Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Archived Radio Shows October 2013

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

October 1



  • Michael and Jeanie call from Sweden
  • Regulatory Speech: how our words reveal what is going on in our unconscious minds and give us the information we need if we are willing to listen
  • Let our speech flow uncensored rather than monitoring, so that we know what we need to clean up and heal
  • A caller receives information about how to best approach an invitation to make a presentation in his children’s school
  • Using the question about the essence of a newborn baby to understand what a true Human Life is
  • A discussion about fear based programming regarding our beliefs about God
  • The Aramaic definition of prayer, setting a trap for God
  • Y’Shua was the original “new thought” teacher
  • The” Raw-cipes Book” will be going to print in about 4 weeks
  • See the schedule on to see upcoming events in Europe and Florida 

October 2



  • Michele reports on her first meeting at the prison helping Rex administer the pre-course evaluation before beginning the Laws of Living course next week
  • A caller receives ideas about how to most appropriately express the personal work she has done in a résumé
  • Using the words Love and God interchangeably and seeing the connectedness in everything
  • The 1st century technology of Forgiveness allows us to go inside ourselves and release what has never belonged there and empty ourselves of the capacity for any form of hostility or fear
  • “Unstuck Wednesday” reminder and a conversation about Candida and the drug of sugar
  • A caller shares his continuous clearing since he completed his two year agreement at Heartland and feeling the active presence of Love in every cell of his body


October 3



October 4




October 5



 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day.

October 6



 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day.

October 7



GUEST HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea


  • A caller shares that he has completed his studies in herb school and will now have more time to devote to complete his healing using the worksheet process
  • A caller is guided through how to change an old pattern using the clues his body gives him and his breath
  • How important it is to learn how to continue using the breath to soften while we cry
  • A caller shares how teaching a 5 year old to cancel her goals helped the child fall asleep
  • Why and how our minds make us think the worksheets are difficult
  • When we understand that our true nature is Love, we can receive everything that life brings to us as a gift and Love it all
  • A description of the essence of this work as it has to do with our breath and our goals
  • A discussion of life purpose and the tools that are available free on the website,
  • A caller shares her experience of retrieving herself after falling under the influence
  • of her neighbors’ fear based thought patterns

October 8



October 9



GUEST HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea


  • An introduction to the free forgiveness tools that are available on
  • The difference between pardoning and forgiveness
  • A caller reports that her pledge to give up sugar revealed her real fear of losing weight and reminds us that this is unstuck Wednesday
  • Michael and Jeanie are now in Denmark
  • A mystic actually applies the Aramaic teaching in life rather than just talking, learning, and teaching about it
  • An explanation of how the cultural and language differences between the ancient Aramaic and ancient Greek languages changed the original meaning of Y’shua’s (Jesus)
  • teachings – see Dale Allen Hoffman
  • The importance of using the all-encompassing breath of God
  • Responsibility communication from the DVD lecture, “Did you hear what I think I said?”
  • A very positive report from previous callers who received support and direction
  • The energy of creation, the state of Love that we still are no matter what we have done,
  • and how we can dismantle past traumas by using the variety of tools available on Dr. Ryce’s website
  • A caller shares how her resistance to using these helpful tools showed up by noticing that she was consuming large amounts of sugar 

October 10



GUEST CO-HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes & Michele Pischea


  • An introduction to the concept of Aramaic (Jesus based) forgiveness rather than the Greek understanding which is really just ‘pardoning’
  • A caller shares how resonance works and the importance of taking individual responsibility
  • Do external energies cause our behavior?  Choosing the focus of our intentions with an example to illustrate
  • The strongest resonant energy in our system will drive our behaviors and 95% are outside of our conscious awareness
  • “Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process, and Practice,” a small pamphlet at the end of “A Course in Miracles”
  • “Lessons ride in on the back of events and the importance of the event is in direct proportion to the degree that I don’t want it” – a quote from Guy Finley and an explanation –
  • That which we focus on leads to what we feel, it’s all an inside job
  • A discussion about releasing smoking cigarettes by using a variety of tools available free on
  • A comment about a statement made by a listener online that Love is the greatest pain

October 11




October 12



 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day.

October 13



 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day.

October 14



CO-HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele


  • Michael and Jeanie are now in Rome
  • Dr. Tim introduces the Forgiveness process and purpose of this show
  • Step by step instructions of how to use the Co-Dependence Relationships worksheet that is found on this website ( for free


October 15



CO-HOSTS: Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea


  • “Sweet heart, you’re in pain. Take a breath. We’ll look at what’s going on and then decide what to do,” something to say to our own hearts so that we can stop, see and use the clues our upset is giving us about what needs to be forgiven
  • Neuro-scientists now claim that we are only aware of 5% of our thoughts even with conscious focus
  • A caller gives positive feedback about the reception of a recent presentation of “Why is This Happening to Me Again?” and gives information about her soon to be released book revolving around ‘The shift of the Ages’ and our return to our true identity of Love
  • The practical tools to move forward to our constant realignment with Love are free on this website (
  • A discussion about choosing what we consciously focus on each moment and how to increase our ability to stay in the energy of Love
  • Announcements about a few of the Support Groups happening tonight – also check this site to find more groups
  • The Way of Mastery” expresses the basic material from “A Course in Miracles” in an easier and sometimes humorous way
  • Check into the information of Dale Allen Hoffman on You Tube (5/26/13 in Atlanta) for a deeper understanding of the Aramaic meanings of the words of Y’Shua (Jesus)
  • Hallucinations and ‘pink pigmies’ 

October 16



October 17



CO-HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea – joined by Dr. Michael and Jeanie Ryce


  • The global reasons for learning true forgiveness and where to find the free information and worksheets to do so 
  • Dr. Michael Ryce and Jeanie call in from Rome with an update
  • A discussion about how we create and maintain our stories and it’s all just babble
  • How the “near death” experience actually works to bring us a near life experience, see the video ‘Saved by the Light’ for a true story that illustrates the phenomenon
  • There are really seven and a half billion languages
  • The three parts of the healing process and how to recognize whether we are in crisis or healing, plus craving that which we used to deny and suppress what we didn’t want to feel with an example experienced by Michael in his current healing crisis
  • A caller receives guidance with a multiple personality event

October 18



October 19



 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day.

