Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Radio Show Archive – September 2016

Professional Microphone

Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce


We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie  along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

September 1



Welcome to our new channel  Thank you Dr. Tim for filling in for Jeanie as she travels to TN today.
September 2



September 3



September 4



September 5



Labor Day. Miracle Monday.
September 6



continuation of yesterday’s Course lesson.
September 7



Recovery Wednesday! Recovering the truth of our nature – Love.

Dr Tim shared from their support group and the parallel of this work and the Way of Mastery.

Am I willing to question everything I believe. everything I think I know? I have been given the capacity to choose what I focus on and create from that focus. Choice to honor truth and stop blaming others for what I am experiencing.

Caller Gail. Shared the part about doing our own work is parallel to the 12-steps where we are to capture our thinking and take inventory and notice how we are reacting. Also, practicing the principles in every area of our life not just around the addiction.  She also could relate to the ‘willingness to question all beliefs’ this is mentioned by the Buddha as well. Believe that a power greater than ourself can restore us to sanity. Intuition (inner tutor) is greater than any external teacher.

Caller Donna. notified of a broken link on the website – thank you!

Caller Jill from Wilmington, needed assistance in getting through a wake-up sheet around an issue in her face, she can’t get to the loving space. Release fear and energy is moving. Then she was able to move to joy. Saw she had refused to look at some deeper Power Person issues, judged herself as wrong, now sees the truth of who she is – Love.

Caller Michele from Canada.

September 8



Dr Tim hosts.  Intro on creating consciously. Mind energy is a creative force.  Humans are the ony creature we know of that has choice to create something new. The robin will always build a robins’ nest. Our emotions/feelings are our alarm system to let us know if our creations are on or off the mark.  Breathing and tap into the miracle of life and choose differently. If that is not enough then use the tool of forgiveness. Aramaic forgiveness is not pardoning the trigger but going inside and changing our own mind… Reality Management Wake-up Sheet.

Yesterday’s show was a perfect example of the wake-up sheet changing a life within the matter of minutes with support.

Caller Susan from North Carolina shared a testimonial of her 3-1/2 year old grandson, Liam, and her son and working through an issue of upset on the child’s level. Acknowledgment to Julie Haverstick with her book Healing Children Loving Children.  They went shopping for a “Love Chair” not a time-out chair and how when the child did not feel loving they would sit in the chair until they returned to the state of love.  Her son acknowedged that Liam has changed since Susan’s visit and her discussion about cooperation and that they had not had to discipline the child since.

Caller Michele from Canada asked about the HCLC book and working with kids at school. Suggest she begin with reading the Napsha book and/or using the Inside Out dolls.

Dr Tim discussed “true spiritual knowledge” anything which works when you apply it in your life AND is compatible with any other true spiritual knowledge. More than mechanical religion – to do a ritual or chant and make it work for you. Not based on “I’m right and you are wrong” but tapping into my true nature as a part of the whole. Einstein says if we think we are separate or separated from others then we live in an optical delusion. We place ourselves in a prison by living separate.

Matt Kahn book “Whatever arises, Love that” the essence is recognizing that anything less than love that appears in my awareness, consciousness or physiology is showing itself because it needs love.

Michael Singer book “The Untethered Soul” Suggests stopping the process of negativity toward self.  What would it be like to be free from limitations and soar?

We have an infinite capacity to choose.  Question everything. Breathe! Open yourself to see your part in your experiences and use the Wake-up Sheets and change your world.

Alanis Morissette song “Madness”

September 9



Dr Tim offered from his group last night.

Susan from North Carolina and Julie Haverstick, author of “Healing Children Loving Children” discuss the “Love Chair” and following the rules to be on target as a do-er.  She shared a small child in her 1st grade class doing worksheets and seeing their family shift.  Julie said there is the same set of rules for adults and children, i.e. if one expects the child to show respect then the parent must show the child respect.  To stop the power struggle we must live within the Laws of the Universe.  Julie offered to include the child in making the rules for how the house will be run and be consistent with the rules. She also offered an example of taking a child to the store, to not expect them to be stimulated is a short-coming on part of the parent. Susan said she would love to see a separate program on the radio show (maybe once a month) for parents and children with Julie.  Children don’t do well with criticism and punishment but they want to do well and want to co-operate not be controlled.  The energy sent to the child and pushing them reflects as defiance or resistence – a power struggle. Set a personal code for the household (a Pagra) for how “we” will behave and treat each other….using the language of “I promise…” to set a commitment to each other.  Susan read the “I Promise to You” and “…to Myself”

In reference to explaining the energetic forces operating in our lives, i.e. gravity, does not matter whether you like it or not, or even understand it, the forces work regardless. Be conscious of it and co-operate with the forces to open the space for healing. Understand that genetics of the parents are in the child and will play out.

