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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
December 1 | NEW CALL IN NUMBER BEGINS TODAY (563) 999-3581 … michael & Jeanie announce the upcoming workshops in Fruitland Park, FL this next week (Dec 4-10, 2016). Then we go to St.Clair, MO to write for 8 weeks. Then workshops in Wilmington, NC in February 2017 followed by intensives in Oak Island, NC in March / April 2017. We are offering specials and FREE days on the beach in between intensives, etc. All these flyers (as well as those for HeartLand Intensives 2017 Summer Season) with details of workshops and prices are on-line
michael’s intro was how people say they worship God but they live in hostility and fear. The energetic patterns are stored in their cells (from their experiences and from their genetics). It takes willingness to pick up the tools and confront what is less than love and forgive it. You send out a message for the universe to show you your rage or fear so you can heal. Referrence Marcel Vogel. Can’t just say “I won’t rage again.” because if it is in you it will come forth. Every time you forgive you weaken the energy until it is gone. question from a text from Julie in Oregon (she can’t be on the show but will listen to the archives): What is the differences between Will and will power and free will? Will is a spiritual faculty (which can frame a goal, set a goal, select a goal for immediate attention,maintain a goal and cancel a goal), will power is FORCING one’s way and freewill is human choice (like a GPS). michael goes into more detail. Dr Tim is glad he has these tools and is able to share on a daily basis with others. Refer to watching/listening to Purpose, Personal Power & Commitment topic and michael commenting we should tithe 10% to what feeds us spiritually. Time (2.4 hrs a day), Intelligence (consciously create on purpose), Money (10% of financial income) and Energy (your best not at the end of the day when tired). To advance what you are doing you work on yourself more than your business. Rearrange your life to allow you to do this. referrence to “Hacksaw Ridge” movie,, his developed faculty of Will keeps him on track with his purpose regardless of the mistreatment of him. He is determined to save lives and refuses to use a gun on the battlefield (true story during WWII). His ability to function as love is unfathomable. He changes lives and his ability physically is amazing, “let me get just one more” Caller Shelly, do we really have freewill? Go back to the time when Shelly was doing drugs…the Creator knows my path right? michael offered it is not predetermined. He knows the best path and has the desire for us to be a true being but we have the choice to follow his path or go our own way. Shelly said if he had not experienced that he could not have had empathy for others doing it now so doesn’t that mean he was destined to go that way? Jeanie offered no, if a different path had been chosen then there would be other opportunities and different skills to utilize. We can turn all into good and useful. michael offered a lot of people end up in situations that are not due to any fault or blame but they do have a respons-ability for their life and can change their life. michael speaks of Kimmie Weeks from Liberia and his experience of children in the war (the pain and suffering and child soldiers) Caller Roma, went to see the movie and was amazed that he “committed treason” (although wasn’t persecuted) because he tended to the wounds and attempted to save a couple of the so called enemy. We have a enemy consciousness – the good guys and bad guys. michael offered that is non-human conditioning we have bought into and must change. |
December 2 | NEW CALL IN NUMBER IS (563) 999-3581 …
michael spoke of energetic dynamics – not ‘good and evil’ but what supports human life and what does not. Anything based in hostility and fear is disintegrative (tears you down) and anything based in love is integrative (builds you up). question from Facebook (JM_Ryce): How do you do a wake-up sheet on money issues? I did a MindShifter “I always earn twice as much as I can spend.” (michael explained how to do a M/S and why it works). Dr Tim shared his Thursday Support Group was just himself so he watched the Healing Through Relationships DVD and did a wake-up sheet and went home. Even when there is only one or two present, the group can be very useful. The pattern today has been people who think their value is only when they do things for other people but then go into crisis when they have to step back and receive help. They are in conflict within themself – stuck in their own fundamental process. michael offered that many in that arena feel when they receive help