Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – December 2018

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

December 1



December 2



December 3



ACIM lesson 335 “I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness.”
ACIM lesson 336 “Forgiveness lets me know that minds are joined.”
ACIM lesson 337 “My sinlessness protects me from all harm.”
December 4



ACIM lesson 338 “I am affected only by my thoughts.”

Technical difficulties on the switchboard and michael held most of the show as a monologue because callers’ microphones could not be ‘turned on’

December 5



Jeanie opened the show and explained where on the website to find worksheets, MP3s, archives, and then this show is here to support you.

ACIM lesson 339 “I will receive whatever I request.”  It is ‘Ask & Receive’ – what are you asking for? Jeanie spoke of ‘walking on water’ regardless of the storms around us. Our ‘fruit’ tells us where our thoughts are based.

Caller Nene, was going to ask about this same thing. Manifesting but not like in the past, wants to express more her true talents instead of being locked into the responsibilities of life and not doing things (not taking actions). michael said procrastination is too many goals and resources of mind are used up. Are you loading yourself up with goals and self-sabatoging yourself. Look at the Mind/Goal Management Sheet.  MindShifter: “It is easy and natural for me to always put first things first and do the things that are important and serve my life purpose.”  (she is heading to Venezuela next week)

michael spoke of our workshop “On Creating Consciously” and spoke of the difference in creating things (from Love and in alignment with the Creator) and making things (make it up in our minds).  Also, the connection between words and what we bring into manifestation.

Caller Susan, read from the Way of Mastery about creating and using time and fear of God asking of her something she does not want to do or go. Her will verses God’s will and whether it would be metered out suffering and pain.

December 6



ACIM lesson 340 “I can be free of suffering today.” It is our choice to experience the presence of Love 24/7/365.

Dr Tim added the key element is willingness to release and experience.

Jeanie expressed sadness, updated the list of Support Group locations on the website and there are currently only 6 left active.

Caller Gail, physical challenge (endocrine disfunction) and not responding to treatments, up comes anxiety and guilt around herself … michael directed her to the chart titled Physiological Effects of Emotional Suppression (link is traces the thought structures (mind energy) that then manifests physically.

Caller Brenda, questions for Dr Tim, she recommends watching the interview with Dr Tim and his explanation of using different modalities and how he does not ‘label’ people.  The other question is: Do you do long-distance counselling? License (and insurance) will not allow him to go across state line with therapy sessions. Others doing this Forgiveness work can coach others, they can tap into the Thursday night group.

Chatroom question about the conference Dr Tim attended this week.  He said this work is the first modality he has run across that anyone can do.  He has chosen to find a way to get exposure of these tools. He invested in meeting with a business coach in Canada to find a way to increase the exposiure to the website, this radio show, these tools, etc. in hopes to support this work financially as well.

Caller Marlene, just came from an AA meeting and discussion of relapse.  Alcohol is a way of shutting down.  When a new level of aliveness is reached then things that have been suppressed (maybe for generations) comes up for healing. Symptoms of healing are just like the symptoms of dis-ease. Willing to go through it or return to the drug to suppress it.

December 7



ACIM lesson 341 “I can attack but my own sinlessness, And it is only that which keeps me safe.”  I am the only problem in my life and I am the solution too.  The true being is still untouched and intact. Forgiveness removes whatever keeps us from the realization of that state.

Dr Tim said in the Support Group last night they had 7 people on line and 3 in the room, listening to Michael Singer about the same thing you are just talking about. Theme today is people not understanding how they hold 2 conflicting beliefs in their mind and the multitude of ways my 9-bit mind creates. A house divided against itself.

michael referred to Julie H working with K & grade 1 and the standardized testing, being told to not believe what is obviously true and accurate, ex. the question could the moon and sun be in the sky at the same time and the ‘correct answer’ is no – yet we all know they can be seen together in the day.

Dr Tim, continue to revisit the signs and symptoms of healing and is the experience I am going through dis-ease or healing.

