Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – February 2017

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

February 1



(apologies, sound checking to get the best sound from michael) Dr Tim and michael reference yesterdays show and particularly the CIA information..”Yet perception is demonstrably an active rather than a passive process; it constructs rather than records ‘reality’.” (can be found at

Recovery Wednesday! Caller Gail. In a mental, emotional healing crisis and wants to ‘pass’ on commenting around recovery and just listen. She has experienced a third death, this time of a friend.

Caller Magda, holding the space for Gail and all that is going on.

Nene in the chatroom, has scheduled a MindShifters & StillPoint workshop Sunday February 5th from 11am to 5pm at The Vortex (where michael & jeanie were in Boca Raton last Sunday).  She asked for a further explanation of the glycerin and ink experiment and how the enfolding relates to us and our energy field.  Energy gets dispersed into the field (enfolded) and ‘appears’ to be gone but as we heal, the spin so to speak is reversed and it unfolds back into the field and is visible again. It takes willingness to work through what has been enfolded (perhaps for generations).

Announcement on the intensives in Oak Island, NC.  February 15th is deadline to commit to either of Jeanie’s intensives for Women.  The 9-day ACIM has not had any commitments so it is now going to be a 9-day Why Again.

michael explained a project (led by Richard Eshelman) in making a portable growing room that will be added to the 10-day Food Fun Forgiveness at HeartLand in June. Probably an additional 2 days.

Dr Tim spoke of Jayem’s speech the support group watched last night (from The Way of Mastery).  We are infinite: no time or space and we are all one.  But the work is about being present with the external and the internal at the same time, being in the world not of the world.  Be in touch with sensations and aware of the connection to the One at the same time.

February 2



Someone had requested michael listen to a 30 minute video of a person who channels and offer his input based on this work.  It is full of falsities.  One point was around what is happening in the world and that one can do nothing about it.  Margaret Mead said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Another point was that contrast is required to determine what one needs to do or know (i.e. evil or darkness is required to see light or good). Not true.

Another regarding being a bad creator because they did not create their choice for President and they are frustrated.  There is an actuality in the world and then a reality between our ears.  Yes our energy focused can impact the outside world but his frustration was inside him and his to change.  Our thinking will effect our emotions and what we draw into our space.

Power in a group whose energy is in alignment will produce results more quickly than what one can do on their own.  And there is a broader contact with Truth than going out on their own. There’s an old African proverb that says “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

The video talks about people being selfish and that is the way it is and that you can only see through the eyes of selfishness.  Disagree, I believe, through the eyes of BEING we can see self-wise and part of the whole instead of individual.

Knowing what you don’t want tends to keep you focused on recreating out of it.  You know what you DO want because you have awakened to your imagination and intuition and can bring in something new.

She does address that Mr. T is a good salesman.  The fear and rage developed over the last few years was the perfect set up for the storm to happen. What is being offered is absolutely perfect. Agree, Mr. T has drawn out the dark underbelly of this culture.  If anyone is in awareness they know it is perfect and has awakened.  Now people need to stay awake and take action for change: ie Women’s rights, religeous rights, educastion, etc.  But if people go back to sleep we are in trouble.  Each individual be honest and own the part of themselves that holds some of the darkness and then make loving action. Call or write letters to Congress or Senators to pressure them to move forward.

Another point, around being controlled by authorities.  Refer to Laws of Living.  Example, a judge may be able to sentence you to jail but they do not have control over your mind. Read  A story told in The Gentle Art of Blessing by Pierre Pradervand, the story actually comes from the book Return from Tomorrow, written by Dr. George Ritchie.

She refers to “the vibrational rocket of desire” – michael refers to setting and cancelling goals.

She also says life s getting better and better.  Not better for those who are not engaged and don’t know about higher energies.

Destiny of your own making is false.  Yes we are creators and set our path but on our own we are not the only one tht makes our destiny.  As a cooperative whole we can change our destiny through action and positive thinking.  It is always wise to pay attention to our surroundings and maintain our Being.  Get enough streams of conscious awareness moving in the same direction. Einstein says “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us “universe”, a part limited in time and space.  He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.  This delusion is a kind of prison us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and whole of nature in its beauty.”

Media does not matter?  It does matter.  Look for accurate information about any topic and engage with what is accurate. Discern between truth and lies.  Then ask what media creates the deepest disturbances in you?  This will show you your work. Become more conscious and change the energy you add to the world.

If in your CBM there are energies that do not belong (drama trauma fear anger) it will hold back your natural flow. In the healing process I get to clean up that part of me and wake up to the fact that what I focus on I contribute energy to the same.  Forgive the lower energy and bring a higher energy to the party.  Bring forth truth and love and beauty.

