Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – June 2024

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show
that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out
if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie
along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that
comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!

June 1






June 2





June 3



Jayhem interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer (email Dr Tim for a transcript copy, also visit

Caller Susan extended happy birthday wishes to Jeanie and asked how Jeanie was doing with her shoulder.

email for information to join Susan’s Wednesday support meeting via Zoom (10:30AM – 12:00 Noon EST)

The Breath is a way to remove energetic patterns built up over generations. Undo the world-wide system of abuse. Universal Power Person dynamic.  POWER PERSON DYNAMICS – runs you based on the level of stress

The trickster – keeps you from looking inside.

Jamuna said “What’s coming up for me is how overwhelming being the Christ is and the healing that’s truly needed to do this work. It just seems like booby traps everywhere. Yeshua is right. The vigilance for the Kingdom. Part of me is like, why even be here if no matter what there are issues? Why did I come here?” Jeanie responded you are willing to step up … past generations didn’t have the tool. michael added we need a critical mass. Have a conversation ‘about me’ when there is disturbance in me.

Caller Celinda, both shows (Dr Tim and michael’s) on Friday and today are favorites. 

Book of Thomas Jesus said, “That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves. That which you do not have within you will kill you if you do not.”

June 4



1st hour is pre-recorded MS Radio 5-31-2024 Jamuna processes / questions

2nd hour is pre-recorded Communication Part 1 
June 5



2nd hour is pre-recorded Communication Part 2


June 6



Caller Susan talks about her son’s problems. He said he awakes anxious but cannot attach a thought. Look at goals at the moment. Thoughts of turning 80.

They do a Support Group via Zoom Meets from 10:30 to noon, Eastern time, Wednesdays
ZOOM Information  Meeting ID: 86125824110  Passcode: 043159

Yinka on Podbean, working on guilt and more comes up – breathe, soften, love exchanged – be gentle with yourself as you go to the next level. Complex thoughts including fear from generations. “I should know better”

MindShifter: “It is safe and healing and people deeply acknowledge me when it appears I don’t know any better.” You deserve acknowledgment just because the Creator put the breath of life in you.

Caller Rhome, do worksheets in language that was primary when the issue occurred

Liam Neeson posted a quote: “Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts, rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.” – Meša Selimović 

Rhome asked how’s the best way to give us credit? Send people to the website, radioshow and YouTube channel.

June 7



2nd hour is pre-recorded Why Again 1 hr workshop


June 8





June 9





June 10



Caller Susan asked how michael and Jeanie were doing. Shared about her grandson.

michael read a post “I saw a parenting advice that said” “When an adult cries next to a child, the child won’t say, get over it. They won’t yell at you to be quiet. They won’t punish you for being emotional. They won’t say, good adults don’t cry. Instead they will hug you, comfort you or perhaps offer you their favorite toy.  They will stay by your side without judgement, regardless of why you are crying. So the next time your child cries, remember what they’d do if they saw you cry.”

Bob in chatroom, difficulty sleeping. suggest ‘magnesium l-threonate’ can get from Amazon and lemon-balm tea every night.

Caller Joe, has a feeling of not being trust-worthy. Improperly digested thoughts and feelings. “I got it” but here it is again, maybe not as intense, more understanding of integration of love in his life to shine. To welcome the darkness and breathe into it. Watch (be aware) physically there will be a shift, may be subtle.

June 11



Enlightenment pg 50 Matthew 8: 1-34, Y’Shua invites people to cleanse themselves and free themselves of the terror around them. Demons left the man and went into the swine and the town wanted to get rid of Y’Shua for relieving them from the demon filled men.

Use Rukha (the Breath) to release the things stuck in physiology.

Caller Terry B., concerned about what the pharmaceuticals are doing to his cells

Caller Celinda mentioned Louise Hay  Breath will unlock what is locked into your cells

June 12



Caller Susan, question about setting boundaries and saying no. Reached the end of the ‘enabling’ of her house guest. There will never be the perfect solution for him.

Question from Australia on depression and cutting off family. Depression is anger turned inwards. Look at the issue head on, staying in bed is an avoidance. Do worksheets on the family issues that trigger your anger and forgive it. Look under the anger at the pain and fear.