Caller Terri from North Carolina wants to get the HCLC book to begin working with children in her family.

michael offered a tool that Dr Tim uses with families. Example Hayes: happy, awesome, yes cooperative, eternal, supportive family.

Caller Michele from Canada ready to use these tools with kids.

September 10



September 11



September 12



Miracle Monday, due to schedule at HeartLand will not be doing ACIM today. Definition of a miracle is where an ancient hatred becomes a present love. Where we let go of a deeply embedded belief.  During the intensive the focus has been on watching our words to become aware of what dynamics are hidden often from ourselves.  To awaken to those things that separate us from God (Love).

Dr Tim speaks of applying the tools to his life and seeing things turn to the better.  Patterns have been negative self talk and then brushing aside or excusing the importance of the words and the resulting impact on their life.  Remembers the resistance he himself had when first learning regulatory speech and the intensity of the defensiveness.  Breathe and feel safe enough to let down the defense.

Jeanie shared about the Women Healing Women intensive this weekend in Michigan and upcoming possibilities for more women workshops.  Also shared an example of watching football and a lesson on ‘muscle memory’ which fits with what we teach about CBM.

Caller Michele from Canada, shared being suppressed as a child and then experiencing being shut down again this week.

Explanation to connect on the MindShifters Radio via internet.

Caller Roma, doing a worksheet on her sister who was aggressive with her as a child. Is this a power person issue? Realizes once she would not audition for a role because she couldn’t be better than another, fear of surpassing her sister.  Mindshifter: “The more I shine, the more people in my life cherish me and are there for me.” michael offered guidance. And a second M/S: “My sister always appreciated it, and me, when I was able to outshine and surpass her.” michael suggested she look at her own story that her sister really cherished and supported her and yet Roma made up the story that she did not support her…perhaps it is Roma’s need to be in control. It is her own construct that she is not supported. Jeanie offered, we often call it by something else when we do the behavior… i.e. “THEY ARE CONTROLLING” verses “I AM DEFENDING OR IT IS SURVIVAL”

michael covered the Power Person dynamic based on the level of stress in the mind.  How can you tell who your power person is/was?

Caller Julie from Oregon, at the intensive in HeartLand.  Shared that the part of herself that stayed with her commitment to come to the intensive proved out.  Since she has been at the intensive there have been clients calling her and setting up as new students.  Creation has moved to fulfil her needs.

September 13



Jeanie opened the show with the announcement that there is one residential space still open for the Women Healing Women in Michigan beginning Thursday, Sept 15.

Dr Tim hosting, explained the forgiveness work process and why and how to do it.

Go to and download (for FREE) wake-up sheets, power point presentation, videos and audios for further details. Also our YouTube channel and Facebook links.

ACIM lesson 164 “Open the curtain in your practicing by merely letting go all things you think you want. Your trifling treasures put away, and leave a clean and open space within your mind where Christ can come, and offer you the treasure of salvation.”

Discussion about the Power Person Worksheet and how to determine who your PP is, it is always based on the level of stress.

Caller Magda gave a testimonial for the Women’s intensive and she has spoken with another lady who has been to several of the women’s intensives and how much better/ deeper Jeanie has become as a teacher and presenter.

Caller Michele “ditto” and excited about having it at her house this week. Wants to turn it into an annual event at her house.

Caller Julie from Pahrump, doing the Power Person worksheet has helped her see the generational things and where her behaviors come from.

Caller Shanti, a friend with cancer.  Needs to clear mind-energy but the 7-step is too complex for him right now in his physical weakness.  Jeanie suggested the childrens’ worksheets or listen to the You-Tube videos.  Dr. Tim suggested the verbal 5 step short form.

September 14



Recovery Wednesday! Thanks Michele for filling in for Jeanie (who is shopping for the intensive).

Movie to see: “The Light Between Oceans” and the turn around that happens.  One person is totally rejecting another person and yet when they are able to ‘forgive’ there is gentleness and love.