Caller Julie, watched the video too. Outstanding comments. Great guidance for us to keep doing the work to maintain our own field of awareness and holding to love and offer through us to others instead of us figuring it out. Thanks for putting your attention to this and offering your support to us.

Caller Doug.  Processing over the phone with Dianne just before the show and now listening to what you just said. Beautifully informative and supportive. Thank you.  michael chose to not reference the person’s name in the video but the video definitely presented the questions that we have chosen to address on the show today.

If not connected with michael on Facebook, send him a request to JM_Ryce he has posted videos of several leaders who are taking appropriate stance towards the atrocities going on.

Doug said he wanted to see the highest and best in Mr T (although he knows he has human errors) and has seen more critical hate and fear coming from those who are supposed to be on a different path.  michael offered he posts for awareness and may be seen as critical but “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke.  Acknowledge that this is an opportuntity for healing of this nation…for the world.

What is Truth that is happening in the world? It seems there are reasons for concern.  Nations should have an identity and not become one homogenous field. There needs to be a balance in order to be proper support. michael said yes there does need to be separation from dangerous people but just blaming an entire sect of people based on the ‘bad’ then we are ‘not right’ … continue tomorrow

February 3



to begin where we left off yesterday….michael began the show by reading a discussion around teachers, education and the political issues.

Caller Steven. Question about how the Aramaic translation has come about since we don’t have the writings in Aramaic in our churches.  michael offered Aramaic is full of idioms and the meaning of the idiom has to be explained and not just a translation of words. It takes the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

Caller Doug. continuation from yesterday and his perspective.

February 4



February 5



February 6



Thinking divides and separates things that are not separate.  We are part of one whole unbroken wholeness.  David Bohm “…the general tacit assumption in thought is that it’s just telling you the way things are and that it’s not doing anything – that ‘you’ are inside there, deciding what to do with the info. But you don’t decide what to do with the info. Thought runs you. Thought, however, gives false info that you are running it, that you are the one who controls thought. Whereas actually thought is the one which controls each one of us. Thought is creating divisions out of itself and then saying that they are there naturally. This is another major feature of thought: Thought doesn’t know it is doing something and then it struggles against what it is doing. It doesn’t want to know that it is doing it. And thought struggles against the results, trying to avoid those unpleasant results while keeping on with that way of thinking. That is what I call ‘sustained incoherence’.”  michael gave the example again of the drop of ink enfolded in glycerin and yet when the spin is reversed it unfolds into view (see The idea is to get to critical mass and see the whole planet shift to Love.  Collectively we can get there, together we increase the movement of energy. References Paul and Rex, they are working on taking this work to business and Paul took it into his classroom and received excitement over the tool of forgiveness.

Miracle Monday! michael continued to read from “Fifty Select Quotes From ACIM” ( and added his commentary.

Camille in chatroom mentions in her reading the Course (right now about healing guilt) she gets ‘lost.’ michael offered it is actually written to bring up all issues and when you are reading one passage if in resonance with your issue you may go unconscious and then once you work through your issue you can reread and it makes perfect sense.  Bottomline of healing (from ACIM and Aramaic) is can I hold love conscious in the presence of what I am feeling – guilt is holding judgment about self of having done something wrong, the correlation to guilt is innocence. MindShifter: It is safe and healing for me to proclaim my innocence in every circumstance where I thought I was guilty.

Announcement of workshops and intensives in North Carolina.

February 7



Caller Doug, continuation from Thursday and Friday.  Sees the insanity in the society is bringing it up in himself. michael offered the gift Mr T is giving is showing us the elephant in the room and giving us the opportunity to stay awake and do our work.  Life is like a MindShifter to show us what we need to address. It is incumbent upon us to take action, clean ourselves up first to bring active, present love to the party. If we bring fear and anger to the party then we are adding energy to the insanity. Doug said he is concerned around knowing whether there is a real threat to the US and people coming into the country.  What can we do?  michael quoted “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke.  michael gave an example of of fake news and confusion and gave potential action. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. The whole political game is about relationship – relationship with other countries and other parties. How many lies have been told?  Even among families.  We can’t figure it out but if there is hostility or fear in me then I can clean that up and bring love into the game.  We start where we are…bringing one person at a time to do their own work…and “we teach best what we most need to learn” Richard Bach.  Positively, this has awakened many to be aware of what is happening in government, people who otherwise were asleep and possibly did not even vote.  Now, if people stay awake and do their work and take action.

