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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
August 1 |
michael gave an update of the workshops here in Mills River, NC (Unity of Blue Ridge). Then headed to Franklin, NC then up to Michigan. Look at the website. On Creating Consciously! example of a coin having the image of a president’s head on one side and an eagle on the other – two sides of the same coin. It is that way with thoughts and feelings – can’t have one without the other! And our feelings are our signal whether our creation is off target or on target. Can’t change one without looking at the other. When the things hidden for so long are triggered into activity then people’s behavior will mimic their Power Person’s behavior (what they hated most). Must face everything in order to heal it. mention of michael’s trip yesterday to be with Terry Bowling at his mother’s funeral and pay respects. Got back about 30 minutes before workshop last night. Dr Tim said he got a piece in listening to the archives the past few days. There are 1,697 shows in the archive to support people. Tim had processed on a show 6-1/2 years ago and then shared with his support group around his father. Listening to that archive again took his process to another level. He always knew it but never tied it into the PP dynamic. His father would drink and “leave” but his grandfather died when his father was 9 yrs old – ultimate leaving. Explains why his father could not process loss & grief. Caller Julie has a friend, Beatrice, in Hamburg, Germany who is now working with the wake-up sheet. Reminder the book is online in German. She is familiar with the ACIM and is thrilled to be involved with the Aramaic. Translation work not being done right now. The owner of the manuscript has passed on and funding of continuation is out of michael’s pocket so it is at a halt until major funding comes about. Discussion of what it would take to move it forward again. Caller Yolanda. Shared how she was introduced to MindShifters and this work. Two years later she is still with MindShifters. Susan says “one day you will see the time of your challenge is a blessing” and she thought yeah right. She has now come to that point to see the blessing. Realizes it was her internal challenge and her boss gave her the gift of looking at it. She had come close to hate toward her boss and now sees it differently. Thank you for the work. michael offered thanks back to her for opening the door for us to get into the suspension school in Wilmington. They absolutely got the loving feeling that they were something more than what they had been told before. |
August 2 |
Recovery Wednesday! michael spoke of the program “Lie To Me” (Dr Lightman is based on Paul Ekman). Referred to Darwin who ran experiments on some basic expressions common around the world. Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Surprise being some of the basics of Facial Action Coding System. Look at the movie “Inside Out” – Perceptual screen that the actual world is perceived through. Generational patterns. The Science of Inside Out notes: “First, emotions organize — rather than disrupt — rational thinking. Traditionally, in the history of Western thought, the prevailing view has been that emotions are enemies of rationality and disruptive of cooperative social relations. But the truth is that emotions guide our perceptions of the world, our memories of the past and even our moral judgments of right and wrong, most typically in ways that enable effective responses to the current situation. We see this in “Inside Out.” Sadness gradually takes control of Riley’s thought processes about the changes she is going through. This is most evident when Sadness adds blue hues to the images of Riley’s memories of her life in Minnesota. Scientific studies find that our current emotions shape what we remember of the past. Second, emotions organize — rather than disrupt — our social lives. Studies have found, for example, that emotions structure (not just color) such disparate social interactions as attachment between parents and children, sibling conflicts, flirtations between young courters and negotiations between rivals.” michael added a refinement, that as discussed yesterday that the emotion is the flip side of the thought and that is what constructs the quality of the memory. It is the quality of thought that reflects in the emotion. Forgiveness removes the emotion and changes the thought or memory. Caller from PA, she is into the ACIM, but has a son who is ‘suffering’ and sees her well-being is pivotable on his well-being. He is successful, etc. but said ‘it kills me’ … michael offered to be careful what you ask for. Her work is to forgive her own pain. Remove the acquired generational pain. When you say you ‘forgave your mother’ you have pardoned her. He goes on to explain Aramaic forgiveness. Removing the pain from you, you will be able to hold the space of active love to support your son as he removes his pain. (directed her to If I feel pain then I have work to do … it is an inside job. Lifelong anxiety and depression – what about medical science? She has alternative medicine person that says it’s inability to metabolize folic acid. michael offered that one does not exclude the other. Face the issues and do what supports physically … whole body, mind, spirit, emotions, relationships and finances. We must love truth enough to see our part in our creation. All connected together. May have to do this forgiveness process 77×70 times before we are complete with a given issue. |
