Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – January 2014

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

January 1



  • Dr. Ryce expresses gratitude and invites people to synchronize with everyone around the globe who are connected to the presence of Love for five minutes before this show begins each day
  • The Greek translation of the original Aramaic idea of Forgiveness equals pardoning, but not Forgiveness
  • “Love those who hate you” – if we cannot do this, then we have internal work to do
  • It takes time to change our beliefs so we need to stay with the work long enough to build the brain cells
  • “Star Wars” lessons about anger and hate and being on the ’dark side’
  • This show is about the tools, not pedestals and role models
  • Dr. Hayes shares a very good example of how blaming others for our feelings and behavior is irrational
  • The reason for this show, which will soon celebrate the completion of 3 years  
  • A discussion about words and their effects because of our internal realities around these words
  • An offering of using another word instead of ‘alarm’ in reference to clocks – perhaps ‘reminder’ or ‘alert’
  • A caller shares her process with her husband

January 2




January 3



ARAMAIC FRIDAY with special guest: Dale Allen Hoffman


  • More information about Costa Rica
  • Dale will be holding a week-end Aramaic workshop  2/7/14-2/9/14.  See  for more information about this and new audios on the site
  • “Embracing the Cosmic Christ” – X was a common symbol for Christ; opening the Christ (crown) chakra and casting out “demons”, unacknowledged spiritual energy
  • Dale shares how important his early work with this Forgiveness process was and how it has influenced his current practice with people
  • A caller asks for Dale’s information on the energetic aspects of the Aramaic language
  • See  for more information about the letters of the flame formation
  • Dale shares the many layers and levels of meaning of the Aramaic language. Using “Aba” as an example, the meanings from the simplest to the profound are: 1) Father 2) My beloved 3) I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells because when you are at that center in you and I am at that place within me, we are ONE. 4) Our One Absolute Eternal Being of which we are born forth.
  • See the DVD, “Empowered to Heal,” to understand how we can become the space of healing the same issues for others to heal
  • Information about toning as a powerful healing modality
  • All language is babble unless we have the meanings in our heads; the masculine and feminine aspects of words; the direct experience of the word as opposed to the concept of the word
  • Dale’s shares his history of toning which started at Heartland
  • An explanation of Dr. Ryce’s Doctorates: Holistic Philosophy and Naturopathic Medicine

January 4




January 5




January 6



  • Never forgive anyone or yourself ever again if it means letting them off the hook
  • What someone else “did” is the trigger, not the cause, of how you feel because it’s all an inside job and changeable
  • A caller receives help getting direction with how to process and heal her basic belief that her boyfriend makes her angry
  • An explanation of how little our minds are actually aware of and how our goals bring up the unhealed parts of our carbon based memory
  • There is no need for forgiveness from God because God is Love and Love has no room for offense
  • An example of how powerfully our own healing can even affect the people around us
  • A caller shares that he has a strong physical reaction when he hears about someone else’s physical trauma and receives guidance about how to begin exploring and healing it including a dream technique that could help
  • Opening the space for a different collective result by increasing our own integrity
  • Two ways to see an issue: 1) I haven’t worked thru this issue yet, so I am upset when  others do it and 2) I have worked thru this issue and now I can bring a loving heart to it to help heal the issue in another
  • Feb. 21 st – the first intensive in Costa Rica begins – see for info.

January 7



  • Distractions that we use and why
  • Information about the effects of the THC in marijuana, alcohol, and stimulants on our brains
  • How to tell what a human life is, hold a new born child and experience the active presence of Love
  • Responsibility is different from blame, guilt, and being wrong
  • When we talk about someone else as if they caused our feelings, we are in denial because everything that shows up in our lives is from within us
  • It is a trap to believe that anything outside of ourselves can control or produce reactions in us
  • Dr. Hayes talks about ‘fear’ as it has been showing up in his patients and himself and how the forgiveness process changes our relationship with fear
  • We’ve been trained to be afraid to express our Love in our culture
  • Dr. Hayes recommends listening to Aramaic Fridays in Jan. on this show to understand the original meanings of Y’Shua’s (Jesus’) teachings with Dale Allen Hoffman and also find him on YouTube
  • Rex shares a letter of acknowledgement from a friend of one of the prisoners who was in the Laws of Living course that Rex and Michele presented
  • He also shares the issues that came up for him from his childhood and the loss of his son as he shared the letter