Dr Tim said what is resonated for him is to clean up and clear up what is off in me.  Emotions are a signal there is something in me that needs to be addressed.

Jeanie told of her dream last night…she was arrested (a jail or institution) and was attempting to tell them they were mistaken and a lady told her to not resist them…they would drug her and then she’d be useless to do anything.  Go along and the path would be shown and later a doctor told her that if she would use the time to learn Children’s Health then along with the Psychology she already has he would have a job for her when she got out. Take away was everyone is called to take action but in different ways. Mine is not to speak out like michael does on Facebook.

michael discussed perceptual constructs and the goals that are driving the process. Then cancel the goal. Ex. You want legislature to go a certain way and it does not and unfairness moves in you. Cancel the goal for them to be fair. With your rage around unfairness you are a contributor to the unfairness.  If you attempt to take action in your rage you will falter, you won’t get what you want. When returned to Love, the construct will change, you can dive into the root of the rage and see what is under the rage (which is a drug) and face the fear around unfairness. Another example is the upset around the Secretary of Education and the disturbance around children not being treated appropriately, the underlying pain around not being treated fair as a child.

Respon-ability Communication is another tool to speak up responsibly.

If you do a behavior to another like lashing out (even if lashing out seems to be justified) then I get the original.  If I can’t clean it up in myself then I am not likely to inspire it in someone else.

Dr Tim said their support group watched the video ( on the power of water and how it has memory. Video talks about research done on many levels around how water changes the way it groups its molecules (still H2O) based on energies it has been exposed to (holds memory of what it has been through and the emotions attached).  One of the most profound statements was that out of all the studied aspects (electric, chemical, etc.), human emotion had the greatest impact on water. Think, 70 – 90% of your body is water so your energy field is most effected by the emotions you choose in each moment. Started a powerful discussion afterwards.

Caller Tracy, back to political conversation. The whole thing occured to her in the context of Love.  There is oneness.  “If thy be single” where is our focus. Accept where we are and embrace it in love. Send the light not add to the dark. Don’t dwell on the missing but on the good and light and it will increase the awakening of the Devine in everyone.  It was freeing to see it that way instead of creating more separateness. Chooses to not be part of the conversations that are not good. Put our emotions (as Dr Tim said) to impact with Love. And realizes when her peace is taken away by someone getting on a bandwagon then that is her work to do.  michael said he is 100% in agreement of clearing up our own field first but hten ask what action do I need to take.  We are the hands and feet of Love.

February 8



Recovery Wednesday!  michael opened by speaking of Napsha – our true nature.

Dr Tim shared about the Support Group, they had a new person and also people who have been doing this work for 5 or more years. Rearrange the data points after reconnecting to my Source and will see a different perspective. A volunteer to do a wake-up sheet and while it revisited an issue she has done several sheets on she could see how much her reaction and emotion has changed around it. Moving forward.

Gail been doing this work Oct/Nov 2014 and first intensive in April 2015 and did an evaluation then and another one two weeks ago and the improvements are tremendous.  From being in crisis in multiple areas and love of self was in the toilet and now 4 areas at 100 and lowest score is 83. Amazing. Life has improved.  Physically – had 50th birthday in November and feel just a good as when she turned 30.  Released an incredible amount of weight and eliminated some things from diet.  Highs and lows are more even. Still reactive and PTSD but more contained and able to look at self quicker.  michael acknowledged her work. In the 12-step world, step 10 is to continue to take personal inventory.  “whenever I am disturbed…it is mine … and I want to love truth more than staying in my disturbance.”  michael asked can you imagine how the world would be if the statement you just made was in the hearts of every individual but in particular in the minds and hearts of the politicians.  To reach critical mass level, for everyone to be able to stop the blame game and mean what Gail just said.

Gail offered working through her own issues and is now working with 15 women in sobriety and introducing this work as well. She speaks this weekend at her grandparents’ church and feels honored and privaleged. She was banned from this group one time and is now speaking to the group. Last week she was working with some ladies and had a flashback of a childhood sexual abuse, the preditor is deceased but his presence seemed real in the moment. 60-70% of people (men and women) have been sexually abused and to hold the space for the healing on the planet is big.  michael offered that people who are acting out have been abused…whether it is the one who shoots up a church or school, or drowns her children or goes off to war.  Reference Pat Tillman, left professional football to serve in the army after 911 and was killed by his own men (by one who wanted a fire fight) and they attempted to cover it up.

watch the video of the Stanford Experiment

February 9



michael’s intro included the Passion of Christ and what does passion mean? The movie showed one scene wher his mother had to deal with pain around him falling when he was a child, then she could go to him when he fell beneath the cross. He said behold I make all things new.