August 3 |
Profane becomes normal and insane is acceptable even among the world leadership. michael said he watched the TedTalk Dr Tim did, an experiment with someone in a chair, their right hand on a table and left hand on table but hidden from view by a wall and a fake hand visible. The experimentor is stroking both hands, the right hand and the fake one and then someone comes in and stabs the fake hand and the person reacts as if it was their real hand. Hypnotized that quickly. Hitler said make a lie big enough and tell it often enough and people will believe it to be true. (Anil Seth – creation of perception is our own best guess based on the reception of sight and sound and touch and our own history.) Dr Tim there are two ways we create our perception, one based on outside events and one on ourselves. Our outside world is based on best guesses from stimulation within neuropathways. The stimulation coming in is not as important as the beliefs and guesses we make about that. Our belief about who we are is all guesses created by guessing about stimulation, regulated by creating homeostasis and safety. That is why the person is so easily deceived by the experiment. Shared a present-day dynamic where instead of saying ‘no’ he said ‘I’ll think about it’ and after wake-up sheets yesterday morning and gaining more clarity he saw himself dealing with his father at the age of 4 and the difficulty his father had in abandonment and handling grief and he could not fix his father. This left a clear space to deal with the business interaction with a person who had unresolved grief issues. Getting it at a different level. Caller Tracey, asked for the explanation again with a real life situation about emotions verse thoughts that ‘organize’ the world we see. Jeanie jumped in and said while in Inside Out they mention Sadness colors the memories but it is the thought behind the sadness that needs to be addressed, then expanded with the example of Tracey’s mom coming in when Tracey was on a call. The irritation or frustration or anger are the emotions – quality of the thought is what triggers the emotion. Must address the thought. michael expanded with examples: “Why doesn’t my mom honor me instead of just walking in?” or “Why is mom interrupting my life instead of treating me with integrity?” or “Why doesn’t mom honor my choices instead of controlling my life?” each are similar but will tap into a different emotion and different outcome. Each thought has a goal behind it, cancel the goals behind the agitation. If each one has a neuropeptide then I need to clear that up to get back to being love in her presence. No conflict except what my brain keeps telling me. Refinement around denial. Speaking in past tense (so it may be resolved) yet talking about an ordeal with Mom and speaking as if Mom was cause. She said she was pleasantly surprised that dinner last night did not have the trigger to the extreme as before. MindShifter: “I love it when I have dinner with my Mom and she goes to every extreme possible to bring up the ordeal in me.” Food issues on both sides all the way back – CBM major i.e. Karen Carpenter disease. (michael explained the tool) |
August 4 |
announcement of remaining events here in Mills River. Hold space for Jeanie’s parents Jim & Alice Morris, they have been having physical challenges. After the MSSP tomorrow night Jeanie’s son will be coming to get her to take her back to Bristol and michael will continue to Franklin, NC and Nashville. In September & October we will be in Michigan. see website for flyers. Intro on “looking out through our eyes” and wanting the other person to solve our inside problem. Respons-ability Communication Practicum is awesome to watch and hold the space for the participants. Will do this in the October intensives at Michele’s home. Note: we will give a full set of 16 DVDs for anyone who registers for the Michigan Intensive by September 1, 2017. Perceptual construct is our guide for this life. If our guide is darkness (hostility and fear) then how deep will we go? Our guide should be light (love). Dr Tim shared from Support Group – support makes it so much easier to go deeper. Watched Guy Finley lecture (channeled dr. ryce) about the ability to let go of the resistence. Worksheet was a continuation of this past week and a half. Went from fear to sadness and had tears. Past relationships creates a filter for current relationships. (Note: Your friend Diane has been to 3 workshops. She fits in the joking category of the most resistent willing person.) Caller Michele from Canada. Had a healing crisis and worked through it but still more wake-up sheets to do. This healing was dealing with mom and accepting herself that she was OK and looking for validation. Physically she had experienced pain and recognized she held things in so as she was releasing the