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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
September 1 | Dr Tim filled in on switchboard for Jeanie – thank you!
Look at the new online worksheet! |
September 2
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September 3
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September 4 | Happy Labor Day – Miracle Monday! michael spoke of Shakespeare’s quote, “My words fly up, my thoughts remain below.” Your creation comes from what lies in the deepest hidden parts of yourself, the most energetically viable.
Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Resonance explained. Example: “I never want to be beat up again!” the focus is on being beat up and those words ‘flew up’ and the energetic wave calls in someone to beat you up again. Sheriff Tom Dart in Cook County says the jail has become dumping grounds for poor and mentally ill. Caller from the gulf, wanting clarity on what to do. michael directed her to the – we are about introducing people to the tools of forgiveness. Which would help with your own intuition to kick in to know what to do. We do not do ‘readings’ as such. Hold the space for your safety during the storms. Caller Brenda from Memphis. Suggest us go to Sheriff Dart’s prison and do workshops as he is giving classes to his inmates. And also noted the ‘beating up’ goes from both directions, guards with prisoners and prisoners with guards. He seems to be one of the ‘constitutional sheriffs’ Seems to be more and more ‘peace officers’ – a move to engage in a more peaceful way. Caller Roma. Morning there in Hawaii. Feels a major shift has occurred within herself since the eclipse. Did not win the lottery but it was a great prosperity exercise. Aloha means Love and is used as a greeting of hello and goodbye. She discussed the human design system which is similar to this work. It came from intuition. An evolution of consciousness. michael said Aloha is the same as Rakhma and he believes they could be one of the lost tribes. They greet each other with forehead to forehead – Rakhma to Rakhma! |
September 5 | Two sides to the process:1) engage in practices that strengthen your ability to live as love and 2) use tools that will assist in removing everything unlike love. One of these tools is a MindShifter which stirs what is in the unconscious then follow with the Wake-up Sheet (forgiveness) to remove what comes forth. (michael explained the MindShifter process and resonance).
A movie that is a great stimulus: “The Glass Castle” which shows contradictions of human nature, alcohol, poverty, abuse, dysfunctional family juxtaposed with the love, caring and creativity. It brings up the surface need to escape the family dynamics, yet realizing those demons are inside not outside of us. The blurred line between ‘free-spirited’ and irresponsible. The main daughter (who is telling the story) says, “My dad was a no-count, shiftless, thieving drunk …. but I loved him desperately.” Another movie is “Ironclad” ancient England and Scotland and the insane dynamics. The viciousness of the mind. These dynamics are genetic and passed on (the sins of the Fathers passed to 3 and 4 generations of those who are separate from Love). Energies we engage in either build us up like Love (integrative) or it tears us down (is disintegrative, sin). We need to be aware of what we are actually engaging in. Perhaps you will be the one to speak to another to build braincells and make a change. Caller Susan B., first likes the new online worksheet, thanks to Jeanie, easy and user friendly. Also, transcend and evolve and be alignment with what is true. Be curious with a child’s wonder. With the example Susan gave, her child of five had pain (sins of fathers, in his genes) and held trauma about seeing cruelty to a fish. First, presence active love and when looking upon cruelty can inspire change instead of being lost in the trauma, and can step forward with power, in love, and hold accountability. Example of Judge Asa D Kelly and the balance of love and accountability, not indifferent or callous. See Youtube of interview with Kelly Susan said he became a doctor because he saw the pain around him and wanted to heal. She sends him the daily ACIM and he said he can feel it even if he can’t understand it all. Dr. Caroline Leaf’s 21 day Brain Detox is a scientific way to look at changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts (leaving out the Biblical / religious theology) michael said Y’Shua was a neuroscientist, a physicist, a scientist not a theologist. Caller Tracey, spoke with the surgeon who did her procedures before. In January 2017, three months after brain surgery was told there was nothing else they could do but referred her to another. She was always reserved and professional. Went for a follow-up with her after vision improving so much with the second doctor. She came bounding in, walking above the ground, grabbed Tracey and hugged her and said “you are our miracle” Tracey said where she felt the doctor was uncaring she saw that was untrue that the doctor did care. The miracle did require work on Tracey’s part … “all the above” and the work is still going on. Not finished yet. |
September 6 | Recovery Wednesday! In reference to resonance, middle C tuning fork then sets up vibration in a second middle C tuning fork which in turn sends he vibration back to the first thereby amplifying the energy.
