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Archived Radio Shows July 2011

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Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

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July 01, 2011 Memorial Day 33 (refer to May 30th) – Nene calls in to discuss the Pagra and cancelling the goal and the desire to be right. Taking responsibility. With the process of Aramaic Forgiveness we can change what is going on in our minds. We can not change another person so we can feel better. The power is inside ourselves.

On the July 1, 2011 episode of MindShifters Radio, Dr. Michael Ryce, known as the Forgiveness Doctor, and his wife, Jeanie, discussed the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. They explained that their show offers tools and support for building a solid foundation of pure love, which in Aramaic is called “Rakhma.” The focus of their discussion was on how honoring those affected by war through daily acts of healing and forgiveness can contribute to a global shift towards active love and peace.

Dr. Ryce emphasized that true forgiveness is not about pardoning others but about canceling goals and addressing internal pain and hostility. This process allows individuals to access deeper parts of their minds and change the root causes of their pain. He explained that thought often misguides people into believing they are in control, while in reality, unresolved internal conflicts drive their actions. Through consistent practice of forgiveness worksheets, individuals can dismantle these harmful patterns and open up to a higher state of love and consciousness.

The episode also featured calls from listeners seeking advice on trust issues in relationships and the challenges of staying committed to the forgiveness process. Dr. Ryce encouraged them to persist with their forgiveness work, highlighting the transformative potential of continually addressing and releasing internal conflicts. The conversation touched on the importance of self-responsibility and the power of divine circuits, or the mind’s connection to love, in achieving true healing and personal growth.

July 04, 2011 Memorial Day 36 (refer to May 30th) – Happy 4th of July. There is liberty to make choices but there is no freedom. There is a consequence for every action or behavior. How do we make choices and stop the decisions from our past? Be-Attitude 1.

In the MindShifters Radio episode from July 4, 2011, co-hosts Dr. Michael Ryce, known as the Forgiveness Doctor, and his wife Jeanie, delve into the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. The show, airing weekdays, is dedicated to helping listeners build a foundation of pure love within themselves through this time-honored practice.

Dr. Ryce, author of “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?” explains the significance of forgiveness as an internal process, not about pardoning others but about removing one’s own pain and emotional baggage.

During the episode, they celebrate the Fourth of July and reflect on Memorial Day, inviting listeners to choose one personal issue to forgive and release, thereby contributing to global peace by reducing the energy that fuels war. They provide resources on their website,, including downloadable worksheets and audio recordings to guide listeners through the forgiveness process.

The conversation touches on the Aramaic Beatitudes, emphasizing that these teachings are practical instructions for achieving a mindset conducive to love and happiness. Ryce explains that true liberty comes from understanding and exercising one’s power of choice, free from the automatic reactions driven by past decisions stored in the brain. He contrasts the concepts of liberty and freedom, suggesting that while we have the liberty to make choices, we are always bound by the consequences of those choices.

Listeners are encouraged to call in with questions, and the hosts engage with callers to address personal challenges, offering advice on how to apply the forgiveness tools in various aspects of life, including professional relationships. The episode underscores the transformative power of forgiveness in fostering healthier, more cooperative relationships and achieving personal and collective well-being.

July 05, 2011 Memorial Day 37 (refer to May 30th) – Replicating the Past or Awaken to True Human Life! Be-Attitude 2, 3 & 4.

MindShifters Radio, hosted by Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife Jeanie, offers insights into the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. Airing weekdays, the show guides listeners in building a foundation of pure love, as encapsulated by the Aramaic term “Rakhma.” Dr. Ryce, author of “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?”, and Jeanie provide tools and support to facilitate internal healing and emotional well-being.

During the July 5, 2011, episode, the discussion began with the importance of the Aramaic Beatitudes, highlighting their relevance to understanding human behavior and relationships. Dr. Ryce explained how the Aramaic language encompasses not only religious teachings but also principles of physics, physiology, and genetics, emphasizing its role in understanding the universe and our place within it. The conversation touched upon how modern physics aligns with these ancient teachings, particularly in relation to perceptions of matter and reality.

