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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
January 1 | Happy New Year!
Dr Tim covered the Introduction and the first 3 lessons of ACIM Lesson 1 Nothing I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place) means anything. Lesson 2 I have given everything I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place) all the meaning that it has for me. Lesson 3 I do not understand anything I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place). Lisa in chatroom said she downloaded both the “ACIM Made Easy” as well as the Pam Grout book Caller Susan B, ACIM says take a minute Caller Joan T “Welcome to Flight 2021! We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your attitude and blessings are secure and locked in an upright position. Your positive energy will be our fuel on this flight. All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be packed away. Should we lose attitude under pressure during the flight, reach up and pull down a prayer. Prayers will automatically activated by Faith. Once your fiath is activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. Our destination is Greatness and Love.” Happy New Year! michael is going to read a chapter each day from “Why Is This Happening To Me … AGAIN?!” can read online or download (the book is also in Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Thai – not all are complete translations). Introduction of the book was written by James Redfield. Caller Bob from Australia – added to the analogy of puzzle pieces – we each hold a unigue piece that we bring to the earth and when in alignment everything comes into place and is clear. The only time my life gets crazy is when my mind takes over driving me instead of my heart. The first $1000 match by Dec 31st was met. There is now an anonymous donor challenge #2 – match up to $1000 by January 15th to Khaburis Institute (aka HeartLand) in honor of Patrick Quinn and other veterans as they forgive their PTSD and transition to the next leg of their journeys. Streaming love from our eyes to yours Patrick Quinn. This is in addition to the $250/month throughout 2021 (that has also been met). Caller Celinda also we are each a lens in the eye of God. michael spoke of holograms. Acknowledge Julie H and holding the space in the loss of Patrick Quinn. On Christmas Eve she said intuitively he communicated with her, that he was conscious enough to stay here and do his work. The physical plane is heavy and he is lighter now. We are not Alive just because the body is moving we are Alive when we are connected to Source – he is truly connected now. michael acknowledged the bell tower as being Patrick’s project and to enshrine some of his ashes there. See the bell tower Memorial Service celebrating Patrick’s life and his impact on HeartLand |
January 2
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January 3
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January 4 | Dr Tim lesson 4 These thoughts do not mean anything.They are like the things I see in this room (on this street, from this window, in this place).
Perceive yourself more accurately, correct perception. Caller Audrey Caller Susan B and her friend Ellen. Just as East and West or North and South are directions, without judgement…Right and Left (instead of right and wrong) are choices without judgement. michael talks about the chemical reward (endorphin rush) for achieving a goal – regardless of the quality of the goal (be it uplifting or distructive) – creates the feeling of ‘happiness’ and yet joy is a higher quality that comes from a normal state of Beinbg (Love) resulting in a thought or behavior compatible with human life. michael reads a section from “Why Again” Judge Asa D Kelley (1922-1997) in Albany GA offered a space of redemption from their pain (guilt and abuse and rage) not punishment, even to those who would serve life terms. Caller Celinda, asked further about joy. michael quoted Pierre Teilhard de Chardin who was a French Jesuit priest, scientist, paleontologist, theologian, philosopher and teacher, said “Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” michael offered it is the infallible awareness of the presence of God. Intentions held in the frontal lobe of the brain (Rakhma) and Perceptions held in the back of the brain (Khooba) – look at the fruit: keyed to Love. See chart at Multiple Stress Reality Management Worksheets Next Online Intensive CoDep to InterDependence/ Communication – January 27 to April 28 – 6 to 8 PM Wednesdays then each week we release 4 hours of video for self-study. |
January 5 | Dr Tim lesson 5 in ACIM “I am never upset for the reason I think”
Caller Audrey egoic mind allowed her to be upset and she blamed it on the repairman. The tools have the potential to change your perception dramatically. michael reads the first part of the introduction in “Why Again” – you can read online or download (the book is also in Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Thai – not all are complete translations) Caller Sarah and Michel from Montreal ask about anxiety showing up as “physical” (doctor said his ‘chest pain’ was anxiety not his heart) Caller Magda added how remarkable it was to do the online intensive and how close a connection with everyone. Then regarding her medical condition (with her heart) she had an Eco and going to see a cardiologist tomorrow for the result. Her fears of being 5 yr and having tonsils out. MindShifter: “It is safe & healing and I love and enjoy the idea of going to sleep and never waking up.” And She knows she can say ‘no’ to the doctor … michael said sometimes we have not arrived to the point of handling everything and it could take us years to ‘arrive’ and the doctors have an intervention that can move us through now and there is wisdom in accepting the tool they offer. |
January 6 | Dr Tim lesson 6 I am upset because I see something that is not there.
