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December 1 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
Healing from the ground up – be wholly – mind, body, spirit and the earth Announcement of two videos added to the website that will help you navigate both the website and the app |
December 2 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
TV Interview with Ben Rogers Health Benefits of Forgiveness with dr. michael ryce Caller Doug. MindShifter: “The person I cherish most in my life embraces and approves of me even when I fail.” Physiological Effects of Emotional Suppression |
December 3
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December 4
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December 5 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
Pre-recorded Yinka_Part1 (Global Book Club with michael) |
December 6 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
Pre-recorded Yinka_Part2 (Global Book Club with michael)
December 7 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
Caller Doug, processed from his Three Early Memories worksheet (previously sent to michael) and the similarity with his current situation with the lady he wants to be in relationship with who has separated herself from him. |
December 8 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
CIA on perception – we generate reality, we do not record reality – Caller Susan, shared about the gentleman who lives in her basement. “Gentle Art of Blessing” is helping her to accept. This Michael is pushing her away, unconsciously saying don’t have goals for me because if I fail I will have to leave. He is a gentle person and does some tasks that Tim used to do so Tim loves it. And Michael shows her what she needs to look at. Gentle Art of Blessing story “Love by Choice” michael suggested her doing a worksheet on her own mother with Michael sitting just ‘holding space’. Emotion of Fear and thought to push her Mom away or she might be hurt and wanting her Mom to be loving / accepting. People project. Throw tools away because their mindset is they have tried everything and nothing works. Demonstrate that it does work, then there is an opening for things to change. |
December 9 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
will be posting the video from yesterday’s Book Club (chapters 17,18,19 and discussion of the Has Bin) also michael had an interview yesterday with Ben Rogers “Outside the Box” podcast and it will be posted soon on our YouTube channel michael shared the amazing changes in one woman yesterday in the Book Club, also the experience in Hawaii (three different people said they had contemplated suicide before they were introduced to this work) Jeanie shared an email from a woman in the Book Club who now wants to translate the book and worksheet into Chinese (her native language) Caller Michael T. asked about the chart Physiological Effects of Emotional Suppression Shared Jeanie handling grief this morning about her Dad and the connection with her blood sugar issues. Question about bringing light to darkness. You either see the darkness because it resonates the darkness you need to face. OR, “Been there and done that” and handled it within, so now I can objectively look at a situation and can bring active, present love to the circumstance and bring healing to the world. I can’t bring healing by raging or fighting against something (doing that is being an energetic amplifier to the issue). Activism can either add energy to a situation or can bring love and healing…depending on where one is coming from. Example: Asa D Kelly, Superior Court Judge in Albany, GA, sent many many to prison (some for a lifetime) but never “punished” anyone. |
December 10
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December 11
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December 12 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
Genesis 11:1 – 9 Tower of Babel Caller Susan positive update on her grandson. Then asks about another process that Tim B. is taking part in and her being uncomfortable. |
December 13 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
Radio Show has been going for 1 hr since January 31, 2011 (3,097 hrs). Dr Tim began doing another hour on March 4, 2019 (987 hrs). That is a total of 4,084 hours of shows todate. Caller Celinda, having frequent unfolding revelations about her daughter and her relationship. Caller Susan |
December 14 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
December 15 | Apologies for technical difficulties at the beginning of the show.
reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at If you haven’t visited our YouTube channel PLEASE DO SO: Another way of supporting us is to subscribe and click “like” when you watch a video. YouTube will monetize our channel but we must meet their criteria. First we need 1,000 subscribers and right now we have 963 (so close). While we have had over 47,000 views on our channel many of our videos are short (10 min or less). However, we have now added the Book Club archived videos and several workshop videos which are a couple hours each. To be monetized, YouTube requires 4,000 hours viewed and we don’t have near that. It will support you in learning and us financially if you click on a video and stay there for more than a few minutes, stay for an hour viewing and click “like”- do this at least once a week if possible. This doesn’t cost you any money, just time, and it gets us closer to YouTube financially supporting our work. Newsletter is coming out by end of today. HeartLand Maintenance Fund Raiser Out of the CoDependence to InterDependence Intensive, Magda shared an experience with her grandfather ( Self-Study includes 2 Personal Code Evaluations is only $600 Anger is an addiction and There is no matter (Einstein) Frequencies nested one within another (Max Planck) |
December 16 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
On Your Mind podcast (Journey’s Dream) Optimal Health and Well-Being Here are three files on Healing Crises…
December 17
