Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Archived Radio Shows December 2013

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

December 1



December 2



  • Dr. Ryce calls in from Costa Rica where they are checking out a possible location for Heartland South for winter intensives
  • An introduction to this forgiveness work including the concepts of pardoning, denial, projection and where to find the free materials needed to get started
  • An example of how viewing films can give us opportunities to forgive everything that is resonated by the content of the movie using “Disconnect” as an example
  • An introduction to the Love Exchange tool
  • The pattern of focusing on what I want to be different to the exclusion of enjoying what is
  • New research finds that 11 million bits of information are available every second and that our minds are only aware of 40 bits
  • Matter is frozen light therefore whatever we focus on will come into form
  • Listen to our words to find out what we are really focusing on, especially the words that “slip” out
  • An explanation of why we can’t stop behavior in a child younger than 3 by using words
  • A caller shares how many layers of her own work she has gone through in order to finish her book
  • See the website for info. regarding presentations in Boca Raton, FL on 12/15/13
  • A caller reminds listeners that tithing is about giving to ourselves by giving to that which feeds our spirit, and she encourages people to tithe to Heartland
  • A quote from Max Plank, a physicist, that explains how nested frequencies manifests our physical structure and reality
December 3



  • GUEST HOST:  Dr. Tim Hayes
  • The difference between pardoning and true forgiveness as discovered by Dr. Michael Ryce by studying the Khaburis Manuscript
  • Our alarm system is any negative emotion we feel and alerts us to that which needs to be removed from our body/mind system and healed
  • A description of how to find the free forgiveness tools and instructions on
  • A caller reminds us about the value of tithing and Dr. Hayes adds more information about tithing as a spiritual practice (10 % of our time, intelligence, and income to that which feeds the growth of our viable, conscious, spiritual body)
  • A caller shares the value of making a commitment to go to Heartland and how the money and time will be provided
  • The topics of aches, pains, complaints, and Love
  • A caller asks for help regarding how best to help her daughter.
  • Go to to find a lot of free information about using the Emotional Freedom Technique so that we can free up our energy to do the forgiveness work needed
  • There is no matter,” said Einstein and others – an excellent discussion about the frequencies of vibrations, and the huge amount of information available to the human mind every second as it applies to why we think we have solid bodies
  • All painful conclusions are the result of incomplete information,” Guy Finley
December 4



GUEST HOST:  Dr. Tim Hayes

  • The difference between pardoning and true forgiveness as discovered by Dr. Michael Ryce by studying the Khaburis Manuscript
  • Our alarm system is any negative emotion we feel and alerts us to that which needs to be removed from our body/mind system and healed
  • A description of how to find the free forgiveness tools and instructions on
  • A caller reminds us about the value of tithing and Dr. Hayes adds more information about tithing as a spiritual practice (10 % of our time, intelligence, and income to that which feeds the growth of our viable, conscious, spiritual body)
  • A caller shares the value of making a commitment to go to Heartland and how the money and time will be provided
  • The topics of aches, pains, complaints, and Love
  • A caller asks for help regarding how best to help her daughter.  Go to to find a lot of free information about using the Emotional Freedom Technique so that we can free up our energy to do the forgiveness work needed
  • There is no matter,” said Einstein and others – an excellent discussion about the frequencies of vibrations, and the huge amount of information available to the human mind every second as it applies to why we think we have solid bodies
  • All painful conclusions are the result of incomplete information,” Guy Finley
December 5



  • Dr. Tim introduces the reason for this show and how to find free forgiveness materials on
  • Dr. Ryce gives an excellent example of the distorting power of the way we want it to be
  • A discussion about the unconscious mind
  • The meaning of “Oota”, a suffix added to a word in the ancient Aramaic language
  • Denial and dissociation and how they affect our awareness of the root cause of our behavior
  • Why we resist learning about our real motivators, the pain we don’t want to feel
  • Why we need tools to help us uncover what we have dissociated and how many useful tools like the Reality Management Worksheet and others are available on the above website
  • A caller shares that when she does her forgiveness work, her actions may look the same, but her motivation will be Loving
  • The difference between decisions and choices, past and present
  • Strengthening the spiritual faculties
  • A discussion about the current educational system
  • As we practice turning things over to a higher source rather than trying to ‘figure things out,’ we develop our intuition and it becomes easier
  • Don’t need to believe, just use the tools and see what happens
  • A discussion of how Co-dependence can be experienced with both positive and negative feelings
  • A caller has a question about regulatory speech and would like more information
December 6