Caller from Uganda, experience using the worksheet and so much came out, ie the corrupt data in my mind that I did not even know were there. It is amazing to realize the Why Again.  Described a newborn as purity and serenity. michael said that is who you / we are. Then we take on the dramas and traumas of the world and build a false self. We want to recover that state. Collapse the false perceptions and taste the sweetness of the presence of being. He realizes he never thought forgiveness had to do with him and now sees.  Question about CBM, michael talked about carbon based memory and the generations.

Caller Julie from Oregon, energy is piercing, brilliant for her today. Loved the lesson today too and thanks.  Glad to have the archives of the year in ACIM. michael invited her that it was ‘smoke and mirrors’ so all the accolades is about her. She has been breathing and asking to be shown and every radio show has been enlightening and feels there is a new opening in her life.

December 8



December 9



December 10



ACIM lesson 342 “I let forgiveness rest upon all things, For thus forgiveness will be given me.”  Let go/ remove all (forgive) that separates us from Love. Jeanie gave the example of the storm and disciples, do you walk water or sink? Depends where your focus is even during the storm of life.
ACIM lesson 343 “I am not asked to make a sacrifice To find the mercy and the peace of God.” We are not asked to sacrifice, mercy and peace are given freely with no stipulation…but some people hold onto the trauma and sacrifice themselves.
ACIM lesson 344 “Today I learn the law of love; that what I give my brother is my gift to me.” We get the original they get the carbon copy.Caller Shelly, had another car wreck. michael offered the accident opened the space for another opportunity and you were able to work with others too. Next level of vitality is learning, accepting, being.  Shelly said it opens tunnels and like quantum physics, sureal. The newborrn experiences euphoria. As you align with active presence of love you literally blow off the pain and trauma and stand as bliss. Shelly asked what is the intellect? michael explained the attributes of being and then trying to figure it out. Critical mass.If something is showing up in your life then you are a participant and some part of you is asking for it. Out of the heart (unconsious) comes the issues in life.  If things repeatedly knock on your door you are calling it forward.

Caller Bob from Australia, lots of bush fires and then rain. Shared he became a ship’s captain and realized the responsibility for all and applied the idiology that he is also master and commander of his life and there is a lesson in everything. He lost everything a few years ago and learned to ‘let go of things’ … glad we have found what works for us as he has found what works for him. We are all unique and all roads lead to home.  Said becoming a captain is a rite of passage. Expressed gratitude for what we are doing.  We are moving from the age of power into integrity.

michael spoke of fantasies of the world. Some are beneficial and some need to be released. Fantasy of time is helpful but belief that you need to be in trauma needs to be forgiven.

Caller Susan in PA, be aware that we are aware.  Yet some artists say they are completely lost when doing their drawing or whatever they are doing. michael said they are totally focused in their work or art and unaware of the rest of the world and allowing being to be in full expression. The non-being mind is quiet and true creativity shows up with being (an aware state, super consciousness).

Caller Shelly called back in, when was time invented? Was that when the non-being mind came into play?

What are you feeding? The black dog (hostility and fear) or the white dog (love)? Native American tale.

December 11



ACIM lesson 345 “I offer only miracles today, For I would have them be returned to me.”  When I am Love (hold to the space of Love) in the presence of anything less than love, it dissolves.

Dr Tim clients who felt their communication between them was not complete. Sign of intelligence and growth to question everything.  michael added to shift the purpose of relationship to show us and offer support in clearing out energetic diseases.

Texted question “What is a Pagra?”  It is an agreement to yield to the personal code of the Pagra (created by two or more when going into relationship, whether business or personal). michael read the Commitment

What is wrong with saying “I’m sorry”? michael explained the vibratory energy of the word sorry and focusing on what was done in error.  Instead use the apology tool of “I apologize” and create (focus) on the replacement behavior.

