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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
June 1 | Powerful show yesterday. michael said he was talking to a therapist yesterday and the therapist stopped in his tracks when presented with the idea that conscious, active present love will heal more than figuring it all out or doing all the cognitive work. Y’Shua said ‘love your neighbor’ and people are trying to ‘approve’ of their neighbor when the neighbor is doing crazy stuff and that is impossible but we can hold love conscious for our neighbor when they are doing crazy stuff. In Aramaic it is called Rakhma – the prime directive – it is translated as love but it is not something you do to another or yourself but it is a filter of love that intentions pass through.
michael shared the story of a lady in Marietta GA who told of an event where a man was in her apartment, he began to rape her, knife to her throat. She had been in michael’s workshops the year before and heard his voice say ‘conscious, active, present love’ she flipped out of fear into that space of love and looked at him and saw terror in his eyes. She went into compassion for him and he began to cry and got off of her and ran out of her apartment. Love saved her life. We are here to support you as we all learn to return to love. It is where we started and it is where we will heal. Without our beingness we have nothing. Must practice sufficiently in order to bring that presence forward when triggered. There will be a shift and what is less than love will burn out for generations past and forward. Dr Tim said he understands the intensity of shows like yesterday that triggers others listening. Reinforce that anybody no matter what abusive action has been done by them or to them, everyone started as the innocent essence of love in form. Perhaps pain so intense that they think they can’t resolve it without doing damage to others. Personally holding the space of love for both the people who have had terrible things done to them AND for the people who have done the terrible things to others. michael offered getting rid of the police state and go back to peace-officers. He had a conversation with his nephew who is a police officer and could not comprehend not punishing the person who did something wrong. Appropriate punishment metered out in prison. michael said we absolutely need places (prisons) where people can be restrained from doing damage to others but their liberty removed but not punishing them. That does not irradicate pain and misery from the planet, it simply adds energy to the dynamic of more pain and misery. Jeanie announced the 2017-2018 tour as it is coming together moving through Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and Michigan. Watch the schedule on our website. Caller Roma, a week ago she fell and injured her body. It was immediately communicated to her very directly that a miracle healing was simply making a call for support. Like a child who falls and a parent picks them up and pain goes away. She called 4 people to join her in the healing and none of them were there. She still dealing with isolation. michael offered to her she just needed to breathe it away. We are all connected, you cannot be alone. michael said remember Y’Shua was working through his situation (sweating blood) and thought he had support and they could not stay awake. Roma said she must be destined to be alone. Jeanie asked if she saw the email sent yesterday that Julie wants to come down to CA from OR to support her when she comes to do the workshop. You have support before you ask. michael also said the pain is not ‘anchored’ in your body unless you want to hold onto it. You are the light of the world. Whereas once I was blind now I can see. The world’s whole function is to blind us from the truth. There is no ‘wanter’ in the world, it is simply reflecting back what has been put into the system. ACIM define ‘the wanter’ it is an accummulation of unconscious data and out of all those data points there is a particular desire presented as something valuable and viable. Dissolve the wanter by bringing conscious, active, present love and everything else dissolves and then create from being. Dr Tim, noticed as michael was trying to get Roma to notice the distractability was high. Notice it in own life, daily practice makes it easier to catch myself being distracted or avoiding. Worked with a young man today who says he does not establish habits. Dr Tim said that is not true, there is muscle memory etc. for example of driving a car. ADHD is his excuse. Dr Tim said he was grateful for the tools, solution to the unproductive pattern in his life. michael offered one line in the Lord’s Prayer if properly translated says: get me out of my habit mind. Dr Tim said especially the fear and anger based habits. The file folder resonates is a great explanation. If the goal is connected by resonance to say abandonment or pain, I must cancel the goal and ask to be shown the content of the files. So the explanation is useful for the logical part of the mind then I go do wake-up sheets and breathe. The 24 minute video / power point presentation of forgiveness is a great resource. |
June 2 |