  • An introduction to the ancient Aramaic concept of Forgiveness including: the Khaburis Manuscript, true forgiveness vs. pardoning, true perception, the free materials available at , and more
  • A report of the engagement and participation of the inmates who are in the Laws of Living class in a high security prison, and the spreading interest in the rest of the prison population
  • Is there a list of the Eternal Laws? Law is what happens when you see the results of the Eternal Forces and therefore, cannot be understood by the mind but only by experience.
  • When you come into harmony with Eternal Forces, then you see the Laws in action
  • An in depth discussion of Regulatory speech and how it can best be used to help us become aware of issues that need to be healed
December 7



December 8



December 9



  • Dr. Ryce reports on their progress in sharing the work in Costa Rica
  • Jeanie has been invited to return in Feb. to present the Women Healing Women Intensive and is open to financial support in order to return
  • An explanation of the 1st century technique of Forgiveness including: pardoning, blame, responsibility, gratitude, the Reality Management Worksheet and more
  • A caller asks for information about the Aramaic sounds “Ta” and “Oota” which are applied to root words to indicate conscious and unconscious levels of understanding and the Beatitudes
  • A great story to illustrate the difficulty of correctly translating meaning from one language to another
  • A caller shares how much just reading about the work has meant to her and she has not even done a worksheet yet
  • A caller asks how ‘judgment’ is correctly used. Discernment, carbon based memory (CBM), observation, and the past is discussed.
  • Boca Raton, FL on Sunday at CSL, see the website for more information (
December 10



  • Michael and Jeanie call in from the jungles of Costa Rica
  • An introduction to ancient Aramaic forgiveness which is not “letting someone else off the hook”
  • The Heartland Rawcipe Book will be printed and sent out soon; also see to see the recipe book available from Costa Rica where Jeanie and Michael are staying
  • Regulatory Speech can alert us to the painful realities in our minds that we have denied so we can follow up by using some forgiveness tools to heal
  • We are not to regulate our speech, but observe it.   Our speech/words regulate everything in our lives from our physiology to our behavior
  • Every question is important to ask and serves everyone who is listening
  • Aramaic Fridays will begin on Jan. 3 with guest Dale Allen Hoffman
  • The Beatitudes – They are a set of instructions as to how to bring that which is unconscious into consciousness, rather than a philosophy
  • The geographic cure and the Law of Resonance
  • A caller asks for comments about the forgiveness of Nelson Mandela and how he set up a process for healing in South Africa
  • has a series of videos including one about Mandela; also see the movie ‘Invictus’
  • Every language on the planet is babble except Aramaic which is directly Divinely Downloaded
  • How a state of decay provides the correct environment for bacteria, viruses, and germs and how medicine causes toxic reactions
December 11



  • Dr. Hayes introduced the concepts of our true essence of Love and how to return to living from our true Being by using the free forgiveness tools available on
  • Dale Allen Hoffman, a true living mystic who studies and lives the principles found in the ancient Aramaic writings, will be a special guest each Friday in January
  • Dora called to remind us that it is ‘Unstuck Wednesday’ and shared that according to Dr. Oz, consuming 2 kiwi’s a day for 8 days will clean the arteries and may also dissolve the craving for sugar
  • Michael called from the airport and shared information about the evidential mind including blame, denial, responsibility, and ownership of our hostility and fear using a current example with a woman from yesterday’s “Why Again” presentation
  • Denial – when I use language that places responsibility for what is going on inside of me on some person or situation outside of me
  • Rex called to report on the increased participation, interest, and processing in the 2 presentations of the ongoing Laws of Living class in a Michigan prison with many details about a healing incident/opportunity  that happened with the prison chaplain
  • Michele shared how exciting it was to be able to support Rex during the MindShifter support group last night
  • Being excited to go ‘spelunking’ into the depths of our unconscious mind
December 12