there is something wrong with them. A M/S could be “It is safe and healing for me to be helpless, needy and broken.” Needs to have a balance in giving and receiving. Caller Doug & Dianne, from Minnesota, received a call from his Mom and she asked what he wanted for Christmas but then made a suggestion for fixing his room. Dianne felt the conversation seemed to be towards controlling Doug. He has several issues within the family, his sister is shutting out Dianne and says they are not good examples for her kids. She does not want this work, it goes against her belief system. michael offered the story of Y’Shua going to dinner at the Pharisee’s home and he did not wash his hands and they repremanded him. Y’Shua came back that their outward parts were clean but their inward parts were full of hostility or fear. michael made the suggestion of doing wake-up sheets as if you were Mom and what might be going on for her. Cancel goals. When the space is safe enough for these kinds of dynamics to come forward, the energy is so deep and painful that they go blotto. So Doug asks, so how is it that I have a pharisaical mind? michael asked if he had ever wanted to control his daughter? Doug said but how did I bring this into my life? When abuse or negativity shows up, if I am respons-able for what I attract, then what is in me that created this? michael said the dynamics have probably been going on for generations and it is time to clean up the inheritance. michael offered to look at your response to the event – the response was in you first and then the event happened to bring it up for healing. If you find yourself ‘wanting them to change’ so you don’t feel what you feel then be aware that is your work. Dr Tim offered, instead of figuring out what brought it on, look at what you are feeling in the moment and do the goal cancelling and find the space of love and extend that to everyone in every situation (including those who appear to be working against the goal). michael spoke of using the Respons-ability Communication tool. Truth is often a challenge. michael shared what happened with Julie Haverstick several years back and her experience of being ‘speared’ for speaking Truth. When she dealt with the genetic issue of speaking Truth and the terror around it, then she was able to present to a class of adults during Teachers’ Training. Doug said it goes back to past attempts with his sister going terribly wrong and his sister getting angry. michael said it sounds like she is holding some heavy pain and she does not know how to deal with it. |
December 3
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December 4
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December 5 | NEW CALL IN NUMBER IS (563) 999-3581 … Miracle Monday! michael read from “Fifty Select Quotes From ACIM” ( and added his commentary.
Dr Tim said “whether it is true or not that I am made of Love, etc…I have had the experience that the more I ‘pretend’ it is true the better my life gets” He worked with a 15 year old this morning and explained that the tortured aspects of her parents’ belief is in her genetics but not hers. She can dismantle the behavior, thoughts, emotions from her own life. Tim said while she hasn’t bought it totally but he is glad he can honestly share the change he has experienced himself. Apologies for prank caller. Dr Tim also shared a client said “it is really scarey when you think about …. in the world” speaking words gives power to the reprogramming of the mind to feel scared. He spoke of the book “The Ant and the Elephant” which is a book for high level business people that explains the conscious from unconscious mind. The ant has a built in sense for where water is and walks toward it to then get a sense that it is getting further away, this continues. The ant is unconscious to the fact it is on the back of an elephant and the elephant is walking away. We need to come into conscious relationship with Movie “American History X” is about a youngman whose father is shot and in his defiance he becomes a Nazi skinhead and is against a certain group of people. He kills someone and goes to prison, when he gets out he wants to have a different conversation and attempts to change his younger brother. Upshot is the communities and generations are supporting the conversation of hate and killing someone different (sexism or racism) than themself and adds fuel to the fire until it is uncontrollable. We need to see we are all human, let’s change the unconscious dynamics and step into who we are. |
December 6 | Can we allow the deepest levels of pain in our present experience to come forward as we hold love conscious, active and present and touch in and allow the energetic dynamics to begin to dissolve?
