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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
December 1 | michael opened by speaking of changes made within scripture to make it more palitable to the audience. Refer to the movie: “Birth of a Nation” where a black precher who was a slave and his master took him to various plantations to preach to the slaves to obey their masters regardless of the horror they found themselves in. Taught by the church to believe lies. Must break through the lies. The President has opened the flood gates and shown the underbelly that we must address…it is a gift in disguise. Time for anyone who has bought a lie about themselves to bring the dark part of the mind forward for healing. Jeanie mentioned Matrix and the man eating the steak and, though it was not what he imagined, chose to stay in the lie. Karl Jung said until the unconscious becomes conscious it will direct our lives and we will call it fate.
Caller Susan B., michael gave her information about their conversation yesterday. We went to see the movie “Coco” which is about a child (an aspiring musician) named Miguel, confronted with his family’s ancestral ban on music, enters the Land of the Dead to work out the mystery. A demonstration that the information is there if we just listen. Hispanic belief of the “Day of the Dead” and the altar with pictures of the ancesters and if their picture is not put up they cannot come back and give messages and celebrate with the living (like our All Souls Day). Susan said she would like to know she is still with the living. Jeanie shared the writing about not being dead, just being in the next room (came through after doing a wake-up sheet around Mom passing, and this line was delivered in the movie “Let There Be Light” as well. And then the movie Coco was about the dead being much alive and with us. Jeanie also shared about her experience in a breath session being a Native American child and her book. Susan asked our people to hold the space for Rev Greg Edwards, running in a local campaign to work for change, and for him to hold to his integrity when challenged. michael offered we can stand in a connected space and recognize a behavior that is ‘not right’ and hold accountability. Judgement comes when there is hostility or fear involved. It takes skill too. Work more effectively when connected. Susan said she has a friend in Haiti who got involved in voodoo and was tattooed, etc. then he was told he would have a terrible loss and he accepted that. Later that year his 10 year old daughter died. michael shared an experience several years ago he presented a workshop and then it became a big gossip fest and he left, then he got a call frantically to come back and help. There was a woman choking physically, he had the guidance to deny the power and dismiss it and the choking stopped. These people had created such a distructive energy that it became strong enough to impact them physically, the mind energy became flesh. It would not shock him if this group involved in voodoo created a powerful enough energy to create it. What about the innocence of the little girl? Genetically she was linked even though she did not have a conscious awareness. Caller Julie. In 2011, she thinks it was Sept 5th, she talked about energetic devotion and what we dovote to is what we get. If we give it to the witchdoctor then we give away our power. It seems they have power over them but they are just disempowered, be empowered for them and teach them. She saw Coco and loved it but regarding the short movie before it (Frozen characters) was about traditions and how they stem from our beliefs (energetic devotions). Announce next Tuesday is Julie Haverstick and Tracey Gibson. |
December 2
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December 3
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December 4 | Jeanie shared her wake-up sheet from yesterday, started as the incident from last week finding some beautiful stuff hidden in Mom’s closet behind clutter and that she did not need to live as in poverty but could have been abundantly full. Immediately went down to my own being (beautiful love) hidden behind the fear, hurt, anger, guilt, blame, self-blame and depression (the clutter of life). Get busy (drug) doing for others and they don’t want my help or need me thus depression comes forward again. Such a grandos goal to undo it, even with the tools it is seemingly unattainable. Next wake-up sheet and next breath!