September 15



Women Healing Women 4 day intensive begins today in Michigan! 13 ladies – one residential and four commuter spots available

michael discusses the differences in the Greek messages and the original Aramaic scriptures. Know the truth and the truth will set you free.  Words were changed because “kings” don’t want people to be free and have liberty to their own mind and thoughts.

This show is about transferring the tools to those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.  To recover to the state of ‘being.’

Dr Tim has another support group tonight and still in the loving memories of the meeting that was Tuesday night. No words to describe the awesome experience of a group that gathers to support each other in the deeper wake-up processes.

African proverb: If you want to go quickly go alone. If you want to go far, go together!”

Pattern seen is that of denial.  Difference in projection and externalization. Experiencing something and thinking that is being caused by someone or something outside me – projecting into my mind the image of something and the content that builds that image is from my experience and past and creating the belief it is outside them.

Another movies to see: “Sully” The person who holds the purpose “I need to protect myself from being victimized” will find someone to blame. Miracle on the Hudson. During the trial, a small minded FAA person goes in with the purpose of finding the pilot guilty so they can be innocent. The Captain Sully holds the space and stays conscious and is able to answer their accusations at every turn. Nothing was done out of the way yet the information was misused to fit the undermining goal. Right to privacy.

Discussion on our purpose (which follows perception) and the mind interprets what it sees and hears based on the purpose it holds.  michael explains the Purpose worksheet on the website. Once you have set a purpose then you align to that purpose.  Then your perception will take the conscious purpose and create a different construct.

Caller Tracey. Shared the wake-up sheet with her niece and she was able to get ‘present’ and experienced complete freedom around a situation with her mom.  She also shared it with her brother and saw his way through an issue and got free of the burden he was carrying. Gratitude for the love and training and the grace that is present at HeartLand. Being in the space helped accelerate her through the stress she had created in her life.

September 16



Michele covers the switchboard as Jeanie is continuing the Wake-up Sheet process within the Women Healing Women intensive.
September 17



September 18



September 19



Testimonials from the Women Healing Women intensive as well as the Laws of Living intensive: Lisa, Gail, Ann, Michele.

Gail corrected the number for the LOL conference calls.

September 20



Every idea that doesn’t become an ideal slays a power within you.

Dr Tim sees the pattern of people who are doing the work and yet need to retrain their mind to establish a new ‘default’ habit to pay attention to what is resonating inside when someone outside does a behavior that triggers.  Instead of blaming the one outside self.  Doing ones healing regardless of whether any one else does the work or not.

Jeanie shared some of her intense experience during the 4-day.

Question in chatroom about the body’s purpose is a communication device (according to ACIM). If something within me is resonating say anger then I am communicating that anger to the whole world.  I can forgive and replace that with Love and communicate something different, Love, to the whole world. Tim added from Way of Mastery that what we focus on is added energy toward the creation.  So, do we focus on the bad part of the story or do we step in with an outpouring of love toward those involved in the crisis? Communicate with this mind/body/energy system to the world the Love we are.  Our assignment is to extend our true nature in every interaction.

Question via text: People reference that time heals the pain (ie loss).  Reference the concept: Distance makes the heart grow fonder and familiarity breeds contempt.  It is the distance from the original event that quietens the energy but the pain is still there to be deal with the next time something triggers it.  The work is what heals, not time.  michael offers with the absence of a stimulus the content decays and it appears time has healed.  However, without true healing the content comes back forward.  Second part of question, “I need time to sort through what I am feeling” and somehow ‘thinking’ about things will bring clarity.  Jeanie offered this was a different path about time, here the person is actually talking about figuring it out not taking time….

michael offered the story about the coffee not being too sweet if you don’t stir the sugar….we desire to stir it, in a safe space where there is support using the tools (skill set), to move through the layers.

Caller Terry B., in hospital with bowel obstruction.  Needs support.  michael offered he needs to drink lots of pure water to move the bowels.  What do you need to let go of that you are holding onto?

September 21



Recovery Wednesday!  Michele from Michigan is open and vulnerable to process an issue she perceives is ‘because of her husband’ and willing to be coached. By end of the show it was evident her energy was shifting and she was softening.

Ron B. from MA, added to this powerful conversation.

September 22



Congrats to Michele for allowing in the ‘drops of grace’ yesterday.

Support Group at Magda’s last night, eight people holding the space as, together, we worked through a wake-up sheet.

Caller Michele from Canada, shared that from the work she is doing there is a different dynamic going on. Her daughter and parents have called out of the blue.  She is getting back benefits. Thanks to Julie Haverstick for working with Michele as well.