How do you support atrocities in the world? Are you in disturbance (which adds energy to the event) or do you hold love active for the atrocity (which brings healing to the event)? michael gave an example of child abuse and the desire to abuse the abuser which then adds more energy and another person who has ‘potential’ may act upon it. Dr Tim shared from last night’s support group. Expressed he felt blessed. Lesson from Way of Mastery recap of our true nature is love and release anything less than, then Earthing the Mind of Christ. Discussion and insights. One person expressed doing the dismantling process of the energy within self rather than pardoning and then (within moments) found themself driving and feeling murderous rage, did mental forgiveness and tapped into a time when a neighbor was beating on him and he felt murderous rage. Also, regarding archives, listening to a show from August 5, 2016 and Jeanie doing processing around her profectionist tendencies during Food Fun Forgiveness and then the same subject coming up with clients and in the support group. A great point of reference for others. Caller Michele from Canada. Needs assistance from a couple days ago with Respons-ability Communication and the letters. Read it and then did 6 worksheets. Since then a lot of her triggers around the situation were addresed in the worksheets without doing the communication part. Saw where she always wants to ‘clean up’ or ‘fix’ people’s messes. She has forgotten the event, michael said it was a restructure of the event. Relationship with husband and self, she did not feel comfortable bringing up a subject (around how the bills get paid) and he was preparing for work and dinner burned. He threw the pan and contents across kitchen then went to work. She cleaned up the mess but went into fear mode and withdrew. Looking at past with Dad and former-husband and that “it is my fault” or “I am to blame.” MindShifter: It is safe and healing, and I love the fact that the men in my life have always seen and acknowledged my sweetness and my innocence. She said that was not true and they took advantage of her. Breathe! What would happen? She said financially being responsible for the house, car and paying for everything herself. (michael explained the MindShifter) On brighter side, got the bread michael recommended. She shared the story of getting the bread. “Dave’s Killer Bread” organic whole grain bread. michael shared the story of the bread. michael went over the schedule in Michigan through end of October |
September 7 | Open hearts to hold space of Love for all the children who might be deported. Began a practice a few weeks ago of saying or thinking “you are cherished” to everyone we meet. Any changes since doing this practice?
Dr Tim shared that as he continues to use the tools and hold the thought of ‘you are cherished’ his life is more peaceful, joyful and productive! Seen a pattern of people stepping through their roadblock or door and experiencing their own pain and then having a different experience of their environment. Using the tool of forgiveness, cancel the goal, see the root of their pain and then saw something different outside them. michael added that when we hold the thought of ‘punishment’ then what is playing out is Power Person dynamics that just passes on the game. Someone who hurts is hurting. (he explained the PP) Jeanie shared a story of ‘free will’ The Great Spirit gathered the animals around Him and said, “I have a secret that I want to hide from the humans until they are truly ready to know it. This story highlights personal power, free will, and our God-given ability to exercise them. Caller Susan B., the situation in our world, refugee crises, climate change, etc. needs an antidote to toxic thoughts. No hope, ruined brain connectivity, we can build new connections. Neuroplasticity is the brains way to create new connections. One must take the steps to change. Molded and shaped by the energy that is held. Dr Tim offered Susan to do wake-up sheets on thinking she can’t verbalize the right answer. michael gave example of working with his Mom after her stroke to change the part of her mind that operated her left side. She walked out of the stroke ward. The truth of who we are is behind what appears to be matierial. michael gave example of “The Secret Life of Plants” a book by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. The book documents controversial experiments that reveal unusual phenomena regarding plants such as plant capacity to feel. One study the plants being watered and the machine reading a sigh like a person with stress relief. Also, a person squashing a plant and then when that