Dr Tim acknowledged the depths of the work and appreciate the sharing. A wonderful example of not always being a feel good moment but productive getting through the layers and moving forward and seeing more clearly how others see you Jeanie. Appreciating and desiring your presence as you are a gift. michael said many want a linear process but it does not work that way there are ups and downs of layers…but no one has reached perfection. He explained creating the space for the multiple generational layers to come forth is one step closer. Life arranges to show us the layers. Tells the history of Napoleon Bonaparte and the destruction of thousands of men and that is in our genes. Schedule in Roanoke this week. Jeanie shared about little store called Woodruff in Monroe VA that they are going to visit on Thursday. The lady who sang Sunday told of the experience with the 101 year old lady who is the grandmother of the ladies running the store and the 4th graders interviewing her. That is all you need. Dr Tim there is so much good going on and coming out due to the insanity of the world right now. Things are shifting. Look for blessings, they are there all along I just need to see it. Amplify the positive energy. He shared from their group last Thursday, a lady spoke of the law of attraction and asked ‘why do I keep attracting people like that into her life?’ her focus was him being in her life and yet he had not addressed her in any way and there were 7 others in the group, maybe they attracted him. She spent a lot of her energy focusing on something less than perfect in her life and that was misapplied (using that spiritual tool). Use your thoughts to focus on the miracles and good stuff and how many loving people in the world. Change lenses nd look for the good and consciously choose to be grateful. michael offered he probably showed her where she still had work. He tells people, look for what you feeland that was there first. Every opportunity is another gift. God conspires for us to be what we were created to be – Love. michael posted on Facebook the lesson “The Five Aramaic Keys of Y’Shua” where he told us how to return to Love. Five major religions were sourced out of the Aramaic. Baha’u’llah taught we are one in the Bahai faith and was imprisoned for it. Caller Julie from Oregon, Rukha d’Koodsha – “a feminine elemental force in humans that breaks off the effect of errors and teaches truth. Aforce for that which is proper for humans, the denial of which leaves me in unforgiveness.” She did a wake-up sheet with a lady who wanted her brother to be more compassionate and saw she was not always compassionate to him and maybe he did not realize how to be that. Conceptually telling her to be more compassionate was not going to work the lady needed to find it herself so Julie had to cancel the goal for her to see it. It takes learning to hold the space for others and it is the quality not quantity. Making contribution toward critical mass. michael offered The Course says “you need not seek for love but only seek, find, release the barriers you built within yourself against it.” Announce tomorrow’s show. |
December 5 | Explanation of this year’s 16-day Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work Program designed by Julie Haverstick and Tracey Gibson. Set for June 8 to 23, 2018 residential program, costs $1,600 plus work exchange. Food, accommodations and workshops included. Work projects on property during the day, kitchen experience with Ari and workshops in the evening and breathing on Saturday.
The incentive for the first 8 people who register/pay will get 10 weeks (1-1/2 hrs per week) of personal work with Julie Haverstick and then be given a person to work with as well – Pay It Forward! Develop the space of community and consciousness ahead of time. Julie will begin January 2018 with the sessions. They are planning a trip to Branson, a canoe trip, t-shirt painting, movie night with organic popcorn, etc. Ari to head up the kitchen or the ‘food’ and Julie and Tracey to head up the ‘fun’ activities while michael does the ‘forgiveness’ classes/workshops and Terry Bowling has committed to head up the ‘work’ projects! This is a means to rejuvenate HeartLand which has given so much to others. michael spoke of the Be-Attitudes which is an instruction set to activate the unconscious neuro structure to be operated by Love. Question in the chatroom about the MindGoal Management worksheet. michael explained it is a sheet to frame then set then cancel goals. One step is to frame and then set the goal to do the MindGoal Management worksheets. So, the night before you cancel all goals and stresses for the day and then frame goals for the next day then the next morning (with feedback from the night) you either cancel or set a framed goal. This is one more goal to set to do the worksheet. Caller Julie from Oregon, question about being in integrity. As we come into the wholeness and awareness of who we are, we have an integrity in the wholeness different from the world’s version of integrity. She has a relationship with her body and yet needs treatment from an accident. Is this part of giving oneself up? michael said the non-being mind has a cheap copy of what is true in the real world. He gave the example of wheat being turned into bread but most places serve an empty white substance called bread but it has no nutrition in it. Tap into our true integrity and knowing. The world sees healing as something different. Sometimes getting support from a physician is useful while real healing takes place. |
December 6 | Last night at our workshop “Healing Through Relationships” it was a small group but the energy was that of an intensive. Shakespeare said “our words fly up and the thoughts remain below” our speech will tell us what we need to look at. One gentlemn asked how do I change these dynamics, michael asked how many worksheets he had done since Sunday and he said none. You must put the pen to the paper. One lady insisted she had no issues with her childhood or prents and when her speech was fed back she realized she had never ‘gone there’ because it wasn’t safe to feel.
We deserve to be treated as the active presence of Love because that is who we are. Chatroom comment on being challenging for one from a loving family understanding the abuse. Will we ever be done? michael gave the example of the bulldozer verses toothpicks to remove a parking lot. Jeanie told of doing her work around being worth listening to and the day when she realized she was done with that. michael acknowledged Jeanie for the recent work she did. Blogtalk had tehnical issues. Could not reopen the chat room or get on the switchboard. Announced intensives and schedule and then described the energy work of the body. |
December 7 | michael and Jeanie lost signal. Dr Tim thank you for picking up for us. |
December 8 | Looking on a deeper level the Aramaic idea of words and how they virtually define everything that we do. Whoever defines the words, defines the whole process. Key words were changed from Aramaic to Greek or Latin or English. Spoke with someone today who said “I was so sick about that.” and he offered them to stop asking for that and they were in such denial that they were part of their creation.