thoughts and emotions she began eliminating and purging. michael explained the 4 ways to determine if you are in a healing crisis or disease process. movie: “Catch Me if You Can” all about distraction so the main issue is not seen. True story. Caller Yolanda from NC, question why often times she resists doing the work she knows she needs to do? Example Tuesday group she shared she had to put her dog down last week. She felt her dog was doing well, she went on a trip and when she got back he declined rapidly. Like he was waiting for her to get back then he was ready to go. She was glad he was out of pain but doing a wake-up sheet with the group she realizes she has trouble saying good-bye. Her father abandoned the family when she was small and she can see the connection but it is painful and she does not want to do the sheets to bring up the pain. Intellectually she knows she needs to but doesn’t. michael explained satan is the resistor – the one who misleads. When something is ready to come up and I don’t want to go there the tendency is to go into resistence but make up a story to mislead self. What story do you tell yourself? She gets busy but she knows it is still there. michael offered, go back and early childhood, identify power person what did they do? They withdrew and I felt abandoned. michael said do sheets on abandonment instead of doing PP dynamic of withdrawing and not doing anything. |
August 5 Listen Download |
August 6 Listen Download |
August 7 |
Miracle Monday! Thanks Michele for covering switchboard. |
August 8 |
Jeanie opened the show – it is the questions that makes this YOUR show. Then, Dr Tim talked about yesterday’s Miracle Monday and then brought up Brene Brown and her use of the phrase “the story I am telling myself is…” followed by whatever, to take responsibility for what is going on in my head. see Caller Susan, question about God made the world (from scriptures) and the world we created (in the Course) Jeanie gave explanation of the World the creator made and the world we make up between our ears. and watch the What is the World? Dr Tim added comment about judgment and labels on top of actuality. Jeanie gave an example of a story in her mind and the actuality that happened around michael and the van. Ancient traditions point us to “life is life and just is” – Way of Mastery refers to all as neutral. God created and saying all is acceptable and will unfold. Allowance. Susan asked about the Course saying we made our bodies. Tim explained Einstien’s quote on matter. We are energy and we “create” the solid body perception, not that we made this body. Science validates that ur perception is an inside job. see Anil Seth who did a TedTalk on how we hallucinate our perception. Susan said she did the wake-up sheet about her son and give up the goal (the idol). She had distinct feeling to make a list of the worst that would have a negative impact. Jeanie offered it’s not making a list but that potential list are different wake-up sheets and gave some examples. Dr Tim added “don’t think about a purple alligator” it is resonance and you cna’t not think about it. Most people want the positive thoughts and affirmations. Whenever anything unlike that comes up then own it and admit it and then release it (forgive). Our unconscious and emotional belief system is powerful and active outside conscious awareness. If negative bubbles up then it is saying we have a negative thought we need to address or it generates on its own. Two prong approach that has dramatically changed his life. Every time I choose a thought it is like dropping a pebble in the pond sending a wave out. Way of Mastery says God is Love and creates the same. As an energy ripples back at us we can see the flow and change it when opportunity shows up. Be gentle with self. Susan asked about The Way of Mastery. Course was “channelled in late 60s” then 1994-1997 the Way was channelled. A kinder gentler version. Same message more loving. Tim read a passage… see St. Jane, someone at michael’s intensives, sent him the link to the book saying it sounded like Dr Tim’s blogs. On her recommendation he got the book and it sings to his soul. Susan said she finds the language of the Course is like wading through … Dr. Tim said the channel something comes through has their own history that the translation comes through… more than the energy of the transmission itself. The person is not important (whether dr. ryce, Jayem, Dr Tim, etc) but it is the message and putting the tools to work. As Emmerson said, get bloated nothingness out of the way. Caller Nancy, awesome discussion, thank you. Caller Roma, magnificent show and the teamwork. All an intrigal part of the solution. She shared about a group she went to last night and the energy of the culture of the speaker coming through his words (he was Japanese). We can really be present with one another. All cultures seem to be merging. Jeanie mentioned critical mass. |
August 9 |
