Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – March 2014

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

March 1




March 2




March 3



  • True human life is the active presence of Love as experienced when we hold a newborn child
  • Dr. Ryce asks us to imagine that the only things that would exist in this day are the things that we expressed gratitude for the day before
  • Rex introduces the concepts of dissociation and denial (believing that it is someone else’s fault) and shares his own recent experiences with uncovering deeper levels of both
  • It’s simple – either we are experiencing and expressing Love or we are not and if we are not, there is something less than Love to be released, forgiven, and removed
  • A discussion of the Mind/Goal Management Sheet how it functions to help us creating the stress we need to be productive for the day and release/cancel everything that is incomplete at the end of the day so that we can sleep deeply
  • We can only control our minds indirectly by controlling our goals
  • Some exciting information about several Costa Rican citizens who are potential resident Why Again teachers
  • A caller shared how she cut and pasted the Mind/Goal management sheet and rearranged the sequence for it to progress from top to bottom starting with the morning step, and then realized that some of her issues were triggered by listening to Michael’s response so she will do worksheets to release and remove that material 

March 4



  • An introduction to the ancient Aramaic art of Forgiveness, restoring Human Life to Earth, and denial (talking about something outside of ourselves as if it is the cause of what is happening inside of us)…
  • Some spiritual faculties of Human Life; Love, gratitude, kindness, intuition, imagination, will (the ability to manage our minds)…
  • The Mind of Christ is not a religious concept …
  • Forgiveness – a tool to remove from the mind anything that doesn’t belong…
  • Opening the veil in order to get to the content in the unconscious…
  • Symptoms of healing: details of the physical, mental, emotional symptoms and how they affect us…
  • When I choose Love, it wakes up the Love in everyone
  • In the presence of Love, everything that is less than Love begins to dissolve…
  • Processing: the ability to keep Love conscious, active, and present when that which is less than Love comes forward …
  • Why sympathy doesn’t help others…
  • Set your phone for 5 minutes before show time each day to join with others around the world in holding the active presence of Love…
  • Julie shares the concept of “re-visioning” our lives and how that applies to the opportunity at the end of the Reality Management Worksheet…
  • This tool opens physical, mental, emotional, and genetic energy as opposed to the drugs in our culture that shut down our energy so that we don’t have to feel …
  • Dr. Tim shares that Dr. Ryce has been willing to make changes to the worksheet as long as the core steps are maintained in order to accomplish Forgiveness and change
  • A caller shares that he has become aware that his rage was inherited from past generations
  • Another caller shared that his healing purge has passed and that he is starting a support group in Ashville, NC next week – for details, see for details on this and intensives that will be offered this summer

March 5



  • This FREE work is about learning a practical set of tools that can help us change our lives through the ancient Aramaic process of Forgiveness…
  • An invitation to come out of denial and learn to undo/remove the particular quality of upset within us that we are blaming on someone or something else…
  • A discussion of Paul’s misunderstandings and limitations
  • Carbon based memory – how it works to create our realities…
  • The Reality Management Worksheet is a doorway to the unconscious and a way to remove unloving mind content
  • April 22 – prepare to join with all others on Earth who are presencing Love; to see Mitzi’s video on YouTube, connect thru
  • Dr. Tim shares that watching the DVD “Co-dependence to Interdependence” in his support group last night brought up tremendous changes for many of the group members; the Commitment; the Pagra; practicing; and more …
  • The difference between deciding and choosing
  • Unstuck Wed. reminder and a sharing that the more work Dora does, the deeper she can go to clean out un-Loving energies…
  • A caller shares how many groups and people she is able to carry this Forgiveness message to.  Go to “21st Century SuperHuman” on Facebook to access Carrie’s book and get a $12 discount…
  • A caller shares that he has noticed that when strong emotions come up, he finds that after 3 days of letting himself completely feel the emotions and using the Forgiveness sheets, he can usually respond from a peaceful place…
  • A caller asks for suggestions for moving forward and receives the following  MindShifter (with an explanation of how to do it): “It is safe and healing for me to become aware of why and how I cut myself off from people” in order to tap into unconscious information about what needs to be cleared by using some of the many FREE tools…