person came into the room with the other plants they expressed what could be akin to fear. michael explained Aramaic forgiveness process around cancelling goals that are recruiting the thoughts and emotions. When the reality collapses in there is a pathway open for trauma to come forward and in the presence of love it dissolves. Caller Michele, every day the energy is increasing and she needs support. Feeling lots of sadness and identifying the thoughts. End of summer and beginning of fall, nice weekend with the kids but they are adults and they don’t ‘need me’ like they used to and close to 1 year anniversary of Women’s workshop here in MI which was also wedding anniversary (yet the weekend husband left). Has been more loving and hopeful, better at keeping Rakhma present, has made lots of good strides but feel grieving. michael asked if she was breathing. michael suggested tied with idea of loss is fear for future. She said it is a blank future where prior everything was tied up in neat packages. michael said yes but with a blank slate you can create in any direction, cancel the need for what ‘could have been’ and cancel the need for others to have integrity. Michele said first thought was the same scenario was in front of her 15 years ago and she created an amazing life for herself and her children, home and husband and father. If she created it why couldn’t she sustain it? michael said it is not always up to her, other people may not have the same vision or willing to be a conscious creator with you. Michele said with them not being in integrity is betrayal. michael offered to look at her own betrayal with herself or others and will you choose to make it a trauma or take the next step to empower the future. And process the grief and loss of what might have been. May be time to let go and begin to create anew. |
September 8 | michael gave a rundown of the schedule for the next 2 months. Then spoke of the resistance to doing one’s work and the biggest excuse is “I don’t have time.”
We are pure Love. a moving video of a 3 year old who has no arms or legs helps his newborn brother who wants a pacifier. michael explained nested frequencies (refer to Max Planck) and the energy engaged in being either dis-eased or ease / health. Decompress and take your cells back to health. Dr Tim shared from his support group last night. Neuro-emotional technique NET (accupuncture meridians) was discussed. Chiropractors make adjustments and then the people leave and their body goes back out, adjustments were not holding. So this one chiropractor started researching the psycho-emotional component – what were you feeling when the injury occur? one participant saw the ‘holding’ of the nested frequencies around her injury and got insight on how to further her work. Integration of many teachings all saying same thing. michael expanded on the neuro-emotional component and how it relates to cancelling the goal. Dr Tim mentioned Dr. John Sarno (book: Healing Back Pain: the Mind-Body Connection). He says it is more than physical, repressed emotions, oxygen deprivation, unconscious mind, power of distraction, conditioning behing pain, influence of personality, healing starts with awareness, education is a key factor, and back to the physical. See: On-Being blog with Krista Tippett: before a live audience at the University of Minnesota, they discuss the challenge and promise of aligning medicine with a 21st century understanding of human wholeness. Listen Caller Magda, now has really high blood pressure (on medication). It is genetic from parents and siblings for strokes, irregular heart rate, etc. and would like a MindShifter. michael offered look at situations where “heart is on the line” or “communication with others” or “heart breaks” – is there any kind of ‘heart break’ in family that is unresolved? Magda said consistently arguments and she was always trying to fix it and thought herself as failure. Her thoughts is that she is doomed because of her genetics, how can she heal beyond her genetics? MS: I am blessed with genetic challenges of the heart that inspire me to explore deeply the healing of hopelessnes that pervades my family. (Magda said she is in tears) Feeling sadness for everyone in her bloodline. michael said it sounds like she is facing ‘hopelessness’ and Magda agreed. Hopelessness would create stress which would suppress bloodflow and create high blood pressure. You have the opportunity to overcome the genetics. |
September 9
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September 10
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September 11 | Miracle Monday! Jeanie opened with the schedule here in Michigan.