Aramaicisms is our newest DVD with michael and Dale Allen Hoffman and the changes of words and the original meanings. Dr Tim just finished a session with a lady who desperately wants to make a change but has not done the work. Willingness to see the unconscious and the use of the tools. She tearfully asked “have you ever seen anyone as screwed up as me get better?” absolutely! Perfectionist and hard on self and does only what she has always done in the past and gets the same results and does not like it. michael offered the errant thought of “something is wrong with you” or “you are broken” has sewn into the culture. Support group last night talking about being able to see the energy we are holding and what it radiates out and is it influencial even though we can’t see it? We have false beliefs we identify with and unless we step back and observe the movement without being moved by it. We are not victims. michael agreed the thoughts are not us. Forgiveness will remove those thoughts. Holding the space for Michele as she had surgery yesterday. michael spoke to someone who had a child that was behaving off target and they thought they might commit suicide. He spoke of demons and that they are just thoughts (not entities) that need to be removed. Dissociate and Disassociate. Jeanie read the chatroom text from Wednesday’s show from “Through the Tigers Door” where they feel it can never be ‘done’ and that we couldn’t see them or hear them – which is true we got bumped out and could not sign back in and sowe did not see or hear them. Thank you Cathy for forwarding me their message. Asked michael to address it. He gives the example of having a 17-year old vehicle that has lots of issues, external paint to internal oil and engine issues. It will take a significant amount of time and finances to fix it back perfect. The tools we offer will work but it takes time. Example of upset being level 200 in the beginning and now 10 years later upset is a level 4 – the mind says the problem is still there but there is a significant difference between 200 and 4. michael said some of the biggest issues in his life have made the biggest changes (or even disappeared) in the last 5 to 10 years and he has been doing this work for half a century…not many take this on as a full time project but only part-time…and he is not done. Generational issues take longer. Continue to do your work and in terms of emotional impact they will disappear, you may still remember the event but you can recall it without it being traumatic. Perhaps attend an intensive for more indepth work and support. Doctors and Lawyers spend 6 – 8 years in college then internships then continued ‘practice’ it goes on. Relative to the deepest questions of life, compared to understanding the dynamics of your creatorship, doctor and lawyer is simple (all respect intended). Some skills come easy and natural, ie. sales or cook or sew from parent and grandparents but how much of the culture has actually had experience in forgiveness from their ancesters? none. Dr Tim added, we do not undo our past but we can stop recreating the misery that we are creating today and blaming on the past. Undo the energetics. Caller Shirley, sat in waiting room with a friend who had surgery, she was tired and irritable. Then they ran into problems leaving the hospital late and needing to get to the pharmacist to get medication and she did not know where she was needing to go and what to do. She realized someone else has always ‘done it’ or told her what to do and found herself in the position of needing to make a decision and it was challenging. But she did what needed to be done and is on track now taking charge of her life. Yes may ask advice but knows she can do it! Michele came on line, impressed with Shirley and how she has progressed in her own process. Shirley stepped up and was so supportive and take charge and yet kind and loving. Michele also complemented Dr Tim on handling the show ‘solo’ yesterday, he did great! michael read an email from someone who attended an intensive and was thanking him and acknowledging the forgiveness process. He had a Muslim background and was seeking truth. Realizes there are Universal changes he must make. announce our schedule |
December 9
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December 10
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December 11 | The theme of “The Hero’s Journey” at a center where we will be presenting in January. Depends on the brain cells – eyes to see and ears to hear. What is a hero? The world myth is “the good guy kills the bad guy and is the hero” or Y’Shua’s view of “if you live by the sword you will die by the sword” and “love those who hate you” – maintain human life no matter what happens and you can’t be killed. So michael will present that standing as Love is the hero’s journey. E-newsletter sent our November 29, 2017 can be opened at that explains Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work Program at HeartLand in June. All newsletters sent out since May 2016 can be opened at Caller Susan