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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
February 1
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February 2
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February 3 | Dr Tim discusses energy in motion referred to as feelings. Energy that moves through our system have different ‘flavors’
Caller annonymous, question on appropriateness of asking for a special support meeting regarding discussion of sexual issue. 2nd half of the first hour is pre-recorded from May 7, 2019 on Special Relationships and Revelatory Speech verses Regulatory Speech (what reveals to us and what regulates) Caller Randall. michael offers change the language. “Immortalist” says I’m Mortal. Change focus to Eternalist. Undo the belief that you are your body but you are an energetic structure. This work is to remove the patterns that do not belong. Explained how neuropeptides – chemistry – thoughts become physiology. The chemistry that does not belong will cause the cell to die. There is a coding in our genes to die. Rumi says “Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent.” Emerson “Let us take our bloated nothingness out of the path of the divine circuits.” Jeanie said since words tell the universe what to bring about, invited michael to find a different way to say ‘burning into his brain.’ And mentioned that just because we might not ‘make it’ does not negate the truth of the fact of our being eternal. Caller Tim B., why has no one lived past 120? Said he is in his 70s and feels the hot breath of death blowing on own my neck. michael said mind energy becomes flesh and we must remove the chemistry of death. Fear verses Peace. Creator said “Who told you that you were naked?” Who gave us that mind energy? Jeanie mentioned Woodruff’s Cafe, Monroe VA (an hour and half outside Roanoke), the mother Mary Woodruff is 102 years young the song lyrics on our website “That’s All You Need” (Words and music by Paddy Braunstein with JRDS fourth grade.) Caller Susan B with grandson Charlie, he has a healthy mind that knows it is a thought disorder but he has a history professor whose anxiety triggers his own anxiety. He yelled at Charlie in class and started over-obsessing about him (whether it is a look or smile). Input, Native American story of the black dog and the white dog fighting inside. The one you feed is the one who wins. |
February 4 | Dr Tim had a Skype call with Matthias Bauer (in Germany) and callers Magda in Theodosia and Julie in Oregon
Jeanie thanked Julie for suggesting the movie “Wild” (with Reese Witherspoon) A chronicle of one woman’s one thousand one hundred mile solo hike undertaken as a way to recover from a recent personal tragedy. She processes everything from childhood up. Discussion of different meanings of words. Lost in translation. Jeanie said also for example ‘snow’ could be the white stuff that falls in the winter or fuzzy interference on television or to mislead or charm people, and in Alaska they have multiple words discribing snow. Culture has an impact in meaning. michael is working on updating the Laws of Living text. Prayer is one of the words that has its meaning changed. It is not a set of words we repeat but prayer is to set a trap for God. Like the antennae traps the right signal / frequencies for a specific channel. Y’Shua gave instructions in the “Lord’s Prayer” what to do to be the space where Love shows up. How do we align and attune to be the trap. To maintain that presence. michael’s interpretation is on our site at Love is the essence of our being – it is not a verb. Caller Lucy, “I feel trapped” so to live in the presence of love I would have to dismantle hostility and fear? michael said you already live in the presence of Love, you just need to remove what keeps you from being aware of it. H&F are overlays that blocks our awareness. Request for the community to just hold the space for Angie Bruce who is in a major process right now in India. |
February 5 | Dr Tim had a replay of shows with Jill in Wilmington from Jan 30 and 31, 2020.
michael spoke with caller Randall and caller Terry B. |
February 6 | Dr Tim speaks with caller Susan B. rather spend my time lovingly and joyfully than attempting to prove what is right or wrong or attempt to figure it out.