ACIM Lesson 121. The unforgiving mind is … full of fear, torn with doubt, sees no mistakes, does not believe that giving and receiving are the same. Forgiveness is the key. |
September 12 | michael spoke of Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 to April 18, 1955) who was a German mathematician and physicist (grew up in a secular Jewish home) who developed the special and general theories of relativity. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. In the following decade, he immigrated to the U.S. after being targeted by the Nazis. His work also had a major impact on the development of atomic energy. In his later years, Einstein focused on unified field theory. With his passion for inquiry, Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century, best known for E=MC2 (mass energy equivalence). Einstein said “One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike….” and that if we think we are separate from others then we live in an optical delusion.
It often takes 5 to 10 years to begin to comprehend this work. It is such a mass of data from generations and generations based in hostility and fear. The shift it takes to do this work that Y’Shua presented, to undo the generational patterns and use the language that expresses the truth that we are each made of the stuff called love. The approach is dual. The undoing of the generational lies and removal of what does not belong and then the strengthening of the being. Dr Tim shared listening to the archives on his ride yesterday. They are ‘gold’ Caller Shelley, rewiring our brains, if you want a skyscraper you need a deep foundation whereas a tiki hut does not need foundation. Ft Lauderdale was about the only safe place in FL during the storm. Caller Julie from Oregon, doing worksheets with people, ie in Germany. Now has a support group. Wanted to offer that the girl Dr Tim was talking about, you can’t erase the past but can change the devotion to the past. She met with Nancy in Mt Shasta and did a worksheet together there. Asked if there were Aramaic scholars to move the work forward with the translation if funding comes forward? michael offered some idea of comprehension to take this the next step…to go from YShua’s words to talking of thougths becoming neuropeptides and the impact on cells. Who knows what we don’t know? Caller Ann, 29 hours without power but everything is back up. michael was talking about the ant not comprehending the skyscraper. As a child looking up at the parent is it the same that we would not comprehend? And then about the hurricane, reporters distilling fear and sensationalizing it. Thought of how anyone can be a guide with information. michael offered we are offering tools to build braincells to develop comprehension of what is going on in actuality. YShua gave tools to personally experience an experience he did not give exact words, he gave metaphors toward the truth so people will experience it for thmselves. Ann said we have tools to be safe regardless of the energy that was being put forth. Asks does barametric pressure have effect on our body as energy? michael said literally the air pressure will change the way the brain functions and being in tune with something there is massive data transfer. People tapped into confidence get the guidance instead of terror and not knowing what to do. Number of dynamics going on even without the media. |
September 13 | Recovery Wednesday! Both the current 7-step and Jeanie’s abbreviated version of the Wake-up Sheet are now available online on Jeanie’s website
Dr Tim did the opening and then spoke of his support group last night with Jayem. Recognize how we hold onto energies that do not belong in us. michael said we are aiming to show people how to personally experience the experience. We are not offering a quick fix (for example hypnotic state to fix an issue). A set of faculties and skills that must be practiceed. Ex. someone wanting to be a weightlifter at the olympics and asking another person to go workout for them. The weightlifting and exercises that strengthen the muscles is required by the one who will be in the olympics, no one can do that work for another. michael spoke of people ‘buying into’ thinking something outside them is creating their experience. It is always an inside job. Stories based in a belief that is not true can be a start in the wrong direction. Be aware. Bring active love into your experience. To master the skill of living as a conscious spiritual being requires you invest Time, Intellegence, Money and Energy into your spiritual development. Luke10:25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” 27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” What thi means is if you are maintaining your HUMAN LIFE then you will LIVE. Not talking about eternal life. Gateway is Rakhma (filter over the frontal lobes of brain). To experience the love you are 24/7/365 even in a world of craziness. Dr Tim offered someone stimulated a lot within michael this morning. Someone went into trauma and suffering over what was written on a piece of paper and bought into the ‘truth’ of what was written and that it was their destiny. Caller Susan from PA, refer to Tim’s intro on addiction. Realize she is addicted to being in a hurry and getting a lot done and not breathing. Don’t know why she is doing this but does know there are underlying toxic thoughts. Holds her cats and settles down. Heard michael say stop and sit and breathe. michael said ‘busy-ness’ is the main drug including those in prison – I don’t have time to do the work. Drug of the culture – not so much about performing but to stay so busy they don’t look inside or feel what is up for them. michael offers for Susan to ‘slow down’ her pace and enjoy a walk. Be at choice instead of being ‘driven by’ the to do list. michael spoke on the ‘resistor’ or ‘satan’ and ‘evil’ and ‘sin’ |
September 14 | Michele Pischea filling in for Jeanie. |
September 15 | Michele & Dr Tim filling in for Jeanie & michael while they meet with the ACIM panel for lunch. |
September 16
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September 17
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September 18 | Miracle Monday! michael explained that the Course and the Aramaic are the only 2 places he has seen the true definition of forgiveness. He went on to discuss the Aramaic meaning of ‘sin’ meaning energies that are off the mark. Disintegrative energy – anything less than Love (which is what we are made of).
