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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
July 1 |
(Roma, thank you for your notes) I have a really hard time referencing my most loving state, as my whole life was already polluted by corrupt data. Where can I go on #4? If you don’t have the newborn loving experience perhaps think of your beloved cat. RAS filters out… into world Cancel goal dialogue (write down from 6/30/16) Copy worksheet larger at 125%…what’s the difference between denied and projected? |
July 2 Listen Download |
July 3 Listen Download |
July 4 |
Miracle Monday and Happy 4th of July! (Roma’s notes) Declare Independence from pain and pleasure, and bring the active presence of Love…that’s who we are, and the terrible can dissolve into the love. (207) Shelly… Dean Spangler movie (541) Julie (808) Roma…abandonment…independence…The Passion of the Christ… moment when Mary turns away and gets it together. Mel Gibson |
July 5 |
(Roma’s notes) Bible story of David and Goliath the 5 smooth stones represents the 5 Spiritual faculties. Do not love your neighbor…BE Love with your neighbor…different tools for the mind of being…not the mind of the body…Newborn…Power Person not functioning as love…reason…select love…resonance automatic. Carbon based memory = 666 …first stone is reason…choice…liberty is freedom…choice always leads to do something loving…Moses 40 yrs in the desert…CBM runs our lives over and over…child growing pains declare independence. Seconf stone is will. Will is gentle spiritual faculty loving…being awakens. Third stone = true perception…hold child abuser behind bars…dept of correction…show me the money! CBM when filled with pain. True forgiveness…go inside…see own anger, and let go of that drug. Veil of the temple =between subconscious and unconscious mind…organ recital …”this pain” that organ… What you judge in others you’ve been doing yourself. |
July 6 |
Recovery Wednesday! (Roma’s notes)
True Cause…(not “because”) …You Be Cause of everything in your life. Self…climb down into my own mind, heart, and unconscious…perception is always a construct of the mind. If it includes fear/hostility…needs healing…the CIA knows and teaches that the mind does not record but constructs reality Dr. Tim, Henderson NC in 2015 at Namaste Center…small world… Carl Jung says our earlier states of mind…little world of childhood/ family stamps it’s character into child, and as adult…some still are living in that family world. Pattern of abusive relationships have stayed… “Responsibility tool”…create a relationship vision and agree with partner and read daily in relationship ie My Commitment. Sane conversation… Gail (618) Dad to emergency room…Anger drug…never touch the stuff…don’t do that to my vehicle. There’s never been a child that deserved a whipping. No…the alcoholic has never been wrong. We need discipline to come to correction Sin = error…”off the mark”…Jeshua disciplined his diciples (best example) Dr. tim…spanking doesn’t mean it won’t happen and teenage discipline will be different, but Love is what works… carl Jung:Look into yourself if your child is misbehaving Gail question in a relationship…what do you want to do differently?…Write ideal relationship (ie loyal, honest, fair, etc}. Become these… going unconscious sleep 1. Awake sleep oblivious, unconscious 2. Sleep…don’t want to deal with what I am avoiding…Stay conscious. Caller Roma… gratitude Caller Shelly… David and Goliath…killed with 1st stone…then his challenge continued…was the beginning of dissolving the non being mind…just the start. Dr. Tim echoed the gratitude Michael gratitude for JY’Shua and also the technology to have this kind of conversation |
July 7 |
Dr Tim assists caller Shelly in understanding being “energy sensative” and yet external negative energies resonate with energies one holds within, it is not that you take on another’s energy. You can stay connected regardless of what others do. Dr Tim offers to Michele regarding a client, his perspective is to work in the moment. “What is up right now?” not past or future obsession then apply the tools. Dr Tim told about a client who had anxiety and tapped into it being related to night time and realized it went back to “downloads” of her power person and rages that happened at night.