Caller Gail acknowledged Michele P for her process yesterday. Gail has opened the conference calls for anyone who has gone through Laws of Living and wants to complete the homework assignments. Once weekly on Sunday 6:30PM CST is a formal structured call and then daily at 6:30AM CST to go over assignments and 10:00PM CST – call 515-739-1020 and code 959327# The evening call is to frame goals for the next day and discuss dream log.

Reference a radio show where Richard was projecting and resistance August 8, 2019

Caller Julie from Oregon.  Establishing a new pattern, including the support calls, to be successful in her work.  michael offered some new research says it takes 66 days to establish a new habit.

We must continue the work to wash our minds. Just like we continue to wash our bodies…otherwise it gets stinky.

September 23



Look at the idea that we each have two minds … just think about the conversation going on in your head, who is talking to who and giving you the meaning for what is happening in your life. Can’t figure it out or fix and change someone else – must change your mind, change your reality.  Recognize the source of your thinking…Power Person dynamics? It will lead you in the wrong direction. Source is Love? You will be led properly.

Caller Shelly. If our emotion is taken to the logical mind and then comes back to the wise mind (Mind of Christ).  michael offered that the “logical mind” is from CBM. Thoughts from the body’s mind then produce the emotion.  Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” The rational mind has great information for us but we want to follow the “intuitive mind” (the Mind of Christ).  Love is the fuel that is designed to run the mind.

Creation of personal wars, inter-personal wars, national wars.   Separation of people.  What is your ‘cross’? What keeps you from experiencing Love 24/7/365?

Caller Julie from Pahrump thanks for everyone holding the space, she had surgery Tuesday and feels great. Went into it with a great sense of humor, getting a little clearer headed (pain medication). Going to support class tonight.

Caller Roma from Hawaii. Awesome intro today. Discussion about Mind of Christ being an open channel to God. She shared this work with a Muslem friend and her devotion to her perception of God might be compromised with the thought the Mind of Christ.  michael offered it is not a religeous teaching, it is how the mind works.  Not asking anyone to give up their belief systems, Y’Shua was not a religeous teacher.  Religion is man made.  Take it, don’t believe a word of it, use the tools and see how it works.

Caller Brenda from Memphis.  The morning group is going well and keeping her on track to do the Laws of Living homework.  In regards to Muslem beliefs, they are actually in alignment with the LOL, YShua is mentioned in their Quran (or Koran) more than even Muhammad. The idea that it is a violent religion is propagated by men with an agenda.  Fear is a commandment of men to control others.  This is seen in every religion to some degree.  Suggests a book: “The Thousand Year War in the Mideast: How It Affects You Today” (An Uncle Eric Book) by author Richard Maybury.

September 24



September 25



September 26



Miracle Monday. What is Forgiveness? “An unforgiving thought is one which makes a judgment that it will not raise to doubt, although it is not true. The mind is closed, and will not be released. The thought protects projection, tightening its chains, so that distortions are more veiled and more obscure; less easily accessible to doubt, and further kept from reason. What can come between a fixed projection and the aim that it has chosen as its wanted goal? An unforgiving thought does many things. In frantic action it pursues its goal, twisting and overturning what it sees as interfering with its chosen path. Distortion is its purpose, and the means by which it would accomplish it as well. It sets about its furious attempts to smash reality, without concern for anything that would appear to pose a contradiction to its point of view.

Forgiveness, on the other hand, is still, and quietly does nothing. It offends no aspect of reality, nor seeks to twist it to appearances it likes. It merely looks, and waits, and judges not. He who would not forgive must judge, for he must justify his failure to forgive. But he who would forgive himself must learn to welcome truth exactly as it is. Do nothing, then, and let forgiveness show you what to do … Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still.”

Dr Tim had a client who taught herself the power of the mind to create physical discomfort.  Suggests listening to Peter Mayer’s song “Holy Now”

michael mentioned the movie “Sully” and how it exemplifies how one’s goals (the purpose) in the mind will distort perception.  The FFA appeared to have the purpose of blaming human error and could not see evidence to anything opposite.  Caller Shelly defended the FFA and stressed this is a movie.  michael stated whether it was true or false it presents the principle and that is what he is referencing.

Caller Tracey announced the beginning of a “wake-up sheet hour” the hour before the radio show. Call in 515-739-1020 access code 959327# for anyone who wants the support of doing a wake-up sheet.