Caller Camille, relationship with Medicare, 2nd opinions if they conflict have to go for a third. Want to be in better communication with her own body. Watch the mind energy you engage in. Worksheets on messages received from Dad.

Enlightenment Matthew 9:1-38 – Y’Shua healed the paralytic. “your sins have been forgiven (shabag)” dictionary pg 94 is a verb meaning, cancel, forgive, leave. The paralytic being open and alleviated (freed, relieved) from his disease.

June 13



1st hour is pre-recorded from 2016 with Dr Tim and Jill ( EFT tapping)

Today at 3:30 EST – Hear My Voice Book Club – Join Zoom Meeting join us
Meeting ID: 898 9401 2819  Passcode: 54321

michael read from ACIM that perfectly describes Quantum StillPointThis Saturday Enlightenment – woman with 12 yr issue of blood touched the hem of his garment – entered into a connectedness with his energy – state of Being – Y’Shua said thy faith made you whole Pg 77 hayman – to believe  (Pg 90 oota – unconscious mind set moved into action)Raised the girl to life. Made blind to see but asked them if it was in them to believe it possible. Remove parts of mind that believes a shift is not possible. Then he can help you.

Pg 91 Rakhma – frontal lobe of brain, filters intentions, gateway to bring in the energy of Being and Pg 79 Khooba back of brain, filters perceptionsThey brought one ‘dumb’ and he was able to open and his demon was removed. Pg 75 demon – not an entity outside but in our mind – mind energy off the mark (evil) – perception made up by mind conflict with Love – beyond cognitive thinking. Then the Pharisees (with their own demos) projected on him. Harvest is ready but workers are few.

Matthew 10 – removal of generational patterns. “apl” an action (verb) to divide or separate from the patterns, not physical separations, and free them. If attached to the ‘good old family feelings’ of pain and trauma…you’ll be stuck. Follow him – move to a higher state if willing. Find serenity. Question: “Is it always gonna be here in this dream world, Pharisees? meaning .. even if I completely heal the structures, mind etc, there will still be Brethren that finds faults, scapegoats, projects etc.? How do you heal that?” you heal any upset in you they resonate, it is not your job to heal ‘them’  Look at goal held for them and cancel the goal. Your construct of them is from your own mind.

ACIM assessment of your process : “When I think of someone do I have perfect peace, when they thin of me do they share my perfect peace?”Closed with Breath and meditation of light.

June 14




2nd hour was pre-recorded “JohnCPart2WakeupSheet_January182023”

June 15





June 16





June 17



Caller Susan, wake-up sheet with EFT Tapping (Dr Tim). Facebook video of a beagle getting a shot and it went into seizures in pain. Nothing causes your upset but it is a trigger from previous experience. Where does it begin? Can I be upset over the mistreatment? A Being, a container of Love, stand as a space. Can have empathy (been there and done that) for the dog without being in trauma. The world wants to implant fear in you and then yank you around by your chain. The action you take can be done from conscious love instead of pain. The result you produce either brings more love or more pain. Competing energy of love and pain. We have brain cells for an event because we have worked through it or because we still carry the resonance unresolved. Remember being about 7 and a neighbor was mistreating their dog, I went to their door and said you can’t do this to the dog and they changed. How can I end up with no feeling? Never said have no feeling, but if there is sorrow do forgiveness around the sorrow. Can be care and concern. Establish who you are – pure Love. Nothing else belongs in our experience – that diminishes us.

Y’Shua sweat blood, deep detox of all that was still in him, so he could be pure enough to raise himself from the dead.

Movie: “Inside Out 2” shows all the new emotions that come with puberty. Psychological dynamics are amazing.Charlie is concerned his dad won’t go to heaven. Scriptures says ‘fear not’ – how many times are you going to go against this commandment? You are trying to take the speck out of your brother’s eye while you have a beam in your own.

Caller Craig, never apologize? APOLOGY TOOL (pdf format) – replacement for “I’m sorry” Listen to the Apology Tool MP3 of 2 radioshows edited & combined.