January 8



  • GUEST HOSTS: Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea
  • An introduction to the purpose of this show, learning Forgiveness and what it really means
  • If we have pain, we have energy in our system that doesn’t belong in us and we are holding on to it
  • Absolutely free tools to learn how to really forgive – and go to START HERE
  • The physicist, Bruce Lipton, and Dr. Michael Ryce have been teaching the same thing about how our mind energy can produce health and growth or protection by acting on our DNA
  • Recently, more scientists have proved that our minds can make changes in our DNA by the thoughts we choose
  • A caller receives in depth guidance about how to distinguish the difference between her energy and that of others and how to use the Reality Management Worksheet to deal with her furious feelings
  • Dora reminds us of Unstuck Wednesday happening today and shares how different her reactions are to life events because of doing her own Forgiveness work; an update on her progress with her sugar addiction 

January 9



  • A discussion about our true essence (Love), light energy, and removing our “darkness” thru true Forgiveness so that we will not suffer the second death
  • This is not religion, but physics
  • It is genetic for us to destroy ourselves, but we are designed to live in the presence of and as the presence of LOVE
  • Information about the damage to one of the storage buildings at Heartland
  • Dr. Hayes summarizes the talk by Dale Allen Hoffman that his MindShifter support group viewed this week, including the origins of the concept of “hell” in the 14th century
  • A discussion about fear, terror and awe
  • Several recent studies reveal that people who are trained in Mindfulness Meditation are able to change the physical responses of their bodies
  • The infantile desire to blame someone else and how difficult it is to overcome because of societies’ training
  • Go to to find FREE forgiveness instruction and tools
  • Dr. Hayes shares the worksheet he did recently to process his anger toward a software company, with many details of his discoveries and additional worksheets

January 10



  • ARAMAIC FRIDAY: special guest Dale Allen Hoffman
  • Functional Aramacists – those seeking to live the teachings rather than just learn about Aramaic lessons
  • Dale shares a story that exemplifies the singularly academic pursuit of knowledge
  • “The power of life and death is in our words,” some meanings, debate, ‘to beat’
  • All of the wisdom keepers were Aramaic,” a well known Hebrew belief 
  • “Aramaic was the language of the angelic realms,” said by Sylvia Brown
  • The primal language underneath all of the babble
  • The language of the Bible is from the 15th, 16th, and 17th century English and what young people want now is the real meaning from the original Aramaic
  • Mohammed spoke Aramaic and the Koran was written in Syriac Aramaic, not Arabic
  • The Jewish, Christian, and Islamic extremists are the most warring factions on the planet
  • Satan, one who misleads – the resister – explained
  • The inner Jihad, the outer Jihad, and more information about the changes in meaning thru translations
  • Breath and Rookha d’Koodsha
  • Why “God” was described as masculine; the feminine experience of conscious, active, present Love flowing through
  • Light, fire, and hell fire – the real meanings
  • Burning and heat are in proportion to our resistance
  • Google ‘Dale Aramaic’ to find all of the ways you can see and hear more from and about Dale Allen Hoffman