Dr. Ryce shared a quote from physicist David Bohm, discussing how matter is largely space and how appearances can be deceiving. This led to a reflection on the teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) about not judging by appearances and the importance of forgiveness from the heart. The translation of Yeshua’s teachings into Greek often misrepresented the depth of his message, but the original Aramaic emphasized removing negative energies from the unconscious mind to alleviate pain and trauma.

Throughout the show, Dr. Ryce and Jeanie highlighted the process of forgiveness as a transformative tool for changing the contents of one’s mind and creating a new reality. They also discussed the impact of carrying emotional burdens and the importance of addressing and releasing these stored energies. The show emphasized the significance of understanding one’s triggers and the role of forgiveness in achieving mental and emotional freedom.

Listeners were invited to participate in the show by calling in with questions or comments. The hosts also encouraged visits to their website,, where resources such as books, worksheets, and audio guides are available to support individuals in their journey of forgiveness and healing. The show concluded with reflections on recent personal experiences, including a touching story from a listener about dealing with deep-seated emotional pain and the process of healing through breathwork and support from others.

July 06, 2011 Memorial Day 38 (refer to May 30th) – TOUVEYHOUN: God implanted in your mind neural structures which will guide you when they are active. If they are active, you who follow these instructions will come into conscious possession of and be able to use this latent guidance system, designed to make available thoughts and actions that will increase your happiness and well-being: You who …. Be-Attitude 5, 6 & 7.

In the July 6, 2011, episode of MindShifters Radio, Dr. Michael Ryce, the “Forgiveness Doctor,” along with his wife Jeanie, delves into the ancient Aramaic practice of forgiveness. The show, airing every weekday, serves as a platform for sharing wisdom and providing tools to cultivate a life rooted in love, free from hostility and fear.

Dr. Ryce, author of “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?”, and Jeanie invite listeners to engage with them through call-ins and the chat room, emphasizing their mission to eradicate internal causes of conflict.

The episode focuses on the Aramaic Beatitudes and their true meanings, contrasting them with traditional Greek interpretations. Dr. Ryce explains that the Beatitudes are practical instructions for activating latent neural structures that guide humans towards love and well-being. He emphasizes the importance of personal work to eliminate internal hostility and fear, which he identifies as the root causes of war and conflict. The discussion also highlights the critical role of forgiveness as a tool for internal change rather than external absolution.

Dr. Ryce and Jeanie provide practical steps for listeners to apply these teachings in their daily lives, encouraging the download of worksheets from their website,, to support the forgiveness process. The episode also touches on the importance of living in the present, managing goals effectively, and the transformative power of teaching and service in achieving peace and understanding.

July 07, 2011 Memorial Day 39 (refer to May 30th) – Love (Rakhma in Aramaic) for God, neighbor and self. Think about any situation where you had difficulty in seeing something loving. Where you experienced looking through eyes of resentment, fear, hostility. Then step back from your own mind and what would it have looked like through the eyes of love? It is all mind energy and forgiveness is about changing the content in the structure.

On the July 7, 2011 episode of MindShifters Radio, co-hosts Dr. Michael Ryce, known as the Forgiveness Doctor, and his wife Jeanie discussed the ancient Aramaic internal process of forgiveness. They emphasized the importance of building a foundation of pure love within oneself, grounded in Aramaic teachings.

Dr. Ryce, author of “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?” highlighted that their show, which airs five days a week, provides tools and support for listeners aiming to live a life rooted in love and forgiveness.

During the show, Dr. Ryce addressed the importance of seeing situations through the “eyes of love” rather than through hostility or fear. He shared an impactful story of a woman who, during an assault, shifted her perspective to one of compassion, which ultimately saved her life. This narrative underscored the power of viewing challenges with love and the transformative potential of forgiveness. The discussion also touched on the societal and cultural indoctrinations that hinder true self-expression and the reclaiming of one’s humanity through love and forgiveness.

Dr. Ryce explained that the body-mind unit often replicates stored information, which can manifest as physical or emotional disturbances. By employing the forgiveness process, individuals can collapse these negative patterns and return to a state of love. This theme was further elaborated with references to historical and scientific insights on mind energy and its impact on physical health.