Dr Tim, more gratitude for having these tools. Introduced a couple ofpeople to the tools for the first time today. Gratifying based on personal experience that it is life transforming. Had one in his 50s and talked about running frm depression and guilt for the past 30 years. Tryng to help him understand that practice means we get better at. Practice thoughts of negativity and I get better at it. Referred to a deer trail in a field, a very narrow dirt path through the field. The path is created by many deer repeatedly going the exact same footsteps until they wear down the gound cover. That happens with a thought pattern, the neuropathways can be traced within the physiology. Then any thought that is near the pathway can fall into the pattern. This man has practiced beating up on himself since a child and was raised by an alcoholic father. With these tools that can be dismantled.

michael offered a video on our youtube channel What is the World? How do we forgive? it is a 32 minute video that explains this process.

Caller Ann, ask for feedback on wake-up sheets today. Catching up on her ‘grievance sheets’…feels like an emotional ambush. Sadness and guilt came up. Went from a 10 to 5 on emotional level, she knows there are more to do, thought was triggered after signing a contract to sell her mom’s house. It has been a year since her mom died. The house representing a big piece of her mom (house was next door). The guilt is around not doing this work like she feels she should. Irritation and fear that she did not do the right thing in selling so quick (yet that is what she prayed for). While taling she identified several other emotions like resistance, michael offered that is something perhaps she does not want to touch or look at. Then he asked, if I do this piece of work then I will have to look at _____. Ann said she did not want to ‘let her mom off the hook’ for choices she made. michael said what if life looked like realizing mom did what she did even if it was not appropriate. Address the need to blame her and feel it and remove it and let mom have the responsibility that was not yours.  michael walked her through more of the process and she realized that underlying was guilt around the loss of her virginity.  michael acknowledged her for the progress she has made.  She said she realizes her thinking (i.e. around her husband) was adding energy to an already negative, emotional situation and changing her thinking about herself and others changed the relationship.

February 10



Jeanie opened the show by announcing the intensives and workshops coming up in North Carolina.

michael shared a conversation he had this morning with someone over the political issues and their issue around speaking up to authorities.  Then reflecting on a man who read the Commitment to his wife and they moved from separating to being back in honeymoon mode.  Out of that conversation came Nene telling that story to a client who then began to read the Commitment to her son’s picture and their relationship healed after 10 years of separation.  So, let’s all join in reading the Commitment to President Trump daily and see healing begin.  michael then read the Commitment (which can be downloaded at )

Dr Tim had Support Group last night. Discussion after listening to radio show of Aug 28, 2014 (result of being triggered Aug 27, 2014) and tapping into a traumatic event when he was 14 years old.  It would be easy to say michael was off target and missed the lesson in it for self.  Follow up by watching “What Is the World? How to Forgive” video.  Speed-up in YouTube, watched at 1.25 speed. Then a productive worksheet was completed. to tap into the archived radio shows. and click on the YouTube channel link and watch the ACIM What is the World as well as the PowerPoint video on forgiveness.

michael talked about a healing crisis and what it looks like from physical, mental, emotional perspective and how can you tell whether you are in a disease process or a healing process. Automic structure of food goes right, lemon goes left so it is like a ‘roto-rooter,’ and add as much cayenne as you can take – cleans out old deposits an mucus.  Willingness to allow it to move.

Passing of our friend Ron Manwarren last Saturday, hold the space for his wife Evelyng.

Caller Ron B and Ronnie III (6 months), a lot has been brought up this week.  Chapter from Why book on Off the Mark was read from a different space in a deeper level. When his stuff is up he listens to the book on MP3 and read at same time and it gets the energy moving.  Reason for his call was about recovery.  Two posters, Be-Attitude from Aramaic and Promises from AA, saw the onnection between these documents. Touvehoun (blessed are they) God implanted neurostructures to guide you when they are active. In the Promises, we will intuitively know how to handle what we could not before, God will do for us what we can’t do for ourself.  It is like a meditation of the Sermon on the Mount.

This will be continued next Recovery Wednesday with Ron & Gail.

