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Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce
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April 1
New Project of converting MP3s of our archived shows into MP4s so we can upload to our YouTube channel. And simultaneously provide a summary of the show that is converted. Anyone with the skills and willing to assist, we would appreciate your support. michael started an article (posted on Facebook) still being edited on The Aramaic Easter Story discussion of Aramaic forgiveness – dissolving the past. Poverty and violence of mind remains unforgiven and creates more of the same. continued with the Enlightenment study Pagra – of community or marriage – personal code not in alignment of their Pagra (as Love) and there will be difficulties Caller Rome. Wonder in regard to the book, can it go to POBox? yes Caller Celinda, appreciation for you beyond gratitude. Greeks don’t understand the Aramaic. Lost in translation. Look at results and see the mindset is different. Emphasis on compassion and judgment. In teachings of the Eastern churches she did not see the condemnation. Greeks did not have everything wrong, i.e. watch the portals of the mind. Join our mailing list to get our newsletter which will include the Aramaic Easter article and flyers for michael’s LIVE event in Sarasota FL in May and Jeanie’s online women’s intensive in September-October |
April 2
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BlogTalk was down so we recorded on Podbean. NOTE: If BlogTalk is down we will use PodBean. If you haven’t already, here are the instructions, please get set up before you actually need it. “MindShifters Radio NOTICE: Podbean – back up option to calling into BlogTalk” (step by step instructions
Dr Tim discusses resonance from the past is what we believe is thinking. Anil Seth has a 2021 book “Being You: A New Science of Consciousness” you can see it at Way of Mastery lesson 16 on consciousness – pure extension is an activity, creating a space for Love (true Self). Pure Light, Pure Love, Pure Being, Pure Spirit which does not change. You may perceive yourself as a body. The infinite dimensions of creation. Seems paradoxical – when our mind creates a set of conflicts imagine in that moment you look at a tiny fraction of all that is. Far beyond this planet and yet where the planet abides…Spirit is. Here peace abides with perfect consistency. Living actuality. “I and my Father are one.” No separation, just awareness. “Awareness: A De Mello Spirituality Conference in His Own Words” by Anthony De Mello, “A Loss for Words” we die when we stop the state of wonder. We quarrel about opinions and concepts and judgements. Drop those and you will see. He quotes “This is St. Thomas Aquinas’ introduction to his whole Summa Theologica: ‘Since we cannot know what God is, but only what God is not, we cannot consider how God is but only how He is not.’” “This is what is ultimate in our human knowledge of God, to know that we do not know. Our great tragedy is that we know too much. We think we know, that is our tragedy; so we never discover. In fact, Thomas Aquinas (he’s not only a theologian but also a great philosopher) says repeatedly, ‘All the efforts of the human mind cannot exhaust the essence of a single fly.’”
Step out of the intellect and into the heart space.
Tuesday night support group on Zoom 6:30 PM Central Time Meeting ID: 748 348 976
michael continues in the Enlightenment Study, we are in the dictionary start today at pg 90 Rakhma is a filter over the frontal lobes of the brain is a gateway for Love to enter so one functions as Human Being: active, present Love.
Callers Jamuna and Celinda both were able to make comments.
April 3 | Dr Tim processing with Caller Celinda
BlogTalk was down yesterday so we recorded on Podbean. NOTE: If BlogTalk is down we will use PodBean. If you haven’t already, here are the instructions, please get set up before you actually need it. “MindShifters Radio NOTICE: Podbean – back up option to calling into BlogTalk” (step by step instructions Enlightenment pg 94 (dictionary) continues, refer back to page 75 Discussion of marijuana (pot) and the damage of THC on brain cells. Caller Rhome, on perfectionism in his life. POWER PERSON DYNAMICS – runs you based on the level of stress 4 step Short Form – click for PDF or there is also a “Quick Form” that you can carry with you for when you need a quick walk through an abbreviated process; there are 4 forms on one sheet (5-steps each). At the end of the day we suggest you follow up with one of the regular worksheets to go more into depth of what needs to be examined. |
April 4 | Caller Susan gave acknowledgement for Dr. Tim’s great facilitating with Celinda yesterday.