The show encouraged listeners to participate actively by asking questions and utilizing the provided forgiveness tools to heal and transform their lives. David, the manager at Heartland, joined the conversation, highlighting the importance of consistent practice and community support in this journey.

July 08, 2011 Memorial Day 40 (refer to May 30th) – Respons-ablity Communication (empowers us) verses Projection Communication (disempowers us). Walk through the 7-steps to responsibility communication (this is one of the free downloadable worksheets we offer).

The July 8, 2011 episode of MindShifters Radio, hosted by Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife Jeanie, delves into the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. The show provides listeners with tools and support for internal healing, focusing on the concept of Rakhma, which in Aramaic means living in pure love.

Dr. Ryce, the author of “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?”, emphasizes the importance of self-responsibility in overcoming hostility and fear to create a peaceful inner world. Listeners are encouraged to download worksheets from their website,, to assist in their forgiveness journey.

During the show, Michael and Jeanie discuss the 40-day Memorial Day celebration, which honors those affected by war by promoting self-responsibility for internal conflicts. They explain how the process of forgiveness can help individuals face and release their inner hostility and fear, ultimately reducing the externalization of these negative emotions. The conversation also highlights the difference between projection communication, where individuals blame others for their feelings, and responsibility communication, where individuals own their emotions and seek healing.

A significant portion of the show is dedicated to a live discussion with a caller named David, who shares his insights on responsibility communication. They explore how internal dialogue reflects external communication and the importance of using “I” language to take ownership of one’s feelings. The show also touches on the role of denial and projection in perpetuating conflicts and how shifting to responsibility communication can foster deeper connections and healing.

Dr. Ryce provides practical steps for responsibility communication, urging listeners to acknowledge their issues, describe situations using objective facts, and request support for healing. By following these steps, individuals can transform their relationships and create a more loving and understanding environment. The show concludes with an invitation to join Dr. Ryce at upcoming workshops and intensives, offering further opportunities for personal growth and healing.

July 11, 2011 Memorial Day 43 (refer to May 30th) – Our apologies – No Show today!
July 12, 2011 Memorial Day 44 (refer to May 30th) – Stress is the difference in the way it is (or the way you percieve the situation) and the way you want it to be. The greater the difference the greater the stress level. Don’t overload with goals (and thus the stresses) beyond the next waking period. Procrastination is the body/mind’s way of saying “I am overloaded, I quit”. (Laws of Living and Getting the Stress You Need)

MindShifters Radio, hosted by Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife Jeanie, aired on July 12, 2011, focusing on the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. The show aims to support listeners in building a foundation of pure love within themselves. Dr. Ryce, known as the Forgiveness Doctor, and Jeanie shared insights into their teachings and tools available on their website,

During the episode, Dr. Ryce and Jeanie addressed the importance of forgiveness and managing stress. Dr. Ryce elaborated on how the Memorial Day celebration inspired them to invite people to engage in forgiveness work to honor those affected by war.

A significant portion of the show was dedicated to explaining how stress arises from the difference between how one wants things to be and how they actually are. Dr. Ryce emphasized the role of forgiveness in reducing this stress by canceling goals that trigger hostility or fear. He highlighted that the mind’s purpose is to manage stress, and proper stress management involves aligning one’s internal perceptions with love rather than hostility.

Jeanie shared a personal anecdote demonstrating how internal change through forgiveness altered her perception of external situations, reinforcing the effectiveness of their methods. Dr. Ryce and Jeanie invited listeners to use the forgiveness worksheets available on their website and participate in their workshops to deepen their understanding and practice of these principles.

The episode also included discussions about the transformative power of applying these tools in daily life. Testimonials from participants of their programs, including dramatic improvements in relationships and personal well-being, were shared to illustrate the impact of their work.

July 13, 2011 Memorial Day 45 (refer to May 30th) – Have you had a direct personal experience of the active presence of Love or are you wrapped up in phenomenology? In the apostle’s creed, it says he was “born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate” – Y’Shua’s entire life and all of his teachings are in the comma between two phenomenal events. We need to know what he said – he taught about how life works. Have you developed your 5 smooth stones?