February 11



February 12



February 13



Awesome intro by Dr Tim Hayes, filling in for michael here on his Eternal Day.  Explained this work and the forgiveness process. Invited people to watch the Power Point, archived radio shows where we have walked someone through a wake-up sheet, and doing the forgiveness work (wake-up sheet can be downloaded at

Caller Julie from Pahrump. Read a letter she just wrote to someone about their anger and that it is inside themself and I will offer her to listen to the beginning of this show.  Dr Tim offered, always focus on ‘my part’ of this, if they are already triggered to anger (especially if they are not familiar with this work) my telling them that it is their stuff will not register.  Tell them “what we understand in studying human nature is that anger is a secondary emotion.” It is a survival, defense mechanism based in fight and flight. And when that happens there is less blood to my brain and it does not function properly.  Example, video of someone getting up in the middle of the night and stubbing their toe and they go into rage.  If you slow the video down you will see just momentarily before the rage is pain.  Offer loving support for the process of dealing with the pain.  If someone comes at you with anger then you seldom breathe and stay connected and say this is not about me but will go into defense.  Yet if you see them in pain you have compassion.  Stopping and recognizing the anger is a cover for the pain.  Julie said the lesson she is taking from this is that she really was not in active love and will go back and do some of her own work and re-write the letter.  Dr Tim said cancelling the goal you hold for them and dropping into your own issues first.  Dr Tim gave a personal example of an event that happened 30 year ago that can still come-up. He realizes that it is not that old event but the emotions downloaded from that event.  I can choose the mindenergy I pour into the emotions and thoughts whether it is a current event or past event.

Miracle Monday! Jeanie read two sections from ACIM.

Workbook Chapter 164.8: Open the curtain in your practicing by merely letting go all things you think you want. Your trifling treasures put away, and leave a clean and open space within your mind where Christ can come. (Aramaic forgiveness described by the Course).

Enter the Ark Textbook 20.IV.8:  You may wonder how you can be at peace when, while you are in time, there is so much that must be done before the way to peace is open.  Perhaps this seems impossible to you.  But ask yourself if it is possible that God would have a plan for your salvation that does not work. Once you accept His plan as the one function that you would fulfill, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you without your effort.  He will go before you making straight your path, and leaving in your way no stones to trip on, and no obstacles to bar your way.  Nothing you need will be denied you.  Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it.  You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfill.  As that was given you, so will its fulfillment be. God’s guarantee will hold against all obstacles, for it rests on certainty and not contingency.  It rests on you. And what can be more certain than a Son (or daughter) of God?

Dr Tim completed the first quote from Chptr 164 “…and offer you the treasure of salvation. He has need of your most holy mind to save the world. Is not this purpose worthy to be yours?  Is not Christ’s vision worthy to be sought above the world’s unsatisfying goals?” This is in alignment with the 4th axiom of the pathway, “The ONLY relationship which holds any significant value at all is your relationship with God, your creative Source.” People stop and say but what about my relationship with….?  The Creator has need of your most holy mind to save the world. Aligning my purpose with the purpose of the Creator.  To express in the creative process whether it is in my mind or the actual world.

Purpose worksheet find your purpose and get in alignment with your purpose.

Last part of Chptr 164 “Let not today slip by without the gifts it holds for you receiving your consent and your acceptance.  We can change the world, if you acknowledge them. You may not see the value your acceptance gives the world.  But this you surely want; you can exchange all suffering for joy this very day.   Practice in earnest, and the gift is yours.  Would God deceive you?  Can His promise fail?  Can you withhold so little, when His Hand holds out complete salvation to His Son?”

February 14



Happy St. Valentines Day. A day to express LOVE … that is who you are not something you do to another.  Jeanie opened the show explaining where to go on the website and that forgiveness is about getting back to the love we are. We have a purpose on this planet to return the entire world to Love. Brief explanation of the purpose worksheet.

Caller Doug. Here on Valentines Day he has a driving urge to go be with Dianne who is 500 miles away. Did a worksheet on being happy and worthy when in her presence.  What do you put in Step 5B where it says ask Rukha to “heal my capacity to generate___”?  michael joined the conversation and offered for Doug to pay attention to what he feels when he asks Rukha to heal his capacity to generate happy and worthy.  If it is a false construct that ‘feels good’ then you don’t want that…it is avoiding what lies underneath.  Addiction to certain internal rewards that blocks one from the internal pain.

Dr. Tim offered during the call, there is so much that can be unpacked.  Ex. worthiness or unworthiness are thoughts, what is the emotional word or the physical sensation that comes with that thought?  The theme for the day is the thought of being unlovable and getting distracted from the awareness of self.  Certain words seem to come and go and lately have heard ‘awareness’ coming back into use.  During Step 5A I cancel, then Step 5B, I am being aware and just listening to guidance.  To stop the doing and fixing and just BE.

michael said they asked Y’Shua how do you tell where a person is at? His response was you’d know by their fruit.  Are you happy even when things are not going the way you want?  Appreciative and grateful to just be alive.