Blog Talk is having issues, be prepared to go to Podbean at showtime if you can’t get on the call-in line. If BlogTalk is down we will use PodBean. If you haven’t already, here are the instructions, please get set up before you actually need it. “MindShifters Radio NOTICE: Podbean – back up option to calling into BlogTalk” (step by step instructions michael offered the story of the woman with the 12-year issue of blood, she had the faith if she but touched the hem of Y’Shua’s garment. Yes she did it (Y’Shua said her faith made her whole) but she required his energetic support. Caller Celinda asked for clarification on the breath restoring energy to the cells. Hyperventilation – slow them down, let them know they are safe. Caller Jamuna asked about different worksheets at scroll down to Other Worksheets but usually when we talk about worksheets we talk about the Reality Management Wake-up sheet. She has a situation where she feels betrayed. michael explained cancelling the goals driving her trauma. Issue of honesty or treated honorably. When cancel the right goal, the perception collapses and we can drop into our unconscious. Watch “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” about an interviewer and Mr. Rogers on heroes. The interviewer doesn’t want to look at his own life. He has to process what underlies his hostility in life. All hostility and fear is from corrupt data and is building a false picture in the mind. Caller Susan, when lent started she began reading her mother’s letters. She saw how much her mother loved all of her children and was lavish in expressing it on paper. Allowed her to isolate the episodes and see them in a better prospective. It has shifted her relationship with her house guest, Michael. |
April 5 | Aramaic MP3s from 2014 Aramaic Fridays Radio Shows: Every Friday MindShifters Radio Show was with Aramaicist Dale Allen Hoffman from January 3, 2014 through December 26, 2014
michael is offering 3-day personal Quantum StillPoint Intensives (details on Events Page) contact michael or email michael addressed a question from an email “How do I forgive my former?” they are new to the work. Caller Susan – one world religion of blame. Talks about catastrophic events like they had an earth quake, people are talking about end times and guilt for those ‘left behind’ and who will suffer pain. michael addressed critical mass is where his hope lies. |
April 6
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April 7
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April 8 | Dr Tim talks about being still.
PURPOSE Worksheet revised 2017 from Purpose, Personal Power and Commitment (PDF format) For an example go to Caller Susan talks about her son’s situation. “Not worthy” Regulatory speech: Remember only requirement is God put the breath of life in you. You know you are worthy. Question from Podbean – are you coming from fear masked as concern?Settle within yourself first. Genetic component with men in the family. Do a worksheet for him as if you were him. Caller Rex trigger / resonance for him was a memory struggling with his purpose. Shared his son being diagnosed and the thing most rampant was how many times they had to cancel the goal for him out of fear he would die. Any goal based in any source but being love asks for disaster. Anything based in ‘wanting them to be better’ out of fear creates what you don’t want. Rex is here doing the 3-day quantum intensive with michael, one-on-one. Started on Friday – Saturday – Sunday. Continually addressing what he was holding onto. Surprised with the depth. Not for faint of heart. michael is offering 3-day personal Quantum StillPoint Intensives (details on Events Page) contact michael or email Caller Jamuna, shared the ones we are concerned about are also Aloha. Read the Rose & Butterfly Christian, The Lion, Reunion – True Friendships Last a Lifetime Jeanie added “Who are you?” “Why are you here?” include answers in your purpose statement. |
April 9 | Conversation with Susan.
Back to the Enlightenment – eyes to see and ears to hear in translation from Aramaic. We create our own results. Demons? We create energies that ‘appear’ to attack us. The mind energy you engage in should not be from the past hostility and fear. Evil ideas created by men. Darkness is the absence of light. An entity of mind not body. Judgement day – conflicts with Divine design (being Love) and the demons of fear, anger, rage control. Be constantly vigilant of the energies of mind. Free yourself of the genetic beliefs. Your mind can turn energies into pictures. Cause and effect? example of a coin having two sides of the same – can’t separate the perspectives of the same object. Bruce Lipton video Thought Becomes Chemistry Caller Rex – spacey but well. Talked about his son Journey (who died) and afterward what he “saw” was an image that he projected on his son. If he had an invested interest in his perception, at what point does it become matter? Einstein says there is no matter – just a different frequency. TV converts images from frequencies in the wires. Visual icons, symbols. Twice removed from the experience. |
April 10 | Hold a newborn and tap into its essence – it is Love. Objective of this text is to offer tools for people to experience themself for who they are and remove the assaults of hostility and fear. Develop a mindset as Y’Shua did.