In the July 13, 2011, episode of MindShifters Radio, co-hosts Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife Jeanie discussed the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness, emphasizing the importance of internal work and the active presence of love.

Dr. Ryce, known as the Forgiveness Doctor, introduced various tools and support mechanisms available five days a week to help listeners build a foundation of love within themselves, referred to as “Rakhma” in Aramaic. They reiterated that forgiveness is a personal journey, essential for achieving a direct experience of love and eliminating hostility and fear from one’s mind.

The episode faced technical difficulties as Dr. Ryce and Jeanie were on the road in Kansas City, Missouri. Despite these challenges, they engaged in a lively conversation about the significance of inner spiritual work and the pitfalls of relying on external validation or gurus. Dr. Ryce stressed that true spiritual experiences come from personal internal work, rather than merely following others’ teachings. He explained how direct experiences of love and being are achieved through certain tools and practices.

A key part of the discussion revolved around the story of David and Goliath, using it as a metaphor for overcoming internal challenges. Dr. Ryce described the “five smooth stones” David used, representing spiritual faculties necessary for dismantling negative patterns and achieving a state of love. These faculties include true perception, will, reason, intuition, and imagination, each with its authentic function and a cheap copy that can mislead individuals if not properly understood and applied.

Throughout the show, listeners were encouraged to engage in forgiveness work, specifically through worksheets and resources available on Dr. Ryce’s website, The hosts highlighted the transformative power of removing hostility and fear from one’s mind, suggesting that personal healing can contribute to global peace. They also invited audience participation, urging listeners to call in with questions and share their experiences.

July 14, 2011 Memorial Day 46 (refer to May 30th) – Challenge to listeners to start a MindShifters Support Group. We teach best that which we most need to learn – it is an awesome experience to facilitate a group and have them support you in your process in return. Create a community around you to use these tools and move in the direction of living in the state of Love. African proverb: If you want to go quickly go alone, if you want to go far go together. Living at “process point.”

In the July 14, 2011 episode of MindShifters Radio, co-hosted by Dr. Michael Ryce, known as the Forgiveness Doctor, and his wife, Jeanie, the discussion revolves around the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. The show, which airs five days a week, offers tools and support to help individuals live in pure love and build a solid foundation within themselves. Dr. Ryce, author of “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?”, emphasizes the significance of forgiveness, not as letting others off the hook, but as a tool to address and change internal dynamics.

During the episode, the hosts discuss the importance of establishing support groups to practice and teach the forgiveness process. Michael highlights how teaching the work and supporting others accelerates personal healing and transformation. He shares stories of people setting up new groups in different locations and the positive impact it has on their lives. Jeanie provides information on how to start a support group, referencing resources available on their website,, including guidelines, teaching suggestions, and FAQs.

The conversation also touches on the concept of “living at process point,” where individuals continuously engage in the forgiveness process, flushing out old traumas and hostilities to live more fully in the present moment. Michael and Jeanie encourage listeners to take responsibility for their own healing, emphasizing that real change comes from within and requires consistent practice and commitment. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to start their own support groups and engage deeply in the work of forgiveness to transform their lives and the world around them.

July 15, 2011 Memorial Day 47 (refer to May 30th) – Karma? Past lives? It is all energy. What about the conflict within of wanting to hold the space of light around a child in service and at the same time holding fear about their safety? We need to realize we are all one – not separate – we need to hold love for every cell regardless of their culture or nation or language. See the movie “Joyeux Noel” and go to our site and read/listen to Christmas in the Trenches for the true story behind the movie.

On the July 15, 2011 episode of MindShifters Radio, co-hosts Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife, Jeanie, delve into the profound teachings of ancient Aramaic forgiveness.

The show is framed around the internal process of forgiveness, which Michael and Jeanie describe as a method for removing darkness from one’s mind and living in pure love.

They engage with listeners, sharing tools and support to build a solid foundation within oneself for this practice. The episode emphasizes that true forgiveness involves changing oneself rather than forgiving others, with insights into how unresolved hostility and fear can cloud perception and impact one’s life.