RESPONSE-ABILITY COMMUNICATION RULES revised 2021 from COMMUNICATION, Did You Hear What I Think I Said? (PDF format)

Finished with deep breath and tap into Love. Soften, relax jaw and breathe through your mouth. Allow that Love to move through your physiology.

June 18



Caller Susan shared with Dr Tim going through ‘tapping’ with her grandson and it works to calm his anxiety. Reference Gary Craig (EFT) and interviews with Brad Yates see   Her grandson Luke wants to do a wake-up sheet, hope he calls in.

9. “It would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to take a teaching function. ²You have need to use the symbols of the world a while. ³But be you not deceived by them as well. ⁴They do not stand for anything at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from them. ⁵They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true communication can be found.
10. Thus what you need are intervals each day in which the learning of the world becomes a transitory phase; a prison house from which you go into the sunlight and forget the darkness. ²Here you understand the Word, the Name which God has given you; the one Identity which all things share; the one acknowledgment of what is true. ³And then step back to darkness, not because you think it real, but only to proclaim its unreality in terms which still have meaning in the world that darkness rules.”  (ACIM, W-184.9:1–10:3)

Perception is stimulated into activity. Allow love in the space to dissolve everything unlike love.

Richard Bach says, “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours.”

Trauma bond – matching bags of garbage

Caller Sunni, how might a person represent themself when someone is coming at them?  Recognize if someone is ‘coming at you’ there is always the right/need to protect yourself and get out. However, notice you are a participant and part of you is involved in attracting ‘it’ into your space, your work to do. In the scripture, Job (good and upright) loses everything and he’s trying to understand, then he gets the insight ‘that which I feared most has come on me, what I dreaded most has come upon me.’ He struggles to make up for it. When he acknowledges his part, removes the part asking the universe to fulfill his request, and lets go, then everything is restored to him.  “Lesson 153: In my defenselessness my safety lies. (ACIM, W-153)

Do we assert to address someone coming at you? Example ‘these are my limitations’ – michael said first order of business is to maintain our human lives (love) if I allow hostility or fear to rise to the occasion then I give up my life to respond. Does not mean lay down and get walked on. I can respond clearly and powerfully from Love but if I flip into hostility or fear then I’ve given up the most precious thing – Love, my Being. And it will show up in physiology as dis-ease.

Trouble downloading June 11, 2024 – you can download from the Archives or listen to it “Enlightenment #91” (YouTube link)

What about people who engage in “socially unacceptable words”? CoDependency work, the Power Person dynamic shows up when under stress. POWER PERSON DYNAMICS – runs you based on the level of stress.

Chatroom, Yinka, “Internally I am working on guilt which seem to follow me everywhere.” we did not get to her statement due to time but I gave here these links:
Emotions Explained (excerpts from Radio Shows):


June 19



Enlightenment Matthew 12:25-37 House divided against it’s Soul (Napsha) can’t stand.

Emotions relate to thoughts.

‘Unforgivable sin’ not condemned forever. Means without Rukha d’ Koodsha (elemental force in humans, aka Holy Spirit) you can’t undo the generational patterns. We have Free Will

If you invite Rukha in to assist she will undo the energetic patterns, if you don’t (pg 57), denial of the Spirit, then you are stuck in unforgiveness.

Listen to a person’s words and you know the direction of their behaviors. ‘Judgment is at hand.’ Most people are trapped in satan (the resistor). Words of wholeness or words that will try you (your judgement).

Addressed Yinka’s statement from yesterday about guilt. Be gentle with self. Words based in caring and love. Be careful how deeply you take it on when it comes up. Free yourself from the personna (the mask) you took on from your family.

Caller Susan, generational malfunctions. Starts with the assumption we are sinners. We all carry dynamics from generations and some think of themself as their identity. Shared feedback from michael being in the group and correcting words to Truth. If we miss the little fraud at the beginning of ‘the story’ then the rest of the story will be based on the fraud. It’s not about the story but with willingness correction can be made. Worksheets on ‘being interrupted’ and process through generational pain. Report from Luke, wake-up sheet brought his calmness. Give up one addiction and often pick-up another and busy-ness is a drug too. Life gives us a partner to work through our issues if we are willing to be aware that what moves in us is ours. And the relationship can lift us up instead of fighting. Unresolved pain around his brother resonated by his girlfriend when she does a similar behavior. Fear that his brother is not recoverable, he will project it on her. Parallel worksheets on brother and girlfriend. Same worksheet on Dad – lost to him and brother lost to him. When Luke heals what is up for him he can see the situation with his girlfriend more clearly. The one-world religion of blame was modeled for him. Can’t heal it if he does not accept his part. Then stand as conscious active presence of Love regardless of what happens in the world. His tender age of 25 and freeing himself from alcohol is phenomenal. And to have you as a mentor is awesome. We are on his team.