Enlightenment pg 76 dictionary -eek is a root word that speaks of a mindset to maintain your human life. Watch film “I Can Only Imagine” powerful demonstration of living in and as the (all inclusive, not perfect) active Love. Matthew 5:48 all inclusive as the Father is. Even to those you may judge through fear or hostility. A job assignment when you can’t stand as love in the presence of someone, forgive. The ability is challenged when Carbon Based Memory is triggered. But it gets easier with practice. The Creator is Love, not judgement and vengeance. In Aramaic it says “Let your Love be all inclusive.” The core mindset. Creator sent out his breath. We can connect through the breath, it knows how to bring healing. The empowerment is within us, we need to uncover it. Meditation sending that Love / Light within you out to the world. Y’Shua said “I am the light. You are the light.” Faith and trust in love that you live, move and have your being. The woman with the 12-year issue of blood needed to touch the hem of Y’Shua’s garment and she knew she would be healed. He said YOUR faith made you whole. |
April 11 | michael will be in Sarasota, FL Friday – Sunday May 3 – 5 see michael will be doing an interview with Dr. John Lieurance (who is hosting the workshop in Sarasota) on Instagram this weekend.
Caller Michael Teti, gratitude for the 3-day intensive ( Discussion of regulatory speech being a challenge and wants to tackle it soon. What course of action? Efficient way quickly. Included in Laws of Living. Based on your thoughts. Bruce Lipton talks about thoughts becoming physiology (chemistry) – reflective of thoughts. Healing process’ symptoms look like dis-ease symptoms. Most people don’t want to go there. Dig out even genetics. Open physiology and access and remove the energies instead of falling back into familiar. Support is important as is every tool we present. Energies stored and released trauma when michael worked on him, core of antennae realigned where held on tightly, can’t release on own. Willingness is key to go through this. Concentration has improved doing this work, relax more and get into a quiet space. Primacy of Aramaic thinking and idioms. |
April 12
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Susan referenced reading “The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom” by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy Dr Tim discussion with Susan and Magda – DNRS Dynamic Neural Retraining System example “My Stroke of Insight” TedTalk with Jill Bolte TaylorCaller Celinda, child is on a feeling level more than a knowing level. Is Y’Shua real? mythical figure representing a parental truth?Podbean caller Jamuna, generational thoughts around racism toward herTime Is Not Toxic sees everyone shifting the mind energy of “young lady”Continue pg 78 Enlightenment dictionary ‘carob’ those mentally as well as physically close (neighbor) – you are your own neighbor. ‘Kean or keen’ just and fair behavior. Have Rakhma active for neighbor, Creator and self – corollary to Khooba over perception. Chronic sympathetic dominance statePodbean Sandy, confused around her former. He brings confusion up in you, it is in you already (maybe generational). Be clear with him you are in integrity and don’t want a part of that. How much of life have you spent in confusion? Remove conflicting energies in you and be clear in your mind who you are. One goal for him to be honest and integrity or for him to treat you honorably. Goal for self might be to be in 100% integrity with yourself. If any motivation towards wanting him back, might be from observing infidelity in family. Cancel goals for attention from him. He was out of integrity towards you and is now doing the same with his wife.Question: How others perceive us. So if one hold themselves as Love, it can change how others perceive us? Perception is a reflection of CBM. Staying in a perceptual system fueled by love. You drop the end of your ‘rope’ and it changes their game whether they want it to or not. |
April 13
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April 14
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April 15 | CoDependence to InterDependence and Power Person dynamic