Recovery Wednesday! michael’s intro on the power of our words. Gentle, caring and respectful for ourself and others…the speech that regulates our process and behavior was first learned as a child. Understand the process and begin to dig up and change or recover our conscious creation. Dr Tim had a thought about yesterday’s show with Susan. He has the idea that she thought we had to cancel goals. Not because there is anything wrong with the goal but it is the files it resonates into activity. Manage goals to manage stress. Susan called in and said thanks. Convefrsation continued from yesterday about beating self up, just observe self without judgment. Then has a question about the worksheet. Jeanie told her to look at the “large print” worksheet. Rookha d’Koodsha is an elemental force for humans (translated as Holy Spirit by Greeks) .. Tim explained further. Take a Bible and cross out the word Spirit and put Breath and see the difference you get. Khabouris Manuscript translation explanation not just words but does it work? We don’t know what we don’t know. As we work with what has been done and direct observation we see lives change. Mary Baker Eddy textbook “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (first published 1875) and founded the Church of Christ, Scientist in 1879. She also founded the Christian Science Publishing Society (1898), which continues to publish a number of periodicals, including The Christian Science Monitor (founded in 1908). Dr Tim support group last night in worksheet process stepping through the process. Last night’s person has been doing the work for some time and yet she was surprised her sideness went from 9 to 6 (out of 10) and saw insights of what was feeding the sadness. This time when she asked to be shown the part of her mind that was creating the upset. Just trust the process. Believing is not required. Watch for higher level of vitality and the next layer to come forward. Not always Dr. Feelgood but not a bad thing, part of the process. Caller Tracey, class this morning participant made a great worksheet shift. Encourage everyone to do it … it works! No degree of mastery required. Archives are a blessing! This work is so accessible that if you can read and print off the sheets it will change your life. |
August 10 |
Dr Tim and Jeanie did intro. michael is still having phone issues. Caller Julie, watched “Inside Out” again. Did not recognize a grief over her childhood and there is sadness in the way of her joy. Doing her usual of wallering in her depression. Dr Tim said he has recommended the movie as a way of processing especially with children. Julie said it is like the archives, in a different state of hearing and seeing and receives different messages. Trust the process more and it works whether I do it perfectly or not. Organic way things work. Has conviction it works. Dr Tim said we don’t need the conviction or belief or faith – unless using the definition of faith as taking an action from the rooted center of my being. Human Life is active conscious present love…if I am acting from that space then the rest takes care of itself. Move into application of a tool and observation of results. Jeanie mentioned Caller Susan. Is there any such thing as true mental illness? Is it possible to pick up – has a friend who is depressed and wants to “off” herself, she refuses the Course, she might metabolize the Way of Mastery. Reasonance. Caller Suzanne? from NC. Help with wake-up sheet about cancelling the goal. Dr Tim said the goal that is not getting met by the trigger of the wake-up sheet is what you cancel. He talked about consciously cancelling the goal may take practice. Jeanie offered there is nothing wrong with the goal … it is the file that is linked to the goal that is resonated. What is behind the goal that is creating the opposite of what you want? Caller Roma, cognition of truth in the ah-ha moment and the release occurs in consciousness, toxins come out and the exhale is different. Jeanie added it is a spontaneous breath. Roma said she notices when she is around others going through an issue she has had and cleared, she can hold the space for their healing. GPS says this is the best path from A to B but we have freewill to go a different way and it will recalculate. |
August 11 |
Caller Roma, continued from yesterday, when we work through an issue then we can hold the space and be a listening space. Jeanie added that there was a difference in listening to someone to be able to help them verses just hearing them tell their story again. That listening won’t help anyone. michael added the thought creates a neuropeptide that ‘dings’ the cell. Listen inside oneself and ‘decode’ what we (or our generations) has not wanted to look at or deal with. The space of love helps disolve it. If there is a ‘shadow’ then there are more worksheets to do around the issue even though it is slight and we can still hold for another. michael is in Summertown TN and the community is working on a project of looking at their past and erecting a monument around the KKK and the lynching of people. michael said he had grief and sadness come up around ‘how can people get so far away from being that they would treat other beings this way’ still more work to do around it. Powerful to watch a program and do wake-up sheets around what comes up. Better than going out into life and create it. Jeanie shared an email from a ccouple who were at MindShifters and StillPoint in