HOSTS:  Dr. Tim Hayes and Jeanie Ryce

  • Jeanie shared information about their travels in Costa Rica – clean air and water, healthy food, many healers, beautiful locations, and a wet season
  • A discussion about how to take any thought, person, situation, past, or present to create a worksheet or MindShifter
  • A caller from Oregon is interested in forming a team to take the Forgiveness work into the Calif. prison system and Rex called in to share some ideas about how to go about it based upon his experience with the MI prison system
  • Rex offered an invitation to anyone who has taken the Laws of Living intensive to join the telephone support group every Wed. at 6:00 to 7:00 pm EST as it is a great way to review the material
  • A caller asks for information about the meaning of projection
  • The 1st Law – When we think of the Creator, our neighbor (anyone we think about), and ourselves, we need to hold the condition of Love in our minds
  • Dr. Tim gives more information about how projection works from within our own minds and is externalized onto someone or something else
  • Michael called and added that the picture in our minds is only resonated by the person (energy system) we are blaming, but is actually from the denied and dissociated part of our own minds
  • A caller shared an example of how he had just experienced his own projections while observing someone else in a store, realized that his upset came from within him, and went home and did a worksheet to clear it
December 13



  • A discussion of true Forgiveness instead of the Greek translation which is really pardoning because forgiveness is an inside job in which we deal with the content of our mind
  • What a true human being really is
  • A comparison of the human operating system with a computer’s operating system
  • How important it is to find the real goal that we hold for someone or something else in order to have the most relief when we cancel the goal
  • Go to to find free learning materials in order to learn how to forgive and how important it is to hang around long enough and use the tools in order to truly understand and get the benefits
  • A discussion about how everyone who teaches the forgiveness materials gets ample opportunity to heal themselves – examples of John the Baptist, the prison presentations
  • A caller from Venezuela shares how much deeper her healing is and how much better her relationships are because of using these tools over time
  • “Aramaic Fridays” will resume the first Friday in January with Dale Allen Hoffman who is one of the foremost Aramaic scholars in the world
  • Michael expresses his gratitude for the work Dr. Tim and Michele have done to fill in on this show when he and Jeanie have been traveling, taking the work to Sweden, Norway, and Costa Rica
  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Michael shares information about their trip to Costa Rica and a possible teaching center in the central valley area were people come from all around the globe to use a variety of health and healing centers.  It would be a place to introduce tourists and local residents to the Forgiveness work, host winter intensives, and create a studio to produce Forgiveness based Novellas for the Spanish speaking audience.  The funds needed to accomplish the purchase and building is estimated to be about $450,000 to $500,000.  Anyone who is interested in contributing with time, labor, finances, or other talents is welcome to call Michael at 953-205-4996. Please use this number appropriately as Michael no longer has time to work with individual clients and you can find others on this website who do one-on-one work.
December 14





December 15



December 16



  • An introduction to the technology of forgiveness, an internal process of changing the content of your own mind rather than letting someone else off the hook (pardoning) for what’s going on inside ourselves
  • To know what a true human life should be, hold a new born child
  • The tool of the Love Exchange is described and all are invited to join the Love 5 minutes before show time daily – will also be repeated for 5 minutes at 8:00 pm EST daily
  • The story of the “Hundredth Monkey” as an example of the effects of critical mass
  • Rex shares his healing process since last week when he was triggered by the prison chaplain
  • A caller asks for information about the difference between sadness and compassion. How the natural human inclination of compassion is eradicated by society and, especially the military and why we might feel sadness as we begin to recover. See the film “Joyous Noel” to see a good example (Amazon).
  • An example of how we affect each other by the personal work we are doing
  • Information about the Hydra effect and how we can use it as we do the forgiveness work, with a recorded example on under Start Here
  • A complete description of the 50 acre Costa Rican property that Michael and Jeanie would like to purchase for Heartland South. It already has many structures and has a working, self- sustaining organic farm. The first ever fund raiser will be set up for this purpose.
December 17



  • An introduction to how we often blame others for what is going on inside of us and how to find the healing tools on
  • A caller shares how she has avoided doing her personal forgiveness work for 2 years because she could not get a partner; was able to release her use of alcohol just by listening to the show; and is now willing to let go of her fear by committing to doing 5 worksheets a day
  • One pseudo solution of the non-Being mind is to understand, but forgiveness is the real solution
  • A caller asks if it is appropriate to do worksheets on the physical body and finds out that it is completely appropriate because there is no body, only energy
  • A true story of how the nested energies that cause disease are unlocked by the presence of Love and forgiveness
  • 77 times 70, doing as many worksheets as it takes to clear the energy that causes the problems
  • A caller asks which of the Reality Management worksheet is the best
  • A question about the purpose of the empty space next to Rookha d’Koodsha on the worksheet
  • The shortest pencil is worth more than the longest memory” – jot down your questions as they come up so you can have them ready to ask on the show
  • Dr. Tim expands on the idea of how to use the worksheet for something other than blaming others and gives several examples – any person (including self), place, thing, situation, thought, emotion, past, present, or future, real or imagined may be used
  • A discussion of the value of the original Aramaic language to get the instructions in the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer
December 18