Jeanie explained that we do have an energy field and when we put an energy in that does not belong it says ouch. The pain, disease and distortion are real but can be changed. Some issues are generational and so if an issue was created over hundreds of years and you are the first to address reversing it then it won’t happen overnight. Caller Jack acknowledged that the work does work and gave a couple examples of how the external changed when he changed inside. Jeanie added that we all go through storms and we can either walk water or sink – focus on where you are going not on the circumstances Caller Randall – love doing the worksheets again. michael asked the community to hold the space for Angie Bruce and breathe with her. Caller Joan asked how do you breath someone over the phone? Caller Camille, in a new relationship. Asked for explaination of sex and marriage and relationship. Relate to each other as beings not bodies. Have “in-to-me-see” celebration of relationship extended through physiology and not just an act of sex. Further discussion of The Pagra (see the Commitment Caller Derek asked about discipline. michael offered it comes from the word disciple and means to teach properly not to beat. Caller Peter from Sweden. Shared an experience during Christmas break with Tania. He was breathing and holding onto the sheet thinking about her saying “there you go, we are done” and he was not done doing his task. He realized somewhere that triggered his being wrong, not whole, not complete and he hurt. He knew he could not put it outside of himself. Imagine the Creator filling and fueling every cell – you are always innocent. michael shared the thinking and refining of the Enlightenment and Laws of Living and recreating the language used, for example around the concept of being Love not Loving someone. |
February 7 | Dr Tim
Caller Jack spoke to what he “doesn’t need” certain things. Jeanie offered the focus of his statements has the strength and the universe doesn’t hear the not part. He might want to do some work around those things. Susan B. and her grandson Charlie call in to continue conversation from Monday. He refered to himself as OCD. He is driven for the teacher to be different. He undermines himself everytime something good is happening by thinking of this teacher and his attitude changes downward. michael repeated that Charlie said “I have a goal” michael explained cancelling the goal to relieve the stress. Remove the thought of being embarrassed or exposed. MindShifter: “It is safe & healing for me to look at and forgive every thought in my mind that I have hooked to my brain’s image of Mr. Jones and any other authority in my life.” Charlie said, If in my head I feel there is something to worry about then when a fun moment comes what can I do? MindShifter: “My life is filled with fun moments. And the more I think about Mr. Jones, the more fun I have.” Charlie wants to enjoy and not have Mr Jones run his life. michael pointed out he is trigger not cause. TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) thus automatic behavior. Caller Jean Rampage. About a year and half ago she started doing worksheets again and Peter (Sweden) was inspired to go again to HeartLand. They push each other. She shared her success story in doing worksheets. |
February 8
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February 9
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February 10 | Dr Tim
Caller Randal (connection was scattered) michael offered a special thanks to all who are coming early to get things set up for LOL – holding a blessed space for Ari – this will be the first time in years he has not been with us. We are rocking getting it all together. Dr Sarno, back surgeon, came up with TMS (Tension myositis syndrome) where the ’cause’ of pain in general and back pain in particular is unconscious rage. for $5.99 michael shares a friend who has spent years dealing with back pain and he watches this video and gets it is what he is doing with his mind, he calls michael in tears that his pain is gone. Another lady who committed to coming to LOL (once a person makes a commitment everything comes up and resistence happens) said she was not sure she could come because of excruciating pain in her knee. michael recommended she watch the video. He got a text last night, she watched the video and then got up without pain or her walker but her mind constructs this can’t be lasting. MindShifter “It is safe and healing for me to be well in mind and body and face everything with grace.” Still could not fathom it possible within moments. Have to “chew on the teaching” to change your mind. As you commit to the next level you get to look at what needs to change. Worksheets Online ( are fixed. Thanks to Susan Giles for assisting. Caller Susan B, challenging and compelling talk. Given ourselves permission. Why do I use the Bemer or take supplements? Difference is when you realize you are an energy field you need components that make the field work better. Could fix it with your mind but if not at the skill level to do that yet then getting assistance to care for an issue now instead of waiting twenty years to gain the ability to do it with the mind. Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov – “29 YEARS AGO, Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, specializing in the fields of Marxist-Leninist propaganda and ideological subversion; warned us about the silent war being waged against America as part of a long term plan to take over and destroy the American system and way of life.” See Youtube Caller Tim B happy eternal day. Susan said Charlie came down and said he realized when he went out for Little League his coach was brutle (very harsh) and used the same words his teacher used. Triggered his unconsciousness as a child where he performed under stress and fright. When Y’Shua said Leave Father & Mother, facethe generational issues to follow Him. |
February 11 | Caller Jack from Asheville.
Caller Jill in Wilmington, protecting brother from getting in trouble with parents. Emotional flash backs. Not able to protect him, I can’t. Everyone needs to be quiet and keep the secret so we will be safe. Dr Tim walked her through a worksheet to step 5 cancelling the goal. michael continued processing her. Is it to keep yourself ‘small to be safe’? Yes and also no value and no worth. It plays out in relationships and work. It is safe to play LARGE (her last name). Caller Julie in OR, doing a worksheet with Dr Tim and Jill. Tune into love, soften your face and throat. In the midst of the trauma she laughs – still have a ‘body’ to operate. Self-sabotages and can’t seem to manage her life. Caller Joan looking forward to 16-days. Her family is supporting her to be physically comfortable in coming. Caller Ann excited Julie is going and holding space in FL. Realizes she needs the distraction to show her what she needs to do to get her work done. Excited for all the people who are coming. Caller Jack. Dr Tim gave a few worksheets. Realizes he needs to do more around his father. michael suggested do little issues to get the practice down and then move to the big issues. Go to archive and listen to MP3s of special shows where we have walked someone through a worksheet. |
February 12 | The Course of Love – how we tie “pain” to the extent of our love being present or not present.