March 6



  • Blaming other people, situations, and countries for our upset and how this work is about taking responsibility for our own denied upset and using true Forgiveness to change our mind energy…
  • The world is 5% less peaceful than a year ago according to those who measure this…
  • Learn how to be the Love that we really are in the presence of everything that happens…
  • Dr. Tim shares on the topic of using various drugs to avoid our pain
  • Dr. Ryce connects this topic to Y’Shua’s words about it 2,000 years ago and the current FREE tools that are available to heal our pain…
  • A great story of how we are looking through other people pockets to find the precious jewel we have hidden from ourselves…
  • Love heals
  • A caller shares information about how a jail in Troy, Missouri experienced positive behavior changes because of a garden, a choir, and other work; contact person Captain David Curtis 314-238-6984 at Lincoln County Jail…
  • Rex adds that he will pass on the garden information to the authorities at the prison where he and Michele are teaching Forgiveness in Michigan, and shares an excellent example of how confused our minds can get when we are processing and the need to have support and do our work on a regular basis so that we can better deal with those extreme dumps…
  • Michele’s extremely brave sharing and processing in the prison…

March 7



March 8




March 9




March 10



  • Dr. Ryce takes time out from the 3rd day of the first intensive in Costa to welcome visitors to the show and talk about his book,” Why is This Happening to Me Again” and other FREE offerings on
  • Dr. Hayes summarizes the Aramaic Friday show from last week (3/7/14) and suggests that everyone listen because the show was so packed…
  • An in-depth discussion of lightness and darkness
  • How important it is to give enough time to building the brain cells to think a different way about Forgiveness…
  • Michele and Rex share some of their experiences during Rex’s workshop last week-end…
  • Feeling the energy of Love in the physical body
  • Gentleness, caring, and concern – some of the attributes of Love…
  • Take up your cross, not mine…
  • Details about critical mass and the shift to Love and our true Human Beingness…
  • Always remember you are pure Love,” children, and all of us…
  • A caller shares that she is unhappy with her job and receives information about how to learn to bring her highest, joy filled self to that job and by doing so attract an even better job…
  • The Spanish version of the Reality Management worksheet has a link at the top of the web-site 
  • Creating Tela Novellas in Spanish is one of the goals Dr. Ryce has for Heartland South…
  • A detailed definition and discussion of the Power Person concept with excellent examples of how it works…

March 11



  • Dr. Ryce introduces that the purpose of this show is to support people who want to change the output of their minds so that they can live happier lives…
  • Dr. Hayes shares that it’s not the teachers but the tools that make the difference, but only when they are used…
  • The meaning of Satan from the 1st century Aramaic language is “the resister” …
  • Disease, bugs, viruses, and how they work with co-dependence…
  • The tools to clean up what doesn’t belong in us are available for FREE on
  • Mitzi shares her global invitation to join a 90 second event of presencing Love on Earth Day in order to cause critical mass.  The video, “Invitation to Love” can be found by going to Facebook (type “event” in before Invitation to Love) or .   She explains how the electrical magnetic field works and is tracked with references to Dale Allen Hoffman and Heart Math…
  • Reading of the poem, “Will You Make the Difference?”…
  • A caller shares that she has some connections that may be able to take Mitzi’s Love event to a larger number of people
  • The Moses Code and “I Am That I Am”
  • A caller shares her gratitude to those who supported her during her physical challenge and received clarity about the guilt that she feels because she had to rely on medical help
  • A wonderful story about the willingness to take the risk in order to get to living in Loving happiness…
  • A caller shares how the story just presented dovetailed with her worksheet earlier today…