2nd hour was pre-recorded show of Dr Lynn August from 2011 |
January 7 | Dr Tim lesson 7 I see only the past.
Caller Susan B and Tim discuss what we see is from the past Caller Ann in FL became aware of getting caught up in the news yesterday and spending 2 hours of her time Caller Mary R sees where good is coming out of the bad michael tells about the e-newsletter that went out yesterday, “First Newsletter of 2021: Second Online Intensive & Valentine Special” ( includes info on the next online intensive and a Valentine Special What is included and here is the flyer michael reads the second part of the introduction in “Why Again” Caller Susan offered on the FB group page to make it easier to find videos. Is it possible to do a wordlink with a negative thought? Appreciation for Susan’s efforts in fundraising. And matches of donations by annonymous donors. Thanks to all. Jeanie’s request for an iphone in order to continue working with the App (in Apple store) as well as in Google store (Android). And, there is a technology social media group that can be done only on Apple iphones that is by invitation only, podcasts and radioshow to increase our audience. Holding the space for healing of our country. Caller Ann apologies to Susan for being negative. And was part of the ‘premier’ online intensive, she was trusting her triggers and it was easier to speak up. Next intensive will use Vimeo for the prerecorded lessons (self study part). Caller Audrey asked what she can do? Be an example, live it. Caller Magda suggestion in wording that previous attendees are invited as guests at no charge, it is confusing whether we pay or not. Reported on her MindShifter: “It is safe & healing and I love and enjoy the idea of going to sleep and never waking up – when I die.” realized she was actually at peace about going back to Source. Will get back to Spirit via meditating. Relaxed into going to the doctor and what he might say. Positive is her heart has improved in strength however not at the level to pump at a ‘normal’ level. They want to catheterize and look for blockages, but will probably wait and do further research. michael said proteolytic enzymes and watch what oils you take in. Enzymes: Olive oil: And olive oil: |
January 8 | Dr Tim ACIM lesson 8 My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts.
Refers to Guy Finley “Life of Learning” and Anthony deMello “The Way To Love” speaking the Truth and being aware of our choices. We are free to apply the awareness of the actuality anyway we find useful – ie preference of being in the presence of one person over another. Avoid people or being sure you stay out of their space or suffer and pretend you like being in their space. Ask yourself if you are attempting to ‘save their feelings’ it is an opportunity for looking at self and your feelings. Level of honesty with myself. Caller Scott, received Personal Code Evaluation results but have not done anything yet. Went to a Naturopath regarding his digestive issues and they suggested supplements that were quite costly. She said it’ll be expensive and take more time. It sank in and he went into sadness and then rage. Underlying his anger is fear (that is a form of pain). Use this as opportunity to care for yourself and work on healing your digestive system and then you can face your fear and we will be here to support you when it comes up. (michael gave the example of his lifelong lung issues) Denial when one thinks or speaks that what is going on inside is caused by something outside. When have you experienced overwhelm in your life and thought you could not deal with it? Perhaps standing in front of Power Person and could not do enough to please Dad in his expectations. Now Dad is gone and you are doing it to yourself. His present boss uses his temper to get him to do things his way too – and wants perfectionism. Scott said he was not responding back to his boss, michael asked was he thinking it? When you are healed, you are never healed alone. In my defenselessness my power and safety lies. ACIM Magda example of her ancestral work Caller Linda W moving and letting go of ‘stuff’ how does she know what to keep? She knows ‘stuff’ has been a drug. Breathe and ask Rukha and perhaps see if ‘holding on’ is a Power Person issue. |
January 9
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January 10
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January 11 | ACIM lesson 9 I see nothing as it is now.
Lesson 10 My thoughts do not mean anything. Lesson 11 My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world. Monday with Michele (thank you) mention of Magda’s writing to / from her grandfather
January 12 | ACIM lesson 12 I am upset because I see a meaningless world. |
January 13 | ACIM lesson 13 A meaningless world engenders fear.