Chat question on explanation of Aramaic forgiveness. Caller Emilia from Pahrump, worry around neurologist and her 4 year old daughter. michael gave her examples of work sheets to do around the situation and her own projections. Caller Susan B., so if there is not healing did I do a bad job of forgiving? If I cancel the goal and find a place of love and holding her in a healing place if there is no healing did I not do it right? michael offered noone has the place to determine what is right for the other or why they are in a position or what they are to learn. Example YShua was talking to Peter and told him about his upcoming crucifiction and Peter said “no it will not happen” and YShua told him “get behind me satan…you think with the mind of man” YShua still had work to do around it (in the garden) but he knew there was a higher plan. He detoxed (sweted blood) all the sadness and drama and trauma of generations from his physiology so they could ‘kill him’ and he could bring it back because there was no ‘death’ in him. Spoke on ‘laying down our weapons’ because ‘live by the sword, die by the sword.’ Second question, belly issues. michael said ‘all of the above’ and look at fear and terror that is resonating. Wrestling with it all night and it being clear in the morning means it is a layer manifesting physically. michael said he has spent many days, hundreds of hours, working on issues around his spine and it is fine now. Caller Julie H., said hello but did not mean to press 1, working with Judy P. on worksheets and encourages everyone to participate in the healing of the planet doing this work, come to an intensive at HeartLand! |
September 19 | Intro on perception.
ACIM Lesson 241 The world is false perception. This work is about undoing what is not true so there is room for what is true. That is forgiveness! Montessori education looks at sensative periods with each child individually and teaches them what they are ready for. We have sensative periods in our lives when it comes to learning this work – eyes to see and ears to hear. Videoing tonight’s workshop: ACIM: The Name of God is My Inheritance. (Lesson 184) michael read: “It would indeed be strange if you were asked to go beyond all symbols of the world, forgetting them forever; yet were asked to take a teaching function. You have need to use the symbols of the world a while. But be you not deceived by them as well. They do not stand for anything at all, and in your practicing it is this thought that will release you from them. They become but means by which you can communicate in ways the world can understand, but which you recognize is not the unity where true communication can be found. Thus what you need are intervals each day in which the learning of the world becomes a transitory phase; a prison house from which you go into the sunlight and forget the darkness. Here you understand the Word, the Name which God has given you; the one Identity which all things share; the one acknowledgment of what is true. And then step back to darkness, not because you think it real, but only to proclaim its unreality in terms which still have meaning in the world that darkness rules.” Dr Tim, in practice today, a client said the number of therapists they’d seen and no one gave them tools they just listened. And the client was shocked that Dr Tim gave them tools to use and things to read. Time has come to be an active participant in the construction of our lives. Ask to be shown! Extend the blessings he has received in life to others willing to receive them. Two versions of the wake-up sheet currently online version and the 11-step will be added soon. Also, developing an app for both Android and IPhone. Caller Roma, update on her presentation of Why Again?! in her friends’ church. A conscious group of people. Afterward everyone sat in a circle and did a wake-up sheet together. An 81 yr old German man grabbed up the rest of the wake-up sheets when it was over. He had been in the concentration camps as a child. Was a great experience. Caller Susan B, married into the Bingham family. Her husband’s ancesters were some of the first Protestant missionaries to take Christianity to Hawaii and the ones who translated the Bible into Hawiian. The community fear. michael mentioned the ACIM says there is only love, fear is the absence of Love. Influx the light. If there is pain and trauma you want to feel it and bring light to it and let it go. Holy cross day – Tree of Life – a life giving celebration not a suffering day. There was a disturbed lady who came and interrupted the service then left. How can she allow the healing when she is in such tough shape? The priest should have ‘brought her into the service’ and shown the whole congregation how to hold the space for her healing. StillPoint Breath was mentioned then the show was disconnected…. |
September 20 | Recovery Wednesday! michael opened the show.