July 8 |
Rakhma must be active for human life to be present. It is the keyway to restoring a proper mindset and opens the gateway for seeing ourselves and each other as Love. Such insanity in our country today with the shootings in Minnesota and Texas (and other places) in the last two days. In history, Crusaders swept the country slaughtering in the name of religion. Look and Learn from history – Saladin, leader of the Muslims captured Jerusalem in 1187 and yet he offered safe passage for Balian of Ibelin (leader of Jerusalem) to retrieve his family with the agreement that Balian would not attack him. Peaceful agreeements instead of retaliations. Caller Michele from Canada, a few years ago had a brain infection that created seizures. She attended her first intensive a little over a year ago and has been doing worksheets as best she could. She has begun to have seizures again and was told medication won’t help. Seizures are linked to fear and grief. She began doing more worksheets and have felt better. She touched into memories of being a child of 11 yrs old and being accused by her grandmother of being responsible for her grandfather’s death and the loneliness and sadness. She explains an exercise she does to go within her body and search for the disintegrative energy and breathing in deeply and “blowing it out” telling the energy to go away, then she would breath deeply and “place love in the holes” and she has not had a seizure in a week. Example of going behind her eyes and focusing there and expect to get her complete vision back. michael said verbal release is powerful. Jeanie acknowledged the brilliance of searching in your body for the physical feeling that goes along with the mental emotion tied to the thought and moving it out. She finds she is tired afterwards. |
July 9 Listen Download |
July 10 Listen Download |
July 11 |
Miracle Monday! The curriculum the Course proposes is carefully conceived and is explained, step by step, at both the theoretical and practical levels. It emphasizes application rather than theory, and experience rather than theology. It specifically states that “a universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary.” (Manual, p. 77) Look at the world today, “beliefs” separate and allow people to kill other people. The world of belief is not the world of experience. First Century Aramaic Forgiveness collapses the perceptual constructs of the mind. With persistent, consistent practice then one can truly experience the experience, not just have words describing the experience. ACIM Lesson 221, Pt. 2, Introduction: “Words will mean little now. We use them but as guides on which we do not now depend. For now we seek direct experience of truth alone.” ACIM Lesson 192 “Forgiveness gently looks upon all things unknown in Heaven, sees them disappear, and leaves the world a clean and unmarked slate on which the Word of God can now replace the senseless symbols written there before. Forgiveness is the means by which the fear of death is overcome, because it holds no fierce attraction now and guilt is gone. Forgiveness lets the body be perceived as what it is; a simple teaching aid, to be laid by when learning is complete, but hardly changing him who learns at all.” (Lesson 184, symbols of symbols thinking you are separate) The mind has knowledge that is useful when it is based in love and morality but it is not knowing but experiencing. ACIM Lesson 158: “A teacher does not give experience, because he did not learn it. It revealed itself to him at its appointed time. But vision is his gift. This he can give directly, for Christ’s knowledge is not lost, because He has a vision He can give to anyone who asks. The Father’s Will and His are joined in knowledge. Yet there is a vision which the Holy Spirit sees because the Mind of Christ beholds it too.Here is the joining of the world of doubt and shadows made with the intangible. Here is a quiet place within the world made holy by forgiveness and by love. Here are all contradictions reconciled, for here the journey ends. Experience–unlearned, untaught, unseen–is merely there. This is beyond our goal, for it transcends what needs to be accomplished. Our concern is with Christ’s vision. This we can attain.” Love is merely who you are! ACIM says “See no one as a body. Greet him as the Son of God he is, acknowledging that he is one with you in holiness.See no one as a body. Greet him as the Son of God he is, acknowledging that he is one with you in holiness.” Caller Jacqueline, her daughter was having “an experience” and then Jackie saw her own behavior was a reflection of the behavior from her daughter. Perceived as rebellious conflict, was this about me or about her? Responses come from the energy being sprayed, interrupt the pattern and cancel the goal and bring love present. The whole circumstance will turn around. |
July 12 |