Caller Tracy in NV, Dr Tim gave a MindShifter. A list of the MindShifters can be found at A list of special radioshows for following the caller in doing worksheets Dr Tim offered the energy of Love explained in the Course of Love. Ask to be shown. Our pain is not about the object outside of us but what we have been conditioned to about loss. Flow of life and creation just flows. If you put boulders in the river it would not stop the flow but would create turbulence. Caller Susan shared losing her bird at 13 and the agony and loss. Dr Tim said he would encourage her to feel it. Meanings of words from the Eastern mind is different than the Western minds’ interpretation. Example “detachment” – think of immersion and allowing than cutting self off. The Cause to True Happiness Michael’s Terminology (Aramaic) Caller Julie in OR. Caller Joan asked for explaination again about “resist not fear” |
February 13 | Happy Eternal Day michael!
Thanks Michele for handling the switchboard!
February 14 | Happy Valentines Day.
16-day Laws of Living begins tonight! 2nd hour was a replay of Dec 1, 2015 show with Gail on parallels with AA 12 step |
February 15
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February 16
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February 17 | Callers Jack and Magda
Reminder of MindShifters Academy where you can listen to interviews from the radioshow and Dr Tim’s Thursday Support Group Another resource is “Christ Mind: where there are lots of FREE books michael explains the energy of the participants at LOL and the processing. Three Early Memories and How will my Healing Look? worksheets will uncover what your patterns are and what healing will look like. Videos from the LOL Intensive: Opening night #2 with Zack Bush, MD (medical doctor who shares his experiences when he has resuscitated people in the ER and they all said they were finally accepted and were enough just as they are and then all asked why did you bring me back) Day #3 after Breathing the group watched “Mystic India” (in 18th century India, a child travels 7 years barefooted, lives as Love teaching) Tuesday at 2:30 EST begins the FREE OPEN workshop “Why Is This Happening To Me … AGAIN?!” then Wednesday at 2:30 EST begins the LOL Session 1 Caller Susan B asked about the “End of Suffering” Louis Pasteur’s model of infectious disease was wrong, and that Antoine Bechamp’s was right. See ACIM “there is nothing to fear” change the language to a higher level language. michael said the Course is saying if you live as love then fear is not a requirement. Do as a mindshifter “The Creator is and always has conspired with every aspect of life to keep humans safe and thriving.” Caller Tim B, feels anxious as soon as he awakes. Thoughts come from sleep / dream state as well. |
February 18 | Caller Susan B discusses a panic with a friend who is suicidal. MindShifter “It is safe & healing for me to understand I am the only one who has ever created any emotion in my body. Safe to take 100% responsibility for what I feel. I am the only one I can fix.”
What will it take to let go of being the hero (or scape goat)? What level of helplessness and hopelessness will I have to allow to realize I can’t fix anybody but myself? What is driving me to think I have to be the ‘master healer’? Susan said a memory came to mind, when she was 7 her mother ran away and stayed away for 3 weeks, 5 kids in the house and Dad satayed home from work. Watched out the window for long time wanting to draw her back and then one day her 15 yr sister saw her mom sitting in a car watching her and that afternoon she came home. Felt such a desperation and panic. Connected to: a friend (current) says it is beyond hope. Susan was going to the hospital to see her sister and this lady called and said you are not a friend so I say goodbye. The friend’s abyss and panic is similar to Susan’s avyss and panic. michael said she might be looking at her mother again, do a worksheet as your mother or as the little Susan and as this current woman. Be straight up with this lady when she is lucid and aware. If you want me to support you then this is what it is going to look like …. not running over to your house everytime you call in a panic. One requirement is going to be attending the support group. She needs an investment in her life. When she does not get her way she then manipulates people by her anger and abuse and when there is noone to pour it on she dumps inside and goes into dispair. Her mother took an overdose when she was 9, sounds like an opportunity to clear this Mom stuff. Susan said she keeps picking up wounded birds. Luke is having belly symptoms and said he thinks it is from drinking so he voluntarily said he was going to his first AA meeting. One hears it then speaks it and it moves one into behavior. Pain makes your ears grow. Also, Clear out the energy before it becomes organic and shows up as distortion in physiology. For those doing LOL from home base, watch “Stress Portrait of a Killer” documentary the first LOL session is on Stress Caller Ann from FL, comment on the videos from yesterday’s show and starting her task list and wake-up sheets Caller Jurate expressed gratitude to Susan. Then asked about doing a worksheet on yourself. Jeanie said do it as the Love Jurate and the CBM Jurate |
February 19 | Dr Tim had a client bemoaning the fact she was not perfect and ‘beating up on herself’ – she described some of the healthiest parenting and yet was negative and with disgust for lack of perfection. But her parents were no where near as good as she is now. This is commone when we play the game of comparison. Bitter fruit of a comparitive life, not beneficial. With regularity Dr Tim has clients who use these tools and then become one of the healthiest people. Quote: “In an unhealthy society a ….”