December 19





  • An introduction to Aramaic Forgiveness, going inside and removing anything within us that doesn’t belong, anything other than Love
  • Jeanie shares some issues that she is working on forgiving triggered by changes in the Costa Rican plans for her and Michael’s presentations in February
  • Dr. Tim guides Jeanie through processing her upset using the Reality Management Worksheet format and some additional visualization techniques
  • Callers share how deeply they were able to process their issues while listening today
  • A caller is guided through how to put her awareness of her core issue into a usable worksheet
December 20



  • Dr Ryce opened with the definition of forgiveness.
  • Dr Tim talked about the Co-Dependence worksheet and how this could apply to what Jeanie was sharing yesterday about judgements.  “Did I exhibit a trait that triggered me (when have I done this before).”  Dismantle the energy with worksheets.
  • The Co-dependant worksheet is one of the most powerful tools.
  • Michael gives an explanation of Co-dependence and the power person dynamic.
  • 1st time listener was looking for an explanation of forgiveness in a “Non Technical format.”  Michael gave an example of how 100,000 people can be watching the same football game and all have different experiences of feelings they think are triggered by the game. 
  • When Love is present there is an energetic shift of energy.
  • Through love, all pain will turn to medicine,” quote by Rumi
  • Michael brought to awareness that during the Christmas season a lot of energy is going to be moving.”
  • Mitzi brought to the community that we can achieve critical mass is we all set our intentions to Love 5 minuets prior to show time, and 5 minutes to 8pm every night. We would be shifting energy on the planet simultaneously.
December 21



December 22



December 23



  • The Power Person Dynamic is introduced and explained in detail and a stunning example
  • The way to identify if it is a Power Person Dynamic, notice if you are having conflicting results
  • The concept of “oota” from the Aramaic translations
  • Go to to find the free forgiveness tools to begin learning how to go inside oneself and change the Power Person Dynamic
  • A caller receives suggestions about how to frame her issues on the Reality Management Worksheet so that she can clear and heal those issues
  • Lessons about how our words tell the truth about the content of our minds using a caller’s statements as examples
  • Children are not blank slates
  • The moment of the strongest rage in the child is explained
  • The apostle Paul couldn’t teach forgiveness because he hadn’t learned how to do it himself
  • Building the brain cells to be able to understand how to truly forgive
December 24



  • Sometimes it takes paragraphs to explain the meaning of one Aramaic word – an illustration of how different the meanings are
  • Dirty dishes and smelly food and cleaning it up
  • Now setting up a fund raiser to acquire the property in Costa Rica to operate as Heartland South for winter intensives
  • February 21-March 1st – a nine day “Why Again Intensive” in Costa Rica, see the info. on
  • A caller shares how positively different she feels and relates to life since doing 5 worksheets a day for several years and expresses her gratitude for Michael bringing and continuing to teach the work of Forgiveness
  • Cary shares that her workshop went very well and that her book “The 21st Century Superhuman” will be on Amazon within one week and can also be obtained from Cary at
  • Being able to stay in a Loving space even though the storm is all around us
  • ‘Stinking thinking’ and our sack of rotting potatoes
  • Michael shares the idea of bringing the principles of the Forgiveness work into the Spanish speaking populations through the vehicle of the novella, and the possibility of expanding the work faster and reaching critical mass much sooner
  • A caller shares how she thought negatively about Christmas in the past and how she has reached a place of peace, Love, and joy by doing her work
  • “I don’t know how to be Love” – “You need not seek for Love, you only need to let go the barriers you have built against it” with a superb example of a break through to Love which is a full blown physical experience
  • Max Plank, an award winning Nobel physicist says, “There is no matter as such…only nested frequencies”
  • The overwhelming power of physically feeling the Love of God/Source
December 25



