Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Archived Radio Shows October 2012

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Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

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October 1 The principle of how rituals work for or against us;    looking at the idea of creating chaos in our lives and giving away our power.
October 2 The meaning of the word “Forgiveness” and who or what to forgive;  the power of our words;  how our carbon based minds convince us that everything is hopeless when its’ content is triggered; using every circumstance of life to practice being the active, presence of Love.
October 3 LOVE – a state of being rather than a verb:  how valuable the commitment to daily worksheets is in changing our lives;  the daily show as one of the tools and the possibility of having sponsors;  “Amish Grace,” a wonderful DVD that shows the true meaning of living in Love though a true story.  
October 4 The movie “Amish Grace,” which shows how real people dealt with tragedy through true forgiveness, is available on YouTube for free;  some ideas about forming a support group;  our “4 year old” temper tantrums as adults;  tithing as another way to support the work and to enrich our own lives at the same time;  introduction of the Why Again forgiveness work in South America. 
October 5
October 6 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
October 7 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
October 8 Intentions, the raw material of goals, can pass through 1 of 3 filters – Rahkma, Hostility, or Fear;  how to use responsibility communication to hold others accountable after we clear our own issues;     setting ourselves up to move in the direction we want to go.
October 9 Punishment as it leads us to propitiation – doing the right things for the wrong reasons;  finding and forgiving our fears to clear the way for intuition to guide us;  remembering to ask for support when using responsibility communication;  doing the forgiveness work moves us from intellectual understanding to actual change.
October 10
October 11 When we experience turmoil about something outside of ourselves, we need to do our work around our own issues and then sometimes it is appropriate to speak up about the situation;    the importance of speaking our truth after connecting to the Love that we are;     when choosing food to put into our structure, be aware of the energetic level of the food unless you are a master and can transmute it;    what we draw into our lives is either an expression of Love or a cry for help and reflects what is within us. 
October 12   How fear acts like “blinders” on a horse and holds us back;  using the tool of Getting the Stress You Need and the Mind Goal Management Sheet to help with stress relief;   regularly asking Rookha for help to stay focused on goals;  the work support program at Heartland;      reviewing the DVD’s with the openness to learn something new even though we have watched or listened before.
October 13 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
October 14 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
October 15  The incredible power of “Stillpoint Breathing”;    teaching the process of forgiveness to learn it better yourself;    the “Mindshifter” tool as a brain dump to discover what we need to forgive.
October 16
October 17
October 18   Every mind has its’ own reality;    how being forced to give up the direct experiece of Love by being terrorized, brought up rage in us and how to heal it;    how to start the worksheet process for people new to these tools.
October 19  Supporting a parent who lost a child;    an example of others mirroring our own issues and some tools to reveal and clear more;     a Mindshifter for “truth” issues (and how to use it)  -“I love it and I’m totally safe when people lie to me”;      structuring goals means framing and setting goals.
October 20 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
October 21 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
October 22  The first step to clear thinking is to realize where our upset emotions are coming from and how to heal them;    we can be aware of other people’s intense energies without feeling them ourselves and the importance of healing what is ours;    an explanation of Rakma and Kooba;    trusting the process .
October 23
October 24
October 25
October 26
October 27 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
October 28 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
October 29
October 30
  We create the illusion of control and permanence and when it is taken from us by events, we create our own suffering which is different from actual pain;  what can we control and why should we?;     tools to use to discover what is hidden in our unconscious that drives our lives in ways that don’t serve us;  return to the light and Love of the newborn child using these tools.
October 31
  Breath, breathing, and Stillpoint Breathing;   how to discover what is generating your pain and using the free work sheet to heal it;   an explanation of regulatory speech and how our minds listen to the words we use.

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