POWER PERSON DYNAMICS – runs you based on the level of stress POWER PERSON WORKSHEET – who is your power person and what did you perceive their needs to be and how has it played out in your life? (PDF format) Listen to the excerpts (MP3s) of the radioshows from April 10 & 13, 2020. Also, MP3 excerpt from July 6, 2020 To ‘deliver’ the PP message/blow to another gives the message ‘I won, I am powerful. You lose.’ Vengeance: I get to be God. Is self-destruction. Dissociate and denial, what I put out will draw it to me. To resonate more of the same. Who gets the blow first? Conclusion of loss and pain. Step into respons-ability communication. Move from co-dependant mode to inter-dependence. The mind is the father of liars. Perception is constructs of the past. Carbon Based Memory is 666, the anti-christ. Sins of the fathers is passed to 3 and 4 generations. Watch film of “The War of the Roses” Never forgive anybody for anything but forgive continuously. Caller Rhome, regards to breathing. Done in person must be instructional – we do a monthly workshop a way to use the breath to release deep issues. The veil of the temple must be rent in twain. The temple is the body, the veil is the barrier between the subconscious and unconscious. Three parts of the mind: conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Holding the breath locks down what you don’t want to look at or deal with. Two other options: and Caller Susan, can you share the insights you got about your Dad? Led to a space where michael could embrace his Dad in the same space he embraces Arya (our granddaughter). A voice in his head said ‘What if it is a boy?’ Not sure what that was about, his own birth or what? Will let you know. Connection between Power Person and Co-Dependency is powerful. The healing of triumph (pseudo-victory) but it is seductive. Another piece is the false understanding ‘I have to please God.’ There are the act of contrition at the end of confession. Perfect act is sorry because I broke my connection with you God. Imperfect act is sorry because of fear of going to hell. Thinking of Jacob (her grandson) who is beyond reach. He thinks she is triangulating by having michael talk to him. Persona cracks when one reaches bottom. Retraining of neural pathways is extremely repetitive. Mechanical way of involving your body in regulatory speech. Everybody has a different way and open to hearing it. |
April 16 | Enlightenment dictionary pg 79 starts with khayi – your perfect life is reclaiming your being.
Job got insight “that which I feared most has come upon me.” Mental illness (hostility and fear) creates results. |
April 17 | Go to our YouTube channel and listen to the new ‘shorts’ and give a like. They are only 30 – 60 seconds long
Aramaic states of mind called ‘demons’ – not out there. Perfect love casts out fear (a demon in the mind). Wake up from my own ‘shadow’ and be the observer. Beauty of understanding – it’s mine if I am feeling it. Y’Shua showed us specifically how to forgive and heal. Caller Bob from Australia. Update on his dance with prostate cancer, said ‘you created this, what do you need to learn.’ Fear around cancer, both his parents died from cancer. Yesterday had a call from radiologist about their ‘treatment’ but he is doing his own natural remedies in healing and wants a test to measure his progress instead of their process. Their ‘side-effects’ are horrific. He feels different and sees his progress personally. Sees it as an exciting journey. Reinforced his belief in himself. Yes they are specialists but hired contractors. Most fold into their fear and fall into the hands of the doctor. Brainwash of the culture is fear (projections of the mind). “Keep it Simple Sovereign” The Flexner Report of 1910 transformed the nature and process of medical education in America with a resulting elimination of proprietary schools and the establishment of the biomedical model as the gold standard of medical training. Treatment can be supportive but not healing. Bob gave the example of being put on Benzodiazepine (depressants that produce sedation and hypnosis, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and reduce seizures.) but he had internal messages of his own power and got off of it. “Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah” by Richard Bach – we teach best what we most need to learn
Questions from Shawn on mind filters and conscious / unconscious and prayer and angels and demons. Prayer is setting a trap for God. Angels are direct messages from the Creator. There are 3 filters over the mind. See GETTING THE STRESS Schematics of the Mind (Three filters) revised 2017 from Getting the Stress You Need (PDF format) Rakhma and Khooba explained. Frontal lobe filters over intentions, base of brain correlating filters over perceptions. When Rakhma and Khooba (Love) are set in both – that is perfect love that casts out fear. Spirit of love or spirit of fear. Then there are conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious levels that energy moves. Satan means the resistor, one who misleads, not an external devil. Y’Shua called Peter satan, you think in the mind of man instead of God, resisting the truth. Y’Shua said (from the cross) “Eli Eli lama shavaktani” which in Aramaic is “for this you set me aside.” There was a bigger plan and Peter was trying to stop it.