  • *Michael opened the show with a thought on the real reason for the Christmas season is to Presence Love and Being the Space of Love.
  • *Be aware that there is a huge amount of energy available today.
  • * Michael shared that prior to going to sleep every night ask that “love be strengthened in you while you sleep.”
  • *Dr Tim shared how he got a “gift from the universe” when he sent out a text and was given feedback with a major distortion of his words/message.  The word Holy is to make something whole, extend love and acceptance to EVERYTHING, observe your connectedness.
  • *Caller shared about the magical time of Christmas and how this work has helped his family make some major shifts in energy, love and gratitude for each other.  
  • *Michael shared about bringing children into the work and how in a workshop years back a young boy diagnosed with ADD would be off in the back of the room playing and whenever Michael came to a KEY piece of information the boy would stop, tune in and get the message spot on.  Share this with your kids.  What if you had these tools as a child?
  • *Caller from Heartland shared how she was doing some tremendous healing with support from Julie H.  She also shared a story of how bringing her grandchildren to Heartland helped with their family dynamics and relationships.
  • *Michael shared the reason for the show is to help us keep our mental environment (genes) in the space of love with others who participate and support human life.
  • *Doing our work helps us walk through anything in PEACE.
  • *Christmas can be a challenge as we get together with family we might have avoided throughout the year.  Resonate the energy of love and healing.
  • *Michael shared about an exciting new venture in Costa Rica and announced an intensive planned for Feb 21st 2014 thru March 1st 2014.  It will be a Why is this Happening to Me Intensive at $1,795.00 for the 9day retreat. 
December 26



  • If you think you have forgiven everyone including yourself, you need to learn the true meaning of Forgiveness
  • How our form brings into expression what comes thru it
  • See to access free materials that will introduce you to and teach you about the technology of Forgiveness
  • How different would our world be if we all made war illegal like Costa Rica?
  • Information about the 9 day “Why Again” Intensive in Costa Rica 2/21/14 – see the website above for details
  • A caller asks for information about “The Bible for Translation” book that is available on the website and how it fits in with Michael’s forgiveness work
  • A caller shares how she uses Michael as an example for her to learn to stand in her truth
  • Michael speaks about the Love of Truth instead of blockage of truth with an example of research using cats
  • Human life operates just like a set of truck breaks and how the inhibitor and the anti-inhibitor function with an example of how it works in the human mind and emotions
  • How we live with the chemistry of our thoughts
  • How degrading thoughts about our “enemy” affects us
  • The example of the difference between listening to Mozart thru a cheap radio and a $100,000 sound system as it applies to our Human life
December 27



December 28



December 29



December 30



  • Pardoning is not Forgiveness which is an internal process
  • The story of the “Rose and the Butterfly” – making something else more important than being connected to Love
  • How do your phones and appliances work when they are disconnected from their power source?
  • A discussion of a true Human life
  • Dr. Tim reports how a painful muscle spasm was cleared by just doing worksheets because his body was expressing an old fear that had been stirred up
  • Dr. Ryce shares one of his own experiences with the mind/body connection; physical pain coming from emotional content
  • Will we give as much time to retrieving our Loving center as we give to getting our computer working again when there is an error message?
  • A caller shares that he has shame coming up because he hasn’t been doing worksheets and finds out that it is another way for his power person issues to be expressed
  • Doing worksheets in our head is generally about “slip sliding away”
  • The first ever “Co-dependence to Inter-dependence” and “Did you hear what I think I said?” workshops combined into a 16 day intensive (Co-Dependence and Communication) will be offered this summer.  See for details
  • The importance of resolving our Power Person dynamics for ourselves and our children
December 31



  • Happy New Years Eve Day
  • A discussion about the helpful fantasy of time and the destructive fantasy of blame
  • Denial of the root of our anger and fear
  • Forgiveness is a tool for going inside ourselves and removing the roots of our self-disturbance
  • The true Self (Love) and the non-being self
  • Confusing approval with Love
  • Service to others is a way to dismantle the non-being self
  • Why we honor, bring Love into expression toward our parents; and heal ourselves
  • Why ‘begrudging service’ to others is not really service or honoring at all
  • When we do anything (even that which we don’t like doing) from a state of Love, we are maintaining our true Self
  • Further discussion of the concept of ‘begrudging’ service; reaping what we sow
  • Is it better to wait until we have healed everything before moving into service toward someone ?
  • These Forgiveness tools can be learned at any age from 3 year olds on up and used to change r lives, with a stunning example of a 90ish woman and her experience


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