October 20



 It’s the weekend!  Please try another day.

October 21



CO-HOSTS: Dr.Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea


  • Dr. Michael Ryce calls in from Portugal
  • An example of learning to live a true Human life through the story told in the movie “Dances With Wolves”
  • “Joyous Noel” is another story that shows the development of true humanity during WWI
  • Converting the fear based mind into a Love based mind
  • Forgiveness is the core tool for removing the fear and hostility based energy from our beings
  • A caller receives information about how to tune into what his client wants by doing worksheets around his power person issues
  • ‘Satan’, the resister
  • See the DVD “Personal Power, Purpose, and Commitment” for further information about how to find our true purpose
  • We need to stop doing it the same way if we want a different outcome
  • Seeing ourselves in that which we see outside of ourselves
  • A discussion of the purpose of cancelling the goal: short form of the worksheet is to breathe, locate the goal, cancel the goal, and reconnect to Love
  • More discussion of how to appreciate and use the pain that someone else triggers in us

October 22



GUEST HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea


  • Dr. Ryce calls in from Portugal
  • A discussion about babble, false ideas about ourselves are like a foreign language
  • Forgiveness is about removing content from the mind that is less than Love
  • The language we use creates feelings and tells us how to respond to the world
  • How to get started to learn about true Forgiveness
  • Report about a 2 day conference in about how to further spread the forgiveness tools to the world
  • A discussion about why and how cancelling our goal on the worksheet works for a positive result with a complete explanation
  • Several great ideas about how to explain the reasons for cancelling goals in order to achieve what we really want
  • A caller shares about her fear of calling into the show and an experience she recently had
  • bringing forth an old, painful memory using these healing tools
  • Sharing by another listener about how he was triggered and had a similar experience


October 23



October 24



CO-HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea


  • Why this show exists and how to access the Forgiveness tools for free on
  • An explanation of how our minds select the information to focus on and how active the process of perception is
  • A caller shares his experience of using the worksheet helping him to filter information through the heart rather than the mind
  • A caller shares how shrinking the worksheet so that there are visual margins helped her have a different and more positive experience and received suggestions to look at such as overwhelm, too much, and expanding issues
  • News of Michael and Jeanie at Fatima in Portugal
  • A caller shares how he sees even more how we are all mirrors for each other and support each other that way, especially in this Forgiveness community
  • An invitation to go to the website, begin working with the tools, and share them with others

October 25



CO-HOSTS:  Dr. Time Hayes and Michele Pischea


  • An introduction to the purpose of this website and internet show
  • A caller asks how to respond to a question about Dr. Michael Ryce’s forgiveness work being a cult and receives two suggestions
  • Detailed information about how Dr. Tim schedules the time in his weekly support group for a caller who wants to restart her own support group
  • A discussion about vulnerability
  • A caller shares the experiences she recently had with a group of people who thought themselves more elevated than others because they are on the spiritual path, and also about her cat’s death and the animals who came to the funeral
  • A discussion of what Michael’s often used phrase “all of the above” means to her, and her recent experience supporting her cat in a time of need
  • Dr. Tim offers several excellent steps for Michele or anyone else to address when feeling very happy because of positive feedback from others

October 26




October 27




October 28



CO-HOSTS; Dr. Tim Hayes & Michele Pischea


  • How happiness and upset are inside jobs and how to find the free tools to learn forgiveness on this website (
  • A caller is guided through a Reality Management Worksheet regarding her sadness over feeling inadequate and finds a connection with her mother’s similar beliefs and behaviors
  • A caller shares her experiences coming back to the worksheet process after a time of not doing any and the message that she need not focus on Loving herself but remember that her true Being is Love
  • A caller reminds us to stop, breathe, and cancel our goals to ‘figure it out’ and just do the work and that many people appear to be amping up the occasions to learn and heal
  • A discussion about the falseness of thoughts of vulnerability and wanting to hide, and deny
  • A testimony to the healing power of Love that is happening right now on the show and a quote from Rumi,” In the presence of Love, all pain becomes medicine.”

October 29



October 30



October 31



GUEST CO-HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Michele Pischea


  • An introduction to the understanding of forgiveness in the ancient Aramaic language (that was spoken by Jesus) and a tool developed by Dr. Michael Ryce to learn about and use forgiveness to create a happier life
  • A discussion, with examples, of the organization of the mind: conscious, subconscious, unconscious
  • An explanation of some of the free tools that are available on this website ( that help us access the material in the unconscious, forgive and heal the content that is less than Love, and improve our lives
  • A caller receives guidance regarding the physical pains she is experiencing with examples of how to do it
  • A caller shares some profound lessons that she and another “elderly” friend have learned in their lives and will be sharing in a book
  • Michele shares the healing she has been going thru regarding her relationship with her mother and receives Loving support for her process
  • If we withhold Love from anyone else, we must first withhold the awareness of our own Loving true being from ourselves



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