January 11




January 12




January 13



  • Dr. Ryce shares that forgiveness is not about letting someone else off the hook which is pardoning, but about going inside ourselves and removing what never belonged within us (hostility or fear)
  • Lenin said that when we change the meaning of the words, we can change the society
  • Imagine the essence of a newborn child to know what a human life is suppose to be – Love
  • Denial – when we talk about someone else as the cause of what’s happening inside of ourselves and how it renders us unable to change
  • The law of resonance, Costa Rica, the roof collapse at Heartland, and the invitation to a Spanish speaking church in Branson, MO
  • A different way to look at the meaning of ‘leaving the Homeland’
  • www.ch4cs.comto reach Dr. Hayes and sign up for his blog and tap into his videos and talks
  • Dr. Hayes shares a story by Guy Finley about letting it “go on without me”
  • More information about the Costa Rica project: location, dates (2/21/14), the country’s position on war, and their medical rating compared to the U.S.
  • A caller shares that she is recommitting to doing at least 3 work sheets a day because she is committing to herself and her growth
  • A caller shares her appreciation for everything that Dr. Hayes contributes to this program and for today’s story
  • Insanity – a human form functioning without the presence of Love
  • The last step of the worksheet is about making choices based in Love rather than repeating automatic decisions based in fear or hostility

January 14



  • Dr. Ryce and Jeanie discuss the difficulties of translating the meaning from one language to another with a story that illustrates the point and some examples (Love, Forgiveness, pardoning)
  • The power of life and death is in our words and how they affect our bodies
  • Dr. Tim points out that it is more correct to say “I chose to focus on something that triggers my ____________” rather than “when you said that, it triggered my _________.” This refinement indicates our ownership and initiation of our own feelings.
  • The intensive in Costa Rica has been changed to March 7th because of an engagement in Washington State – watch the website for updates
  • A caller shares her challenges with sleep and receives information about using the Mind Goal Management Sheet; working toward honoring her aunt, which is fully explained; and looking at her fear and how it resembles her power person’s fear.
  • Our Power Person issues are experienced as survival issues because of the power that person had over us when we were young
  • The operation of the Power Person concept and the genetic dynamic are explained
  • Discussion of the movie The Passion of Christ and the various ways of using the information of that event 

January 15



  • March 7 though 15th – the first 9 day intensive in Costa Rica
  • Dr. Ryce uses his embarrassment about not being able to speak Spanish (at this time) as an example of something within him that he needs to forgive
  • Forgiveness is the process of going inside ourselves to remove the root of our upset, any undesirable content that blocks out our awareness of our true essence, which is Love
  • Feb.18th, Michael and Jeanie will begin living with a family in Costa Rica and attending Spanish classes
  • Dr. Tim shares the excellent results that happen when “two or more are gathered” to do the work of Forgiveness
  • Breathe, feel it, and let it flow through you,” a summary of the first three Beatitudes according to Dale Allen Hoffman
  • In the ancient Aramaic language, it was known that the power of the vibration of the words could resonate different things for each listener
  • “When I am disturbed, I have been given the gift of being able to bring a new presence to energies that once defeated me.”
  • A discussion of sacrifice
  • Conversation about how the ‘Empowered to Heal’ DVD and the ‘Enlightment’ Book could be used in the MindShifters’ support group
  • The value of viewing the DVD’s repeatedly because of building new brain cells and readiness for learning and a story that illustrates the point
  • An in-depth discussion about the difference between automatic, unconscious decisions and choice ,which is a spiritual faculty of conscious awareness
  • Important to consciously “choose” to make an internal change by using Forgiveness rather than just “choosing” not to look at or pay attention to something, which is actually denial
  • Go to to find the FREE worksheet and other forgiveness tools
  • Dora reminds of that this is “Unstuck Wednesday”; a discussion about how Ginkgold and cinnamon affect our sugar cravings; the importance of doing our Forgiveness work to eventually clear the energies within us that stimulate the cravings
  • A caller expresses gratitude because this program and doing her Forgiveness work has literally saved her life 