If you are questioning where you are and what you can do to do better then that is an indication of already becoming healthier. Laws of Living are about living in relationship with the Eternal Forces not about following rules of a superior. Most participants of the LOL are from Teachers’ Training this past summer 2019 so the energy is high and on a different level. Caller Magda refer to yesterday’s question from Jurate about punishing oneself, whatever punishment I have in mind for the target of my upset (trigger) becomes a punishment for me because I am holding the thought which results in anger. michael said yes we get the original of all. Session I begins today at 2:30 Patrick Quinn made it to the intensive through his physical challenges and thanks to all who got him here (Julie and Vernie) Caller Ann said the LOL is coming from a different perspective this time. Then she asked about the homework. This is a lifetime journey, not ‘all done’. She shared spilling something this morning and realized she was aware and it was only a milisecond that she was in upset and then switched to it is OK. Proof of her work. michael said he has listened to the language in his mind at times (ie swearing) and wonders why were we even exposed to that rage and terror and fear. witrh no questions, michael needed to rest before class so we closed the show early |
February 20 | Thank you Michele for filling in for Jeanie |
February 21 | Dr Tim interviewed Beatrice Birch who has “Inner Fire” in Vermont for adults to recover from dibilitating and traumatic life challenges without psychotropic drugs, will be available soon via podcast.
Caller Susan B. made suggestion to put her interventionist in touch with Dr Tim. Discussion of meditation. Thought process can be ‘observed’ through my own speech. Dr Tim’s new podcast can be found via searching “On Your Mind – Dr. Timothy Hayes” LOL intensive (day 8) just completed the Verbal Links and MindGoal Management and now going into the Purpose exercise michael explains a furnace is indirectly controlled, the thermostat controls the furnace level. The mind is controlled indirectly as well, the mind is managed by Will (one of 5 Spiritual Faculties) and managing the goals. Goals create stress and the mind attempts to relieve the stress. You cannot manage the mind or the stress directly but you can manage it indirectly by managing your goals. Cancel goals not achievable in the next waking period. Will can also Frame, Select for immediate attention, Set goals and Maintain a goal. Dr Tim shared with michael about “Inner Fire” multidimensional approach to healing: nature, community and artistic. Sent Beatrice the links to the MP3s and forgiveness worksheet. Potential connection with our work here. She approaches holistically. Grace Brook Farm, 26 Parker Road, Brookline, Vermont 05345, 802.221.8051, Email us at Caller Ann (home participant of LOL) watched Getting the Stress last night. Question, when she was talking to her insurance company she attempted to stay connected but apparently she still had stress because she had a headache in the back of her head (perception area). Can you be both? michael pointed out the goal for it to be a certain way creates the stress (difference between the way you see it and the way you wanted it to be). How does it look like your life to be in pain or for people to not understand (or you to not understand). If you were in physical pain then it is a definite issue. |
February 22
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February 23
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February 24 | Dr Tim discusses with caller Susan B that nothing outside of you can ’cause’ anything within you
michael sent links to videos watched by the LOL intensive participants: Top psychiatrist (Bob Newhart ‘Stop-It’) Selectivity of perception michael talks about the Personal Code (PC) that controls people’s behaviors. Michelle Pischea drove down for 2 days and Breathed with the group and will be switchboarding tomorrow and will share her big openings. We came into this form by two parents who carried genes that were passed on. One can find themselves run by genetic influences of the past. Caller Julie asked is PC just a conglomeration of intentions and goals held in the CBM. michael said WE (the BEING) do not have a PC but the mind does, based on anything that is stored. My mind will force me in a behavior and we are about changing the mind. Delete those things that go against how I would choose to live. Use choice and monitor and use the tools to interrupt the patterns and cleanse out those things that don’t serve me as love. Follow the ‘protocol’ to get in alignment. The LOL course is about changing speech too, to more accurately reflect truth. Personal Code Evaluation wording has been changed to shift the term ‘Love’ as a verb to reflect that it is a noun – it is who we are not what we do. So we ‘Honor’ Self, Others