Caller Susan from PA, has a grandson who constantly says “I’m sorry” and do not know what this is about. Perhaps just explain the apology tool and open the space for a different behavior other than guilt. michael offered print the Physiological Effects of Emotional Suppression, he apparently took on the message that something was ‘wrong with him’ or he ‘was broken’ and couldn’t receive.

Dr Tim asked what do you say to him? “Nothing to apologize for.” simply add to that “that is not necessary.” Then help clarify why he is saying I’m sorry? ask more questions and let him come up with his reasoning or motivation. michael also added it could be genetic and the conversation could open more for you too.

Susan asked about all the “fear God” and “fear nots”  Isaiah 29:13 “Their fear of Me is taught by the commandment of men”  and Matthew 15:9 “These people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.”  Dr Tim added that Dale Hoffman says often that the words were translated fear and it should have been “have awe for God”

December 12




Special Radio KCAA Interview


ACIM lesson 346 “Today the peace of God envelops me, And I forget all things except His Love.”

Thanks Michele for filling in for Jeanie.



dr. michael ryce was interviewed on KCAA Radio with Dr. Donald Jolly-Gabriel December 12, 2018 and summarized the whole True Aramaic Forgiveness work. (Dr Tim thanks for editing)

December 13



ACIM lesson 347 “Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is The weapon I would use against myself, To keep the miracle away from me.”

Does it inspire you to question? And in the question the answer must come!

Dr Tim feedback about the ending of the dialog in yesterday’s show. Summary about Marianne Williamson running for president and michael’s response generated questions and being triggered.  Everyone sees through their own filter.  If anyone has upset then he invites them to ask ‘How am I creating my upset in this moment?’

Caller Lorraine, first time caller, deep gratitude for michael, Dr Tim and her teacher Susan Darnell, and the opportunities to change our lives and learn. Transformation continues.  michael offered to pass it on (each one reach one). Glad you are on the team. Shared how impressed she is with the handiwork of the divine.  A fellow student texted at 5:30 this morning and asked her to hold the space of love for her (and this person is love).  Gave her the courage to face her husband with a subject that would hurt him deeply. (michael interrupted she could trigger it but not cause it, shift language) First time in 44 years of marriage that they were able to touch on something that they never approached before.  Tears and pain on both sides and communication was real without the retaliation and cold-shoulder behaviors. Very liberating moment. michael offered she was able to hold the space for her husband to also face what had been suppressed. Thanks is not enough.

In chatroom, comment that they felt impacted by the thought that Marianne ‘could be murdered’.  michael said there are energetic dynamics in the world that we need to be aware of and hold the light and space of safety for someone who is willing to step forward in the limelight like Marianne is potentially doing. michael said he would support her doing so. The space of healing needs to open.

Caller Susan in PA said she wasn’t sure there would be enough people behind Marianne for her to beat the current status. michael offered holding those in love who are doing such off the mark behaviors is sometimes challenging. Mr. T is showing our darkest underbellies. We need to look at our part and not get stuck or lost in the ‘other’ game.  Susan offered meditations, self-help community etc. Marianne is well known but look at the rosters of the politicians who have ‘played the game’ and their name is out there.  Marianne would teach healing from the beginning but she might ‘split the vote’ from another who might be able to change the game and then the dark side would win again.  michael said he can see where her voice might get through the crack and see another alternative.

December 14



ACIM lesson 348 “I have no cause for anger or for fear, For You surround me. And in every need That I perceive, Your grace suffices me.”

Thanks Michele for filling in for Jeanie.

December 15



December 16



December 17



michael explains Aramaic Forgiveness – not pardoning as the Greeks taught. Asking for input for the whiteboard presentation to coincide with the powerpoint presentation by Bill Constantino.  Wants a clear, precise, easy to understand definition. Currently have: “Forgiveness is a process whereby having acknowledged that some form of fear or hostility has been aroused, one sets about removing those destructive energies from their lives.”  Any input accepted.