Caller Rex, shared his experience of ‘for this you set me aside’
April 18 | Caller Susan discusses with Dr. Tim we are actively creating our lives. Question an uninterrupted hour to take time for your Spiritual practice. Observe and question for yourself. Being reminded of the obvious stuff, stop living in the belief to ‘find the time’ and get different results. Pursue something that lights your fire and is rewarding.
Email from Michael Teti: “expound on the statement … Fear & Hostility being a mental illness? … I would like to have more info on how and why that is. And how would I present this concept to others with documentation to solidly relay the information in a reasonable format?” watch presenting because it may resonate some things for them. Lay a foundation first for understanding, if not connected to my Source I am stuck. At first he used this idea for himself, when hostility and fear fuels the human mind, it creates disintegrative energy and the mind doesn’t work properly. To get back on track we must be fueled by love. Example of putting diesel fuel in a car. Enlightenment book, pg 80, ‘liba’ means the source of thinking. Greeks called it the heart but it is the mind.
In the beginning the mind energy became flesh. Our thoughts manifest in physiology. 17th-century philosopher Rene Descartes’ exultant declaration — “I think, therefore I am” Singular object with two perspectives. The mind and body are one like a coin, a head side and tail side cannot be separated. A mental illness of hostility and fear creates dis-ease in the tissue. Forgive the hostility and fear and the tissue goes back to health. Dead fish littered the shoreline as a lack of oxygen in the water led to massive fish kills. Episodes like this led to the coining of the phrase – more sensational than factual – “Lake Erie is dead,” which started to appear in national publications in the late 1960s. Phosphorus entering the lake from municipal, industrial, and farm run-off decreased by the early 1980s and dead zones decreased significantly in size. Remove acid and it can carry oxygen and live again. Otto Heinrich Warburg (German early 1900s) study on cancer cells not living in an alkaline state. Caller Mitzi what is the difference in Sleep Apnea and StillPoint? One from resistance and stopping to breathe (lack of air) and one there is a build up of oxygen reserves that allows one to stop breathing for a moment. Rex added he is doing well. Staying connected and sees life differently. Moving in the direction of self-sustaining. Native Americans honored the earth for giving. Can’t grow food on dirt, must have soil. Giving to the gardens to build soil and it provides back. Creates amendments to the soil. Example of the pollinator garden and nourishing the hillside and the apple tree began to produce. Caller Terry B., comment on breathing. Shared his experience with StillPoint and how it ‘stretched’ his structure. 4-years ago he had a fall 14 feet directly on his back on a concrete floor that exploded his upper body (8 ribs broke loose front and back). Lots of restriction. Caller Celinda re: asparagus treatment / prevention for cancer. Article said it would not work if the person had done chemo. |
April 19 |
Question on MIND/GOAL MANAGEMENT Worksheet revised 2017 from Getting the Stress You Need (PDF format)
michael will be in Sarasota, FL May 3, 4, 5 at Advanced Rejuvenation doing workshops – get flyer at
Caller Terry B., talks about staying present and maintaining love while cancelling goals about 5 times during getting a bulb changed in his truck.
How can you heal a physical pain when doctors can’t find it?
Louise Hay says Arm: Represents the capacity and ability to hold the experiences of life. Muscles: Resistance to new experiences. Muscles represent our ability to move in life. Pain: Guilt. Guilt always seeks punishment.
Fear underlies and the moving situation amplifies. Trust and needing to be supported.
Why rely on surgery? If I am not to the level where I can heal myself I am glad there are doctors who know how to help.
Be fully connected to your corollary experience.