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December 18
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December 19 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
HeartLand Fundraiser and new shop in a few days (Jeanie and Susan G have worked 6+ hours daily over the last few days to get this up and running – watch the site) Article “Healing from the Ground Up” by michael ryce, new page Caller Michael T, began looking at the self-healing course michael sent to him. Ask about 5% reduction in oxygen results in excruciating pain (Tension Myositis Syndrome or TMS by Dr. John Sarno). Holistic Energy restricted at cell level. The mind does not want to deal with “rage” so it takes that rage energy and puts it into tissue (tightens), cuts off blood flow, as a defense mechanism to not ‘feel’ it but then oxygen is decreased. It is a physical problem created by the mind. Movie / documentary “May I Be Frank” “Frank Ferrante is 54, weighs 290lbs., had a lifetime of drug & alcohol abuse and as a result contracted Hepatitis-C. He’s on multiple medications including anti-depressants, undergoing chemo and drinks 10 espressos a day to stay awake. One day Frank stumbles into Cafe Gratitude, a Raw food café in San Francisco, and meets Ryland, the café’s manager. Ryland asks Frank, what is one thing you’d like to do before you die? Frank answers ‘I want to fall in love one more time, but with a body like this, no one will love me, because i don’t love myself.’ Watch as Ryland, his brother Cary and best friend Conor, help Frank take on his weight, health, relationships and loving himself in just 42 days.” Stop killing ourselves, must look inside and decompress those energies. It has been hidden from us that by nature we are creators. Mind energy becomes flesh – what are you engaged in? Schematics of the mind – three filters “All the Rage” documentary Get behind me Satan – you think with the mind of man instead of the mind of the Creator. Holograms are our graven images. Watch Anil Seth “Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality” When you think of anyone, do you stand in perfect peace? When anyone thinks of you, are they at perfect peace? Are you fully human? |
December 20 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
2nd hour pre-recorded Magda’s Hydra |
December 21 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
Caller Celinda, the reading today reminded her of the threads in a cloak (Ezekiel) Neil Douglas Klotz image was that as it became larger the threads were not as close to the center, we forget we are all connected. michael shared talking with a homeless man (Randy) yesterday and his beliefs about the reason behind slavery of blacks is so far from the truth. Hypnosis blocks truth with the construct of the mind creating a reality based on what they are told. The brain constructs something far different from actuality. Example of being brought up with a family structure that all pain was caused by someone else and now one’s brain will build a picture of another person being the problem. We want to collapse the frauds and lies and allow actuality become the source. We offer tools to show you when your mind is lying to you. Question from online as to when we will be doing another in person intensive Caller Michael T. had asked about our greeting in the newsletter “Christ-mass” and “Holy-days” – today many put x-mas totally leaving Christ out. Christ means the buttered one and this work is to bring about in everyone the mind of Christ (the mind of Love). Requires immaculate conception – to make new at deeper and higher levels of work, the feminine aspect (CBM) purified and injected with the purified mind. Peter Mayers sang “Everything is Holy Now” it is not about gift giving but a time for each person to be in the practice of living in wholeness. Newsletters Catastrophic thinking needs to change to make a difference in that person’s reality Caller Dusty, significant enrichment from this program. “Ho’oponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian prayer made up of four powerful phrases: “I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” Prayer for Peace, Forgiveness, Health, Wealth & Happiness.” Is there something similar from Aramaic? It is all about getting below the surface. Aramaic: Shabag – cancel the goal and access what underlies the pain. Forgiveness. The new birth of the higher state. And Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas in Hawaiian). Caller Celinda re: spiritual research. They say the fish and x were both used as a ‘secret’ use for Christ. |
December 22 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
“I have committed myself to gently directing the birthing and the manifestation of what you have come to call Shanti Christo.” WOM Caller Ben Talley, retired elementary school teacher, he was inducted into the National Hall of Fame Teacher at Bristol VA Public Schools, met President Obama, decided to just be himself. He dresses up as Santa and goes to homes where there is a need. Has taught at the Bristol jail two nights a week. They have so many excuses for being where they are, the judge’s fault, their parents’ fault, etc. Making excuses and blaming. Just bow to them. Lies we tell ourselves. He was in Big Brothers Big Sisters and had a mentor as a child, now he is director over the program here in Bristol. The Trinity is Education, Hard Work, Kindness. Mentor-ship used to be ‘family’ but has shrunk now. Must gain one’s trust, get to know one another, spend time, then we can all be family. People are doing what they do in Love and it gets through even if you don’t see the results. Love never fails. If we saw results every time we might get big headed and think we did it. Get past the frustration. Cancel the goal for him to do what you want them to do. Accept them and Love them where they are. Inside they may be fighting a hardened heart and they are doing so much better than we can see. Our point of reference is so limited. If we were in their shoes we might be resistant too. Caller Susan, asked someone to sit and witness as she did a worksheet. She started saying “hello Love” to him. michael offered feedback, when it comes to behaviors that you found you could not do with him beside you, under stress we default to our Power Person behavior. Stone wall, no emotions. Expectations to perform. He was a safe and helpful space but she does not trust him. Confusion. Ugly thoughts: michael’s homelessness, he accepts free room in the basement but he is not willing to change anything because it is always someone else’s fault. What comes up is distrust. |