Caller Ann, shared the power of the calls and the support given. Then asked about perception being off, actuality verses reality.  michael spoke of how you can tell if your reality is fairly accurate or if it is lying to you. Are you connected to source or in hostility and/or fear.

Caller Julie from Oregon, acknowledged the support on the conference calls.  Invited everyone to join them.  Mention of dream states.  Excited about new options, use teas instead of coffee ( is a herbal caffeine free coffee tasting drink)

Message from chatroom requests explanation of 4 things that will happen when one does the work and the spouse or partner won’t.

September 27



Trigger verses Cause. Ex. Fear unresolved often presents itself as rage, resulting in someone getting out of the space or relationship.  Hostility or fear destroys physiology. We set up an energy field that calls in someone to play it out with us to give us the opportunity to heal. Recognize the “good old family feeling” and that what you are experiencing is inside you.  If you choose to leave that relationship, think there is too much water under the bridge?, know that it is all changeable. But know if you leave eand don’t make the change to ’cause’ you will draw in another to play it out again. Energetically when we stop demanding to be abused we will stop drawing in the abuser. Perception is built out of the content of your mind. Relationships based in matching bags of garbage are not love relationships.

Get back to the place where you are in the space of active present love and then in that state you may choose to consciously leave but if you leave when in the state of denial (hostility and fear, blaming another for what you are feeling) you will make a mistake (think of the right side of the board during workshops, what were you feeling when you did something you regret?)

Dr. Tim shared an insight that in his experience, that a higher percentage of grade school and high school level children latch onto the tools more easily than most adults.  Share this with your kids.

Brief mention of the presidential debate. The word debate means to ‘beat up’

Doing the list to appear loving in a relationship or life in general is not being love.

Email from a friend in Finland. Address her issue from being 2 years old and feeling abandoned and seeing that manifest through her life.  Being alone in order to not face the fear of being left alone. How do you do the worksheets on this level of a child issue? And doesn’t true relationship mean two people giving quality to the relationship? TS Elliott, “propitiation: tis the highest treason to do the right thing for the wrong reason.”

Dr Tim added the different angles and perspectives that gain insight into the same work adds validity.

YShua understood how to access and change the unconscious mind…it was not theology but how the world works.

September 28



Announcement that we will be doing a  4-hr Why Again workshop in Vandalia, IL on Saturday October 8th 1:00-5:00PM, thank you Gail for setting up the venue.

“The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information” one of the most highly cited papers in psychology. Published in 1956 by the cognitive psychologist George A. Miller (Harvard, MIT, Princeton Universitys). Re: the number of objects (or bits of information) an average human can hold in working memory is 7 ± 2. This is frequently referred to as Miller’s Law. When our 9 bits are full of denial blame, guilt, shame, etc from our own database (carbon based memory) then there is no room for anything else and we may not see truth of actuality.  Taking responsibility for our own reality (thoughts and feelings) is the first step.  The mind is an evidential device and provides evidence that supports our held purpose or goal. No one can “cause” anything to happen within you.  If you feel it then it is yours.  May be very appropriate to hold someone accountable for their untoward behavior but their behavior does not cause you to feel.  If you hold a disintegrative energy in your system it becomes your physiology (your pain and dis-ease) and calls in someone to resonate it for your healing.  If we don’t change the internal then we will continue to draw in the same triggers.

Recovery Wednesday!  The truth of our BEING is Love.  The process of the tools is to recover who we are.  Movie:”Thanks for Sharing” perfect example of the work it takes to face the pain and deal with the addictions and return to being (when anger is not enough to cover the pain then one will turn to some additive substance).

Caller Gail B., created support for herself by offering support to others. She set up the morning conference calls 6:30-8:00AM for Laws of Living participants to do their homework together and then evening calls to go over goal cancelling and dream focus. And then there is a call the hour before the radioshow to do wake-up sheets.  Gail has spoken to both her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend to come, hoping her dad and step-mom will attend as well, giving flyers to her AA friends as well. Lots of religious hang-ups, cultural/generational stuff, drug culture, and other issues in Fayette County. Hope this builds interest to start a MindShifters Group and/or teaching a Laws of Living class. “My think can lead to a drink, can lead to a drunk” change the thinking first (same as in Aramaic Forgiveness).  She celebrated 17 years of continued sobriety last Sunday! Congrats! Conversation about the importance of 90 meetings in 90 days, then what on day 91?