B., when Y’Shua heals a man, he sees their mindset and knows what is coming. Susan said she sees something and her hackles come up and while she is able to catch herself and shift she is still triggered. Was Y’Shua ever triggered? michael offers that Y’Shua said “why call ye me perfect?” so we can suspect he maybe was triggered but nothing in the scriptures says he was. Further discussion around this topic and insights from an opera around Y’Shua rejecting a woman, he was doing what he told his disciples not to do and getting an ah’ha. Then Susan spoke of “All the Rage” movie and book for her client. michael offered we do our part (meet the conditions) and then the cause moves forward without us. Susan said sometimes she “puts love on” but does not feel it. michael said we are all hypocrites, our work is one step ahead of us until we arrive and I don’t know anyone who has arrived. Announce workshops…Birmingham, Atlanta and Wilmington. Intensive in March in Oak Island, NC Caller Doug, hit a new level of vitality lately and today he woke up with fear of survival. Seems a reoccuring thought “override my being” can’t just be but must do to have income. Made the most money when working long hours selling things but did not enjoy it. Past relatives did the same thing … worked to death. Doug spoke of guidance from his Dad (who has passed away) with his nieces. michael suggests he go to a movie and see “Coco” (cartoon) about the generational issues. Doug knows his father was compelled by the same fear. Cancel all goals that my non-being mind says I have to achieve to be a success and survive. God has a whole warehouse of gifts but His children are not open to receiving. MindShifter: My father, knowing in detail everything I have done in my life, approves of me and holds me in a space of love. MindShifter: The sole purpose of the universe and everyone in it is to nurture, cherish and support me in having outrageous success. |
December 12 | opening on Power Person dynamics and overcoming Dr Tim gave comment from recent clients and the theme around intimacy issues and fear around intimacy. michael added it was the fear of in-to-me-see (the fear of people seeing inside) chatroom comment “my father literally told me this repeatedly. “When people find out what you’re really like, they won’t like you.”” michael addresses the insanity that is passed on. He adds that the process continues even in his own life, that he has made the biggest shifts in the last 10 years and he has been doing this for over 40 years. He then spoke of Jeanie’s process last Monday, a breakthough around a long time issue and she has been doing this work for over 14 years. Caller Tracey asked where to find the stories talked about yesterday. michael said google “woman at the well” and “lay my life down and pick it up again” then she asked if that understanding came from a translation somewhere? And why don’t religions want to know the truth? Seems like more are seeking and hopefully the shift for a new way based in love will be soon. Jeanie provided Mark 7:25-30 and Matthew 15:21-28 (it was a Cannanite woman not the woman at the well and gave a little back ground info on that story too) and John 10:18 (I lay my life down and have power to pick it up again) and Matthew 26:52 (live by sword die by sword) |
December 13 | Hello and blessings sent to Mischele Pischea, we have not heard from her since the day after her surgery and we hold the space for her healing. michael spoke of the movie we saw last night “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, MO” it shows powerfully the insanity of the world: father/son, mother/son daughter, citizens/political, bigotry, racial, etc. pain and rage of each player. One loving thought from one person turned one life around. Each person is lost within the genetic pain and suffering. listen to the first 2 chapters of michael’s book “The End of Suffering: Resurrecting the Original Aramaic Y’Shua, the Christ” Dr. Tim one attendee was in trauma and the group offered loving support. It was great to sit back and watch that unfold within the community of the Support Group. The group handled being the support. michael announced the schedule on the road and upcoming intensives Carl Jung “There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” goes along with ‘not dr. feelgood’ How can you coax another to take responsibility and move to the light? (besides all the above) michael said modelling for sure. Opening the space for hope. Jeanie responded in the chatroom that like raising kids, people learn more by example than words. michael and Dr Tim both share of their own processes. Discussion of ‘push/pull’ michael asked the resistor? Dr Tim said it is more along the lines of fear that moving into one direction means giving up of another. Julie shared the “Pay It Forward” part of the Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work Program for June 8. She will begin mentoring in January with the first 8 people who register (1-1/2 hrs per week for 10 weeks). |
December 14 | Dr Tim filled in for us on switchboard and host … thank you! |