michael opened the conversation about ‘friends’ – do you have more or less than you did a few years ago? what makes friendships last? energetic dynamic when the frequency of a question is presented then the answer comes. michael explained how to find links on the website and to join our mailing list and directed people to the videos that explain the principles. The goal recruits from the contents of my mind and creates what I think I see outside me. Y’Shua said “take care of the heart for out of it are the issues of life” it is all inside you. Then he went on to explain how the mind works and why one would cancel a goal. Dr Tim happy eternal day to Jeanie! Extra thanks to Jeanie & michael for being with us today instead of off doing play. Support Group last night was only 2 of us and discussed the What Is The World? and Guy Finley’s tape on all pain is in the perfect place. My pain is my alarm system to warn me of what energy I am holding onto. Love can dissolve it. A text came through, concern about the world racial issues and feels they have PTSD genetically and that blacks are threatened and white people are not to be trusted. michael said everyone is born with the “potential” for PTSD and if that gets resonated then the trauma will surface. Knowing when it surfaces they have the right and ability to own it and throw it away (forgive) OR the individual will find someone else to blame and the trauma is internal and impacts the one feeling it. michael said he certainly had no envy for what persons of color have gone through. Several films that depict the insanity that has occurred. Because something surfaces gives an opportunity to free ourselves and the generations past and future. And there are certainly enough people to blame for what has happened but that does not change what is going on inside. michael mentioned wake-up sheets, breathing and tapping as some of the tools to use. In hiding it is a degenerative energy – it must come forward to be unloaded. In like, sexual abuse we have been talking about for a couple of days holds tremendous PTSD in so many individuals. Color of skin is not a variable when it comes to PTSD. Dr Tim said some people might say we are minimalizing the issue. While some may seem to be living in a higher state of privilege but we are all connected and no one escapes this energy. Can’t do my work on a global level – must do my personal work and it benefits everyone. She then said she had experienced threat in this life and why would she let her guard down? Michael said nobody suggested letting guard down, however, scripturally, that which I fear most has come upon me. If I have fear then I am like a magnet drawing in something to fear. Forgive and stay aware. But if you do it out of fear you are a psychic megaphone that says come and attack me. When you free yourself of the fear then you will find more and more being taken care of. Refer to Hacksaw Ridge, the Creator said if you are in harmony with me then you can be in a battlefield where thousands die and you can’t be touched. Private Doss functions out of love not hate or fear. Movies: 12 Years a Slave and Birth of a Nation are horrendous but watch them and breathe through what comes up and forgive. Dr Tim said if I have my guard up then I have a filter up and go into a situation expecting it to be dangerous. Without the fear I have higher quality of evidence in an open space instead of guarded. Jeanie offered there was a study where men in prison picked from a lineup of people who they would attack and they all picked the same person. They were sending out ‘vibes’ of being an easy target or vulnerable. can be found |
June 3
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June 4
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June 5 | Miracle Monday! Jeanie shared the lyrics to a song “Our Prayer” that fit with the conversation we’ve had for several days on the show around child abuse and sexual abuse. “I pray you’ll be our eyes, And watch us where we go, And help us to be wise, In times when we don’t know. Let this be our prayer, As we go our way, Lead us to a place, Guide us with your Grace, To a place where we’ll be safe.” go to our facebook pages and listen to two children sing this song. or
michael explained the difference in actuality and reality and that individually we generate a total world of our own, a perceptual construct that says more about the mind than the actual event. michael summarized from an article “16-point Summary of the Teaching of ACIM: Circle of Atonement” by Robert Perry. Can also reference the video (see our social media link) “What Is The World?” 1. Our home is reality, Heaven, the Kingdom of God, a spiritual realm of pure oneness and boundless joy which can never be threatened. The Choice by Love – a story told in “The Gentle Art of Blessing” by Pierre Pradervand, the story actually comes from the book “Return from Tomorrow” by Dr. George Ritchie (see page 114 of his book). Caller Julie from Oregon, just got an insight that there is a difference between and “opposition to God” which is an act of opposing God which gives way to creation. The true self (Love) is in place and untouched by whatever we have done or have had done to us. Those experiences are like overlays and hide our true being from consciousness but they are not our identity. Forgiveness dissolves pixel at a time until the overlay is gone. Question from LOL group, regarding Dream Worksheet, sentence says analysis of such dreams can help identify and eliminate the existance of primordial demands… what’s that? michael said go back to the Purpose Exercise, one of the primordial demands of being is for you to do your purpose. michael references Darci Lynne, 12-year old, wants to keep ventriloquism alive, knows her purpose, she wins on America’s Got Talent (see ) her parents attempted to persuade her to do something else because it was a quirky hobby but she was determined. So looking at dreams, they cut through to conscious more easily and are informing us of what we are blocking and give guidance to dissolve those blocks. Julie said it also refers to the unconscious mind being more intelligent? michael said the unconscious is not a natural state, it is where we hide things from ourself and forgiveness removes the barrier. Subconscious is a master storehouse. |