Caller Sunni, gratitude for information to her group yesterday. In tears of gratitude.

June 20



Listen to Cynthia Mouleon interview on her overcoming her complex PTSD. Harnessing the power of perseverance.

Caller Susan shared an opening for her son over anxiety and the stigma attached.

michael shared something he watched for about 30 minutes, an atrocity set up by Greek translation about demons. The closer you get to God the more the demons come after you. He presented them as persons outside of you instead of thought disorders.

Enlightenment from dictionary – demons – Aramaic deyvan (pg 75) – in carbon based memory representing an evil idea

“What Dreams May Come” with Robin Williams – “Chris Nielsen dies in an accident, and enters Heaven. But when he discovers that his beloved wife Annie has killed herself out of grief over the loss, he embarks on an afterlife adventure to reunite with her.”  he is told he may get lost in hell too.

Nothing is as you ‘see’ it.  They see what is their own perception based on carbon based memory. Perception is the light for your earthly life. If stored in your system there are memories based in hostility or fear they will interfere with your perception and your 9-bit mind will show you the darkness of your own mind. If perception is without ‘fault’ your whole life will be enlightened. Your guide through life is based on your perception – is it dark or light?

Story of michael asking a translator to tell the visitor from another country that “he thinks you are really cool” and you translate “michael thinks you have a low body temperature” translated words but not meaning.

Y’Shua spoke in parables so they could understand his deeper spiritual teachings by giving them an earthly story they’d understand. Building brain cells.

June 21



Julia in chatroom told us about “free streaming documentary called Source it is within You. It is science done by Dr. Joe Dispenza and his team done on the effects of meditation on the Body & Mind. You can watch the documentary @ Free for the next three days.”

Caller David J shared his experience with Quantum StillPoint with michael. Passed through smoothly facing fears that before he bumped into. Handling everything so much easier. Softened, relaxed, allowance and acceptance on a deeper level. Back home in a state of beingness. Solid, anchored, set and very comfortable in his body. Has done meditation, yoga, bodywork, and various forms of therapy. EMDR for 5 years helps but practicing these tools was a fast track process. Powerful commitment to your work shows.

Mind Energy became flesh. Epigenetics. Things evaporate. Physiological serenity.

Caller Susan, asked how we were doing physically. Possibility of something outside of you creating upset inside. Made up word ‘unuseless’ – attachment to the product of your life. Thinking her stuff will just be thrown out when she’s gone. michael suggested create a museum of her songs and drawings. Write a book on ‘What a fun and amazing life looks like.’ Worksheets on loss and depression over the thought ‘has my life been meaningless?’ Among this stuff are love letters from a friend, not reciprocal, disturbing to her, mortified to read the letters. Pandora’s Box – a term for the unconscious mind, either open it or it becomes our life. Gently be aware. You survived it on the way in you will survive it on the way out.

I have given everything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] all the meaning that it has for me. ACIM lesson 2

Movie “Inside Out 2” deep dark secrets locked away in the back of the mind.

Movie “Isrealism” deals with inherited trauma of the Jews and how it’s blocking them from dealing with a solution in Israel.

Caller Dusty, touveyhoun – attitude of mind. God implanted in your mind neural structures which will guide you when they are active. If they are active, you who follow these instructions will come into conscious possession of and be able to use this latent guidance system, designed to make available thoughts and actions that will increase your happiness and well-being. Then the Be-Attitudes are a set of instructions. Listen to 4 audios with Mark Hattas and michael

June 22





June 23





June 24



Enlightenment pg 61 – a group that says there is nothing you can do, Y’Shua said do what I told you to do.