ACIM lesson 349 “Today I let Christ’s vision look upon All things for me and judge them not, but give Each one a miracle of love instead.”
ACIM lesson 350 “Miracles mirror God’s eternal Love. To offer them is to remember Him, And through His memory to save the world.” Who am I? Closer than hands and feet you are the temple where the Creator’s love resides.

Dr Tim doing an interview earlier today and was asked what is holding people back from accomplishing? His answer was ‘fear’

Caller Linda from MA (currently at HeartLand), Friday’s show was powerful where you went through the steps of forgiveness with caller Gail. There was some blame of her doctor and michael commented about blame towards self.  Linda said she needs to be clear about the difference in responsibility and blame.  michael said the forgiveness sheet actually says this is a no fault process.  Linda aid she has been treating responsibility and blame as the same. She blames herself for whatever happens. michael offered responsibility is a love based thought while blame is a fear based thought.  You can recognize a thought or feeling that is off-base and hold it in the presence of love.  Some call it acceptance but we are not saying agree with it but to hold the fearbased thought in love and the energy will dissipate. Be with ‘what is’

December 18



ACIM lesson 351 “My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And which I choose to see I will behold.” Turn over your choice to the Creator – return to Love.
ACIM lesson 352 “Judgment and love are opposites. From one come all the sorrows of the world. But from the other comes the peace of God Himself.” When I buy into the ‘judgement state’ I buy into an energy dynamic that will cause me pain.Dr. Tim asked about the feedback on refining the definition of true forgiveness.  Dr Tim’s input was that forgiveness is a process … that I have created.  Simplify the words and the number of words in the definition.  To make it accessible to every mind, heart & being on the planet.current version: “Forgiveness is a process where I acknowledge that some form of internal fear and/or hostility has been aroused, I directly access and embrace, in Love, those distructive energies, thereby transforming and removing them from my life.  This is True Aramaic Forgiveness, and it happens where Love is Present.”

The more concise and generic in the words used can draw a clear distinction between pardoning and forgiveness.  michael changed Tim’s suggestion of ‘create’ to ‘experience’ because 99% might have more resistence to thinking they actually create their experience. Refinements?  This will be part of a white board presentation that is more definitive (parallel to Bill Cinstantino’s Power Point that is on the website)

Caller Stacey, topic of anxiety. In a relationship with an awesome person and we both are ‘generous triggers’ for each other.  My brain gets in the zone of anxiety when triggered but do not have control over what shifts me out of the anxiety. michael explained the difference in decisions and choices.  Anxiety is a decision based on CBM (genetically too) and so bring the roots of the anxiety forward in the presence of active love.  Make the choice to tap into and bring love present while holding the ‘anxiety producing thoughts’ conscious and replace them.  For example, ‘the need to control to keep from being hurt’ based in fear with ‘I am the presence of love and am safe’  michael gave an example of what responsibility communication might look like.  Dr Tim, if negative response is up it is my alarm system so three things I know: it is false (I am in error), this is an old tape playing (because it is easily observed I am never upset about what is going on in the moment), and nothing good can come from me acting on this (can’t put out a fire by throwing gas on it). michael added #4 I can remove this (forgive).

Caller Roma, where does pain come into the process? It is an indication of blocking the life force but where does it fit? michael explained.  Roma offered her definition of forgiveness too.

Caller Susan in PA, grandson Luke is home with his parents for the first time in a year and he said he sat down with his father and asked questions (and offer suggestions) in love and his Dad listened and is working on it and they are getting along.  Secondly, her grandson’s friend passed away peacefully. She shared the experiences of his last day. Miracles happen!

December 19



Decoding the teachings of Y’Shua and will see it is not just theology but is physics, psychology, physiology, science and genetics.

ACIM lesson 353 “My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today Have but one purpose; to be given Christ To use to bless the world with miracles.” Base element of the ‘body’ is carbon, holds memories of generations. This work is to transform from hostility and fear to Love – that is the miracle that blesses all.  Critical mass – when enough people become dedicated to being love then the planet will transform.