January 16



January 17



ARAMAIC FRIDAYwith special guest Dale Allen Hoffman


  • Dale and Dr. Ryce discuss living in conscious, active, present Love rather than just talking about it
  • Notice that when we are upset with someone, it is because we have had a goal for them that they failed to achieve for us
  • Descriptions of how the Power Person principle works; judgment; condemnation; Forgiveness; and canceling the goal we have for the other
  • The word for Forgiveness in Spanish is ‘pardon’ which illustrates how the original meaning has been lost through translation
  • Go to to find free instructions and tools to learn Forgiveness
  • Dale suggests that people read the book, “Why Is This Happening to Me Again” and watch the DVD’s to get the best benefits
  • Remove the root of my suffering so that I can be conscious, active, present Love
  • With 10,000 brain cells firing, only 9 bits that we are aware of
  • An explanation of our goal as the driver of what we select to be aware of and how cancelling the goal gets to the root of what has been resonated and removes it
  • In the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, she teaches about the 7 chakras
  • Goals are needed, but unconscious goals cause our problems
  • Dr. Tim recommends Dale’s new CD,” Enana, Living from the I AM”
  • Dale explains some Aramaic meanings in detail
  • Dale responds to a caller’s question with a discussion about the black hole concept on the personal level

January 18




January 19




January 20



  • A report of Dr. Ryce and Jeanie’s connection with a Spanish speaking church in Branson, MO
  • Lady Jane, a long time listener, participant, and supporter passed on yesterday
  • A discussion of Law having nothing to do with the rules of superiors; Law does not require obedience but only harmony with it; some examples
  • Rahkma is the first Law; the filter of intentions; old generational energy patterns; separation from Love; the replicate mind; being of like mind with Christ
  • Dr. Tim remembers the blessing of knowing Lady Jane and talks about a treasured book that she introduced him to, “The Way of Mastery”
  • Dr. Tim shares that Dale Allen Hoffman talks of Michael’s ‘Reality Worksheet’ as the embodiment of the Forgiveness that Y’Shua speaks of in the Beatitudes
  • We can be in possession and control of our thinking and behavior by using the tools of Forgiveness rather than simply operating from the automatic carbon based memory
  • The creation of the unconscious mind
  • Projection communication and responsibility communication
  • The idea of filming “A Course in Miracles” on video when the studio in Costa Rica is operating
  • In order to truly heal, we must be ‘out of our minds’ and connected to Mind
  • Moving out of ‘blockage of truth’ and into Love of Truth with a story to illustrate
  • The kingdom of God is the community of Love
  • A discussion of ‘Healing Crisis’ and that whatever we nest into our field needs to come back out with an example to illustrate
  • See “Saving Mr. Banks” for an excellent film that illustrates Forgiveness and the healing process

January 21



  • Jeanie introduces where and how to access all of the Free Forgiveness learning tools on
  • Dr. Tim Hayes shares that all of the Aramaic translations of the Beatitudes he has read encourage us to breathe because when we hold our breath, we lock energy down in our system
  • Go to to find the downloadable Beatitudes under Khaburis Manuscript
  • Dr. Tim details the series of steps and instructions for healing that are presented within the Beatitudes
  • The name of God in the Jewish religion is not pronounceable but like the sound of a breath
  • In the beginning was the Mind energy and the Mind energy was made flesh
  • Our early warning system: holding our breath; progresses into tissue damage; and then pain
  • If we want a Human life, we need to follow the recipe in the Beatitudes
  • A caller clarifies that the crisis/opportunities in her life are because of the  
  • Forgiveness work she has been doing 
  • From Coke, M&M’s, and McDonald’s for dinner to vegetarian chef – choosing to do our personal work changes our lives
  • Rev. Lady Jane passed on Sun. and Loving support for her and her family is asked for
  • Go to to connect with Facebook and other sites to hear Michael’s update
  • Information about the Summer intensives: Starting with “Fun, Food, and Forgiveness” followed by the first ever practicum of “Co-Dependence to Interdependence” integrated with “Did You Hear What I Think I Said” – see the website for details
  • The need for Loving support of the prisoners who are now receiving instruction in the Laws of Living