Callers Celinda and Susan B discuss different names or ideas of God. michael said it’s trying to ‘figure it out’ and what we need is to experience God (Love). Language is useful but it is the use of the tools that will give you an experience. Words are given a power they don’t have – they are symbols of symbols. Caller Nene working with the Spanish Community, small group through Zoom for free. Comments were given about goals creating their realities and the new concept of cancelling the goal. We will put that on the Spanish page. Then asked about the intensive. 14-weeks CoDependence to InterDependence. Each week participants will get a link for 4 hrs of video from the first intensive then on Wednesday nights 6 to 8pm it will be LIVE via Zoom. An anonymous person has committed to $100/month donation match challenge – asking for others to step up – another person giving $100/mo or two people giving $50/mo or four people giving $25 michael read the ‘Author’s Notes’ from “Why Is This Happening To Me … AGAIN?!” Between the Covid pandemic and the political energy, let’s hold to the connectedness of active, present Love and become the space of active love for all who suffer. It is hurt people who hurt people and no amount of punishment will correct that hurt. Only Love will bring solace and heal hurting minds. Moved into a meditation. |
January 14 | ACIM lesson 14 God did not create a meaningless world.
Henry David Thoreau quotes “The Dilemma and The Solution” michael explained the next online intensive…a rolling intensive. Caller Roma, needing to connect with community of like-mind. Fear about what is happening in our country. MindShifter: “I will be deeply healed, and enjoy it, when we lose our freedom and everything that our culture stands for.” Ho’opopono – instead of “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you and I Love You.” Shift language to “I invite you to cancel all goals you hold for me that brings up something less than love for you. I apologize and take responsibility for what behavior was off base and I will in the future do ___ (replace the action). And then express the gratitude for them and I cherish you (Love).” Caller Joan Caller Magda, besides the fear, there was anger regarding the political situation and then fear again for own life. |
January 15 | Technical difficulty with BlogTalk at the beginning of the show and chatroom is not available.
ACIM lesson 15 My thought are images that I have made. Lesson 16 I have np neutral thoughts. Lesson 17 I see no neutral things. Reading from Why Again – Life With Tools and Life Without Tools. Caller Scott shares the opening that happened – just because he trusted Source. And shares facing his fear under anger instead of looking for the hurt. And the anger is what has his guts twisted up. Children’s Commitments to Others and Self and I Am Somebody (Jeanie read these writings, thank you Julie Haverstick) Caller Julie, mentions how enthusiastic Scott sounded and excited for him and glad he is in the intensive. Mentioned the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic michael’s notes on it |
January 16
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January 17
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January 18 | Martin Luther King Memorial Day
ACIM lesson 18 I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing. Dr Tim and Caller Susan B discuss being in the flow and letting go of the need to “fix it” – be conscious instead of falling into the old pattern. Carol Howe “TRY HARDER OR SURRENDER” from ACIM Caller Scott – more energetic and vital and can only give credit to the work. Aware of thoughts coming through and a stabbing physical pain. It is guilt and fear. |
January 19 | ACIM lesson 19 I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.
“Allow your life to unfold naturally. Know that it too is a vessel of perfection. Just as you breathe in and breathe out, there is a time for being ahead. and a time for being behind; a time for being in motion. and a time for being at rest; a time for being vigorous. and a time for being exhausted;” Tao Te Ching was written around 2,500 years ago by a man named Lao Tzu. If I am upset around the flow then it is my interpretation not the unfolding itself. Alan Cohen (ACIM Made Easy) says life becomes difficult when “You must let life flow naturally, for life’s secret is patience; you must stop pushing for change and allow things to unfold.” – Leon Brown Watch the Power Point on Frogiveness Read michael’s book Chapter 1 The Dilemma Caller Julie, fear and holding tension, old habit of not using the tools and staying stuck or frozen in the past. Also insecurity about our culture right now and safety. Watch the movie “Frozen” – let it go. Or “It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” the character is in resistence to looking at his life. In the book of Job, it is his major healing crisis and he says “That which I feared most has come upon me.” his fear amplified the creation process. MindShifter: It is safe and healing and I have the ability to hold everything that I fear in the space of conscious, active, present love.” Caller Bob in Australia, “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” ― William Ernest Henley Mayan’s spoke of the end of the age of Power and the beginning of the age of Integrity. Integrity is overcoming Power and humanity is coming together in the heartspace (not head). Also watch |
January 20 | Dr Tim ACIM lesson 20 I am Determined to See
2nd hour was cut off with BlogTalk connection/internet issues.