Hendersonville, NC last week and the changes they have seen between them and noticed by others. Caller Susan, shared about talking with her Jewish (atheist) friend and the awesome transformation that happened after they talked. She’s gone from suicidal to wanting to live and get a dog. Read a poem by Martha Postlewaite. michael shared testimony of a lady working through some generation stuff and the change in and with her grandson. What tool to use when watching the news? The news ‘feeds’ anxiety. michael suggested going back to archives and listen to the shows the days after the election. Ask what is the goal I hold? If I say I am in pain over what Mr T is doing then I am in denial. He has shown us our dark underbelly. Opportunity to do our work. michael spoke of Ace D Kelly and how he approached sentencing people. No judgement but doing our own work and then holding accountability. Key is to do our work. Breath was spontaneous healing. michael thanked her for her questioning ability. Answers appear when the right question is asked. She is a ball of anxiety. ACIM lesson 271 today, wonders if she is going too fast? michael said ego will come up and say “that’s enough you can stop” but the Course says “you may wonder why you must look upon your hatred and realize its full extent” also says “let go all the things you think you want, your triffling treasure put away, and leave a clean and open space within your mind for Christ to come” (for the active presence of love to come) |
August 12 Listen Download |
August 13 Listen Download |
August 14 |
Miracle Monday! |
August 15 |
michael spoke of neurobiology and how every drug is a disease disquised as a cure. Serotonin and the receptor sites and the molecular changes through out the body. Side effects are really disorders at cellular level. One drug leads to a second one needed for effects of first drug and on we go. Candace Pert showed there were receptors all through the body not just in the brain. The sheet music that allows cells to communicate. Dr Tim was listening to a podcast made earlier this month with Bruce Lipton and to see how he has progressed since “Biology of Belief” and the awareness that the energies we choose with our conscious mind is 95% from habit and the unconscious or subconscious can be changed. He references drugs blocking up the works, the thought progress is impacted. Biggest thing seen in his practice are people not thinking they are valuable and then beating themself up for having that thought. Shared a letter from a participant in StillPoint at Mills River (Asheville). She thought she wasn’t doing it right then told herself this was a lie and went into the stillpoint. She had such pain but it was healing old surgeries and issues. Used to it took days to clean her house but after the session she was exhausted. The next day she cleaned her whole house and did not have to rest and her legs have not hurt since. Caller from Franklin NC group. Exploding with good memories and consciousness. Like having a cork pulled out of her. She said she was 79 and this was a piece that is so dynamic. Comment she was going to a doctor’s appointment and listening to the show. She had to deal with a nurse trying to get readings (blood pressure and pulse) and she could not get it. She told her own body to give the information to the nurse and it did. She realized the nurse was one she’d had upset around in the past and was able to just let it go. She listened to Bruce Lipton and the World Summit (synchronicity) She read a prayer she wrote 36 years ago that she felt is a preamble to michael’s work about world peace. All cells in one body each with different functions. Caller Susan B, do you have to know the origin of the pain in order to forgive it and heal? michael said no, if you think you have to know the source you will think you have to figure it out. Recognize oyu are love and there is a part of yourself that if not functioning as love, know there is some part being activated that bought into a lie and holds to a goal that is the driver of the pain. Cancel the goal and current perception collapses and opens a pathway into the core issue that needs to be healed. When it moves, not figured, out but exposed to active love then it dissolves. Often times you will become fully cognitive of the underlying belief or thought but sometimes it can be years later. One may not be ‘ready’ to face it. Positive goal is not “getting rid of fear” but perhaps to “live in confidence” – cancel the goal in the presence of love. Nothing wrong with the goal – it is what resonates when the goal is set. |
August 16 |
Recovery Wednesday! |
August 17 |