Development of Trust from ACIM: 1 First, they must go through what might be called “a period of undoing.” This need not be painful, but it usually is so experienced. It seems as if things are being taken away, and it is rarely understood initially that their lack of value is merely being recognized. How can lack of value be perceived unless the perceiver is in a position where he must see things in a different light? He is not yet at a point at which he can make the shift entirely internally. And so the plan will sometimes call for changes in what seem to be external circumstances. These changes are always helpful. When the teacher of God has learned that much, he goes on to the second stage. 2 Next, the teacher of God must go through “a period of sorting out.” This is always somewhat difficult because, having learned that the changes in his life are always helpful, he must now decide all things on the basis of whether they increase the helpfulness or hamper it. He will find that many, if not most of the things he valued before will merely hinder his ability to transfer what he has learned to new situations as they arise. Because he has valued what is really valueless, he will not generalize the lesson for fear of loss and sacrifice. It takes great learning to understand that all things, events, encounters and circumstances are helpful. It is only to the extent to which they are helpful that any degree of reality should be accorded them in this world of illusion. The word “value” can apply to nothing else. 3 The third stage through which the teacher of God must go can be called “a period of relinquishment.” If this is interpreted as giving up the desirable, it will engender enormous conflict. Few teachers of God escape this distress entirely. There is, however, no point in sorting out the valuable from the valueless unless the next obvious step is taken. Therefore, the period of overlap is apt to be one in which the teacher of God feels called upon to sacrifice his own best interests on behalf of truth. He has not realized as yet how wholly impossible such a demand would be. He can learn this only as he actually does give up the valueless. Through this, he learns that where he anticipated grief, he finds a happy light-heartedness instead; where he thought something was asked of him, he finds a gift bestowed on him. 4 Now comes “a period of settling down.” This is a quiet time, in which the teacher of God rests a while in reasonable peace. Now he consolidates his learning. Now he begins to see the transfer value of what he has learned. Its potential is literally staggering, and the teacher of God is now at the point in his progress at which he sees in it his whole way out. “Give up what you do not want, and keep what you do.” How simple is the obvious! And how easy to do! The teacher of God needs this period of respite. He has not yet come as far as he thinks. Yet when he is ready to go on, he goes with mighty companions beside him. Now he rests a while, and gathers them before going on. He will not go on from here alone. 5 The next stage is indeed “a period of unsettling.” Now must the teacher of God understand that he did not really know what was valuable and what was valueless. All that he really learned so far was that he did not want the valueless, and that he did want the valuable. Yet his own sorting out was meaningless in teaching him the difference. The idea of sacrifice, so central to his own thought system, had made it impossible for him to judge. He thought he learned willingness, but now he sees that he does not know what the willingness is for. And now he must attain a state that may remain impossible to reach for a long, long time. He must learn to lay all judgment aside, and ask only what he really wants in every circumstance. Were not each step in this direction so heavily reinforced, it would be hard indeed! 6 And finally, there is “a period of achievement.” It is here that learning is consolidated. Now what was seen as merely shadows before become solid gains, to be counted on in all “emergencies” as well as tranquil times. Indeed, the tranquility is their result; the outcome of honest learning, consistency of thought and full transfer. This is the stage of real peace, for here is Heaven’s state fully reflected. From here, the way to Heaven is open and easy. In fact, it is here. Who would “go” anywhere, if peace of mind is already complete? And who would seek to change tranquility for something more desirable? What could be more desirable than this? Caller Rhome, sending positive energy to Terry. Conversation with an Occupational Therapist about sciatic pain, there is a portion of the canal where the nerve pops out and she just massages it back into place. Having the mindset Terry has it can be. Pick up an anatomy textbook and get a visualization of how the perfect muscle works. A few days ago a lady was speaking of her grandson and his traumas, what are doing to target younger generation, such a disconnect in millennials. Just stumbled across the website and radio show. Thankful.
Perhaps part of your purpose is to take the information out to others. We are available (via Zoom) to any group. Express gratitude towards michael and the caller who asked how you continue to move forward – a little bit of leavening leavens the whole loaf. michael said it is an energy that comes through me, not from me.