Dr Tim directs people to to see how to join the Thursday group which is also available for conferencing in.  Last night support group was so rewarding.  Gratitude for people who pick up these tools and use them.

michael offered Dr Tim’s input yesterday was impactful to caller Stacey (asked her to call in).

Caller Magda, regarding the trigger in 1A, this is being written by non-being self?  michael said 1A is acknowledging who you really are – LOVE – even if you do not remotely feel that. further discussion on wake-up sheet.  Chuck is assisting on Lighthouse today. Wish Happy Holy-days to all.

Caller Stacey, so thankful. How amazing things went last night … used Responsibility Communication and he was very supportive.  The thought she had convinced herself was true and condemned him for – none of it was real. Shocking that our minds can do that deception. Thank you so much. It is life changing.

Read anonymous text … regarding donations. A very generous anonymous donation came in and they challenge others to step up and give to the uplift-ment of HeartLand (the mother ship as they called it). A donation match up to $3000 has been made.

michael shared some infrastructure changes to be done by Ken & Linda who are at HeartLand.

Caller Hugh, said some time back Reagan named 12/19 as Care and Share Day and it got lost. Join in with this community in caring this time of the year.  Then invited others to go to his site (traulsenandtrump) and join him in prayer for change.

Caller Julie, touched by “this is your show” it is a gift you give to us every day. Thank you for the enhancement and contribution. Now it is going to be doubled up to $3000 so I will make my contribution. Question about the idea of Pagra. Thought it was a commitment in relationships but now sees it is everywhere as relationship is everywhere.  A field of strength by the commitment, protection and a space of love for something to exist in. Asked michael to clarify.  Jeanie added clarification.  michael added Personal Code definitions and that of the Pagra, give a new meaning.

Current Definition (revised): “True Aramaic Forgiveness is a Self-initiated tool which empowers me to be restored to Love and remove any form of suffering, pain, fear and/or hostility I experience in response to what is going on around or within me.”  Input accepted.

December 20



ACIM lesson 354 “We stand together, Christ and I, in peace and certainty of purpose. And in Him Is His Creator, as He is in me.”

michael shared the definition of true forgiveness on a radio show he did last night with a group in California “True Aramaic Forgiveness is a Self-initiated tool which empowers me to be restored to Love and remove any form of suffering, pain, fear and/or hostility I experience in response to what is going on around or within me.”  Then shortened it during the show to “True Aramaic Forgiveness is a tool which empowers me to be restored to Love and remove any form of suffering, pain, fear and/or hostility.” And yet they still asked what do you mean?  Link to ‘What’s It All About?’ on KCAA Radio:  michael was on the show December 12 and 19.  The 19th is the show where he read the definition of forgiveness.

Dr Tim said only the person who has the braincells gives a meaning to anything. There is no way one statement can cut through old understanding and conditioning so they can understand.  We can get closer but perhaps your goal is unrealistic.  Dr Tim said he had been working with it and what he came up with is “Forgiveness is a process I use …”  Tonight’s support group 6:30-9:00 pm Central Time is available through zoom

Caller Susan in PA, understands people not getting it on forgiveness. Two elements they first have to know 1) the basic innocence of all and 2) that they choose their reactions to everything. She gave an example of her son having set an idea around certain days (dread of Mondays). She said michael has already arrived and is disqualified to make the statement and not even sure it is possible.  michael said that is why he is asking for input. No two people have the same reality.  After reading it again Susan said her first reaction was BS it can’t be done but saying ‘it is a tool’ is important.  Susan mentioned a post Roma did on Facebook that supports this work and directs people to the site. Susan made a post this morning as well.  This is something everyone can do to spread the word.

Caller Roma spoke about the post.

conversation around what is real.

Dr Tim added we are like dogs and cats walking through a library, the knowledge is there but the ability to perceive it is not available. Shared other cultures being extraordinarily oriented based on the language they are taught, intuition, a sense of surroundings.  Let go of the knowing. Stay in the question.