June 6 | Thank you Dr Tim and Michele for filling in while michael and I packed up to get down to HeartLand. |
June 7 | Recovery Wednesday! We swim in a soup of experiences, genetics, beliefs, etc. and while being a victim has a ‘pay off’ of sympathy or attention or not having to take respons-ability life will never change until we step up to the plate and do our inner forgiveness work. This book is about recovering our being (Love) and there is work to be done. May not be finished in a month or year or decade but you will be light-years ahead of where you are now but you have to take the tools and put them to work in your life. Uproot the neuropeptides and change your genes, your DNA, your genetics. You have to forgive (remove) from the multi-generational database all the guilt and pain and anger and fear.
Dr Tim had a support group last night and their discussion was about getting through life. Caller Rex, told of having a filming of videoes yesterday for “Journey’s Dream” and the project moving forward. Developing “Optimal Being” Program that is for the project whereas the first was more for corporate. Thank Dr. Tim for his assistance and input. Regarding goal setting and goals, can I have a goal set based in love when love is fully active and conscious and yet there is upset? michael said yes. The Creator said “of the works of my hands command ye me” then he gave the example of michael asking everyone to pick up a frog and describe it an the descriptors are always green, slimy, suction cup feet, etc. when what michael said he put on the imaginary table is styrofoam cubes that florists use – they are called frogs. You can only reach for what you have brain cells for. You can set a truly loving goal but if it accesses something less than love then that is what you reach for. We live in a world of resonance and whatever is in CBM will be activated. Differentiate between a goal based in love and the resonating aspect of my non-being mind. michael offered another example of Boston Pops Symphony being broadcast but if I am listening on a $10 transistor radio then it is not what is being broadcast as much as the receiving instrument. There will come a time when we are not trapped in this energetic form and will be firmly planted in love and nothing will be resonated but love no matter what comes up – instantly dissolved (forgiven). The potential of true being. Caller Ann, just came from working in her grandson’s classroom, she is a volunteer and felt like she interrupted a little girl as she was singing. Is a wake-up sheet enough to do around her feelings of guilt etc or should she write a letter or what? michael said “all of the above” – might be time to do a wake-up sheet, codependence sheet and a time when you were interrupted, commitment to self and the little girl, may be go back to the school and do responsibility communication, or any combination there of. Love the team and being a part of it. Dr Tim said regarding Rex’s question. People think if you have Rakhma & Khooba set when you set the goal then you won’t be upset but there is a disease of ‘premature positive thinking’ could be that thinking “I won’t get triggered if I just stay connected to Love or live my life in a way where I don’t get triggered” is a form of Premature Positive Thinking. Getting triggered is a feedback system that will show me my work. Live in the moment and welcome and thank those generous triggers. The only way to see the unconscious material that is in there. michael offered that when triggered, hostility and fear moving through and with R&K set the instant healing can take place. With ownership of what was resonated. Integration and transmutation can happen. If we set our life to not get triggered and set ourself up that we have it handled then when it is triggered if we convince ourself thatvwe had love active so this can’t be mine – that is a lie that will not serve our healing. Caller Susan, halfway through Laws of Living she had a girl wanting to drop out and she had her look at the 3 early memories and it was exactly what was going on for her. Then another guy, Carlis, said his job is being eliminated and yet he is tenured and his new job is with the kids in detention that we worked with when we were in NC. |
June 8 | |
June 9 |
June 10
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June 11
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June 12 | Miracle Monday! ACIM. Continuation from last Monday, of michael summarized from an article “16-point Summary of the Teaching of ACIM: Circle of Atonement” by Robert Perry.