Rev Benjamin Cremer says commandments are posted in school and yet “Hungry kids are going without food”

Matthew 18:8-9 better to enter the community of love than be cut off from active presence of love. Hostility and fear creates an acid body (burning fire). Potential electrical charge is gone.

Perfect life ‘khayii’ in dictionary pg 79. Reborn, removed from hostility and fear. When active, present love incarnates in form.

Forgive 7 times? Y’Shua said 70 times 77. Zero is infinity, 7 is completion. Infinite number of times until complete.

Matthew 18:37 (pg 61) Let Rukha come upon me and I will pay you. Have Mercy. Do likewise to others. What is sown in field is what will be produced.

Matthew 19:3 (pg 63) Pagra in relationship has a personal code that goes beyond each individual. Moses authorized divorce? ‘Putting away’ a woman – she was property that was owned and he threw her out, she couldn’t work, had no property, she had to just survive. Even today, people are looked at as bodies and are ‘throw away’ instead of precious beings.

Fidelity – faith and trust in a true, loving Creator. Living in a state of being. Instead of belief in bodies. If not naturally born and raised as such it may take time to change the belief and achieve that state.

Matthew 19:21 sell possessions and give to the poor. The man was sad to give his stuff up. Easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle (a gate in the city wall that remained open). Who can live this life?

Matthew 21:43 community of love (Kingdom of Heaven)

Matthew 22:17 pay tax? render to Caesar what is his and to God what is his.

Matthew 22:36 what is greatest commandment in the law? Have Rakhma active when you think of God or neighbor in order to maintain your human life. Upon this hangs the law and prophets. Customs that governs the people is effect. Live in cause law (being love) instead of following a set of rules. Use the tools and the results will express. Breathe, soften and brig Love forward – now in Cause Law. We have the tolls – you are the answer. The fruit will bear the work you do.

Children are like your unconscious mind living in full color and dolby sound. They are made of the same stuff and do not have a stop button.

Matthew 23:12 Napsha instead of EGO (edging God out). Humility – not grovelling but a mental quality to perceive and cooperate with the highest and best in yourself and others.

Caller Dusty – appreciate it comes back to Love. ACIM says when being takes over it is recognition not a change. Garbage just got in the way – being is always there.

June 25



Way of Mastery Lesson 22

Today is day 100 of Enlightenment Study

Enlightenment is the state of having knowledge or understanding – being aware of who you are. Misaligned beliefs need to be forgiven so wholeness can show up.

Rabbi Hillel the Elder quote

Caller Celinda, spoke of being open to Rukha and experiencing Love. “Holding hands and walking each other home.” Hold your breathe in awe (ie beauty of nature) – like StillPoint and allowing and being aware. Physical is often reflective of things she eats. The sinus area needs to be cleansed too (look into nasal ). Tonsils, adenoids and appendix are all part of the immune system. The appendix holds the next levening (microbiome) for next digestion. Manage microbiomes, probiotics. Physician inside tells you what you need. Mentioned Louise Hay – see  Made a Commitment to Love.

Dr John Lieurance

Enlightenment – darkness is the absence of light. One must meet the fore-runner (brings up darkness) before meeting the Christ. John was testifying of the Light.

Recognized for discovering the scientific link between emotions and neuropeptides. 1) Hans Selye 2) Bruce Lipton 3) Candance Pert

See “Biology of Belief” neuropeptides – thoughts become chemistry in your body

John the Baptist says Y’Shua brought the community of Love – had the capability to stand as Love. From Moses to Y’Shua, man did not understand.

The Greeks interpreted not translated. Law became the rule of the superior instead of being the way Love works.

John 2:12-15 Y’Shua drove out the money changers with power and clarity, not anger or attack. The House of the Father is not designed to be a house of commerce. Bring your purpose into expression through your human temple. Return to the function as human beings.

Caller Susan said this is balm to the soul.

June 26



Question for translation/interpretation: “The reality you’ve been seeking has been within you even before your birth … hidden beneath your life.”  The actuality (being) you have been seeking is within you from the instant of conception. Hidden beneath your own mind.