April 20
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April 21
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April 22 | 1st hour pre-recorded interview with Brooke Siem “May Cause Side Effects: A Memoir” an unforgettable memoir about the turmoil of antidepressant withdrawal and the work it takes to unravel the stories we tell ourselves to rationalize our suffering. refer: Jill Bolte Taylor “My Stroke of Insight”Newsletter went out with michael’s live events in Sarasota, FL May 3-5 (download flyer) and Quantum StillPoint Intensive opportunity (detail at you are not on our mailing list please join (click here) or email to be added Past newsletters are at (we started e-newsletters in May 2026)Caller Susan, crisis for Jonathan right now.michael read his article about the solution for the events in the middle east. Asking for feedback. Will be sent out in a few days in another email.Smedley Butler “War Is A Racket””Madness” by Alanis Morissette “Now I see the madness in me Is brought out in the presence of you Now I know the madness lives on When you’re not in the room. And though I’d love to blame you for I’d miss these moments of opportune You’ve simply brought this madness to light And I should thank you. Oh, thank you, much thanks for this bird’s eye view Oh, thank you for your most generous triggers.”Why Is This Happening To Me … Again?!” book on perception “Perception is demonstrably an active rather than a passive process; it constructs rather than records ‘reality’“Anil Seth Ted Talk “Your brain hallucinates your reality” Shawn, offer what you can when you can. Giving out the “Why” book. |
April 23 | Dr Tim recommended the following: “Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Compassion” by Marshall Rosenberg Podcast #299 in We Can Do Hard Things “The Emotional Sobriety Solution: Have More Joy In Your Life In Less Than 30 Days” by Bill Stierle “Mad in America” search for Star D – Caller Sunny. Thanks for being consistent. How Website: Self Study intensive, Quantum StillPoint intensive, Radio Show, what to do to support you all. Spoke of Lady Jane.Our physician here was introduced to this work by Lady Jane (Rev. Jane Evanstar) Would like to have michael on her public channel “On Higher Ground 4U” Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies is a multi-disciplinary professional journal committed to publishing scholarly articles on the causes of war and conditions of peace. Two billion people murdered on this planet in less than 3,000 years.We are created beings, creators of our world. Until we remove the pattern through Aramaic Forgiveness.Enlightenment Study archives at book, dictionary pg 81, develop constructs to understand the Aramaic concepts. makikh: humility, look for the highest and best in others.Vladimir Lenin said “If you want to destroy a culture, change the meaning of its words.”Caller Rex, remember in Aramaic, to see the highest and best in self and others? “The concept is a mental quality of perceiving and cooperating with the good desires of another.” If I am deficient in one area, seeing it in another strengthens that in me.Caller Ester, problem ‘doing it right’ thinking of ‘ex’ change that to ‘former’ changes mind energy. In the beginning was the word and it became flesh. In Aramaic it said the mind energy became flesh. Your mind energy becomes your flesh. and we have an app do worksheets around that relationship. Her mother passed 4 months ago and she always wondered if she did it right. COMMITMENTS – Tool used in Healing Through Relationships, in 11 languages, plus First Person Commitment and Child’s Commitment and I Am Somebody My Commitment – explanation behind the words – excerpt from July 7, 2020 show (MP3 format)malkoota dashmeya: kingdom of heaven or heavenly estate – more accurately is the community of love LOVE EXCHANGE – a reconnect to Love & share it exercise. Also check out these ‘experiments’ where strangers looked into each others eyes. Direct the energy of love throughout your cells. Tap into that presence of Love and Breathe. Direct your breath throughout your world.Caller Susan, example of changing the word humility, just got it. Her son wrote a note to his hospital that he hoped they appreciated him even when he chose to not be a doctor any longer. And feels if he is not a doctor he is worthless. She wants him to learn these tools, he needs it. He has a reality in his mind that he has to do something monumental to be of value, he has value simply because the creator put the breath of life in him. |