The hosts discuss the concept of karma from an Aramaic perspective, equating it to the law of sowing and reaping, and explain how our thoughts and emotions create frequencies that affect our lives and those around us. Michael recounts a personal experience where he addressed inherited anger through forgiveness, highlighting the importance of dealing with generational trauma. Listeners are encouraged to take responsibility for their emotions and use forgiveness to eliminate hostility and fear.

During the episode, they also address a listener’s concern about their son in marine boot camp, discussing the conflict between fear for his safety and the desire for his well-being. The hosts advise using forgiveness to resolve this internal conflict and emphasize the power of holding loved ones in a space of love and light. They suggest resources such as the Reality Management Worksheet and The Gentle Art of Blessing to aid in this process.

The show concludes with a discussion about the interconnectedness of humanity and the importance of extending love and forgiveness to all, regardless of nationality or background. The hosts call for a collective effort to change the dynamic of war on Earth by taking responsibility for personal hostilities and fears, ultimately fostering global peace and unity.

July 18, 2011 Memorial Day 50 (refer to May 30th) – Media can legally lie news organization says it is not illegal for them to not tell the truth. Caller tells of teachers falsifying grades to make their positions more secure. We need to be aware of the errors of our society. Blockage of Truth. Distortion in the physiology and disease process begins. Forgiveness is number one step toward healing.

On July 18, 2011, MindShifters Radio, co-hosted by Dr. Michael Ryce, known as the Forgiveness Doctor, and his wife Jeanie, focused on the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. They discussed how their daily one-hour show aims to help listeners build a foundation within themselves to live in “pure love” or “Rakhma” in Aramaic.

Dr. Ryce, the author of “Why Is This Happening To Me Again?”, emphasizes the importance of uncovering and living one’s truth despite a world that often discourages independent thinking.

The episode delved into the impact of modern hostilities, fears, and manipulations on personal well-being and societal conflicts. Dr. Ryce highlighted the importance of personal responsibility in removing these negative energies to open up a space of love and healing. He pointed out that Memorial Day should be a time for reflection and responsibility, extending this idea by advocating for continuous personal development and responsibility beyond just the holiday.

Dr. Ryce also explained the Aramaic concept of forgiveness, contrasting it with modern misconceptions. Forgiveness, as described, is an internal process to release personal pain and remove disintegrative energies stored in the body. The show provided practical tools and resources available on their website,, including worksheets and audio-visual materials to aid in this forgiveness process.

During the show, Dr. Ryce also shared his personal health journey, discussing how conventional medicine had failed to address the root causes of his lung issues, which led him to study naturopathic medicine and the Aramaic principles of healing. This holistic approach integrates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects to achieve true health. The episode concluded with a call to embrace truth, confront societal errors, and strive for a life of conscious, loving presence.

July 19, 2011 Memorial Day 51 (refer to May 30th) –

In the July 19, 2011 episode of “MindShifters Radio,” co-hosts Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife Jeanie delve into the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. Broadcasting five days a week, they offer tools to help listeners build a foundation of pure love, or “Rakhma” in Aramaic, as a means to eliminate hostility and fear, which Dr. Ryce identifies as the root causes of war. The show emphasizes the importance of internal work and self-forgiveness to create a ripple effect of love and peace in the world.

Dr. Ryce, author of “Why Is This Happening To Me Again?”, encourages listeners to use the forgiveness worksheets available on their website,, to understand and implement the Aramaic forgiveness process. He and Jeanie are dedicated to supporting individuals in removing internal hostility and fear, thereby fostering a peaceful and loving existence. During the show, Dr. Ryce discusses the cultural and systemic issues that perpetuate hostility and fear, emphasizing the importance of questioning and re-evaluating deeply ingrained beliefs and assumptions.

Throughout the episode, Dr. Ryce and guest speakers highlight the transformative power of living in the presence of love and the significant impact this can have on personal well-being and broader societal change. They share personal anecdotes and examples of how the forgiveness process has improved their lives and those of others. The show concludes with an encouragement for listeners to engage in the forgiveness process to achieve a life of love, abundance, and joy.

July 20, 2011 Memorial Day 52 (refer to May 30th) – Live from Heartland Intensive in Theodosia, MO. Topic: Why Is This Happening To Me … AGAIN?! Nene goes into process and the group holds the space.