Reference Quantum StillPoint  (description to be updated soon)

“What you are looking for is what is looking.” attributed to Saint Francis of Assissi 

Y’Shua said “Seek first the kingdom of Love and all things will be added unto you.”

Text question to michael for a friend, supposed to call in.

Example Willie Nelson lived on the streets of Nashville for years before he was a success. It is not instant.

Enlightenment pg 69, John 3, water is important for ‘baptizing’ the cells. However, Y’Shua said you need Rukha d’Koodsha – the breath – direct connection to the Creator. The breath will unwind and remove all ‘sin’ (off the mark). Hold the breath it is locked into physiology.

Max Planck said, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

Albert Einstein said “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

The wind blows but you don’t know where it came from or where it goes but you know by its effects that it flows and has been here. Nicodemus said how do I do this? No man arises to that level without descending first. Must open to your being with the breath and throw off everything unlike love to be ‘born again’ – step up to the plate and do the work to burn off generational patterns of guilt, hatred, war, viciousness and hate. Raise awareness to the part of self that you are.

Man loves darkness more than enlightenment because their deeds are evil (off target) and in darkness their deeds are not seen. Inner structure need to be cleaned up. Where do you live?

Pg 70, Enlightenment, John 4:20-24, question of where worship should be done. You immolate (worship) something you don’t understand. We worship in Spirit and Truth.

The Lord’s Prayer is a set of instructions not a prayer.

June 27



John 5:30 Y’Shua explains the self who thinks they can do on their own, can not. The false self has to die for the true self to live.

Brainwash. Peter had called in and thought there was the Jante Law – you can’t be better or rise above the past.

Dictionary pg 74, damhey, complete or entire belief in the speaker (Y’Shua)

John 14:26 Rukha d’Khoodsha – the Breath – feminine elemental force given to humans to connect you to the internal wisdom (your birthright) that will guide you.

The whole body of teaching is to gain a direct connection with the Creator (Love). Let your truth make them whole. When it is your will you will have access. If you refuse you will be stuck in resistance (unforgiveness).

Pg 71, John 18:37 Pilot asked if Y’Shua was a king. He said I am here to represent truth.

Words are key to bringing constructs. Life and death is in your words.

John 20:22 He breathed on them per the Greeks. He stood fully connected with his Breath and demonstrated the direct connection. Release you from everything that does not belong.

Matthew 4:4 not by bread alone but by the breath of the Creator.

Completes the enlightenment study.

Carl Jung quotes:

“… (because) the only real danger that exists is men himself. He is the great danger and we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of men. Far too little …”

“It is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer, but man himself that is man’s greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes.”

“Greater than all physical dangers are the tremendous effects of delusional ideas, which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much vaunted reason and our boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly powerless in the face of “unreal” thoughts.”

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become. You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

Power Person behavior depends on stress. POWER PERSON DYNAMICS – runs you based on the level of stress. Does your mind serve up realities based in love?

Y’Shua said he is in this world not of it. Wouldn’t play the world’s games.

June 28



July 10 – 17 going to Cleveland, OH to watch Peter Strinno in PanAm Archery competition and then go through Quantum StillPoint with him. We will be playing a few shows during the days of travel.

We answered a request day before yesterday and they came back in upset of being ‘corrected’ – different reality.

Review of what forgiveness is. Not pardoning but going inside and removing the root of your pain. Forgive ‘as to’ them.

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? “Because someone bumped into me!!!” Wrong answer. You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out. Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It’s easy to fake it, until you get rattled. So, we have to ask ourselves… “What’s in my cup?” When life gets tough, what spills over? Joy, gratefulness, peace and humility? Anger, bitterness, harsh words and reactions? Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it. Today, let’s work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation; and kindness, gentleness and love for others.

Power Person dynamic. POWER PERSON DYNAMICS – runs you based on the level of stress

Example of Patrick needing an instant response from Jeanie working on an accounting situation (he realized it comes from his military experience and being life or death if not given immediate reaction).

Caller Susan, about Peter being a trigger for her, he did powerful work and lots of emotions and she had to work on NOT consoling him. It triggered not consoling her mom. Longing to fix their needs, comfort their sorrow. Stop and observe.

June 29





June 30



June 31



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