Dr Tim shared a client catching themself doing their PP behavior and wanting to change it. michael shared the story of creation in Genesis: one was the created soul and the other was Adamos, the physical red-clay man. Then imagine the conversation between Being (Love, as created) and Non-Being (EGO) discussing choice or decision system and who runs the show. Survival is based on emotional meter. Anything over 7 Adamos runs the show and less than that Being chooses behavior. Need to weaken the Non-Being to the point where it never takes over again. Strengthen the awareness of being and weaken non-being through forgiveness….then be at choice continuously. Caller Camille, worksheets around right relationhips and speaking her truth last night. Wrote her expanded vision and truth and would like regulatory aspect direction. michael offered successfully resonated someone in to open those issues and has support to move through it. “help meet, hand-maiden, etc” michael offered help-mate is valid with relationships (intimate or business) to support each other. there are other mindsets ie king and slaves and that got passed onto women. There are free-persons who do what they choose and then there are bond-servants (one step from slavery) which are also called employees. Ask what drives this thought? victimhood and slavery mentality? Is there upset around the thought? If it is in you then it can be resonated. If you have worked through it then noone can ‘play out’ the victim process with you. She wants to feel important to her partner. michael said ‘feeling important’ is not a feeling it is a thought. Determine importance. When you base your feelings on what you think about him then you can’t change it. Spoke toward what her PP probably felt in her life. Dr Tim added keep the breath moving! When I catch that my breath is getting shallow, ask myself am I triggered or thinking of something to add? michael encouraged her to consider the CoDependence intensive. Camille said she does feel she is getting a better handle on her business and getting in a better financial situation. Caller Ann, thankful for conversation as she to has had relationship challenges too and what was said about PP situations showing up and imagining her Mom and Dad and their challenges helps put a different light. |
September 21 | Jeanie did the intro and announced the additions to the schedule. Tonight we do Purpose, Personal Power & Commitment and tomorrow night we do Getting the Stress You Need. We will not be doing StillPoint Breathing this Saturday but will be doing it next week in Muskegon. Dr Tim said they would join in the energy and do the same workshop in the Support Group tonight.