December 21



ACIM lesson 355 “There is no end to all the peace and joy, And all the miracles that I will give, When I accept God’s Word. Why not today?”

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”  ― Mahatma Gandhi

Why not today?  Unless you have an energetic investment in the past, you can touch the serenity now.

(meditation of sending light out from within to the world)

Caller Susan B in PA, introducing her husband Tim (retired lawyer). He said he was setting up an LLC and has anxiety about making a mistake.  michael said if I have an habitual feeling it is tied to an habitual thought.  Do you have from way back the thought you have to do everything perfect? yes.  If you said “I retire as a perfectionist.” what comes up? Challenging. His father was strict on perfection so it comes from decades of that thinking. When you let go of that thinking then you will be finished with anxiety. michael walked him through cancelling the goal to be perfect and how it could expand out to other pieces of the puzzle (acceptance and acknowledgement from Dad).  The goal is not the problem but what it resonates in the mind.  It might resonate thoughts of a 4 year old needing to be safe and recognizing that leg does not stand any more. Each wake-up sheet helps descover and undo the underlying issues.  It’ll take time, it is a process. Your Dad probably had the same anxiety about being perfect and had a Dad who was the demanding father.  Then look forward, have you been the demanding father to your children?  Susan has shared things around your grandson so it may be a genetic thought disorder.  Tim shared his father and grandfather were congressman/senator and the 2 generations prior were missionaries also needing to be perfect.  Four generations of the same issue. michael spoke of the “sins of the fathers passed 3 and 4 generations”  Tim asked about his goal on this sheet which is “to be open and free around the LLC” dual process to dissolve the aborent energy and increase or strengthen the truth (the loving energy).  Sin is just energy that is off the mark. When you approach the LLC without the anxiety you will have more clarity. Tim asks “what is the panic I feel?”

December 22



December 23





December 24



Merry Christmas Eve!
ACIM lesson 356 “Sickness is but another name for sin. Healing is but another name for God. The miracle is thus a call to Him.” Sin is off the mark energies. When dis-ease is allowed to go out of control the whole system is impacted (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). God is there all the time but we must ask, turn another way. When the right question comes the answer will appear. Thoughts of fear and hatred are cooked into the stew of your genetics, your life, but instead of trying to figure it out, forgive it and shift the perceptual construct, it is a process to rebuild and return to Love.Wolves in Denali Park in Alaska were killed off and the population of the prey (elk and deer, etc) increases and they eat all the growth and the trees disappear and the temperature of the lake rises, the whole eco system is thrown off. When the wolves are reintroduced to the park everything reverses. To be wholy the entire system (whole) must be in alignment.ACIM lesson 357 “Truth answers every call we make to God, Responding first with miracles, and then Returning unto us to be itself.” quote Gandhi that your beliefs become your thoughts become your words become your actions become your habits become your values and then becomes your destiny. Change your beliefs and thoughts to Love and be in truth. And escape from the ‘prison house I think I live in’  The noise of the world (emotional energy) will seem to override the still small voice. Be patient.

Note: michael summarized the whole True Aramaic Forgiveness work during an interview on KCAA Radio “What’s It All About?” … the recording is listed in MindShifter Radio Show archives under Dec 12, 2018 and also under Multi-media / FREE Radio Show Interviews on our website

Caller Stacey, two questions: Observing children who have feelings of hurt, pain, anger and then watching their parents say they should not feel that way?  Jeanie suggested the HeartLand Aramaic Forgiveness app – includes the ‘Drag-on Cling-on’ Game for kids. michael then offered, What goes on for you? What is your reality when you observe that? Are you looking at the parents with anger or fear or love? Discippline is from the root word disciple means properly taught (not punish them). The parent cannot teach what they have not been taught.  Secondly, how to change a behavior that does not serve very well, ie nail biting. Forgiveness. Distraction.