January 22



  • Dr. Ryce describes how to find the free Forgiveness instructions and tools on
  • Substitute the word “remove” for “forgive” to begin to understand the truth about forgiveness
  • Hostility and fear are the ingredients for insanity and regret
  • Building the brain cells for how to remove content in us that never belonged
  • Hostility and fear defile perception and make us “stupid”
  • A discussion of vitality as it relates to layers of healing
  • Dr. Tim shares the content of last night’s support group including a key concept of the oneness that we share and that any other perception is incorrect
  • When we follow the recipe in the Beatitudes, we activate the latent neuro-structure that helps us remove what doesn’t belong
  • March 7th to 15th, nine day intensive in Costa Rica; July 7th to 16th at Heartland “Food, Fun, and Forgiveness”; check out the rest of the schedule on the “whyagain” website as it may be changing
  • Rex reports on the Laws of Living sessions in the prison yesterday including several prisoners who reported huge personal behavior changes, and that the prisoners continued to do their work even during lock down
  • Einstein on “evil” – cold is the absence of heat; darkness is the absence of light; evil is the absence of Love – words man has created to describe what we experience when certain things are absence
  • A caller receives information about conflicting goals and the DVD “Getting the Stress You Need” in order to be able to accomplish his intensions

January 23



January 24



ARAMAIC FRIDAY:  Special guest Dale Allen Hoffman


  • A discussion of how words make it difficult to communicate because of different definitions
  • Orthodoxy  and the hunger for something deeper and more substantial;  how to create an opening for people to access a different way of thinking
  • A mass exodus or a mass entrance to love of Truth ?
  • If we hear words of hostility and fear, it is a sign that the speaker is not teaching Truth
  • Dale as a heretic and what that means – choice
  • Living in a space of Love does not equate with being abused
  • A discussion of Faith (consciously acting from the rooted center of our Being) from the Aramaic with many examples
  • The “heart” is the place where thought and feeling are entangled; the meaning of Karma
  • “That which you bring forth from within will save you
  • Changing the meaning of words, mistranslation and what it creates in our understanding
  • A thousand generations and the nine bit mind; true “Forgiveness” and choice
  • Alter rather than altar; Y’Shua spoke of the feminine; Rookha, the Super Processor
  • Changing the definitions of “forgiveness” and “Love” have changed our understanding of how life works
  • Those who think they’re following Jesus, often have no ears to hear or eyes to see, with examples
  • Goggle “Dale Aramaic” to find Dale’s website and YouTube offerings

January 25




January 26




January 27



  • Jeanie introduces true Forgiveness, reality, and actuality
  • A discussion of why we don’t live from the essence of Love that we are designed for
  • Go to the search bar on to ‘We Are One’ for examples of the Oneness we are designed to function from
  • Fear, intuition, and safety
  • Examples of the insane behaviors that we’ve had drummed into us and the latent neuro-structure given to us by God to process and heal them
  • A discussion of blockage of truth, the power person dynamic, and love of Truth
  • A story of flashbacks and how similar they are to blockage of truth, the “oota” state in Aramaic
  • Dr. Tim recommends listening to these shows more than once to build the brain cells and have more understanding
  • A caller from Morocco provides an example of the misunderstandings that can come from distorted translations
  • “Forgive your brother” is actually “forgive as to your brother” explained 

January 28



  • A discussion of the difficulties in correctly understanding the ancient wisdom because of the loss of meaning in translations or incorrect translations
  • The importance of staying open and breathing because we are a different person now from the last time we heard it
  • Tune in Friday to listen to “Aramaic, the language spoken by Y’Shua,  Friday”
  • A caller shares that by moving #1D (the thought that caused her feeling in #1C) into the #1B position on a new worksheet, a wealth of very deep internal information opened up to be processed
  • A caller receives suggestions about how to work on low Love of Self including a detailed explanation of anti-inhibitors
  • Michael begins explaining the 12 steps in blockage of Truth in detail and will continue tomorrow