Jeanie offered from a session this morning the ‘driving need’ to comfort another, it is really to quiet the other person so we don’t have to look inside.  michael offered Y’Shua told the Pharisees they were clean on the outside (doing a behavior that keeps order and calm) but on the inside were full of hostility and fear.  Be the support system, the safe space, for the melting of what comes forth instead of shutting it down. Intensive purpose is to stir it all and then dissolve it.  What we hold onto is what becomes our physical disease. Most people have their lives so arranged that no one around them makes waves so they live in the cesspool without taking it in.

Jeanie mentioned to Dr. Tim that her session this morning was with someone who heard the show yesterday and Tim’s example of the pain before the anger led her to ask the questions…when she has been angry what was the pain before the anger and saw it was fear of losing someone, fear of death, fear of being abandoned, etc.  Her drug of choice. She now had a way to address and remove that anger by addressing the underlying cause – the pain and fear.

St Valentine Day comes from ‘legends’ of various men named Valentine or Valentinus who did actions toward supporting loving behaviors and ended up being martyred.

February 15



Recovery Wednesday! Dr Tim gave the intro to Recovering our BEING. Take a deep breath and make your home in the Breath!  Then feel what comes forward fully and let it flow through you!  Holding the breath locks the energy int the tissue and creates pain. Then he told where to find the wake-up sheet on and formulate the goal and then cancel it to allow your mind to show you what is at the root of your pain.  Move into 100% ownership for your creation and see it is false and breathe and release.

We cannot ever be separate from God or lose the BEING we are.  We can lose conscious awareness of our true nature of Love.  Let go of the dream of separation and realize the truth of who we are and extend it out into the world.  When that happens my life changes.  It is about applying the tools to recover awareness of who you are.

Read a question from Cathy in the chatroom about animal abuse and why innocent creatures have to suffer when someone does a behavior that is wrong.  And explain there is ‘no right or wrong’? This behavior was absolutely off-target.  Jeanie offered that this work is about first dealing with what the event brings up in ourself.  When in a connected space then absolutely hold them accountable for the behavior they did.  Explained the outward actuality is real and inside reality is what we can change immediately then gain the intuition, intellegence to know what to do to change the outward. Shared Judge Ace D Kelley and his dealings with prisoners.

Dr Tim added, in ACIM many say there is not an actual world out there.  There is an actuality and a reality (between the ears).  I can have the ability to discern there is a proper way of treating animals (and people) and that this behavior is off-target. Scriptures say my perception is my tool for navigating through the realm of this world.  If I am doing that in hostility or fear then I will be led to conclusions that what is happening outside is what is causing the things I am feeling inside.  He gave the example of the some clients he had who felt their son was causing them such frustration and anger.  They can’t see the form of their offspring that is in his own pain because of the distorted picture in their minds, they only see justification for beating their child. The more angry and fearful the smaller my picture gets.  Let the truth of actuality drive my behavior to be truthful, supportive, respectful, etc. Loving action then allows us move forward in more intelligence.

Cathy said that made sense and she realized she was wanting to choke him.  Jeanie discussed Dr Tim’s example of pain just before the anger. So if you stop and take a breath and look beneath the anger you probably will drop into a deep fear, frief or pain.

Caller Gail, said she feels the same when she sees the animal cruelty and asked why innocent animals.  Gail said she does a spot check inventory “Am I going to love and compassion for all involved or self-centered fear?” “Am I going to fear and hostility?” Thinking something is going to be taken away or not get something I want or tendency to make it all about me.  Judgement is about me.  Cancelling the goals.  She has experienced, about 15 years ago, one of her cats was also doused with gas and she went into a lot of fear and hostility.

Dr Tim said he also has the capacity to experience fear and hostility and when in that state is no better than the guy who did this to the cat or even Hitler. Look at just 10 generations what energies are in our genes.  It is not a work for wimps.

No such thing as idiots on this planet all are brilliant beings of light and love.  When one of those beings does something idiotic they have just forgotten who they are.

Our most important creation in the moment is the emotion of the moment.