March 12




March 13



GUEST HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea


  • If we use the language of blame, we will attract what we don’t want to us…
  • How regulatory speech works with our brains
  • We bring our own feelings to every situation and they can only be triggered but not caused by others, with a fun example…
  • Is it possible that every painful experience we’ve ever had is the result of incomplete and limited information?
  • For FREE instruction and tools for forgiveness go to
  • We come from Love; we are made of Love; we are Love and everything else is false
  • A discussion of “This is your brain on fear” – can it be advantageous?
  • This is a daily process, not a one and done
  • We are either guided by and express Love or we don’t and the way to tell is to be aware if we have ANY fear or hostility present
  • Rex gives a report on the events of the “Laws of Living” class in the prison in MI this week – profound and amazing…

March 14



ARAMAIC FRIDAY: special guest Dale Allen Hoffman with Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea as co-hosts


  • Dr. Hayes introduces forgiveness rather than pardoning; where our upset comes from; how to remove what doesn’t belong; where to find everything you need to learn how to do true forgiveness at
  • Dale shares that his brother’s house burned down last night and uses it as an example of how to stay in a space of Love during what most people would call a tragedy…
  • Love your ‘enemy’ explained – any person or situation in the presence of which we lock down our breath…
  • The importance of having and using the tools, how well they work is in direct proportion to our resistance or willingness
  • When the worksheet looks overwhelming…
  • If we are in a human body, we still have work to do to peel back the layers and lift the bushel baskets…
  • Breathe. feel, let it pass to transform our lives…
  • A caller shares that what Dale was speaking about confirmed what he had just experienced himself
  • Justified anger is like drinking poison and expecting another to get sick or die
  • A caller asks,” What can we do to heal if we literally cannot breathe?” and receives a detailed response about what steps to take…
  • A detailed answer about the true meaning of prayer from the Aramaic understanding; see also Ernest Holmes and ‘The Prophet’; see him and self as healthy, whole, perfect and complete…
  • In the beginning was the Mind Energy and the Mind Energy was made flesh
  • A discussion about us as Conscious Creators; see the DVD “On Creating Consciously” at ; what we are looking for is what is looking…
  • The topic of gratitude, great and full and more…
  • Dale’s webpage has his schedule  or Goggle him by entering ‘Dale’ and ‘Aramaic’

March 15




March 16




March 17



GUESTS HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea

  • Dr. Hayes explains how each life can be more lovable, loving, and loved; how we can use our minds to create what we want or what we don’t want; and how to use our emotions as our warning system…
  • Darkness is what we refuse to shine the light of Love upon…
  • A wonderful set of FREE tools to learn how to remove anything within our system that does not belong, go to
  • A discussion about support groups, willingness, and the highlight of Dr. Tim’s week…
  • A caller asks for more information about how holding onto our beliefs is an attempt to stay safe; is it possible that beliefs in themselves cause our hostility and anxiety rather than freedom and safety?
  • An excellent example of how being free from our beliefs creates joy and liberty in our lives
  • We can choose the focus of our own mind energy…
  • A caller shares that the friend she called about last week transitioned this morning and receives support to process through her feelings
  • A caller shares a message from “The Way of Mastery”, that we need do nothing as it applies to lack…
  • A caller shares that her attempt to control and be safe by worrying was a belief that she was able to remove through the forgiveness process using the Reality Management Worksheet…


March 18



March 19



  • Dr. Hayes introduces the purpose of this program and invites everyone to go to to find absolutely FREE tools and instructions to learn how to forgive what does not belong within us…
  • Dr. Ryce talks about carbon based memory (CBM) and how the content within that works in our experiences to cover our awareness of our true being which is the Mind of Christ, the Mind of God, the state of LOVE
  • How the anti-Christ, 666 is really a physics lesson…
  • Substitute the word ‘remove’ for ‘forgiveness’ to understand the true meaning of what forgiveness really is…
  • Though our hostile and fear based realities feel real to us, they are not true about us…
  • Dr. Tim and Dr. Hayes have a conversation about “calling someone out” in public
  • Dora called to remind us about “Unstuck/Breakthrough Wednesday”; the blessing and drawbacks of becoming more conscious; and the importance of getting young children to understand and use this work
  • A story about how after doing a worksheet on his cow, the animals’ behavior improved when the 72 year old forgave the painful memories that emerged from his childhood regarding a pet cow
  • A caller asks how to get a copy of Julie Havertsick’s book for children so that they can introduce the work to their grandchildren and receives many ideas about how to get started immediately
  • A discussion about how our level of vitality corresponds to the deeper layers of issues that will come up