December 23 | reading The Way of Mastery continues, Dr Tim is posting the archives at
Caller Jake from Canada, where does forgiveness and grief come in, especially when there is a sudden death. michael shared a woman who actually faced the death of her father and talking about it. The family processed and when he passed the family was gathered and no one experienced it as painful or traumatic. Yes they had the desire for them to still be here but the drama and trauma was not present. That is unresolved issues the person has about death and with the person who passed. When one has a “near life experience” (clinical death) they all share about going into a pure field of love and light and being welcomed. Like we welcome a child into this world when they are born. Refer to “Saved by the Light” Dannon Brinkley’s story. Death Doulas. He began a local free grief group since his mother passed 4 years ago. Caller Michael T, asked about Shanti Christo (mentioned yesterday) – Serenity of Christ. May we each be incarnated by the mind of Christ this season. Graven image is anything that takes us away from Truth. “At the Shanti Christo Foundation, we have the honor to serve, share, and distribute the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) in a book titled: The Way of Mastery. This three-part book contains the “way” that was taught to Jeshua when He walked this Earth.” |
December 24
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December 25
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December 26 | Replay of a show where Dr Tim worked through his own process – “Dr. Tim 8-28-2014” (time 56.07) from the previous conversation michael spoke of someone who took the worksheet and made it their own and left out the forgiveness part. Then he said “It would be fun to find people who have been practicing this and think it works for them, and put them in a situation where they would be triggered.” Dr Tim did the 12-step worksheet with dr. michael ryce being 1A and thinking michael wanted to prove his worksheet is right. Intimidation of others and himself Dr Tim. When he canceled the goal he remembered being beat up at 14 years old, being hit in the stomach and not being able to breathe, and the bullies saying “This would be fun”. Breathed through and willing to face and process out any further thoughts and feelings. Layers of pain and shame that needed to be worked through. He also saw when he did the release, there is a gentle, soft-spoken and tender gentleman who he would NOT offer up to this type of “testing”. michael said there would not be the opening in healing without the forgiveness piece, the “fun” would be to see (compare) if the forgiveness would open a new layer of healing. Dr Tim said the energy coming from michael is more loving today and can hear it differently and doesn’t know if it is coming from his doing the internal work or different because michael heard his worksheet. The words “It would be fun” is what triggered him. He is grateful for the support as he processes. If someone had been successful with the other work and yet reaches another level with the forgiveness piece – that is exciting.
michael said during the conversation what came up for him was “around being misunderstood” and will do a worksheet on that. One of Michelle’s clients, Rex and Mark all on the call that bullying was part of their past too, Mark admitted he was the bully. Archives are also posted at Caller Susan, appreciative of this replay. Paul said “For the good that I would, I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.” New piece of the puzzle came to michael in church on Christmas Eve. The manger is an ill place to come into, the structure (body) has to be virginal (cleansed) or there is no room in the Inn for Love to arrive. Clean up the Inn and remove content of hostility and fear. Then the Inn (body) becomes a fit place for Love to actually show up. ACIM Lesson 121 Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness “Here is the answer to your search for peace. ²Here is the key to meaning in a world that seems to make no sense. ³Here is the way to safety in apparent dangers that appear to threaten you at every turn, and bring uncertainty to all your hopes of ever finding quietness and peace. ⁴Here are all questions answered; here the end of all uncertainty ensured at last.” then a list of what work is to be done, the unforgiving mind is …. “2. The unforgiving mind is full of fear, and offers love no room to be itself; no place where it can spread its wings in peace and soar above the turmoil of the world. ²The unforgiving mind is sad, without the hope of respite and release from pain. ³It suffers and abides in misery, peering about in darkness, seeing not, yet certain of the danger lurking there. 3. The unforgiving mind is torn with doubt, confused about itself and all it sees; afraid and angry, weak and blustering, afraid to go ahead, afraid to stay, afraid to waken or to go to sleep, afraid of every sound, yet more afraid of stillness; terrified of darkness, yet more terrified at the approach of light. ²What can the unforgiving mind perceive but its damnation? ³What can it behold except the proof that all its sins are real? 4. The unforgiving mind sees no mistakes, but only sins. ²It looks upon the world with sightless eyes, and shrieks as it beholds its own projections rising to attack its miserable parody of life. ³It wants to live, yet wishes it were dead. ⁴It wants forgiveness, yet it sees no hope. ⁵It wants escape, yet can conceive of none because it sees the sinful everywhere.” and the list goes on. Caller Susan, how courageous it was that you and Dr Tim both hung in there with each other in that process. She is reading “Gentle Art of Blessing” by Pierre Pradervand, see everyone as whole and that what you are asking for has already been done. Tied in with Step 7 that what I give, I get the original. |