Dr Tim shared, getting the information from different places solidifies the truth. Robert Bolton’s “People Skills” and Harville Hendrix’s “Getting the Love You Want” each adds to the responsibility communication michael uses – active listening and taking full responsibility for what I am creating in me. May present all three to his support group. michael offered the thought to record it and we’d put it on website. Caller Julie from Pahrump, went through the Love Exchange with Jeanie this morning. First thought was she thought she looked hollow or dead. She put hand on heart and hand on mirror and went inside (used her cat as a love connection) then opened eyes and sent love to herself and saw love, joy and aliveness. Wow what a grounding. Great exercise. michael offered we are designed to experience love 24/7/365 in our physiology and then re-member (change our members). We need to cancel the goals (of the thousand generations) that are driving our behavior. We can’t always control the genetic memories that pop up and take over but when we recognize our mind’s construct is off base we can cancel the goal and reconnect. It is always within not someone without. Julie said she has seen herself being addicted to fear and it becomes overwhelming then she goes into her rant (another addiction) but with these tools she is learning to reconnect to Love. michael said make a commitment to 76 days of doing the love exchange to make it a habit of reconnection. Caller Magda. Genetically inherited stuff is REAL! She worked on a mindshifter around being embarrased. She wrote a letter to herself from her generations, allowing them to speak to her. She knows she inherited embarrasment and at times wanted to disown her family. She had put off going to the dentist because of this issue too and has stepped beyond that as well. michael asked if she has willingly used embarassment to control a situation? She has used it as a punishment tool. MindShifter: “It is safe and healing for me to embrace the agressive people in my life in the active presence of love.” She said she and Chuck are doing their work together again: the commitment and worksheets and meditation. Caller Brenda. Last week Dr Tim mentioned something about a 5 hr window can there be more information on that? Dr Tim said the idea comes from Not just intellectually but activate it in me as a full experience (access the implicit emotional knowing) then allow and soften. This is the access to the area that holds the negative belief and emotions. Within 5 hours the emotional loading and neural pathways can be changed. Done with Coherence Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as well as Wake-up Sheets and Breathing. Caller Shelly gave an update on his recent accident. Doing well and just allowing. |
December 7 | Recovery Wednesday! It is not a recovery from disease but recovering who we are – the wholeness of BEING which is the active presence of Love!
Dr Tim shared from the Support Group last night. A participant did a worksheet around someone not being there with them and supporting them. They said they did not get a release, Dr Tim directed her that there was a part of her that was not willing yet to let go of the goal. She felt stuck and hurt. What is the worst that would happen if you did let it go? Great support from the group. michael talked about why one would cancel an absolutely perfect goal. michael requested the community to hold the space for a young lady (21 yr old) who is in a crisis in Austin, TX. She had a trauma 5 years ago and has gone down mentally, physically and emotionally to the point of potential suicide. Her parents are consciously working with her and have reached out to us. Caller Gail, shares from the 12-step program. Adds to the energy of the young girl, Gail also experienced trauma at the age of 16, was assaulted by the manager of her first job, and it has affected her relationships, finances, self-worth, addiction to alcohol and food. michael offered that the skillset Gail has and uses in addressing her challenges is amazing (and that she has taken it to others). Gail shared that she had a Christmas party for the women she sponsors in the 12-step program and some of the events that happened (ie candle lighting). Caller Roma, related to the not wanting to release the goal. Her relationship with and memories of her father was only painful so she was not willing to let go of the goal because if she did not have the pain of her father she would not have anything of him. Also, the loss of a baby and the pain around that loss. michael suggested more wake-up sheets around the loss. Roma asked if there is no pain around it then what do you have? michael shared the experience of his Mom passing and that he experiences the love with and of her and not the pain of losing her. The active presence of love dissolves the pain. Y’Shua taught us how to put an end to all pain and suffering. Perhaps cancel the goal of the future plans you had for you and the child that were lost. And cancel the goal of being a mother. It will liberate you and the child. |
December 8 | michael covered the PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF EMOTIONAL SUPPRESSION.pdf which we covered in the workshop last night here at The Villages (Fruitland Park, FL) |
December 9 | Can’t put the description of ‘human life’ into words. Pseudo solutions to the non-being self hold no security. The behaviors that come out of that state confirms the thoughts of the non-being self. 1) if I could just figure this out. 2) if I could just fulfill my Power Person’s needs 3) if I could just ‘do’ the list of love descriptors 4) the need to control everyone and everything 5) straining & struggling to make up for a non-being life i.e. getting things 6) replicates the Power Person dynamic – find someone to blame – I become the user. It takes effort but makes for an easier life…the so called easy way makes for a tough life! michael shared the state of ‘no mind’ when his daughter was born.