December 15 | michael opened talking about Aramaicisms and the change in words. We are energy as are words. The commitment to keep things hidden from ourselves is the cause of our pain. We need to change the dynamics to heal. |
December 16
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December 17
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December 18 | Welcome from Gatlinburg TN. Aramaic process of forgiveness. The quality of the output of your mind determines your reality. The energy you engage in
Carl Jung – “It is my mind, with its store of images, that gives the world colour and sound; and … “experience” is, in its most simple form, an exceedingly complicated structure of mental images. Thus there is in a certain sense nothing that is directly experienced except the mind itself. So thick and deceptive is this fog about us that we had to invent the exact sciences in order to catch at least a glimmer of the so-called “real” nature of things.” michael announced the coming of the phone app – will be both Android and Iphone. We hold it comes out before Christmas. Dr Tim thankful. Had a client last week for first time and the biggest change has come from him being able to see how his mind works and stop blaming others for his rage. He has a 5 and 7 yr old son who is going to likewise benefit. Thrilled to be on your team and have access to these tools. Dr Tim said he had 3 people who recently had come back wanting the tools but can’t do the group and he directs them to the archive of the show. “Life without tools” (michel shared 2 female friends who had the same symptoms of ALS and one bought into it and has now passed on while the other is doing her work and refusing to buy in and is still doing well (has challenges but is still active). Jeanie shared “” blog written by Nick Ortner. Case Study with 11 and 12-year olds taking the first six-minutes to tap. Relieving stress by lowering cortisol levels, less stress and anxiety, and setting positive intentions for kindness, gratitude and achieving specific academic goals that day. Within 2 weeks, social and test anxiety went down, test scores improved, behavior issues decreased, special needs children were self-regulating better, bullying went down and productivity went up. (read more from the article) Caller Cindy from Chicago. Has a 92 year old grandmother and the doctors are talking comfort care. Facing the prospect of her passing and the emotions come and go and the heaviness in her chest. (michael offered to forgive the trauma and be able to hold the space if she leaves her body, what a gift). Cindy asked for suggestions on assisting her grandmother when she panics that she can’t breathe. (michel offered ‘being conscious’ during this time is important) Caller Doug, hasn’t seen Coco yet but getting good insights from MindShifter but has another question. Working with a young man (in his thirties) in Missouri and he is conscientious but unconsciousness seems to rule. Working in exchange for rent and has come into several conflicts and bottom line is he has warrant due to missing a court date, and other issues, the neighbor keeps calling the police on him. Whether this s true or not but now he wants to stay at Doug’s house. He wants to support him in healing work but not ready for the guy to move in. Then feels ‘guilty’ around not helping him. Not comfortable, feels like too much risk. Jeanie offered listen to your intuition. michael offered you are holding conflicting information, cancel your need to rescue him. Make a list of goals you have for him around you, and list of goals you have for you around him. Recognize you are isolated where you live and if you are in Minnesota then what is your back-up plan? michael suggested he go back and listen to this archive and note the places where his breath catches and his voice strains. Dr Tim added, as you listen to the archive, cancel goals around the fear you mentioned too. Spoke to Dianne, she mentions the trauma around moving from California to Minnesota when she was 5 years old, then “Inside Out” movie resemblance. |
December 19 | The lion hiding in the bushes, takes out the weakling in the herd, but the lion is not the cause of the weakness. We create conditions that produce the result in our lives. There was a person talking to mcihael yesterday who was in terror over the germs passed around this time of year with the crowds, etc. It is still a germ theory. There are germs, yes, but they only take a ‘foothold’ only where there is decay or toxicity, weakened tissue. The germs are the clean-up crew. Spoke of blotting brush, and cleaning the mouth. He went on to talk about antibiotics (anti life) this is treatment of symptoms but is not healing. If you are low energy or toxic or have a weakened immune system then yes stay indoors as you are susceptible to attrack the clean-up crew. Bleeding gums, or bruise easy, get bioflavinoids – the white of an orange or grapefruit – or if you use supplements get a wide variety. Strengthen blood vessels. Keep the power supply turned on.