December 27 | Replay of a show where Dr Tim worked through his own process – “March142019DrTimRadio” (time 57:44) Homegrown National Park, is a grassroots call-to action to regenerate biodiversity and ecosystem function by planting native plants and creating new ecological networks. Doug Tallamy. Planting Native. Caller Michael T, talking about body workers, chiropractors – would they be needed if we were balanced? Some are “healers” and some only treat symptoms. We each need to be our own healthcare provider. We have to take care of everything from the ground up. MindShifter: “Every destructive expression of hostility & fear in the world reminds me to stay connected with the only obligation I have, to function out of Love, my true Being, my Source.” Select a number 1,2 or 3 then a second number 1 to 13. The list of MindShifters has 3 sections with 13 MindShifters in each section, this is a way to select your MindShifter to work with. |
December 28 | Replay of a show where Dr Tim worked through his own process – “MS Radio 5-13-2019 first hour no intro” (time 59:56)
Please go to our YouTube channel and click subscribe – we need 1,000 to apply for monetization and we have 982 – so close! if you need a charitable deduction for 2022 Donate before the end of the year. Go to or to support the HeartLand Maintenance Fundraiser program go to see the Super Sale in the Shop – purchases are not tax deductible but the proceeds go to the Fundraiser and you get a great deal on products.The mind and body are a single event seen from two perspectives, like a coin has a head and tail. They cannot be separated. One can’t have a healthy structure if they are in a fear or hostility state (Sympathetic Dominance). CIA says we construct our own reality michael shared several quotes on perception. Caller Susan, suggestion to charge for the app, even a few dollars. Then question on behaviors that are inhibited. When alcohol is involved the inhibitors have been knocked out and whatever is in there is going to come out. Ex. not allowed to cuss all their growing up or they got hit so the behavior is inhibited, a few drinks and inhibitors are gone and out comes cussing. Serotonin levels are also out of balance and choice is not available. When a person is in the process of dying, the whole system begins to shutdown (stop eating and drinking and with nutrition down their brain is compromised) and inhibitors are shutdown. So again, the sweetest person can become violent. Be the space. In AlAnon insists only their materials be used in meetings. There are so many tools that would be useful. |
December 29 | Replay of a show where Dr Tim worked through his own process – “Tim Worksheet 9-25-2020” (time 57:54) “Why Is This Happening To Me AGAIN?! situation – how to change the transmutation process you are engaged in. Make it something new. Develop and refine your skills at functioning as conscious, active love.Caller Paula, take on demonic possession? As creators, we can tie into the belief that something is possessing me so deeply, we formulate a false self based on the energies of hostility and fear. That self has to die. |
December 30 | Replay of a show where Dr Tim worked through his own process – “Tim Processing and Worksheets 10-27&28-2020” (time 1:08:49) Caller Susan, follow up on yesterday’s conversation about being demonic possessed. Thinking is the ability to hold Love conscious, active and present in the presence of anything from your mind. Resonance is not thinking (i.e. the color of your car). Resonance strengthens the energy but is not thinking. If someone is thinking “relationships are wonderful things” and I have a file on relationships and in me “in relationships there is work to do” a shared piece of energy but varies based on the individuals brain cell structure.ACIM on separation of thoughts.“Gentle Art of Blessing” – open the heart then bless them (be the space) Planning to do a lesson on Kindness and Honoring with Arya. Taunting another person is not kind. Jeanie admitted to hanging up on someone who called the other day who was a sales person yet did not speak clear English – I have to take responsibility that she may have picked that up from me. Woman with 12 year issue of blood needed to ‘touch the hem’ (the energy) of Y’Shua then she is vital enough to do what she needs to do. Our job is to be the space that will process everyone else – community. When one’s mind is stuck in their false identity, if another can offer a drop of love, who we are, it allows a space for truth to come in. False ideas come in from our family systems. Caller Celinda, about prejudice, she started school in Japan and has a connection with Asian. Once in Hawaii, there was a Japanese lady in the Post Office and Celinda being a Haole felt the prejudice towards herself. Held the space. “The little world of childhood with its familiar surroundings is a model of the greater world. The more intensively the family has stamped its character upon the child, the more it will tend to feel and see its earlier miniature world again in the bigger world of adult life. Naturally this is not a conscious, intellectual process.” Carl G. Jung Can’t be a change agent for things “out there” until we change the dynamic within ourselves. Handle internal war then we can stand for the (contribute to) the external change of war. Make room in the inn for the mind of Christ (Love). Familiar, family, she grew up with the need to be understood and for survival the need to be right. “If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.” Carl G. Jung – and can substitute ‘world’ instead of ‘child’. |
December 31
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…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””