January 29



  • Michael opened the show with a continuation of the previous day’s discussion about the 12 steps to Blockage of Truth.
  • Rex called in sharing his experience / symptoms of healing that he has been processing the past few weeks, which marks the 1 year anniversary of his son Journey’s passing.  He has been integrating the symptoms of healing into his day in lieu of resistance and the process is fuller by doing so.  He shared the healing process he went through and reported that he did not feel good UNTIL he was through with it.
  • Rex stated that we must presence Love and engage Rahkma and Khooba to heal, even if that is engaging them 2 to 3 times per second. 
  • Rex shared his process at the prison yesterday and how an inmate with an issue was willing to do a worksheet in class where Rex was #1A.  
  • Michele shared her experience at the prison as well. if you would like to support Rex and Michelle’s work at the prison you can go to and donate.  Thank you to Bill & Ellen Costantino for their monthly donation.
  • Michael shared about Blockage of Truth and the process of how it looks.  He listed numerous feelings and behaviors ie…denial, justification, rationalization, resistance, separation, jealousy, fear, hate, control, depression, unwilling to keep commitments…..and so on.  If you identify with any of the above you are in blockage of truth. 
  • The power person dynamic was touched upon as well.

January 30



  • See for detailed information about the intensives that will be offered in Costa Rica, possibly Panama, and at Heartland this summer
  • The 12 steps to Blockage of Truth from the Laws of Living Course: 
  • 1) resistance which will be experienced as any of the following: separation, jealousy, fear, hate, blame, envy, condemnation of self or others, control, manipulation, rage, judgment, irritation, using any drug including rage, feeling threatened, defensiveness, fear of loss, mistrust, complaining, unhappiness, poverty, revenge, verbal, physical, or mental abuse of self or others, self-righteousness, taking things personally, criminality, minimizing the value of the valuable, avoiding responsibility, withholding of communication, resentment, unwillingness to face and work thru one’s own healing process
  • 2) refusal to accept communication as offered which may be experienced as adding meaning, switching or complicating issues or focus
  • 3) adding our own meaning to every statement
  • 4) removing or ignoring information that conflicts with active goals and focusing on what does support your goals while discounting what others are saying
  • 5) distractions by telling their story and making excuses  
  • 6) minimizing information that does not support the errant conclusion
  • 7) maximizing information that supports the errant conclusion
  • 8) pleading unconsciousness
  • 9) avoiding situations to avoid pain and difficulties
  • 10) not keeping agreements/ making excuse
  • 11) terrorizing self with worry, blame, shame or catastrophic thinking
  • 12) demeaning others by attempting to control everyone and everything
  • Beware of the distorting power of the way you want it to be
  • The three possible behaviors available when we are living out of carbon based memory rather than Love
  • The results of denial of the content of one’s own mind, is the only enemy that we will ever face
  • “Love is the cure for your pain. Your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale Love…” By Rumi in the 13thcentury.
  • The antidote for blockage of truth is Love of Truth

January 31



ARAMAIC FRIDAY:  special guest Dale Allen Hoffman


  • Yesterday was the 3rd anniversary of doing this show 5 days a week
  • The blessing of introducing this material to children as young as possible
  • Go to to find the “I Am Somebody” for children and the book “Healing Children, Loving Children” by Julie Havertsick
  • Dale shares that he is teaching one of his children ancient Aramaic and some information about raising his children
  • A conversation about the benefit of hearing and absorbing the material repeatedly
  • “Not Dr. Feelgood” and why it’s necessary
  • Dale shares his experiences at Heartland in 1995 and how they are still affecting his life
  • Cancelling the goal on the worksheet is actually counter conditioning
  • “The End of Suffering” is Michael’s next book
  • The eleven most important words ever spoken: Dale details the information from ancient Aramaic, middle ages, and modern perspective
  • Some gems – What ever God is, I Am; Napsha = breath of life, conscious life energy; neighbor = any object of your attention
  • Lenin said,”The way to destroy a culture is to change the meaning of it’s words”
  • A discussion of “The Way of Mastery” and rebirthing the Mind of Christ
  • Announcement: Dale will continue doing “Aramaic Friday” for the rest of 2014 – Yay !!
  • to find out more about Dale’s work
  • March 7th thru 15th – an intensive in Costa Rica



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