Live in the moment. Live in the question. Let go of belief! Every perception is a hallucination and can never show one the accurate world but it can be a stepping stone to experience the actual world. We are looking to hand people tools to remove abberent information so we can personally experience the experience. Our perception can give the excuse to shoot off something less than love. We must forgive what is less than love and know that if hostility or fear are active then we are not seeing accurately. michael read an article “The Unfathomable Being” (it is not finished, he is working on the editing) Dr Tim sent links to Brene Brown we must continually look inside… then we can more efficiently and compassionately deal with the outside. Caller Susan B, said she is 73 years old and yet michael calls her “young lady” and has a lot of thoughts and feelings about not being young. Feels as if michael is patronizing her because he knows she is old and yet she knows michael is being kind. michael reminded her that he called her young lady before she ever told her age. There may be things in her file about aging. Do you think it possible that we have been lied to about age? Energy is eternal and can not be created or destroyed. It changes (appears to die) when we put energy in that don’t belong. Quoted DeCourse Clinic: “Time is not toxic. Time has no effect on human tissue on any conditions. It is the belief in the effects of time that acts as a poison.” The space I hold for you or me or anyone I meet is that we be restored to the being we are. michael said he knows it is programmed into his cells that we age and die so what is his work to live with a different result? Recognizes his own aging process and yet he sees areas of his life where things are different, ie lifting and packing when on the road, his lung compacity. Will he make it to where he will become physilogically eternal? I don’t know but working towards the truth that YShua said “he who overcomes will become a pillar in the temple and go out no more.” michael gave the example of the work of Dr Braun and his research on multiple personalities … a woman who had diabetes when in one persona, when she shifted into another personality (she was a multiple) she did not have diabetes. the mind controls the body in disease and healing Dr Tim added the change in meanings of words, Aramaic definition like “faith” has been substituted with blind adherence to a belief (dogma) but faith is “acting from the rooted center of my being” which is Love. The words another uses does not cause the emotion in you … it triggers it. |
August 18 |
August 19 Listen Download |
August 20 Listen Download |
August 21 |
Happy Solar Eclipse 2017! And it is Miracle Monday!
August 22 |
August 23 |
Recovery Wednesday! michael explained the Power Person dynamics. Caller Susan B. ask for support in a conflict with someone she has hired. michael spoke of Responsibility Communication and then offered what problem solving might look like after healing is done. MindShifter: “It is safe & healing to speak the truth even when there are conflicting opinions.” Caller Susan D. from NC, has a person (Edward) in MS group in his 80s having a kidney removed at this moment, uplift him and the doctors up for healing. Hold the space for him. Then she shared the experiences of doing the Laws of Living homework and the movement of the Support Group. michael gave summary of the upcoming events in Michigan |
August 24 |
August 25 |
August 26 Listen Download |
August 27 Listen Download |
August 28 |
Miracle Monday! The miracle of returning to being! Jeanie opened the show with an issue she has (it actually delayed her getting on the show) with three ladies she did personal sessions with and then they did not pay for the sessions, asked for 3 months now. And people attending intensives and not paying or their checks bounce. Has an issue with this and asks people to be fair. Breathe! Caller Susan from PA encourages us asking for support. michael explained the “fund raising project” and that the “Membership Site” is now on back burner. Also told of the needs of HeartLand and the buildings. Further discussion about giving for free but can’t give for nothing. Susan went on to express last week’s discussion from Brenda on yelling at a neighbor who was beating a child. This brought up a question, remembers almost hitting her own child and stopping herself. Still has the behavior in her to hit back but hasn’t healed it or the dynamic wouldn’t come forward. michael reminded her what “forgiving” is … you can choose to pardon or ask for pardon with compassion but then forgive the anger or fear. Underlying all rage is unresolved pain. michael shared the story from Conscious Parenting (Suzanne Tucker) where the child could not reach a branch and brought in a handful of rocks. Susan went into emotions around the story. Discussion around the generational behaviors and the Power Person dynamics. |
August 29 |
Dr. Tim and Michelle filled in while michael and Jeanie took a train ride with michael’s son. Caller Shen, said she had run into a lot of teachers who have a good message. Then after a while they think it is the best message. Then after a while they think it is the only message. Then after a while they think they are the message. Along those lines a writing by Shen was shared on the show: Are you ready? “Truth is ever truth. We all hold pieces of it and we all long to be known in our truth. |
August 30 |