michael spoke of people not knowing their purpose and thus end up in war (within themself, with each other in the community and country against country). Generational issues. Culture specializes in running people into a predator mindset. Watch your words, they are part of your creatorship. People want to make the change but are oblivious as to how. michael expressed gratitude for learning the tools that Y’Shua taught. Example of the birds’ songs making plants grow (they have a purpose) – do you not think you would have a purpose? realize who we are. Y’Shua described a Pharasee – keep the outside clean (the body, environment, car, etc) but inside is filled with hostility and fear (ravening and wickedness). He said your father is the father of liars. Creator asked Satan where come you? And he relied, from going to and fro on the earth, back and forth upon it. This is a statement of the past. Not linked to purpose and living out of stored past dynamics stored in this system (carbon based memory system). Carbon Based System – has a number 666 (6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons) it is what we store inside that creates resistance (satan is the resistor). Another example of Peter saying they would stop Y’Shua’s crucifiction and Y’Shua called him satan and said get behind me. There is a plan and resisting the plan is satan not that he was calling Peter the devil. Trapped in the mind of man with generations of insanity. To get out of the desert the old generation must die off – the causes for hostility and fear (not physical bodies) must die to enter into the promised land of conscious co-creation. When we intercourse with others’ ideas and conceive with hostility and fear energies and give birth to an experience and wonder who the father was when we are the ones who do not guard our creative process. Dr Tim pointed out – you have grief in you but not because of what the world is doing or because people are not following their purppose. michael acknowledged yes, “it touches a place in me” and “it is mine” and that is what we are here to do – clear out the next layer. Dr Tim said lots of gratitude – people actively using the tools and transforming their lives, coming into session and saying they can’t believe what they are seeing in their partner, etc. seeing something different in their world. Living the demonstration, the world is reflecting to them the content they are holding. Jeaie read her Purpose Statement which she rewrote / revised this year (read it at Caller Susan from PA, reference having to do another layer, how we go back to the origin of the pain (Power Person). michael said no, we do not have to figure it out but we make a commitment to live as being and on purpose and when something shows up we take the cue that it is the next piece of work. Caller Michele in Canada, can go through awakening and heal even though you don’t remember, she is a great example of that fact. People are saying they are attracted to her inner beauty, obviously she is illuminating outward once she stepped into her purpose. She plans to be off all seizure medications by first of year. She did the Responsibility Communication worksheet and then she and her husband had great results. ACIM “… anger may take the form of any reaction ranging from mild irritation to rage. The degree of the emotion you experience does not matter. You will become increasingly aware that a slight twinge of annoyance is nothing but a veil drawn over intense fury.” |
September 22 | |
September 23
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September 24
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September 25 | Miracle Monday! ACIM Lesson 9 “I see nothing as it is now.”
Jeanie shared from workshop yesterday, gentleman becoming aware of what happened to a past relationship and what was keeping him from present relationship and breathing into it. And a lady who was in resistence to looking at what was ‘buried’ and why, was standing there an got the ahha too. Caller Julie from Oregon, regarding white people deserving. Movie: Neither Wolf nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads With An Indian Elder. michael spoke on Lakota-Sioux being Aramaic basis. Iroquois constitution and peace verses the misunderstanding of calling them savages. michael referenced the movie Wind River too, closing line was that there are no statistics about the missing Native American women. Julie said she is also on a team working to bridge the ‘left and right’ and have healing. She gets excited about wanting to speak openly about Y’Shua yet needs to know how to do so without a reaction from groups leaning more toward Christianity. Maybe she needs to be more patient instead of wanting them to get it. michael offered to speak of the forgiveness process you can do so without speaking of Y’Shua. Aramaic definition of satan is one who misleads. Only solution that works has become the problem to many. Julie shared a dream too regarding staying in the path. Caller Tracey, tight rope of maintaining composure and peace when seeing something off base. michael explained one can see something off target without judging as bad or wrong. Can assess appropriateness in a situation from the space of love can lovingly and wholesomely hold another in accountability. “No skin off my nose” falls under “am I my brothers’ keeper?” and Y’Shua tells of the Good Samaritan that we are all cells in one being and we are our brothers’ keeper. Y’Shua did not “trade in the coin of the Romans” yet he went in and turned over the money changers’ table when he saw they were ripping off the people in the temple. If I am triggered by an atrocity then that is my work to do to keep from adding energy to that very atrocity. Example, a lady saying did you hear about dadada? Yet she was not there and does not know the facts, she is just gossiping and it triggered anger within her. michael suggested the goal ‘to speak lovingly and respectfully about others’ or ‘keep quiet’ and might see a time when gossip hurt mom or self. Not wanting to ‘see it’ might be what’s behind physical eyesight issues too. |
September 26 | |
September 27 | Recovery Wednesday! |
September 28 | |
September 29 | |
September 30
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September 31
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…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””