Gail referrence the Be-Attitudes opening and also Ron’s comments on Friday of the similarity of the Be-Attitudes and the first 3-steps of The Promises from AA.   She read the next 9-steps of The Promises from Big Book of AA, pg 83.  When she began to ‘amend’ relationships her spiritual growth took a giant leap forward.  She expounded on they are ‘steps’ to make change but can see where they can be seen as ‘promises’

Dr Tim offered whatever tool is used to become aware of my true nature.  To remove anything inside me that wants to block me from extending the breath of life, the good, the holy, and the beautiful. When anything comes into awareness it is like seeing the effects of the wind.  Simply realize the angry, hurtful, self-loathing, unworthy thoughts are not true.  We bought into it and now we can take a breath, ask Rukha to assist us to restore our being and let it flow on through.  The earth is still moving and my heart is still beating – there is something beyond us and beyond words.

Caller Ron, explained where he was coming from, in comparing the two posters, that God is doing for us what we cannot do ourselves. Be-Attitudes were presented in his past as something different.  They are actually steps with promises.  dr. michael ryce took the Aramaic into the laboratory to see if the translation worked.  It is higher principles that when followed will result in our life of happiness and well-being.

February 16



michael opened the show with a great explanation of the differenc in an expectation and a goal.  Goals drive perception and behavior, expectations do not.

Caller Lisa shared an interaction between her father and herself this past week.  She realizes she went with expectations.  Twice he began to rant through the past, events throughout her lifetime when she ‘did something wrong’ in his eyes.  She is at a loss for how to hold the space of love in his presence.  Outwardly she did not say anything back but inside she was raging and her body was re-acting.  michael offered when the disciples asked Y’Shua why he did not ‘give it to the ones who opposed him’ and he said he had none of that in his store.  Lisa said she realizes right now she is completely flushed and so triggered and is not breathing. michael offered when her Dad’s hostility is up he talks about everyone else including her and now her hostility is up and she is talking about him. So, you have rage in you and you have set yourself up to draw someone in to show you the depths of that rage in order to heal.  When you empty your store of hostility you will be able to stay in his space and say “wow Dad, you must have such pain to rage ike this.” but right now you have perfect matching bags of garbage.  You see your 77×70 wake-up sheet issue is your hostility and pain.  She responded to michael’s question around her Dad’s upbringing and she said she knows her grandfather used to beat his horses with a 2×4.  michael said notice the progress you have made, you are able to joke about it somewhat and laugh at your own situation and I remember a time when you could not do that … and you are not done yet. Lisa (very emotionally) said she was tired.  michael told the story of Job asking for an intermission “long enough to swallow his saliva” then he asked what her heritage was and consider the same issues within her DNA.  She took a deep breath .. michael said that is the breath that cleanses.  The presence of Love that you are is coming into ‘more’ awareness and the CBM is ‘less’ – that is the process.

Chatroom Camille said she can relate same story, man in her life triggering her issues with her father that she has yet to create a different reality.

michael said it is amazing the lengths people go to in order to show us our garbage.

Caller Julie.  michael said he remembers a day sitting at a park bench and having this conversation with her and her rage pointed towards him.  She said that is a great reference point. Lisa thank you for the lesson today for her.  She heard a quote this morning from the book of Thomas, about (not exact quote) to get to the end we must first get to the beginning – not about ‘time’ at all.  With the forgiveness work we are getting back to the root of things (the beginning) in order to arrive at the ‘end’ in a better space.

The disciples said to Jesus: “Tell us how our end will be.”  Jesus said: “Have you already discovered the beginning that you are now asking about the end? For where the beginning is, there the end will be too.  Blessed is he who will stand at the beginning. And he will know the end, and he will not taste death.”

michael offered a song “Child is father of the man” by Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys.  According to Wikipedia: “Child is father of the man” is an idiom originating from the poem “My Heart Leaps Up” by William Wordsworth. There exist many different interpretations of the phrase, the most popular of which is man being the product of habits and behavior developed in youth. According to collaborator Van Dyke Parks, he brought up the idiom to Wilson.  Brian had a fervent desire to re-invent himself as an individual, not as a boy, and that’s what happened, I think. By the time I met him, he’d already raised the questions about being a man, and when I met him, that crisis was acute. I knew it was psychologically complex and over my head. The only way I could help with any of this, whatever it was he was going through, was refer him to that poem by Hawthorne from which the phrase “the child is father to the man” comes. He used it as part of his inquiry of Smile, as a lyric.”

Dr Tim shared briefly as time was almost up.

February 17



February 18



February 19



February 20



Miracle Monday! Miracle Monday! michael continued to read from “Fifty Select Quotes From ACIM” ( and added his commentary.