The MindShifters Radio show aired on July 20, 2011, hosted by Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife Jeanie. In this episode, they delve into the ancient Aramaic internal process of forgiveness, emphasizing its importance for personal growth and emotional healing. Broadcasting live, their teaching’s core discussion centers on the concept of living in pure love and using forgiveness to remove emotional blockages.

Dr. Michael Ryce, author of “Why Is This Happening To Me Again,” and Jeanie guide listeners through their well-established methods and tools for achieving emotional well-being. They emphasize that forgiveness is an internal process, a shift in one’s carbon-based memory system that eradicates feelings of hostility and fear.

The program includes live interactions and Q&A sessions with their audience, providing practical insights into applying these forgiveness techniques in daily life. A notable part of the show features a deep and transformative emotional release experienced by a participant, highlighting the profound impact of these practices.

July 21, 2011 Memorial Day 53 (refer to May 30th) – Live from Heartland Intensive in Theodosia, MO. Maria shares her experience and michael describes it as a Kundalini experience. Healing energy moving. Dayu shares her morning experience of facing her own irritation and hatred. Healing of the “multi-generational familiar patterns” that run us.

The MindShifters Radio show on July 21, 2011, featured Dr. Michael Ryce, known as the Forgiveness Doctor, and his wife Jeanie. They discussed the ancient Aramaic internal process of forgiveness, emphasizing its importance in achieving a state of pure love, or “Rakhma” in Aramaic.

During the show, the hosts reflected on a recent workshop and the profound experiences of participants. One listener shared an intense personal story of emotional and physical sensations during a breathing session, which Michael explained as an alignment of one’s internal energy, often referred to as Kundalini in Eastern traditions. This alignment helps to clear blockages and heal past traumas, both personal and generational. The discussion highlighted the interconnectedness of physical and emotional healing and the role of forgiveness in this process.

The show also touched on the concept of holding space for love and the importance of addressing and releasing hostility and fear. Participants were encouraged to use the forgiveness worksheets available on their website,, to facilitate their healing journey. Additionally, Michael and Jeanie spoke about the impact of holding compassionate spaces, even when confronted with challenging situations or individuals, drawing on personal anecdotes and broader spiritual teachings.

The radio show aimed to provide listeners with practical tools and a supportive community to explore and deepen their understanding of forgiveness and love. Through their daily broadcasts, Michael and Jeanie Ryce sought to help individuals build a solid foundation within themselves to live more harmoniously and lovingly.

July 22, 2011 Memorial Day 54 (refer to May 30th) – Live from Heartland Intensive in Theodosia, MO. Topic: Responsibility Communication!

MindShifters Radio, hosted by Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife Jeanie, explores the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. This episode from July 22, 2011, deviates from the usual format of Q&A and call-ins, focusing instead on live, intensive communication work. Dr. Michael Ryce, known as the Forgiveness Doctor, introduces the session from Heartland, discussing the importance of internal forgiveness to build a foundation of pure love. The radio show aims to support listeners in adopting these principles to improve their emotional and mental well-being.

During this episode, Dr. Kimmel joins the conversation, emphasizing the ongoing process of personal healing and the importance of dealing with unresolved emotional issues. The crew at the Intensive workshop shares their experiences and breakthroughs, demonstrating the practical application of the forgiveness tools taught by Dr. Ryce. Richard and Renee are among the participants who discuss their personal progress and challenges, highlighting the transformative power of this inner work.

The show touches on the difficulties of processing deep-seated emotional pain and the necessity of allowing these feelings to surface and be addressed. Dr. Ryce emphasizes that true healing often involves facing uncomfortable emotions and working through them rather than suppressing or avoiding them. The session also includes a discussion on communication, stressing the importance of taking responsibility for one’s feelings and using communication as a tool for healing rather than for blame or control.

Listeners are encouraged to embrace the process of forgiveness, which in the Aramaic tradition, focuses on cleansing the individual’s own emotional and mental states. The ultimate goal is to release past traumas and live more fully in the present, free from the baggage of old hurts and negative patterns. Dr. Ryce’s teachings and the supportive environment of the Intensive workshop illustrate the potential for profound personal growth and improved relationships through these ancient practices.