Hostility or fear will cause tissue to weaken and fall apart. Active presence of love. Forgiveness is how to remove the decay energies that literally destroy the cells. Dr Tim shared listening to an old show from October 14, 2015 where Michele was attempting to uplift Dr Tim as the “master” and he said he offered that he is asking to be taught and it flows out of him but it is not him … and then he thought of a recent conversation with Susan Bingham when she said she did not have confidence, insecurity around her effectiveness. And her gasp when told she was effective as any therapist who ever lived. We get out of the EGO and focus on the application of tools. If the person we are working with is willing to use the tools then we are the facilitator and the tool has the ability to put someone in touch with the higher power. (the archived show is a huge gift, it is not figuring things out just being in the moment) Caller Roma, woke up with a burning thoat and so the show was on target with what she needed to hear. She had a cataract operation and had steroid drops in her eyes and she felt dizzy, quit that a week ago. Also she had a bacterial diagnosis (in her lungs) and was told to take an antibiotic twice a day for a whole year but she quit after 6 months and he wanted to avoid her because she won’t follow his direction. He told her that her lungs were like an old house with the door open and any straggler can come in, so she went to a gathering and there was someone who had been sick for weeks and sure enough she got home and felt the disturbance in her lungs. (apologies for the alarm on our end) Caller Susan, asking for the community to hold the space for her and her son who recently married. A year ago she had received an email from her daughter-in-law telling Susan how her son was abusive to her. It appears to be better but now he is turning it on Susan. He treats her terribly (verbal abuse). She is manifesting physically – ear is stopped up, mucus, etc. michael offered it may be time to have a talk with her son about how distructive his abuse is for himself as much as her. Not a debate but time to treat each other lovingly, gently and respectfully. Maybe time for intervention. |
December 20 | Gratitude for what we have. Visited a place called “The Greatest Story Ever Told” which was a walk through the life of Y’Shua the Christ and he truly did show us the way to an abundant life. Many times he said “your faith has made you whole.” The work is within. Jeanie added her gratitude for the time with her Dad and family and this season and what’s coming in 2018.
Dr Tim shared from last night’s support group where they watched a Guy Finley DVD on the “Memory Go Round” and how we keep replaying it. It is his version of Why is this happening to me … AGAIN?! Repeating the patterns. Caller Susan D., continue from yesterday. Last night in MindShifter Group they watched “Getting the Stress You Need” and realized everything she says brings up his irritation and that his hostility and fear filters are set. He holds to the pain of the divorce and she did not have the tools and she realizes this is her story. She holds guilt too. The thought of getting married and if they divorced he would only have his son part time like he only had his Dad part time. Unconsciously. Susan sent an apology to them for making the Christmas card announcing their marriage without their approval. She realizes too that she taught her son how to treat women by allowing him to treat her the way he has without holding him accountable. michael offered that Susan is probably the only safe space for him to ‘explode’ without it going back in his face. Susan said she is going to call the radio show so her question and answer is recorded so she can go back and re-listen. Gratitude for michael’s brilliance to dicipher the word and present us these tools. Susan added another miracle, her daughter invited her to come have Christmas Eve dinner with her and the family. And beautiful to see she is more aware with a naturopathic physician and listening about stress and its impact on her body. michael offered for her to do her work round the ‘fear of sharing this work with her children’ before presenting anything to them for we spray on them what we hold within. Dr Tim said the actuality is that Susan, you ARE sharing this work with them, and doing your own work and being a model of the benefits is more powerful than a lecture. We are connected. michael gave an example of the waterfall in the pool here at the condo, the frequency of the sound comes through the window and we can hear it. If we bricked up the window we might not hear it, the energy would be blocked by the density. Also talked about UHF (ultra high frequency) of the TV – the blocks are not solid enough to hold out the fine frequencies of UHF (more refined) – gave other examples of energy waves. The only thing that stops (or absorbs) the energy wave sent out by our thoughts is another set of brain cells with similar frequency. Energy transfer from one to another. Primary purpose is to live as the being called love to fully incarnate this device called my body. Caller Shelly, grateful for this universal family and the love and compassion! Hope to bring a couple of people and see you in March at Oak Island. |
December 21 | Jeanie opened the show with an intro of the forgiveness process and then gave the schedule of events. Mentioned ‘end of year’ donations and mentioned the Wake-up Sheet apps that we hope to have out by Christmas.