January 21 | Dr Tim ACIM lesson 21 I am Determined to See Things Differently
Jeanie opened by talking about creation… we are co-creators (created in the image of God) so if you do not like your creation then you have to change. michael read Chapter 2 from his “Why Again” book where he discusses with the character Richard that pain is not dependent on outside events and we are responsible for what we experience. Responsibility and cause. Caller Scott stuff stirs when one commits to the intensive. Worksheet online (redirected to Jeanie’s website) or the app (Android or iPhone) can be downloaded free from your app store The goal we set in step 7 in a worksheet toward the object of attention is still a goal. We are to only set goals for the next waking period so these goals need to be cancelled as well at the end of the day. Unresolved goals create stress. michael explains the Power Person dynamics are based on the level of stress. |
January 22 | Dr Tim ACIM lesson 22 What I See is a form of vengence
Lesson 23 I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts. Lesson 24 I do not perceive my own best interests. Caller Ellen Caller Ann is this the world I want to see? or the ‘me’ I want to see? This body is ‘plastic’ it follows the blueprint. michael discusses genetics and ancestors that unfolds in one’s life. Listen to Magda’s story It is not ‘believing’ but it is ‘BE LIVING’ – Y’Shua calls on us to decode what is in us and throw it out – true forgiveness. The more one is lost in their pain the more they need someone to hold the space – be the space. Example of the woman touching the hem of YShua’s garment and he said it was your faith that healed you. Hold people accountable if they are destructive to the community – maybe in prison – however do it from the space of Love not from hostility or vengence. Caller Audrey, right brain is dominate and doing the Reality Wake-up Sheets is left brain. Finds processing with the tapping works well for her. Caller Scott michael read the next section of his book – example boats do not cause bridges to go up, there is an internal mechanism. Caller Ann – michael suggested do an inventory of all the things that have been triggered this past year. Healing can happen. |
January 23
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January 24
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January 25 | Lesson 25 I do not know what anything is for. Commentaries from the book “The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (and Therefore the World)” by Pam Grout
Caller Ellen discusses an experience this morning after reading this lesson. Triggered by another driver and yet was aware enough to know what he was going to do and avoid an accident. Caller Susan asks for example in Dr Tim’s worksheet going in a different direction than he thought it would. Jeanie shared the “Rose & Butterfly” story michael started with reading a few pages from “Why Again” book – difference between cause and trigger. Caller Nene, shared results of a MindShifter on Validity and Purpose from her homework in the intensive, her mother was always very sick and thought she did not take care of mom with compassion. Such pain coming out of her body. The energy of the intensive makes it different. Woke up with light and feeling empowered and vital. Tonight at 8pm she is doing the Aramaic meditation. Everything is aligning. michael said it sounded like self-judgment. Word links: Stress=cancel & breathe. Jeanie shared a question from another intensive participant regarding ‘punishing oneself or another’ in the wake-up sheets. MindShifter: “It is safe & healing for me to be fully present in every situation in my life, especially in situations where I project pain.” Text question: If we find ourself in upset (triggered by a situation) is it OK to give thanks for that situation or is that apt to result in more of the same? Caller Patrick, discussion of sayin ‘sorry’ verses ‘apologiize’ and discussion of sending emails about the vaccine (positive & informative) and they take it as a disservice and political. michael explained the ‘rolling intensive’ as ongoing support. Caller Atlane, been working on her ‘fear’ issues. michael gave a wordlink fear=forgiveness Caller Ann, triggers (example of western Lone Ranger, what was his horses name? people answer Trigger, Tonto but it was Silver) and she realizes how quickly things pop into the mind. Breathing gets her through. |
January 26 | ACIM lesson 26 My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.