April 24 | michael will be in Sarasota, FL May 3-5 registration at michael now offers 3-day one-on-one Quantum StillPoint intensive MindShifters & StillPoint Breathing via Zoom book of Job, ‘what I feared most has come upon me.’ Y’Shua said life and death is in our words. Principle for healing to occur, happens when two things occur: Job recognizes his fear (his habit) that his kids won’t follow in the way of God and he takes his words back and then becomes a space of active love for his friends. Reclaiming human life. Pg 83 maskenii – whose home is in spirit not poor in spirit as translated by the Greek. (refer Be-Attitudes)We have added 11 more “shorts” to our YouTube channel (these are less than 60 second clips) please give a watch and like. Sunny asked how to get the Enlightenment book. Make a donation $26 list your name and address and say it is for Enlightenment and we will pay the shipping. From the Khabouris Manuscript. Lord’s Prayer Prayer means to set a trap for God – the frequency is trapped and reflected to the world. Here is how to align and pour out the energy of Love (God)Rakhma and Khooba The Hebrew as ‘the screen’ being what you put out. Direct reflection. The filters over the mind GETTING THE STRESS Schematics of the Mind (Three filters) revised 2017 from Getting the Stress You Need (PDF format) Rakhma and Khooba explained. Rakhma is the filter of Love over intentions, Khooba is over perceptions. When both are active it is ‘perfect love’ which casts out fear. 9-bit mind (concept of perception):,_Plus_or_Minus_Two EGO -edging God out Aramaic was the language of the common people, Hebrew was the temple language. Winston Churchill once stated that the “British and Americans are two people separated by a common language.” RESPONSE-ABILITY COMMUNICATION RULES revised 2021 from COMMUNICATION, Did You Hear What I Think I Said? (PDF format) Interested in Self Study CoDependence / Communication go to Pg 42 in text in Matthew 5:16 namosa is the law – not rules of men. Y’Shua came to add to men’s understanding how the energy system (the Law) works not to do away with the law. The Law does not change. |
April 25 | Use your mind energy to focus on absolute truth in every moment and send around the world. Illusion of separation. Creation awaits for you.
Question in email about app – see video at Book Club at 3:30 eastern time today for sign in information Enlightenment pg 42 “let your light shine before men.” Your holding to love will be seen and impact everyone. How the energy system actually works. Am I in alignment with the Creator? Allow mind and nervous system get quiet enough to experience active presence of Love in every cell of your being. not breaking the law but falling out of harmony with the law. Pg 90 ‘raka’ Aramaic insult implying object is a contemptible person, unworthy of respect. Bring your offering to the altar, clean up your mind, work through your own hostility and fear. Condemnation of another will show up in your chemistry. Asa D Kelley judge in Albany GA sentenced many to life in prison but from love, never punishment. Live in harmony with what you say (your words). Your mind energy creates the results. Do not compete in kind with evil, vengeance. When Moses said an eye for an eye, he was not giving permission to act in a vile manner but was limiting the act of behavior to no more than was done to you. Example: of a young man who had sex with a young woman and wanted to marry her, the tribe of the young woman said the young man’s tribe had to become Jews and be circumcised. Then while they were weakened from the circumcision, they were attacked and the whole tribe slaughtered. Do not give the mind energy towards cursing or vengeance. Bless them instead – it has to pass through you first and you get the original. Have Rakhma active when you think of the Creator or neighbor (anyone you think of) in order to maintain self. With parents you must Honor them – a higher standard. Honor is to bring love into behavior towards them that your days will be long on the earth. You will be free from the energy off the mark from that relationship (they are most likely your power persons). Those who govern you and persecute you – the active presence of love toward them – you heal. The Creator makes the sun rise and rain to fall on the just and unjust. Meditation to bring in the Light and send it forth. |
April 26 |
michael & Jeanie are traveling today – pre-recorded show of Be-Attitudes Part 1 |
April 27
Listen Download |
April 28
Listen Download |
April 29 |
pre-recorded show of Be-Attitudes Part 2 |
April 30 |
michael read the newly edited article (will be in a newsletter tonight or tomorrow) |
…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””