Recovery Wednesday! michael described going into protective mode based on perception based on our words. Our creative process is run by the energetic patterns we engage in. We are here to support functioning as Love and forgive everything less than that. Dr Tim shared from the support group beginning the CoDependence to InterDependence and someone doing a wake-up sheet around an issue as a child and their Power Person dynamics. Today had a session with someone who was unable to appreciate who their spouse is and he was explaining the file folder effect and she burst into tears. She could see that she doesn’t see her husband the way he was when she married him but saw that he had violated her PP goals. Question: If I am not going to figure it out, then what??? Tim said I practice recovering my true nature of Love and then actively use the tools to dismantle whatever is less than. michael reminded listeners that we would be doing 16-day CoDependence and Communication Practicum intensives in October in Williamston, MI Caller Julie from Oregon said she had been visiting family in California so been absent for a bit. She was listening to yesterday’s show as she was driving back and thought the gist was Michelle was going to a wedding and might get triggered knowing in advance that the situation would be toxic. Should she just avoid it? Julie had just done wake-up sheets around her family visit. Realized if something comes up I have the tools to work through it but if I know something is going to be more than I can handle then I can choose to not go there at the moment. Not our job to change “them” but to sit and smile and breathe and not worry about them getting it. She said she is learning to bring love to the party and ask Spirit to support what comes up and then later use the tools to clear it out further. Cancel goals for the other person to change. A battle of beliefs. Not up to me to show them the way of my belief. Because one has chosen the career to support people, it is one thing to be asked to show them the tools and another to attempt to give the tools to one who has not asked for it. More entwined than just ‘going to a wedding’ Own experience with her brother and getting triggered from childhood events but he did not want to look at the origin, he just wanted to connect again. Allow him to handle it the way it works for him. Some reference to last Friday’s show with Susan D. and making the change we want to see in the world. Caller Michele, was talking yesterday about her client. May need to go back and listen to the show because she did not feel anxiety. She had dinner last night with Mitzi and their discussion was around doing this work and does one go for opportunities that needs to be healed or do they stay in the centered space where not triggered (always looking for the good and aligning to that)? Why go for the tension? Example after a week of work at HeartLand and being in pure love can call her uncle and be the space. Going into the fire can be helpful. michael offered a subtle dissociation when she said she reaches a level of intolerance for her uncle at times and michael asked if it was a point of hiding her own intolerance. Has to look, she said to herself how can I tell Julie I don’t have anxiety unless I have anxiety? Julie apologized that she interpretted what she was hearing out of her own brain cells and projecting as she did not hear the whole show. Michele offered it was a helpful point about separating on the street verses those in the office. Michele said she felt she has begun an intensive. Dr Tim said go back and listen to the show. No need to reconstruct. Julie asked michael to speak of his going to movies. At one time michael would not go to certain violent movies but now guidance came to go and sit and process what comes up instead of going out and creating it in my life. Clean up mind and belief. |
August 31 |
michael opened the show by announcing the events in Michigan for the next 2 months. Today is the last day to register for the whole 16-day intensive in Michigan and receive free the 16 DVDs. continuation of yesterday’s conversation of being in denial and how our words impact our life. Explained the Broca’s area of the brain which is over speech and is next to the emotional seat of the brain. Discussion of what words do we use toward ourself? The self that ‘must die’ is the non-being, the self that isn’t. Then the real you ‘may live,’ the part that is being or Love! That part is always in tact it is simply covered up with the false self and beliefs. Dr Tim, breathing into the intro, ditto! Caller Susan from PA, 1) are you a 501C3? michael said not on website but we can provide a letter for tax deduction 2) asked if the letter from Shen is on the website? yes in the notes of August 29 and also under Stories, Poems and Songs 3) have a ‘fix it syndrome’ and want to help my friend but have made her mad. michael offered that is her friend’s mad is not Susan’s fault. Not responsible. Further explained forgiveness different from pardoning. She asked what to say or do. michael offered that is in you and tap into it. We are here to offer tools for you to find that power in you we are not here to tell you the answer. Susan read a text from a friend who sounds like she is giving it up. michael offered to cancel the goal to be effective support. Jeanie tells about the online worksheet on her website it has just been set up and is not the current 7-step. Give it a try! |
…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””