1. Our home is reality, Heaven, the Kingdom of God, a spiritual realm of pure oneness and boundless joy which can never be threatened. Dr Tim said his first 2 sessions have been about intuition and not listening to it. Caller Jill, energy moving through her body. In a place where something is happening with her son and noticed immediately that her response is her own. Whereas last week she used words that were a clue that something was moving in her. Helpful to focus what was happening with her instead of her child. She knows this is huge: shame, guilt, secrets, punishment, gettin help or not. She used words: coerced, disgusting and don’t touch me (how can you be near me? I should be kicked out) and if I tell then I will be ostracized. michael had her stop and breath for a moment then asked what is under the surface of that? she said the energy is stronger. michael said be with the energy as it moves and breathe…sounds like deep intense layers…may be generationally deep. Bring love present, hold the newborn. She said she is feeling lightheaded. michael said that is detoxification. She said she felt nauseaous, michael said that is also detoxing. Breathing with her. |
June 13 | Who you are compared to who you ARE! There is YOU (the BEING called Love) and then there is your form – you in expression. Culture, family system has taught you how to identify as being the frequencies of the generational hostilities and fears. That which is stored in your body-mind unit that is absent of light destroys life (called sin) and what is light creates life. Breathe and engage in the forgiveness work to remove whatever dims your light.
Dr Tim shared from “The Body of Wisdom: Women’s Spiritual Power and How It Serves” by Hilary Hart. Then another person spoke of coming out of a relationship that is not respectful for either person. What would set one up to think it is a good thing to be in that kind of relationship? What do I have to get rid of (less than loving) in order to have direct access to my true nature? michael shared of seeing a baby this morning and the mom saying it mimics everything. Led to conversation of the modelling of the Power Person. Jonathan Livingston Seagull movie where Jonathan is tired of the dull life and sets out for discovering what is beyond the horizon. A quote (Richard Bock) from the book says “we teach best what we most need to learn.” Caller Julie from Oregon, encourage everyone to participate in intensives to take their work to the next level. Still processing some grief around her dog. Moving past the lies her mind tells her. Julie spoke of the eating of addictive foods to suppress what is coming up. An example of a potato is a potatoe that delivers fat and salt. michael offered that another aspect of doing intensives is that we only eat food (live and raw) and not processed items the culture calls food. This allows for higher processing ability instead of drugging themselves with junk and sugar and caffeine, etc. michael gave dates for intensives in both Michigan and Oak Island, NC Caller Camille, went into a healing crisis on her way to other coast but is thankful she can now laugh about it knowing what it was. Great things are happening with the business with her son and his partner. Some mixed communication with Robert in France but continues to work on it. Her best friend in the same neighborhood and another friend are all joining together in doing a wake-up sheet. Miraculous focus and they requested to do it every Sunday – MindShifter Support Group has formed. Reading “Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives…” by Gary Renard. She offered thanks to Julie regarding the food truths. |
June 14 | Recovery Wednesday! michael shared a post about Wetiko (a Native American term) – “this disease, this wetiko (cannibal) psychosis, is the greatest epidemic sickness known to man.” We, as a species, are in the midst of a massive psychic epidemic, a virulent collective psychosis that has been brewing in the cauldron of humanity’s psyche from the beginning of time. Like a fractal, wetiko operates on multiple dimensions simultaneously — intra-personally (within individuals), inter-personally (between ourselves), as well as collectively (as a species). “Cannibalism,” in Forbes’s words, “is the consuming of another’s life for one’s own private purpose or profit.” Those afflicted with wetiko, like a cannibal, consume the life-force of others — human and