Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!

Quick Form Worksheet


REALITY – The perceptual output of the human mind.

FORGIVENESS – A tool for changing a REALITY in my mind.

1. My light is trapped by the reality I hold about_________________(my trigger).  My reality comes from my Mind Energy and is my Respons-ability.


REALITY – The perceptual output of the human mind.

FORGIVENESS – A tool for changing a REALITY in my mind.

1. My light is trapped by the reality I hold about_________________(my trigger).  My reality comes from my Mind Energy and is my Respons-ability.

2. I ask that Love be restored to my mind. To collapse my reality, I LOCATE and CANCEL my need for #1 to ____________________________________(my goal).
3. I ask that my True Being, Love, be restored to my awareness! I am willing to have my reality and its effects change. I want to be shown the Truth.
4. My true Source is Love.  I Reconnect to that Source, ask to be restored to Love and I restore Love to #1 _______________.
5. #1 I offer you ______________________________________________________________________________.

1. My light is trapped by the reality I hold about_________________(my trigger).  My reality comes from my Mind Energy and is my Respons-ability.
2. I ask that Love be restored to my mind. To collapse my reality, I LOCATE and CANCEL my need for #1 to ____________________________________(my goal).

3. I ask that my True Being, Love, be restored to my awareness! I am willing to have my reality and its effects change. I want to be shown the Truth.

4. My true Source is Love.  I Reconnect to that Source, ask to be restored to Love and I restore Love to #1 _______________.

5. #1 I offer you ______________________________________________________________________________.


1. My light is trapped by the reality I hold about_________________(my trigger).  My reality comes from my Mind Energy and is my Respons-ability.
2. I ask that Love be restored to my mind. To collapse my reality, I LOCATE and CANCEL my need for #1 to ____________________________________(my goal).

3. I ask that my True Being, Love, be restored to my awareness! I am willing to have my reality and its effects change. I want to be shown the Truth.
4. My true Source is Love.  I Reconnect to that Source, ask to be restored to Love and I restore Love to #1 _______________.
5. #1 I offer you ______________________________________________________________________________.


1. My light is trapped by the reality I hold about_________________(my trigger).  My reality comes from my Mind Energy and is my Respons-ability.
2. I ask that Love be restored to my mind. To collapse my reality, I LOCATE and CANCEL my need for #1 to ____________________________________(my goal).

3. I ask that my True Being, Love, be restored to my awareness! I am willing to have my reality and its effects change. I want to be shown the Truth.
4. My true Source is Love.  I Reconnect to that Source, ask to be restored to Love and I restore Love to #1 _______________.
5. #1 I offer you ______________________________________________________________________________.
NOTES TO MYSELF: The above people are the mirrors who have gifted me with opportunities today.  If I’m In Pain-I am the one who has healing to do! How does this look like my life?  I’m committed to changing the responses in me that are a repeat of the old patterns in my life!

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