Dr Tim and Jeanie chatted about Christmas plans and the hope for people to be connected during the Holy-days instead of losing it in the commercialism of the holidays. Instead of a ‘New Year Resolution” do your purpose statement and then follow it this next year. Jeanie told where to find the purpose worksheet on the website and read her new statement and told how life rearranged itself to follow that purpose. michael read from how do you heal epigenetic markers and free the generations from those patterns? Experience whatever is going on either indirectly (blame another for cause) or directly (own it) and bring love present to it and it disappears and one heals. michael gave an example of language trying to break through and tell you what you need to hear…watch your words. Shakesphere said our words fly up and our thoughts remain below. Once we dissociate from an issue we can not heal it. Trauma can stay embedded or can be released, it does not dissipate by itself. It will reflect in the victim’s life or that of their children or grand children. Ancestrial genes or our own … decode trauma-based memories or life will send us the decoder (one who can play it out with you). Dr Tim looking forward to tapping into that book. “It Didn’t Start With You, How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle” by Mark Wolynn Caller Camille, this brings up family disfunction issues …. continue tomorrow. |
December 22 | Thank you Michele for swtchboarding for Jeanie. |
December 23
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December 24
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December 25 | Merry Christmas! So much energy focused on living in the mind of Love (God). This is a day of celebration. Looking back historically, the man named Y’Shua was called the Christ …which was an office not his means one who lives in the mind of God…he was our example to awaken. It is your entry to wholeness and the true state of being. The mind of the body often goes against or interferes with us standing as love no matter what. He said what he did we could do but we must let go of what keeps us from that.
Caller Julie from Oregon, discusses with michael the creation we participate in. michael said creation is from the state of being but when we behave out of the CBM we re-create the past. Then Julie asked for support around an event she felt she might have been able to change if she had chosen differently. She had an incident with another driver on the highway and she sent some hard vibes his way out of her frustration and he flipped her off. The next week this same man did road rage with someone on a motorcycle and the cyclist died as a result. process around what was up for her and stop figuring it out. With only 5 people on the switchboard and one guest in the chatroom and noone had a question so we closed the show early to complete our own celebration activities. |
December 26 | Michelle filled in for Jeanie – thank you. |
December 27 | michael’s opening about neuropeptides. Caller Susan B. |
December 28 | Dr Tim hosting. Opening – blessed to have the media of Blog Talk Radio to get this message out and to offer support. Allowance and acceptance puts us in the flow of life. There is always a bigger picture. “It Didn’t Start With You, How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle” by Mark Wolynn Explanation of Family Constellation, work through cross generational pattern. Example of traumas during the war experienced by great grandfather or grandfather going through depression, the impression of beliefs and fears, hopes, triumphs and failures gets imprinted in DNA.
Jeanie shared the experience of pregnancy with Ryan and his twin sister. Lost the twin at 4 months pregnancy and it impacted Ryan through his life needing to have a girl in his life. Dr Tim mentioned Dr Brent Babcock “My Twin Vanished: Did Yours?” Caller Tracey asked for an explanation of the generational link. If she was in one of the Family Constellations, she has internal angst around eating and not eating and calories and weight and yet her mother will eat junk and does not care while her mother stayed on diets, other dynamics. What would that look like? Dr Tim asked her to explain what she means by angst. Restlessness and anxiety. Dr Tim said that is a worksheet and use angst as the emotion, the situation about staying healthy with food and the thoought might be 3 or 4 different worksheets. One might be “if I don’t eat perfect I will die young” or “I resent having to work hard at this” or “I’m going to get fat” but now you have 3 different goals altho they look the same in 1A, B and C but the D thought is different. Te thought I use to create a negative emotion contains a goal that is not getting met. Examle the goal on getting fat is “I want to stay thin” while getting fat and ugly would be “I want to stay slim and attractive” slightly different but uses a different part of my mind. I resent I have to watch my weight while others don’t, the goal is I want to be carefree and eat whatever I want. Suggests to atch the PowerPoint video. Everytime I load a goal, when what happens outside does not satisfy that goal then the goal drives my mind to select data to support that goal not being met and generates negative emotions and sets up the picture (everything in this reality) I see (my perception). All is based on the goal so if the goal is different then different data will be accessed. A rationalization mechanism. Blaming others for what we feel. The Course says be aware of the distorting power of the way you want it to be. Literally our perception is distorted based on the goal not met and we will say it is something outside of us that is causing the emotion. We won’t see the truth that it is within us maybe for centuries. When resonated and active then it drives perception. One wake-up sheet at a time we ask to be shown. Dr Tim told of a woman who spoke of her daughter and the problem with her 12 year old and thought about sending her daughter away. But when laying out her family tree it was a pattern of 4 generations back where the 2nd oldest daughter was sent away each time. And yet she was blind to the pattern and made excuses for why it happened and that her situation was diferent. Unconscious behaviors. We must develop proficiency with the tools so we can make conscious choices instead of being driven by the past. Tracey could relate. Dr Tim referrenced Camille, caller from last week, who saw how her kids were playing the pattern of herself and her parents (Friday Dec 22nd show). |
December 29 | |
December 30
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December 31
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…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””