michael announced the intensives in March/April in Oak Island, NC and Jeanie described the two Women Only intensives and michael described the other 4 intensives (flyers and details at schedule/flyers-publicity) Caller Roma. Update on Susan Darnell’s burn. |
December 10
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December 11
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December 12 | Dr Tim Hayes & Michele Pischea |
December 13 | Dr Tim Hayes & Michele Pischea |
December 14 | Recovery Wednesday! Dr Tim Hayes & Michele Pischea |
December 15 | Dr Tim Hayes & Michele Pischea |
December 16 | Dr Tim Hayes & Michele Pischea |
December 17
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December 18
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December 19 | Miracle Monday! michael continued to read from “Fifty Select Quotes From ACIM” ( and added his commentary.
michael mentioned some projects we need done: convert cassettes into CDs of A Course In Miracles lessons. Also an end of the year invitation to support this work financially. “The God Particle” Intuitive faculty is shut down early and people lie: blaming others for what is going on inside us. Caller Ron. Added to discussion of intuition and underestimating our abilities. |
December 20 | Intro included invitation to see the movie “Collateral Beauty” with Wil Smith. There is a scene where one man is asked to describe holding his newborn daughter and he stutters “I quit loving and became love.” It is about death but has a grand resolution and is powerful. Here at the holidays especially, the gatherings may pressent lots of opportunities to heal unresolved family dynamics and the pain around loss and anger and fear. We can heal and we hold the space for that to happen for all. Live as Love no matter what goes on in the space.
Many will party and drink and ‘drown their pain’ instead of being present in the moment and circumstances. Dr Tim shared around support group and events in his life. Appreciation for the work people are doing in his groups. Theme he has seen today is people saying “It is so hard.” but what is hard is breaking the old patterns. One finds it easy to let go but then they go back to picking up the old negative habits. Need to create new habits of letting go and focusing on love. Caller Shelly. Running into people who ask him the same question every day. michael offered it takes time to build the brain cells and asked was he expected to grasp the understanding first time around when he was small? Caller Roma. Received a call from a surrogate daughter who she has been working with and she said “I have quit worrying!” such progress. Roma asked michael how do you see ‘critical mass?’ what are the signs that it is happening? michael offered changes in people who would have rejected the work at one time but now want to hear more. And then the movie we saw they ask the question we ask in our workshops…saying we do not love each other but we are love. Vladimir Lenin said change the meaning of words and you can destroy a culture. We must get back to the true meaning of words … i.e. LOVE … and masses of people will be exposed to this truth seeing this movie about what Love is. It is bubbling up in more places. Roma said she too had seen more people getting out of denial and realizing we do it to ourselves. “The Messy Truth” CNN Van Jones (Political Commentator) was on a couple weeks ago. he says #LoveArmy – we must build a huge love army to change the country. There are several shows on YouTube. Post election special on Donald Trump |
December 21 | Recovery Wednesday! Recovering our true human life. Example of movie “Inside Out” where Rylie had frustrated goals and turned to lying to herself (she had to be the good girl and keep her parents happy), then she stole from her parents, and ran away. Then she got a wake-up call and returned home and admitted her sadness about what was happening and in the presence of the love of her parents (they told of their frustrated goals too) and she took that deep cleansing breath and let go and returned to her true being. michael mentioned watching “Collateral Beauty” and “Tomorrow Land” and Hollywood speaking of the deception to the world and the returning to love and wholeness. Critical mass is close!