and Truth not have ‘love for’. Julie offered the ‘Use of Will’ and the ‘First Law’ are crucial cornerstones and you have elaborated more. michael said this time the LOL Course is literally a new course, rewrite clarifies many aspects. Like Law is not the rule of a superior but Laws of the Universe. michael offered accolades to Julie for her work. Jeanie processed around her stress today. Caller Susan B asked about a post from WhatsApp Group about the ‘Elite’ operating out of non-being mind and that vibrational frequency should be taught and is not but used by few instead of masses. Why only the elite have the secret knowledge and are misusing it and the others of us are unaware. What prompted you to put it on WhatsApp? michael offered for over 2000 years it has been known the mind is controlled by its PC? And yet who ever told us about this possibility? We want to bring it out and get back to the point where we function as humans and support the world where we all function that way. Example the churches teaching to fear God when he says fear not. |
February 25 | Thank you Michelle for switchboarding. |
February 26 | Thank you Michelle for switchboarding. |
February 27 | Dr Tim talks to Julie in Allentown, PA about Commitments
Does not require belief. The tools give the results Caller Ann in FL discusses finding a notepad written by her Mom when losing her memory and seeing things now from her Mom’s perception. Caller Lucy, regarding a MindShifter on being responsible instead of wanting others to ‘fix it’ for me. Nothing useful came out of it except gratitude for my strength. michael pointed out the conflict in that statement: being grateful and recognizing your strength is absolutely useful! Lucy asked about not knowing what was behind some energy that surfaces with trauma. The goal is for it to move out of my structure. michael offers a mindshifter: “It is safe & healing & easy for me to embrace in Rakhma anything that surfaces from within me.” Lucy said that this was repeat goal. Not in touch with the thoughts behind the feelings and yet you can describe the ‘feeling’ michael offered a new level of energy and it does not grip her as tightly or hold on as long, progress! Caller Susan B. asked how to handle a ‘phobia’ – has a friend who is afraid of her dog, michael said do a love exchange with the dog. Jeanie shared a story of a lady at an intensive who went jogging and two dogs came at her snarling and she went into love exchange toward the dogs and they wagged their tails and walked with her. michael told about Patrick having an experience of being in the space of love while walking through the woods and then when a fear thought came about he felt his energy drop and mosquitoes and ticks came his way (he was in the food chain). Before fasting (for Lent) she caught herself stuffing sugar days before. michael talked about blood toxicity and inbalanced emotions. Look at the 4 things to see if you are healing or disease. Healing Crisis will look like: Physical – like any symptom you’ve had and low energy, Mentally – like any negative thought you’ve had and confusion (disinhibited), Emotionally – like any negative feeling you’ve felt and depression When symptomatic you can tell it is healing and not crisis: Have you been doing more of the “right” things in my life, Just before symptomatic did I hit a new level of vitality, Elimination increase moving load out of system so it becomes more vital (decrease during illness), Crave the drug you used when the diseased process happened Caller Darren, from LOL class this morning, was working on guilt and identified the goal was to continue to have guilt as a protection mechanism to stop him from doing a behavior. Jeanie shared when Ryan was growing up he would ‘beat up on himself’ with sorry and guilt – thinking if he did it then his Dad wouldn’t so it was a protection mechanism for him too. Caller Ann in FL, did the same as Susan did about going into Lent. Can she physically fall back into old habits even when doing the work? With no further questions or comments we closed the show 8 minutes early so michael could continue at the intensive. |
February 28 | Way of Mastery says all events are neutral. It is the energy within that is triggered from the past and called emotions.
Caller Ann from FL. Book suggestion: Erik Vance “Suggestible You: Curious Science of Your Brain’s Ability To Deceive” then Dr Tim shared a study (placebo vs treatment) for Parkinsons. And explained Dr Sarno stopping doing back surgery and began teaching educational classes. Lack of oxygen to tissue creates pain and inflammation, due to unproductive thought patterns. Caller Joan Caller Peter |
February 29
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Leap Year Day!
February 30
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February 31
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…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””