If what you have is a mindset of a culture based in rage and hostility and war then you do not have the tools to make correction. Take the tool of forgiveness and make it your life’s purpose to return to Being Love, the essence of human life. Aramaic Forgiveness is not pardoning another (which is nice and beneficial) but it is a tool to go within yourself, remove the energies that are off the mark and bring love to it. Dr Tim expressed how wonderful it is to see the seeds we plant come to fruition in time. The theme yesterday was (Personal Responsibility 101) the blaming of others in order to not face what was going on inside themself. “If I feel it, it is mine.” Shelly had shared last week his wondering if he could pick up on another’s energy, he had felt nauseous, etc. and then found out someone near him committed suicide. Dr Tim explained how we can pick up on another’ energy but what we feel is our own reflection. Otherwise you could stay as a space of love, connected and at peace, regardless what they are doing or have done. With this work, we can have the clarity of mind and be able to stand and hold another accountable and bring correction to a given situation (this is not punishment but holding one responsible and accountable). We watched the last scene of the TV show “Monk” last night. This is a detective whose wife is murdered and he has tried for 12 years to solve it to no avail. She had left a Christmas gift for him and all this time he could not bring himself to open it then he is poisoned and it seems he is going to die so he opens the gift. It is a video tape of her past and how she thinks she is in trouble and that if he is watching the tape then she is dead. She gives him all the answers he has been searching for all the years. He was looking outside when he held the gift in his own house. A great metafore for people who don’t want to look and they keep something wrapped up inside instead of facing the part of themself. They stay in unconsciousness and fill their time with distraction. When opened and bought forward to light then the real gift is seen and things repair and healing occurs. Caller Shelly, question on “My Commitment.” Then conversation about Peace Officers instead of Police Officers. If we are connected and have done our work then we can walk through a battlefield and not be hurt, so it really does not matter what the outsid world is doing, right? michael said that is true, example, if you have done your work and can walk through the neighborhood that may be called bad and not be hurt but if your granddaughter has not done her work, can she walk through that neighborhood? What we want is to help deliver the tools to as many as possible to “clean up the neighborhood” so everyone will be safe. Dr Tim said, historically there have been people who held no belief of a poison and were not affected but they must be in complete conviction without any reservation. However, if I am not there yet and pretend I am, then I am in worse shape than the novice who says they must begin with step 1. Must bring out what is within to heal. Bring the darkness to the light. |
July 13 |
Recovery Wednesday. Recover who we are. Caller Magda – concern over her eyes and potentially needing surgery. Dr Tim and michael discussed “vision” and being willing to “see” – she is given a mindshifter. Dr Tim shared from his support group discussion last night. Some doing their work and then being able to go back and clean up situations from their past (former spouses, etc) and then some seem to be content to “talk about” what life will be like after enlightenment. michael shared the story of chop wood and carry water – there is still work to be done. Caller Gail does the vision board every morning and then with her worksheets seems to have more clarity both physically and mentally, emotionally. Another level, she had been avoiding soda and then last week indulged and brought back the symptoms of UTI and pelvic issues. Went back to doing her work physically and internally. What came up was issues around her c-section and child abuse. Power of the 12-step program is people in the back of the room seeing someone in the front of the room and recognizing it is possible to change. Gail offered she wrote down what she wanted in her own recovery and then to find the people who resonated with her wants. Not shouting from a soap box but living life so people see the result. It is ongoing process. michael shared being on a phone call and all of a sudden there was a deep fear came up into his chest. No known trigger but he knew the description of the energy and breathed and did a worksheet around it. Still not finished. Dr Tim shared his session today with his partner and what came up was back when he was in college and he was sworn in as a probation officer. He would counsel people who had been doing drugs but not to the extent of his dorm mates and the conflict was great. This conflict brought forth terror today – still in there to be dealt with. michael said to develop the skills to manage your life is going to take time and practice and willingness. Ferret out the beliefs and feelings from the past, genetically too. Learn to decode the feelings and thoughts when they come forward. Experience is an awesome teacher – and if you learn from another’s experience you don’t have to do the school of hard knocks alone. Caller Ann from Florida, thanks to Dr Tim and others who have shared. They are professionals and still doing their work. She said she had been whining to her accountability partner about not being recognized for what she did right but criticized about what she did incorrect (having to keep up the work). She is encouraged because she has just started this work and she hears you all who have done this for years and still facing stuff. She realizes she wants it done yesterday and now she is criticizing herself. michael gives her a mindshifter. |