Caller Gail, doing wake-up sheets around finances especially here at Christmas. Cancelled the goals toward finances. Very tactile person, feels energies like chakras. Tapped into a visual: a dirt road and a horse laying in the road, seeing this from the angle of also laying on the street. The person was attempting to get up to help the horse and could not move, felt helpless, felt the drowning in own blood and then shaking and passing away. Now a Spirit and could still not help the horse. The horse was attached to a buggy, it was early 1900s and a car backfired and startled the horse and the man went flying off the buggy. Gail said her great great grandparents were servants and early coming to the United States, they were alcoholic, and he was killed in a lacky accident and left the gggrandmother was now widowed, poor and mother of 3 children and she could not keep them and turned them over to an orphanage. Her greatgrandfather (one of the children) was full of rage about being abandoned. So she could see where the poverty, helplessness, abandonment, etc. impacted her present state. michael offered fragmented thoughts of generations gone by can unconsciously come forth and take over your perception. They come forth as real present events. This work is about comprehending and discerning the thoughts and emotions and changing our realities. We have to come into conscious relationship with those hidden dynamics and dissolve them in the presence of love. Acknowledge Gail for her work. Gail said she recalled Christmas 1983, her family had visited her grandmother in Florida and they were trying to get back north (to home) to beat a snow storm and she felt that was the last time she would see her grandmother and it was. Then when her parents divorced and their Christmas holidays changed. Sad reminders this time of year. Trifecta in AA is Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Gail said the solstice is a dark time but she regards it as a time to bring in more light. michael invited everyone to consider doing this entire season without the numbing effects of alcohol. Consciously feel everything that moves within you and forgive everything less than love. Dr Tim shared the moving of his mom and the interactions with his sister and her feeling abandoned and rejected. At the support group people had questions but no one offered to do a wake-up sheet so Dr Tim did. His goal was for his sister to be aware of the impact of her decisions to not hire movers and what he then had to do. He cancelled the goal and remembered his sister coming home from the hospital and being sick and quarantined from the rest of the family. He realized if he had dismanteled the sadness around not helping his sister before then he could have responsibly spoken to her and made different plans. Productive wake-up sheet. Caller Julie had a thought that calling the program recovery might be about covering something up again…? Michele offered “habilitation” which means to make fit or achieving new skills, supporting the process to keep, learn, or improve skills and functioning for daily living. Also, an idea that maybe Mark Hattas could do something around the corporate world. michael invited Julie to contact Mark. Announce the intensives in North Carolina. |
December 22 | The story of David and Goliath is actually about the internal process of non-being verses Being. Five smooth stones: Will, Choice or Reason, Intuition, Imagination and True Perception
Dr Tim has another Support Group tonight. Blessed to share these tools. To improve the quality of your life start a support group and uncover your unconscious and change your life with likeminded people. Have more clarity and joy. Caller Ann, has run into so many people who do not have the experience of holding a newborn human, puppy or kitten. She went to the AA Celebration and met another lady who began crying because she could not remember “love” Ann showed her the love exchange. Ann did not understand all the language of the AA group but just held the space. What can we use as an example? michael said he often “lends someone his experience” of the birth of his daughter. Caller Shelly. The other day he asked about frustration and did wake-up sheets around it and remembered learning his alphabet. His father would scream it at him and he would scream it back. And if he got it wrong he would be spanked. Caller Roma. Day & half ago awoke feeling the energy of her mother’s death and her sister refusing Roma to be there. Her sister had said she did not want to hear from her again until it was the news of her death. Sent her a Christmas card. michael invited Roma to go through the responsibility communication process with her sister. Its always up to the one who has the tools to make the step for peace. Discussion of being in limbo, not going forward, being stuck. Moving forward with internal work but external is not going anywhere. michael said he would hold the space for her to look at the energy that holds her in the stuck place. Roma shared that “they” did this or that and so she shut down. How does disappointment look like your life? Manifestation of disappointment. The goal for the city to take action for the people’s will, so look at when you have wanted others to take action for your own will. Do wake-up sheets and it will lead to trust. You can trust Rukha even when everyone else does the opposite…walk the path. ACIM has a passage about trusting Rukha: Chapter 20: The Vision of Holiness, Part IV Entering the Ark (last paragraph) says “Once you accept His plan as the one function that you would fulfil, there will be nothing else the Holy Spirit will not arrange for you without your effort. He will go before you making straight your path, and leaving in your way no stones to trip on, and no obstacles to bar your way. Nothing you need will be denied you. Not one seeming difficulty but will melt away before you reach it. You need take thought for nothing, careless of everything except the only purpose that you would fulfil. As that was given you, so will its fulfilment be. God’s guarantee will hold against all obstacles, for it rests on certainty and not contingency. It rests on you. And what can be more certain than a Son of God?” In response to a comment by Roma, Dr Tim explained an overview of the EMDR approach. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. |
December 23 | |
December 24
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December 25
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December 26 | Dr Tim Hayes & Michele Pischea |
December 27 | Caller Shelly spoke to (listened to) a homeless man and received accolades from the man and yet Shelly did not feel he did anything and wondered why he felt that way? michael offered if comes from the beliefs about self that you were not enough.