March 20




March 21



March 22




March 23




March 24



GUEST HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea


An invitation to go to and download the FREE materials and instructions to enable us to learn how to use forgiveness to heal anything within us that is less than Love…

How our bodies give us signals to alert us to what doesn’t belong within our systems, much of which was inherited from our ancestors…

A caller shares that after sticking with doing her worksheets even though she couldn’t find anyone to do them with her, she then met a man who chose to do the worksheets too and how beautifully their relationship is progressing…

Compatible bags of garbage and relationships

Living in “heaven” when you have the tools to remove what causes our upset…

A caller shares how changing the human energy through forgiveness had an affect on her cat’s behavior because we are all connected…

Michele shares another example of how doing our own work affects others too

A caller shares a “duck” story about how everything and everyone is connected

Creating consciously by using the tools (MindShifter, Mind-Goal Management, Reality Management, etc.)…

We have the infinite ability to choose the focus of our awareness at any moment…

March 25



March 26



GUEST HOST: Dr. Tim Hayes


Dr. Hayes introduces the reason for this show; speaks of the difference between Eternal Laws and man made rules

An in depth discussion about the Power Person Dynamic which gives us only three behavior options when this dynamic is active: depending on the severity of our stress, (1) we will do whatever we did to get along with our power person (2) we will do whatever we did to try to resist our power person (3) we will do the same thing our power person did that we hated the most…

Dr. Ryce suggests an exercise for discovering whether or not we communicate the same way our power person did when the stress is up and the chips are down…

The real purpose of communication with specific information about what most of us do…

Rex gives a brief summary of the prison work that he and Michele are doing every Tues. and shares detailed information about an experience from yesterday’s events, which presents an excellent example of the power person dynamic and how the communication was affected because of it…

Dr. Tim and Michael guide Rex through his process in order to heal these events and the carbon based memories and feelings they have triggered…

The biggest piece of healing that we will ever do is to heal that moment when we gave up our awareness of ourselves as Love…

March 27



GUEST CO-HOSTS: Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea

  • Dr. Hayes gives a summary of the purpose of this show and how it is based on ancient Aramaic wisdom from the Khaburis manuscript…
  • All the tools you need to learn and do true Forgiveness are FREE at and will change your life if you choose to use them…
  • Darkness is having the tools and not using them because we don’t want to see or feel something we are hiding from ourselves, which means we can’t heal it …
  • Rex shares his process during and after the incident at the prison on Tue
  • Michele shares her experiences regarding the same situation and more information about stabbings and hangings that triggered deeper work for some of the inmates…
  • Michele shares how much easier and more flowing her life is when she practices being in the moment and holding the energy of Love…
  • A caller shares how important it is to teach this healing work to young people as well as the older generation…
  • A caller asks for more information about how crying fits into doing our forgiveness work, and receives a detailed explanation from Dr. Hayes with added comments from Michele’s experience…
  • An in-depth discussion and some examples about building the brain cells for this work…
  • A caller asks for clarification from Rex about what he said yesterday regarding the moment when he began forgetting his awareness of Oneness with the Creator…
  • Tune in tomorrow for Aramaic Friday with Dale Allen Hoffman…

March 28



March 29




March 30




March 31



 michael offers a review of the whole Reality/Stress Management Worksheet (forgiveness) process with deeper insights than previously offered.



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