Caller Roma, had several EMDR sessions and it is working, she has had no triggers, but she wonders if desensitizing is really what she wants. Are the issues there and that she is just not feeling them any more?  michael said continue to do your work and be aware of your mindenergy.  Roma said there is a sense of emptiness like a huge boulder is gone. michael suggested she do the Purpose worksheet and make sure she is on purpose now.  Dr Tim offered the hole is the absence of the trauma and often when people move into a ‘foreign’ space without the trauma they don’t know who they are. michael added that was called the dark night of the soul. Both Tim and michael said this is a perfect time to see if you are on target with your purpose.


February 21



michael’s intro on “it is an inside job” and being aware of our responses and making a change.

Dr Tim shared people talk about ‘awakenings’ and one person recognized symptoms reappeared on the anniversary of their awakening.  michael explained what healing crisis looks like as they do their work (after awakening) going to deeper layers in the healing process. free downloads of worksheets, audios and videos and put it to work

Caller Danielle from Lansing. Having a challenge if and how to respond to her former and hold the space.  Hostility towards him and fear about the hurt coming back up. michael offered that when hostility or fear are up that we do not have clarity to see all the information that is available to us.  When one has clarity then they can stand as love in the space of another’s hostility or fear.  Look at factors in relationship with the power person and see if that is a foundation in other relationships.  We call it abuse when they do it to us but we call it protecting ourself when we do it.  A little lie we tell ourselves – denial will keep us from looking at it. She can see her PP cut her out and it felt terrible and can see her knee-jerk reaction is to nt talk to him (cut him out).  michael offered this is a space for Respons-ability Communication and directed her to the website.

February 22



Recovery Wednesday!  michael explained resonate frequency and how we draw to us who and what we need in order to heal.  To recover our true BEING.

Caller Gail, wanted to finish the conversation she and Ron were having last week around the promised out of the Big Book compared to the Aramaic Be-Attitudes. She said she was putting out there where the steps and promsies came from, the history and her personal relationship. Concurs with all Ron shared.  Agrees it is an instruction step that comes with promises.

Gail shared a friend who is 8 months pregnant and has the MRSA super bug on her arm. michael offered Oreganoil in water and soak her arm and take it internally too. (we use one from North American Herb Oreganoil P73 which is stronger than some but GNC also carries a good source, their own brand). Warning to everyone about taking antibiotics, what we need is a ‘bullet proof’ immune system.  People pop it at every turn like candy and it is not.  Then he shared Jeanie use to work for a penicillin plant and how toxic.  Colloidal silver too. michael offered how silver works. Remember killing off the bugs does not take care of the diseased tissue.

Caller Jill, from Wilmington NC, shared last night in Support Group they watched the first of Circle of Life and How to Play It. Expand on relationship as a sacrament. michael said first let go of religeous connotation of sacrament.  Sacred truly is about God because God is Love.  From it’s origins it is about the sacred state of human life – Love. Removing what is less than Love is our work. Generationally this body-mind unit has had profanity added to the mix and just walking and talking is not ‘living’ but is the ‘walking dead zombies.’  Sacraments were given to us to take us back to the remembrance of who we are.  It is the state of the community to reconnect with each other.  Family and relationship and physical intimacy were all given to take us back to our wholeness. With the intention and goal of returning to Love we become a sacred space for healing, to be the space for processing. Jill said the hostility and fear in a relationship actually offer a great opportunity to heal, if we use the tools. And understands now what sacred relationship means even when there is an experience of something less than love. Also, that rage is a drug, can see in herself tht she makes the turn often instead of always thinking she is right. Turn around more quickly and sees the communication is so different because perceptions are different. And the outcome is different.  Sees misunderstandings are steps to change.

February 23



Thank you Michele for filling in for Jeanie (who was driving to NC)
February 24



Thank you Michele for filling in for Jeanie (who was driving to NC)
February 25



February 26



February 27



Miracle Monday! michael continued to read from “Fifty Select Quotes From ACIM” ( and added his commentary.

Caller Brenda, moving. Question about Lesson 17, says “I see no new thing” or “I see no neutral thing” and goes onto say “thought is life” and implies that if we did not think we would not exist. michael offered, identify what thinking is. Most people cycle information from the past and don’t really “think” … example “don’t think about the color of your car” and it is resonated and the information comes forward but that is not thinking. The active, conscious presence of love is life. So, Brenda asks, one thought and that is Love and that is life and we are on with God (Love). michael agreed. Also, pass on with others revised lyrics of part of “Danny’s Song” by Kenny Loggins : “And in the morning, when I rise, you bring a tear of joy to my eyes and tell me everything is gonna be alright.” and it works like a love exchange to kick the day off on the right foot.

Announce the intensives in Oak Island, NC

February 28



February 29



February 30



February 31





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