nonhuman — for private purpose or profit, and do so without giving back something from their own lives. One example that symbolizes our self-destructive, collective madness is the oil companies’ destruction of the Amazonian rainforest, the lungs of our planet. This is literally a full-bodied revelation showing us what we are doing to ourselves. Another literal example that is symbolically illustrating the wetiko complex in action is Monsanto genetically engineering terminator seeds that do not reproduce a second generation, thus forcing farmers to buy new seeds from Monsanto for each year’s new crop. This makes survival for many poor farmers impossible, which has triggered a wave of suicides among farmers, as Monsanto grows richer from the process. Forbes writes, “The overriding characteristic of the wetiko is that he consumes other human beings, that is, he is a predator and a cannibal. This is the central essence of the disease.” Predators, “full-blown” wetikos are not in touch with their own humanity, and therefore can’t see the humanity in others. Instead, they relate to others either as potential prey or as a threat to their dominance. (taken from article
Invitation to come back into ‘oneness’ and the well-being of each contributes to the well-being of all. Forgiveness allows us to remove everything unlike love so we can see who we are. michael spoke of starting a campaign to spread the words “you are cherished” Question from chatroom: Is it possible for anyone to be unloveable? Jeanie typed “everyone is Love and deserves to be cherished. If someone thinks another is unloveable then that is their own stuff being resonated.” michael offered that love is not something we DO to another…it is what we are. And everyone is love (a noun) which is an achievable goal whereas loving another (as a verb) is an impossible task. Now we are often given messages that we are less and we take on that identity and the recovery process begins by claiming the truth of me and then doing the work to desolve the fear based self and realize my birthright. Chatter said they appreciated this and knew she had developed the “I’m not loveable” belief in regard to her father rejecting her when she was 2 and that his opinion did not define her. Caller Brenda, mentioned that Nancy (who is in her group) has been doing the love exchange (you are cherished) as she walks through the park and they have all began doing this. Brenda said she notices people will connect with her eyes and smile as she is doing this. Brenda shared doing the short wake-up sheets have been a combination of a wake-up sheet and mindshifter sheet, can move through more quickly and uses as her notes to go through the longer version. Throughout the whole time the thing that has taken so long is doing the 5 wake-up sheets. Caller Tracey regarding the short wake-up sheets. Noticed sometimes she gets going around in a circle and scribbles all-over the longer sheet and then feel overwhelmed. Agreed it moves more easily and gives freedom and awareness and eleviates the overwhelm (a past belief). michael appreciates the input and is considering bringing in the shorter wake-up sheet in Laws of Living homework to lighten the load. To send copy of the form they are using to Jeanie to get on website. Caller Susan Darnell, thankful for that change and right now she needs support…in a hallucination…Dupont has dumped into the river and the Cape Fear feeds all the counties on the coast. This chemical GenX creates cancer and impacts the auto-immune system. Last night saw Erin Brockovich was posting for people to do class-action suit. Feels betrayed and rage, overwhelming sadness, doing sheets. Susan said she feels the energy in her throat. michael offered things she wants to say to Dad and Dupont? She thought of when she went to India to heal and live. She wanted to stay with her children, wanted to live. ACIM lesson 201 says “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” Thankful for having this community to hold the space. michael suggested a good distiller to distill her water, on ebay for $100 can get one that does a gallon in about 3 hrs. This is an expression of the Wetiko disease. |
June 15 | michael spoke of resonance and the ‘wave’ that literally goes out 360 degrees calling in what we need to address. When ‘they’ are drawn in we have an opportunity to forgive or blame them and deny it is our own which guarantees we get to do it again.