July 14 |
There is a lot of craziness going on in the world but there is also more and more good and awakening moments. Where is your focus? Important to have people to hold the light when we can’t hold for ourselves. Jeanie announced the 4-day Women’s Intensive Sept 15 – 18, 2016 in Williamston, Michigan (home of Michele Pischea). Caller Maureen, with her children daily they go through a process of 1.) What are you grateful for? 2.) What is your happy memory for today? 3.) Who do you bless, and why? 4.) Affirmations: I am enough. I am worthy I am Love and then 5.) I cancel all goals conscious and unconscious. None of the craziness and suffering is necessary in the world. To reinforce in every child the knowledge of who they are! Caller Michelle from Canada. Don’t know what it feels like to “feel loved.” She remembers being a child and her mom telling her she wanted to leave her dad but then she’d be stuck with the kids. She felt unwanted. So now she pushes people away for internal safety. Caller Ron from Massachusetts. Resonated “holding on” and that breeds frustration but if he attempts to stay aware of the memory or state of mind and develop curiousity and develop relationships with the thoughts. Turn the experience into good toward self and others. michael talks about the Love Exchange. Ron states he has experienced a big difference in approaching the space of love with an open hand instead of requiring perfection of himself (to do it right). |
July 15 |
If the root of the perception is not cleared out then the next time it resonates the quality of the perception will come forward without choice. michael is writing an article on the difference between Police Officers and Peace Officers. What energy are you “spraying” on others? They will respond with the matching energy – it is reciprocal. July 20, 2016 we will be doing a FREE Why workshop in St. Louis, MO at Unity Christ Church Description of the intensives at HeartLand. Laws of Living are the laws of nature which can not be changed. Caller Brenda asked the difference in relationships, especially referring to the Holy (or Whole) relationship. Caller Mary from Woodstock gave an update on Dr. Tim’s Thursday night support group and the reaction of a new person to the work. We wish Dr. Tim a great vacation this next week. |
July 16 Listen Download |
July 17 Listen Download |
July 18 |
Miracle Monday! (Roma’s notes)
Fear creates results. Process my sad from deep within me…maybe many times. (905) Michele – Theme of undermining…list all and identify each goal…do worksheet for each goal |
July 19 |
(Roma’s notes) Newborn…Real Human being…LOVE…Insane…no Human life functioning. Files in the mind purple alligator…profound influence in our minds. Point of the work = Life as Love…not to dig up the dirt … if triggered…apply forgiveness (removal) (905) Michele seizure med…michael walk through life with commitment to love…remember “don’t shut down” is heard as “shut down” by subconscious. (775) Pahrump…Harry Kevin’s son’s suicide after his wife’s death. Guilt for being absent parent (w drugs) while his son was still alive. Guilt was probably genetic with his father and on back. Guilt calls out for punishment. (I can’t be happy)…michael story about an abusive father…dead…but earthbound. Kingdom of Heaven = Aramaic “Community of Love.” (207) Shelly “I don’t know” he’s in deep upset…sad, but wants to be in center. Michael…allow yourself to be with it fully… breathe…and it will burn off. Peal another layer. (540) “Thunder”…I’m listening…heart full of love and support. I’ll call back another time…my mission: align with Source. |
July 20 |
Recovery Wednesday. (Roma’s notes) In my defenselessness am I protected….Marcel Vogel picture of high energy world that perpetuates… Sally from Michigan…Power Person |
July 21 |
(Roma’s notes) Today in the world…violence. Choose a different voice than insanity (808) Roma robbed…clean it up in the thought, speech, written …Why again in St. Louis 3rd week in sept. (816) Pastor Don in Las Vegas…Love the energy…he has 1.5 million radio listeners (541) Julie west coast…two teeth extracted… |
July 22 |
michael shared a post he put on his facebook page (JM_Ryce) about a Peace Officer and how their department works from Love first. Love is our power supply. Forgiveness is removing everything less than Love. Caller Julie from Oregon reported she came through her oral surgery well and did her work around the fear she had previously had. Thank you for the support. michael discusses “aging” mind set Caller Shelly asked about the scriptures talking about Christ removing demons from people. Constructs of the mind that are destructive. Christ held such a space that those who had faith enough could be empowered to move the demons out. Yet Christ said “your faith made you whole” Willingness to open your energy field enough to receive the healing. Shelly also asked could we take on the energy of another – not unless you are in tune with that energy. If you have a receiver for an energy (in resonance) then you strenghten what is already within you. Caller Joan from Greensboro. Question about “666” – michael explains the anti-Christ that takes us out of the state of Love. Carbon Based Memory stores all memories in the cells (physiology) which is 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons |
July 23 Listen Download |
July 24 Listen Download |
July 25 |
Miracle Monday! (Roma’s notes) Dr. Tim…Dale Hoffman DVD “the Word”…Guy Finley “Talks in the Pines”…spoke at Unity Woodstock…Aramaic words distorted over time…gender of word is female=inner…not male=external…vision sight brain how does it work…Creator = gentle loving teacher…body temporary communication device…Michael guilt precedes the action … Dr. Tim which comes first chicken or egg? |
July 26 |
michael announced the HeartLand Intensives starting August 1st. He read Rudyard Kipling’s poem called “IF” About “Facing Two Imposters: Failure and Success: Meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same.” Caller Susan Darnell will be starting her next 8 week Laws of Living course a week from Thursday. For more information call 910-547-2255 or email Caller Roma from Hawaii. Shared her next level of healing |
July 27 |
Recovery Wednesday. |
July 28 |
michael invited everyone to watch the video “Beyond Belief”- two women who were pregnant when their husbands were killed in the 9/11 tower incident and they began a project to help Afghanistan women who were also widowed and yet did not have resources we have in America. They brought sanity to an insane part of the world. See what you can do in your community to help others. He spoke of growing local gardens – food needing to be grown individually without GMOs and pesticides and such. Know what you are eating. Labeling now does not have to say where it came fom and whether it is GMO. Dr Tim agreed, we are all the same and I need to stay connected to Love. If we come from that space then it is impossible to do anything hurtful or harmful to another. He often asks a client “How old am I feeling right now?” and that will guide them into something from their past that they need to do wake-up sheets around. Ex. Experiencing a five year old rage or pain confirms it is not a present moment and one is in denial. Caller Michelle from Canada. Shared the session she had with Julie H. where she experienced a new level of recognizing where her feelings and thoughts are coming from and that when a thought comes in she can let it go and is not obliged to give in to it. She shared the story of the Portugal roosters, it is Love and happiness. She also got in touch with anger in her (and he did not think she was an angry person). Caller Chris from Colorado. Going through transition period. His partner is having a baby and he hopes it is his and that the last 3 years have been worth all the energy. michael offered Chris to never forgive himself and explained true forgiveness (it is not pardoning) which is removing the crazy part. Maureen asked in the chatroom what goal needs to be cancelled when on believes being punished will alleviate the guilt. michael said one might be a parent that stressed that you would be punished if you did something wrong, that would be wake-up sheets on the parent being loving and telling the truth. Another “this hurts me more than you.” or “you’ll thank me for this one day” it is not discipline – discipline means properly taught – so the goal mght be for the parent to be gentle with their hands and words. Jeanie shared an experience of “words” making one feel punished, not whipping, and another incident where about 10 cousins all played in the barnloft (we were told to not go up there) and everyone of them were spanked and my dad just talked to me and I felt guilty because I was not spanked and then was looked at negatively by my cousins (not in the click). There would have been a positive outcome to receiving a spanking. Dr Tim offered the concept that every person creates their own experience: the parent does not create the internal reality for the child, they do what they feel is correct, the best they can and are responsible for only their own reality. He gave the example of when his dad died and he and his wife consciously deciding how to tell the kids lovingly about grandpa. They had sat, cried and gave options to the kids and thoughtfully talked about it for 45 minutes and his son downloaded something totally different from actuality. Announcements of intensives. |
July 29 |
michael mentioned that in the movie “beyond Belief” the two women who started the program referenced “Post Tramatic Stress Growth” instead of “Disorder” Jeanie told what the 4-day woman’s intensive would look like in September. Caller Gail gave personal testimony for attending the intensives: Healing the Whole Woman, the Personal Code Evaluation Training and Laws of Living. michael explained further the intensives happening this summer. Caller Roma, still working through new medication and disoriented. (michael told a couple jokes) Caller Magda gave testimony on the Laws of Living intensive and Jeanie’s Women’s Intensive. Every trauma has a gift for you. |
July 30 Listen Download |
July 31 Listen Download |
…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””