July 25, 2011 Memorial Day 57 (refer to May 30th) – Live from Heartland Intensive in Theodosia, MO. Spontaneous processing from the participants in the Intensive – powerful!

MindShifters Radio on July 25, 2011, hosted by Dr. Michael Ryce, also known as the Forgiveness Doctor, and his wife, Jeanie, delved into the profound wisdom of the ancient Aramaic internal process of forgiveness. Dr. Ryce, author of “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?” and Jeanie, broadcasted live from Heartland in Theodosia, Missouri. The show, aired on BlogTalk Radio, offered tools and support to listeners five days a week, aiming to help them build a solid foundation within themselves to live in pure love, known in Aramaic as Rakhma.

During the show, Dr. Ryce explained the purpose of their current intensive workshop titled “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?” which was on its eighth day. The workshop focused on various themes including the creative process and how individuals can consciously create their realities. One notable segment involved a caller named Connie, who shared her journey of overcoming perfectionism, a mindset she adopted at a young age. This realization helped her understand the impact of her behavior on her relationships, particularly with her son, who resented her for working excessively and not being present during his childhood.

Another significant topic discussed was the show’s ongoing Memorial Day celebration, which aimed to honor those affected by war and violence by encouraging listeners to eradicate hostility and fear from their lives. Dr. Ryce emphasized the importance of forgiveness and personal responsibility in creating a peaceful world. Listeners were guided to visit their website,, for resources on the forgiveness process and related worksheets.

Throughout the episode, various callers shared their personal stories and experiences with the forgiveness process, highlighting the transformative impact of the workshop and the radio show. The discussions also touched upon the physical and emotional effects of past traumas, the role of dietary choices on health, and the power of conscious creation in overcoming life’s challenges. The program underscored the importance of community support and the ongoing commitment to personal growth and healing.

July 26, 2011 Memorial Day 58 (refer to May 30th) – Call in from participants in the Why Again Teacher’s Training Intensive.

On the July 26, 2011 episode of MindShifters Radio, Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife Jeanie delve into the profound teachings of the ancient Aramaic internal process of forgiveness. Broadcasting live from Heartland, Dr. Ryce starts by reflecting on the significance of Memorial Day, urging listeners to honor the past by taking responsibility for their contributions to war and hostility in the world. He emphasizes that hostility and fear are the root causes of conflict and advocates for a shift towards love and understanding.

The show features Dr. Tim, who discusses the importance of abandoning judgment and the false protection it offers. He shares an anecdote about a client’s breakthrough realization that his judgments of others mirrored his father’s judgments of him, highlighting how this understanding can lead to personal growth and healing. The discussion touches on the Aramaic Beatitudes, contrasting traditional interpretations with deeper, more holistic translations that emphasize inner healing and connection to love.

Dr. Ryce elaborates on the concept of gravitationally trapped light and how our thoughts and energies influence our reality. He draws from the teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) and other ancient wisdom to explain how mind energy creates our experiences and how love and truth are fundamental to human life. The conversation shifts to the practical aspects of healing through the internal process of forgiveness, with a focus on dismantling long-standing patterns of hostility and fear.

The episode also includes insights from participants in a nine-day intensive workshop at Heartland. Dayu, a young woman from India, shares her transformative experiences, noting significant progress in self-love and connectedness with others. She describes how still-point breathing and other techniques helped her uncover and release emotional blockages, resulting in a deeper sense of peace and clarity.

Another participant, Connie, reflects on her breakthroughs, particularly in understanding and healing past relationship traumas. She emphasizes the power of the intensive environment in facilitating deeper insights and communication with one’s inner self. The episode concludes with Dr. Ryce and Jeanie inviting listeners to explore these transformative practices and offering further support and resources through their website.

July 27, 2011 Memorial Day 59 (refer to May 30th) –

On the July 27, 2011, episode of MindShifters Radio, hosts Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife Jeanie delved into the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness, sharing insights and tools to support listeners in their personal growth. They emphasize the importance of internal processes and spiritual practices for building a foundation of pure love, known in Aramaic as Rakhma.