When suppressed memories are resonated the person often time goes into unconsciousness. Example of Ryan (Jeanie’s son) saying he did not do well with laundry that he would begin to yawn (sign of unconsciousness) and couldn’t help it. Further discussion brought up a time when he was 3 years old and the lady running the daycare he was in was doing laundry and unknown to her the cat had crawled into the dryer. Needless to say it killed the cat and the kids were traumatized over the event. Will be interesting to see if now that the memory has been addressed if he still yawns when doing laundry. Ryan did not remember the event but Mom did, it was suppressed from consciousness. Universe is set up to deliver to us what we need to heal. Pain is a warning signal that tells us there is disintegrative energy and if we develop the skill and ability to decode what it is then we could forgive and heal whatever is resonated in us. Cummulative energies from the generations can come forward. Caller Susan D. after yesterday’s show had a tremendous shift. Wanted to run to the river not away from it. Talked to her son and he said “it looks like you have a goal to live that you might want to cancel” and she thought wow that is forgiveness but did not say anything except you might be right. (For someone who does not want anything to do with this work he is doing a great job.) michael said he has put a contact in with a chemist he knows who is working on cleaning up water systems and hopes he will move it forward. Susan said she is doing the oral EDTA (chelation) and enzymes and cleaning up her mind around fear of the chemicals Dupont dumped in the water. michael said keep an eye on kidney function because EDTA can impact them with overload, back off on it and have kidney function tested. Plenty of clean, distilled water will flush the system. (will address supplements tomorrow) Dr Tim offered thanks for sharing so more people can be aware and send love. And that is a great wake-up sheet and he said he too would do sheets around the need to live or be safe and see what comes up. michael offered the goal is not the issue but if one holds onto anything less than love that the goal resonates is what needs to be cleared out. |
June 16 | Michele is switchboarding for Jeanie (thank-you) while Jeanie prepares for the women’s retreat that begins today. |
June 17
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June 18
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June 19 | michael began by describing the indescribable cosmic soup we live in and understanding the massiveness is impossible. We are simply scratching the surface with an occasional ‘opening’ – when compared to actuality all our science is primative and childlike.
michael shared about a young man (Ben Underwood) who was diagnosed with cancer of the eyes and had his eyes removed before 3 years old. He learned to “see” by his hands, ears, nose (like ecolocation). He could play video games, basketball, roller blade, etc. He “saw” people by their spirit not their looks. He died a week before his 17th birthday (2009) go to Ben Underwood he is an inspiration. His mother wrote a book about his life “Echoes of an Angel” Dr Tim reflecting on how the young man used other aspects of his body-mind unit to perceive the world around him. Dale Hoffman had recommended “Lost Knowledge of Christ” challenge your view of the world. Principles for people to get a hold of and put to work. Judgment idea – good, bad, etc. with only a tiny fraction of knowledge of what is going on and yet we get so attached to the outcome. michael read a list of “Life without tools” and “Life with tools” he compared it to spending 3 months in college studying law and a big part of the time was spent learning how to use the law library. It was a great tool but if one did not know how to use the tool they could be lost and spend hours going nowhere. Same with these tools, it is one thing to saw I received the tool but without understanding how to use them there is no change. And it takes practice. announcement of upcoming workshops and intensives On Sunday night a movie called “Up In Smoke” at 9:00PM eastern time National Geographic channel about doing something different than burning coal. |
June 20 | Technical issues getting the show started today – apologies. |
June 21 | Michele & Dr Tim covered the show for michael & Jeanie – thank you. Power Person dynamic. |
June 22 | michael announced he is showing the National Geographic film “ at The Jubilee House in Abingdon, VA on Sunday, June 25, 2017 at 3:00pm. This film takes a compelling look at the lives and issues behind the “war on coal.”
We have finalized the intensives in Williamston, MI at Michele Pischea’s home, limited to 13 people. October 12 – 27, 2017 CeDependence / Communication michael discussed the experience of these tools and the resistance that will come forth (the mind will mislead, satan). Forgiveness strips away what does not belong and we get one step closer to the experience of the actuality. Dr Tim thoughts – the experience, what we talk about is always up for observation but not debate. Open the pipeline of your mind and see the truth of self and then extend that in interaction with everyone else. Everything is geared to help people have an experience other than the culture brainwash. Yesterday we talked about ‘bumping into people’ who were tripped out by power person dynamics and did not understand but they ‘laid it out’ in their conversation. Live our life according to parents’ life. michael offered the behaviors are set in stone based on level of stress and what was learned from the Power Person. 