Watch the skit by Bob Newhart, “Just Stop It” Dr Tim talked about a client who was always talking about being “brutally honest” and yet avoiding intimacy instead of creating it. It is possible to be fully honest and let go of the brutality. Open and honest does not demand harshness. Can be gentle and lovingly honest.See connection to everyone and everything. Caller Magda Put away the magnifying glass and pick up the mirror. michael continued reading from his book. Be aware of the distorting power of the way I want it to be, my perception hallucinates my reality. Question in chat ‘revisit how that hallucinations can replicate en mass’ Caller Scott asked to explain again the apology verses saying ‘I’m sorry’ Question while doing prep work for the intensive, had experienced a vitality increase and realizes he has to keep doing the work. Watch what you ask for..told story of woman asking for a long break and she broke her upper arm – the longest bone in the body. Intermission not a break. Caller Audrey, went through the Why Again book and highlighted the key thoughts. Audrey is more visual. A friend in Oregon was telling her friend there in Tuscon how to set up the computer stuff. A friend who was a ‘special needs’ teacher said it was because she was not allowed to express words. Jeanie suggested watch the Power Point She has friends who join her for the Tuesday and Thursday zoom support groups. Caller Julie asked about guarding the portals of the mind. Speak towards this and for example going to the movies to trigger. |
January 27 | ACIM lesson 27 Above all else I want to see.
Dr Tim discussion with callers Ellen, Susan B, and Magda. 2nd Online Intensive begins. CoDependence to InterDependence / Communication Practicum michael reads chapter 3 from his book on perceptual reality- constructs of the mind. We seldom experience actuality. This is an undoing or dying process making space for what is actually there to come in (a reborn process). Focus on healing not the symptoms, focus is a creative act. Discipline your focus (eye be single). Caller Ellen deep rage to be released. Has ignored her inner child who was afraid to feel. Listen to Magda read ancestor work she did |
January 28 | ACIM lesson 28 Above all else I want to see things differently.
Poem: “This is our Dream: A Crowdsourced Poem To Inspire Hope” “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle Callers Ellen and Susan B. michael spoke of “Do you have any idea how many lives we must have gone through before we even got the first idea that there is more to life than eating, or fighting, or power in the Flock? A thousand lives, Jon, ten thousand!” ― Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull There is more to life – BEING! “Call the Midwife” show (from memoirs of a midwife in London’s East End slums, post war time) had a quote the other night from a lady who had survived the holocaust: “Just keep living until you are alive again.” then michael spoke of the silencing of the trauma. The unconscious is the desert, the old causes have to die in order to go into the promised land. Those things that have been ‘silenced’ (generational or own life) must come forward to be healed. If left in the silence it will drive your behavior. Develop the skill & ability to access what is hiding and forgive – remove it’s influence in your life. Caller Ellen, could it be the inner child instead of the unconcious? We need to come back into relationship with that child and heal the hurts she/he experienced. MindShifters Groups weekly via Zoom Caller Susan B. continued pain in her arm (from previous fall). michael offered to pay attention to ‘referral pain or tension’ in other parts of the body. She went to a more energetic chiropractor. michael shared about his present back pain and the memory of his father (agreement to allow his father to hurt him) and now there is no emotional component coming up today but is a mental awareness and he felt an opening in his neck too. The rage towards his father has been processed and now dealing with the physiological aspect. Definition of “perfect love” from Aramaic – the right conditions in your mind and you cannot construct a fear based thought. Rakhma and Khooba are both set. Notice you have moments of awakening. Jeanie offered too, Louise Hay says Arm Represents the capacity and ability to hold the experiences of life. Pain is about Guilt and Guilt always seeks punishment. |
January 29 | Dr Tim ACIM lesson 29 God is in everything I see
Lesson 30 God is in everything I see because God is in my mind Lesson 31 I am not the victim of the world I see Caller Joan Caller Susan B talked about the mutual ownership of her stuff with her daughter and vice versa but not so with her son Jeanie said these lesson titles would make great MindShifters. Example I am not the victim of the world I see. would be perfect for those of us who sometimes feel we are victimized. Apology Tool is now on website michael read from his book about words cannot convey an experience. The 2 dimensional creature cannot describe a 3 dimensional object (basketball). Caller Joan asked for further explanation, example of Arya not having ‘edge definition’ for about a year, she did not have braincells for steps or edges of beds or porches. Over time she experienced it and then knew. Einstein says we are at least 4 dimensional humans living in a 3 dimensional world – so what are we missing? Our limited perception can make room for something new. Caller Scott thinking of writing a book everything I needed to learn I learned at a gas station. |
January 30
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January 31
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January 31, 2011 we began MindShifter’s Radio. Today is day 1 of our 11th year. Then, March 4, 2019 we began the 2 hour show, Dr Tim hosting the first hour and michael the second hour.
…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””