Caller Magda, regarding the definition of forgiveness and people saying they did not understand. Magda said for new people, not familiar with the teachings, may need a contrast between the internal and external. She read her version of Aramaic Forgiveness (an internal process of cancelling, releasing anything in ourselves rather than the Greek interpretation of pardoning).  michael said when we talk about the external ‘letting people off the hook’ it is not forgiveness but pardoning and if I call that forgiveness then when I have let you off the hook then I think I am done with forgiving…and will never do the real forgiveness work. Also got feedback from Camille this morning too to include the word joy in it.

Caller Camille, logged in just as you mentioned her name. Attending a new group (Unity) that is rebuilding and has a new minister and will be introducing your work to them.

December 25



Merry Christmas!
ACIM lesson 358 “No call to God can be unheard nor left Unanswered. And of this I can be sure; His answer is the one I really want.”
ACIM lesson 359 “God’s answer is some form of peace. All pain Is healed; all misery replaced with joy. All prison doors are opened. And all sin Is understood as merely a mistake.”Conversation from chatroom on “forgiveness is a bear”Caller Brad from Canada with questions.
December 26



ACIM lesson 360 “Peace be to me, the holy Son of God. Peace to my brother, who is one with me. Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.”  change to Aramaic meaning of Serenity instead of Peace.

Caller Gabriella, almost died yesterday, got caught in a riptide. Went numb, feels detached now.  michael explained the ‘near-life’ experience. When the carbon based memory shuts up you experience who you are.  She said she has had 16 years of trauma and does not care now. michael offered that the near-life place touched yesterday and now you are in process out the old trauma and that is often beyond feeling. Pay attention to your breath and be with it and pay attention to the subtler energies.  Rising into the connectedness of who you are and not anesthesizing yourself looking for ‘love’ from another.  Anger is typically a response to cover up the hurt.  michael directed her to the website and app.

Caller Shelley, offer to Gabriella to go to an intensive at HeartLand verses going to a farm.  michael went over the intensive schedule.  Shelley invited people to give to the HeartLand Foundation.  michael shared we have one who says she will match donations (between now and January 12th) up to $3,000.

Jeanie spoke of the Women Healing Women intensive.  michael gave testimonial of a woman in the last intensive with Jeanie and how she blossomed. Her frowns turned to smiles and shortly after sent us a note that she was getting married.

Caller Susan in PA, speak to meditation, she would always fall asleep or fidget and watch the clock for the 5 minutes to hurry. michael said some people use it to anesthesize from pain but it is really about getting the mind to get quiet and be receptive to the still small voice. michael said he found breathing works but forgiveness process of cancelling the goal that is driving chaos and he drops into that space.

Caller Tim in PA, worksheet on the LLC and panic.  michael asked what is the meaning your mind gives to panic? that he will stay in it forever and not get out of it. michael offered, shift to embrace the panic. It is fear (false energy appearing real). say oh I feel panic, I think I will sit and embrace it. It is not real in the truth of who you are. It has a foundation in the generations but that state will disappear when you just ‘be with it’ breathe and hold the space of love (ask Susan to beam it towards you). Instead of pushing against it which gives it energy. Then you will find your inner guidance which will give you the answer you need of how to do what you need to do.

December 27



ACIM lesson 361 “This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, Certain that Your direction gives me peace.” To the degree we can … trust!

Dr Tim been immersed in family and holidays and taking care of sister (after knee replacement). Message today is to encourage people to use the tools soon and often. So much time and energy spent to take us away from where we should focus and be loving. People forget this is the next layer and from anger or fear or panic they become ‘trapped’ Remember you survived it before and will survive it again. Negative thoughts mean 1) it is false just my alarm system telling me I am off the mark. 2) this is an old tape playing. 3) if I act from this it will make things worse.  Get reconnected and act from there.  Aramaic meaning of faith is acting from the rooted center of my being.