1) no stress, behavior to get along 2) stress builds, do what done to resist or survive 3) ultra stressed, do what PP did that you hated the most. michael spoke of a study being done that shows ‘brain damage’ or injury being created by ‘power’ and afre recreated physically (assault to the energy field) jeanie offered the PP dynamic is not necessarily ‘bad’ by the outward appearance …i.e. withdrawing or leaving. Caller Michele, reading a popular book (name withheld) on relationship. Chapter 9 is Learning to Forgive, assumptions that may stop you from forgiving. Ex. forgiveness happens completely and all at once. michael says it is a process and Y’Shua said you might do 77×70 worksheets around one issue. Ex 2, when you forgive your negative feelings are replaced by positive feelings, michael said no you might drop into the next layer and feel worse. Ex 3, when you forgive you acknowledge you might have been wrong. michael said when you forgive you tend to see the issue is relative to something inside that you have been hiding from yourself, does not make you wrong. Ex 4, when you forgive you ask for nothing in return. michael offered you free yourself but you go forward in life and will have more goals. Ex 5, forgiveness requires restitution and is a two person process, true forgiveness requires perpetrator to be apologetic. michael said that is pardoning not forgiveness which is internal and has nothing to do/ no requirement from the so called perpetrator. Michele said it is more digestable if I replace ‘pardoning’ for ‘forgiveness’ Caller Deborah, always felt she never was approved of or good enough. She’s attempted to let go of the resentment towards her Mom when her Mom was dying but inwardly continues to blast herself even now that her Mom is gone. michael offered, the world has taught you a lie about forgiveness. Nothing to do with your mother or her approving of you so it does not matter whether she is in her body or not. What you are dealing with is what is inside your cellular structure. He went on to say you have pardoned your Mom and now you need to do the forgiveness process. He invited her to go to the website and then to call back in tomorrow. |
June 23 | |
June 24
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June 25
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June 26 | Common source of the Course in Miracles and the Ancient Aramaic Forgiveness. “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.” Henry David Thoreau
Continuation with Miracle Monday! ACIM. Continuation from last Monday, of michael summarized from an article “16-point Summary of the Teaching of ACIM: Circle of Atonement” by Robert Perry. michael read Paul’s definition of love from I Corinthians 13, notice his list includes regulatory speech so we know what he had in his file on love (ie envy, boasts, resentful, wrong-doing) michael went over the psuedo solutions of the non-being mind. Dr Tim said the “trying to figure it out” and “trying to please” are common for him while the others do not resonate or he is going unconscious or he has not had a need for them. Caller Shelly, said he realized he had to learn what love is because he was taught what love was not. michael spoke of transmuting energy. |
June 27 | We each came into a form called a “body” which has stored a thousand generations of intelligence, rage, gratitude, sadness, joy and everything else good, bad or indifferent. These resonate and come forward. Further discussion of the Power Person and pseudo solutions mentioned yesterday. Forgiveness interrupts the patterns of the decisions (resonance) so one has ‘choice’
Dr Tim says my conscious mind is so small compared to the energy field I am in. My logical mind is the tiniest fraction of the conscious and unconscious mind and we are taught to “trust your judgment” and yet that is insanity. My unpleasant feelings and experiences are to guide me that I am focusing on the wrong data and if I use the tools I can change that and be more productive. Helping people ‘figure out’ that it doesn’t matter – a client was responding to Dr Tim’s statement that she needed to do everything right and to understand the conditioning needed to be undone to get closer to actuality. Guy Findley says my anger does not prove I am right but that I don’t know what rightness is. michael said talking about the smallness of the mind and our own awareness. People have forgotten their source and connection and are trying to gather ‘wealth’ and missing the true richness available. Example of the recording of the cricket and the background is a slowed down version of the cricket song which sounds like an angelic sound, a richness of a choir in harmony. What do we miss in the world? What does the sound really do for us that we miss by listening to the first sound of the cricket and not the harmony behind it? Caller Julie in Oregon. Feel peaceful and grounded. Prompted with a question based on an aspect of the work she is doing around Blockage of Truth. “Use the tools and see what happens, don’t use the tools and see what happens.” She reinterates and notices she had a fear about using the tools that she would find out something bad about herself that she did not want to see. Speak to the replicate mind / the evidential mind…it cannot replicate love … she is blocking herself from that experience! Her mind is fooling her to accept something less than her true essence because stored in brain cells are the beliefs based in lies. It is all non-being mind. Aramaic forgiveness undoes these lies. michael offered the replicate mind cannot do anything to you that you don’t direct it to do, it only feeds back to you the system you have bought into. You have to change the training and reprogram it…engage in the practice of keeping Rakhma active (gateway to human life) and allow only intentions keyed to love which then only allows perceptions based in love. Second question, is not remembering dreams part of this blockage too? This is an exercise in Laws of Living and realizes this is more than just a 6 week course but is a framework to continue using. Feels Rakhma is like an inner jewel…’WALKMA’ begin to walk in it. michael offered to take 25mg of B6 daily, if you take too much you will be full of dreams then back off a little. In ACIM, Responsibility for Sight, I am responsible for what I see … |
June 28 | Recovery Wednesday! Recovering our true being and bringing it into conscious experience again.