Dr. Ryce, the author of “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?” offers practical guidance on using tools like the Reality Management Worksheet and the Mind Shifter process to resolve personal conflicts and improve relationships.

During the show, Dr. Ryce recounted a support group session where participants experienced significant breakthroughs. One man, who previously had a contentious relationship with his son, shared a heartwarming story of how he was now able to communicate lovingly and collaboratively, attributing this change to the tools and practices learned from the group. Another participant spoke about her deepened understanding of connected breathing, which led to a profound spiritual insight while walking in nature.

Dr. Ryce explained the importance of breath work in connecting to a life of love and away from hostility and fear. He used the analogy of a toaster plugged into an inadequate power supply to illustrate how living disconnected from love leads to an incomplete life. By plugging into the “holy breath” and engaging in supportive community practices, individuals can transform their experiences and relationships.

The hosts also discussed the power of collective energy in support groups, referencing a story about a lion named Christian to demonstrate how shared energetic fields can influence behavior and create safe, transformative spaces. The episode concluded with a call to action, encouraging listeners to start their own support groups and utilize the resources available on their website,

July 28, 2011 Memorial Day 60 (refer to May 30th) –

On the July 28, 2011 episode of MindShifters Radio, Dr. Michael Ryce, Dr. Tim Hayes, and Jeanie addressed the audience

centered around the ancient Aramaic concept of forgiveness. Dr. Ryce emphasized that forgiveness is not about letting others off the hook but rather about changing the contents of one’s mind to remove hostility and fear, which are seen as the root causes of war and personal conflict. The hosts invited listeners to participate in a Memorial Day exercise, encouraging them to identify and remove one issue rooted in hostility or fear as a way to honor those affected by war and trauma.

The conversation shifted to practical applications of the forgiveness tool, which involves introspection and the active change of one’s mindset. Jeanie and other participants shared personal experiences of how using the forgiveness worksheets helped them overcome fears and anxieties, such as selling a house or managing daily stress. The tool’s effectiveness was highlighted through various anecdotes, including Jeanie’s story about calming a distressed cat by managing her own anxiety.

The show also featured calls from listeners who shared their experiences and questions. One caller, Richard from Ithaca, recounted his challenges and successes in using the forgiveness tools, while another participant, Joe, discussed the continuous nature of decisions and the importance of maintaining a positive focus. Dr. Ryce reiterated that forgiveness is about addressing the unconscious patterns that drive negative behaviors and transforming them through conscious effort.

Throughout the show, the hosts underscored the importance of commitment and the transformative power of maintaining an attitude of love and forgiveness. They encouraged listeners to download the forgiveness worksheets from their website and actively engage in the process of self-healing and personal growth. The show concluded with a call to action for listeners to use the tools of forgiveness to create a more loving and peaceful life.

July 29, 2011 Memorial Day 61 (refer to May 30th) –

In the MindShifters Radio show from July 29, 2011, co-hosts Dr. Michael Ryce and his wife, Jeanie, delve into the ancient Aramaic process of forgiveness. Dr. Ryce, also known as the Forgiveness Doctor, along with Jeanie, provides daily tools and support to help listeners build a solid foundation of pure love, using the principles from his book “Why Is This Happening to Me Again?”

Dr. Ryce explains that true forgiveness is not about letting others off the hook for their actions, but rather about removing internal hostility and fear. He emphasizes that forgiveness is an internal process that allows individuals to delete what never belonged within them, such as feelings of hostility or fear. This method contrasts with the common misconception that forgiveness means absolving others of their wrongdoings. By engaging in this Aramaic forgiveness process, individuals can begin to eradicate war and conflict from their minds, ultimately contributing to a more peaceful existence.

The show also touches on the broader implications of forgiveness, including its impact on one’s ability to handle pain and trauma. Dr. Ryce discusses the concept of Rukha d’Koodsha (Holy Spirit), an elemental force within us that aids in undoing the effects of errors and teaching us the truth. This power, often misunderstood and mistranslated in religious texts, is seen as a super-processor that helps individuals move through generational pain and unconscious patterns. The discussion highlights the importance of acknowledging and releasing these deep-seated issues through forgiveness to achieve true healing and transformation.

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