barking. michael spoke of the DeLaWarr camera camera that takes a picture by frequency not light. Ex. take a picture of an acorn and tune it just right and the picture is an oak tree. You are a creator, not separate from your life.When I think of anyone am I at perfect peace – when they think of me are they at perfect peace? Keep Rakhma active (filter in frontal lobes of brain) when you think of God or neighbor in order to maintain yourSelf. Gateway for Love to enter to BE Love regardless of what is happening in the world. We do not ‘love’ anyone, confused with ‘approval.’ Power of life and death is in our words. LOVE EXCHANGE – a reconnect to Love & share it exercise. Also check out these ‘experiments’ where strangers looked into each others eyes. Eye gazing benefits London exercise Amnesty International experiment Eye contact study is to trauma what the sun is to water – transmutation. |
March 30
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March 31
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NO SHOWS ON WEEK-ENDS. SEE YOU MONDAY. ![]() Blessed Resurrection Day! |
…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””