Caller Roma, Sunday night/Monday morning was looking for a different automobile and showed up within the stream of miracles but then allowed myself and 2 friends to doubt. She had the thought that declining this miracle would make the flow stop and it has. michael offered that even though this would be ’cause’ for disturbance you sound like you are in a good place.  She said she had been meditating each morning and just listening to the stillness. The next layer of feeling helpless came forward. Now confused.  michael offered maybe her mind is telling her a lie.  She said she knows God is real, is it our destiny to live in the realm of miracles? michael said it is our birthrite. Grief and terror about actually succeeding.

Reminder we have an annonymous donor who said they would match any donation between now and January 12th up to $3000.  We have had three donors take the challenge with $1000, $300 and $96 coming in. The new wiring is almost in the ground at HeartLand. Thank you.

Definition of forgiveness has had input from many. Currently: “True Aramaic forgiveness is a simple tool that removes any form of suffering, pain, fear and/or hostility from within and empowers me to ve restored to Love, my True Nature.”  not pardoning, heals the dis-eased mind.

michael read several quotes.  We are looking to restore accurate word meanings, especially around Forgiveness.

Caller Nancy, happy holidays. Has a challenge, the last couple of days, old patterns coming up and would like a mindshifter.  Her oldest son had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so spent the day with her younger son which was great. Then later called her older son and found out he actually got the day off and she had not heard from him. She’s been dealing with left out, not important and he did not want me to come over.  She had such peace before the holiday and believed she had worked through so many dynamics and then this came up from the backside. michael suggested underneth maybe “if I could control everybody and everything then I could be happy”? MindShifter: “It is safe and healing for me to offer perfect liberty and choice to everyone and be responsible for my own state of well-being and happiness.” what is happening to your breath? holding.  Dr Tim offered the series of events and your response is there to show you something you would not willingly or consciously look at. A little deeper than what you have done before. Refuse to let your CBM tell you another story, focus on “How am I creating this pain or fear or the thoughts.”  Stop the trying to figure it out and stay in the question of your own creation.  She said she felt guilt and physically felt ‘hoarseness’ just thinking about  asking him ‘why’. Dr Tim offered it is a ‘day on the calendar’ and only has the meaning you give it. Go back and listen to the archive.  michael added an extention to the mindshifter … “The liberty and choice that I offer my children are the same liberty and choice that I was offered as a child.” what was Christmas like?  she said it was a big deal to her dad and she was not given choice. He told stories from the heart, when he was in the war. She said having family is a big deal.

December 28



ACIM lesson 362 “This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, Certain that Your direction gives me peace.”

Thanks Michele for filling in for Jeanie

December 29



December 30





December 31



Happy New Year’s Eve!
ACIM lesson 363 – 365 (all the same) “This holy instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, Certain that Your direction gives me peace.” Willing to yield to and follow the higher power within and around you. To be in harmony with the truth that we are Love. The wisdom of how you raise your arm or digest your food is not your own.Dr Tim agreed with intro, I do not know how things work or where materials came from, but trust.  Stay in the question.Support infrastructure of HeartLand, Apps, White Board presentation, etc. There is an annonymous donor who will match up to $3,000 of donations made between now and January 12th. We had anther $100 given yesterday.

Caller Susan in PA, a young mother who works in the refugee center brings her children, one is about 5 years old and always frowns and insatiable and finding fault in everything while the other child is happy. Sent her a version from the website for early reader. michael and Dr Tim both suggested worksheet and breathing and tapping into what is up for the parents and siblings – children are connected.  Suggested Julie Haverstick’s book “Healing Children Loving Children”  Suggest watching “Instant Family” in theaters now about adopting children who had been to hell and back.

Discussion on making changes to the planet.

Caller Jay from Canada, asked about this work and ho’oponopono. Dr Tim took the call as we lost internet connection.  Directed caller to website and app after explaining the focus of taking total responsibility for what you are feeling and thinking. Thursday night Support Group is available for conferencing in with Zoom.

Caller Camille, has language she needs our thoughts on in order to get clarity.  Will call tomorrow.



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