Caller Dr Tim, Support Group and there were 12 plus Dr Tim and they held the space for another when they errupted into their anger when the topic was on love. Another did a wake-up sheet and it was a great meeting. michael offered this person may now feel they are made ‘wrong’ around their anger. Would be powerful if some of our politicians would be willing to shift. willingness is key. Dr Tim said he has tremendous gratitude for those who are willing to focus their time and energy toward the potential of recovery. To pick up the tool and use it. Caller Diane, whenever you talk about anger she thinks of growing up an it was ‘wrong’ to express anger. She tends to want to hold someone accountable when her anger is resonated. michael offered only intelligence will tell you when to hold another accountable. Anger will never do that – anger will inform you that your reality is deformed. Diane said she was confused and michael said that was a good place to be. She said she made a connection with someone where they justify all kinds of things to say their behavior is OK and coming from a relationship with an alcoholic in the past she experiened doing the same thing herself. michael offered a MindShifter: “It is safe and healing for me to feel and forgive my anger.” People will say their anger is a good thing but if connected to love one is more powerful in getting the result they want. Diane said harmony and peace has always been important to her and she has essentially let them off the hook at great expense to self. It was a pattern with her alcoholic husband that nothing ever changed and she continued to stay not willing to give it up until she realized it was needed to save her own life. Thanks Michele for covering the last half of the show. |
June 29 | michael did intro on patterns in the bloodline and choosing to bring the presence of love through the behavior and reclaiming their ‘human life.’ Download “My Commitment” and commit to living that way and be ready that anything less than will come forward.
Diane in Minnesota. Process after the show was to go find chocolate. Diane said the MindShifter shifted from anger to disagreement…It is safe and people love it when I disagree with them. michael suggested also do It is safe and I love it when people disagree with me. After a time she felt like her intelligence had returned and was more empowered. michael compared it to “inside Out” she is trying to please and be the good little girl and not have a say and then anger takes over the control panel and she steals her mom’s credit card, buys a ticket and runs away and is without emotion sitting on the bus leaving home then sadness and joy come back and she shakes her head from unconsciousness and returns home. She then tells the truth and takes a breath! Diane needs more help problem solving. MindShifter: Safe and healing for me to tell the truth. Let go of the ‘wrong’ there is right and not right. Dr Tim said we are taught so much about truth and is it real truth or just my truth? Allow myself to be taught outside my logical mind about truth (that which goes beyond words). Choose love over being right and choose happy over being right. Truth is what will let me feel my true nature. Caller Brenda. Received the short form wake-up sheets. She has been using the short form for the last week and thought maybe michael would walk her through what she was doing. Her support group had some input too. She wants to know if she is on or off the base. Question: trigger is CB Fear (her fundamental energy she wants to clear out). The derivative is abandonment, regret loss, rage. It is an internal cause. OK to say it yanks her back into confusion and regret. Goal clarity of guidance and hear Rukha’s voice. Jeanie suggested that goal is for self not a goal for the CB Fear. michael suggested a goal for CBM to be a proper servant. |
June 30 | “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust (1871-1922)
michael explained the Power Person dynamic and the behaviors that will run one’s life. Trust Love instead of the mind of hostility or fear. Caller Julie from Oregon, heard “Why This Is Happening To Me AGAIN.” instead of Why Is This… people sometimes hear in reverse so maybe present it this way as a sequel. David John Oates taught ‘reverse speech’ which showed examples of this too…connecting dots differently. Said she can be in harmony with her wake-up sheets and ‘get over it’ or be a victim in it. Caller Ron Bleakney. Thanks Michele for covering the last half of the show. |
June 31
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…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””