Caller Donna acknowledged Michele’s contribution to the shows. Michele texted Jeanie that she resonated with what Shelly said. She did not feel she did much. Caller Rex spoke of early years in this work and doing his purpose. |
December 28 | Recovery Wednesday! Into on the fantasy of “time” which can be constructive to get everyone at the same place together but then there are destructive fantasies like blaming everyone else for what is going on inside of us. Give yourself permission to live in wholeness.
Dr Tim shared about his support group last night. They toned the first word of the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer “abwoon” and Dr Tim did a wake-up sheet. He also offered to Michele (from yesterday’s show) graditude and kudos for her offerings on the radio show. It opens the door for others. michael offered Aramaic says “In the beginning was the mind energy and the mind energy became flesh” what shows up in our mind energy will show up in our flesh. To recover to the true being then what is less than love must be removed (forgiven). If we were given messages as a child that we were not good enough then that is what will manifest. Example of Shelly’s conversation yesterday too. Constructs that are not true about who we are. Caller Gail shared her process around the holidays and finances and that in the past she went into debt for gifts and yet she could not do that this year. Laws of Living conference call has reveiled to her that her Personal Code has changed. She felt abandoned by her father and now her daughters feel lighted by that side of the family as well. Gail chose to “make amends” to her father and stepmother,.. that she could come from a place of love and “stay on her side of the street” (meaning take responsibility for her part of their relationship). She got to her dad’s earlier than her daughters and shared what had happened to her (sexual assault by a manager) and then she turned to alcohol and let her academics fall and has been a waitress most of her life, became an unwed mother, etc. She apologized for any harm to them and offered to help them on the farm as she did not have money for gifts. He said lets leave the past in the past and start over now with a clean slate. She now takes a step back to allow him time to process what was said, she is sure a lot of things he said in the past that was not supportive will be faced as inaccurate. She was able to share a little with him of both the AA program and this work and the changes in her life. The energy she now is experiencing is weird. michael said this was such a shift that the energy is bound to feel different…it was huge. She wanted to hear similar experiences from others at the AA meeting and realizes most (even with longer years) have not done the depth of the amends process. michael offered that what she has done is monumental. Text from Julie Haverstick (from HeartLand) offered her dad did not “make her into a scapegoat.” Gail asked, as a child of a divorced household, the child will blame themself and as an abuse victim they also blame themself. Does this go along that same path? Self-blame is definitely an issue to be addressed. Dr Tim offered a mindshifter he does “I am as lovable and worthwhile as the people I respect most.” (michael explained the mindshifter tool) Gail acknowledged Jeanie for holding the space at her first intensive in Florida and the ability to bring one of her daughters to the women’s intensive in Michigan too Caller Shelly, we need to stay out of the past and future and just stay in the moment. When it comes up we forgive it and stay in the moment. michael said the mind energy that is ‘in the moment’ will create the present moment, so if the mind energy is from the past then it will create a present moment experience. |
December 29 | |
December 30 | |
December 31
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…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””