Caller Ron B., new baby boy is awesome and beautiful, Ron took the baby into his daughter Grace’s room this morning and she was so receptive and held him sweetly.  A few days ago he did a MindShifter with his wife, each one writing the M/S and what came up for them, it was powerful. However now Ron is feeling very challenged today, perhaps in a healing process. He found a job but he sees it as ‘underemployeed’ and some ‘victimhood’ when he was asked to do something and he felt rage about it. michael offered a subtle change in thinking, notice the ways the mind slips into denial, from “it triggered rage in me.” Modeling this for the little ones is critical, be a human being instead of a power person.  Then about the recovery process, the 90 in 90 was a much needed victory for him, doing it with a sponsor was also crucial. michael offered to ‘give up the success sensation’ and shift to ‘constructive success’ – negative path or constructive path. Ron offered that resonated finding faults in another to feel better about self – a negative success.

Addicts often point the finger (the faults) toward others to keep from looking at their own problems. Example of a friend who won’t go to NA because ‘those people are ….’ and I’m not like that. Yet they can’t quit.  Or may say the program broke down at step 9, that is a subtle way of dissociating from truth.

September 29



The simple words “about that” or “because of” are like the words “you made me” – they attribute our upset to something outside of us. Some people think they are immune to the way the mind works, they don’t understand that perception is a construct of the mind and its content. If one is in hostility or fear then the content is made of corrupt data and they are not seeing the truth. Bring it to doubt. We must be plugged into our power supply of Love to see the truth of the actuality.

Movie done by The Representation Project called “The Mask You Live In” began with a quote by George Orwell, “He wears a mask and his face grows to fit it.” Partially narrated by Joe Ehrmann (coach and former NFL player) said his father would say, “Be a man!” and he felt it was the three most destructive words. Synopsis: Pressured by the media, their peer group, and even the adults in their lives, our protagonists confront messages encouraging them to disconnect from their emotions, devalue authentic friendships, objectify and degrade women, and resolve conflicts through violence. These gender stereotypes interconnect with race, class, and circumstance, creating a maze of identity issues boys and young men must navigate to become “real” men. – See more at: Film: the mask you live in

We are here to understand the principles of how the mind works and offer usable tools to undo the disintegrative energies, to drop the masks.  Aramaic Forgiveness removes what never belonged.

Dr Tim brought in “the keeper of my limitations”

Caller Ron B., in a sweet space today. Moving through nicely. Listening to the intro, the “be a man” has impacted the mind energy he himself has taken on. He recalls a lot of his youth being violent. Also the basement and power person story really resonates. Forgiveness dissolves the false self we have taken on.  Ron said he uses Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) which uses the mental ability to reprogram limiting assumptions, beliefs and behaviors that prevent a person from reaching a desired goal or outcome. NLP exercises uses the five senses as tools to communicate new behavior patterns to the mind.

Caller Tracey G., gave her great update on her eyes and the improvement she’s making physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Eye pressure has gone down from 21 to 17 and her vision in her left eye went to 20/40 without light which means there is not permanent damage to the optic nerve.  Reframing her thinking and she is healed.  michael said he thought the appearance of her eyes were 85% better from when she arrive to when she left HeartLand.  Tracey said she went back through her LOL notes and then did some google searching for Aramaic books, she found George Lamsa and Rocco Errico.  Ask michael for suggestions? George’s work was 40s and 50s and limited his edits but his commentaries are great, Rocco is a protege of Lamsa. Rocco does some awesome stuff, extremely knowledgeable.  Buy any and all of both gentlemen’s books but you’ll not find the depth of the forgiveness work. They are more religious and philosophical where as the Khabouris work we do approaches more from psychological perspective of Y’Shua. Just looking from a different perspective.

Caller Ann M., everything said so far makes sense and helps her get through a worksheet. She had gotten stuck and was blubbering, being the child dealing with Dad stuff. She went to the grievance sheet and attempted to come back to the wake-up sheet. Asked for help to move through. michael offered she has put on the mask of the little girl and is identifying with that experience but that is not who she is.  Release and surrender the story? michael invited her at that point to start a second worksheet “fear of mom dying” in 1D, back into the feeling of terror, wanting the step mom to be gentle and respectful with her mother or for Mom to be safe…cancelling this will allow you to drop into the fear and begin dissolving the fear. Ann realizes she pardoned her but did not forgive the fear. Hydra worksheet:  Dad, anger, he should have done something, I want him to take care of the situation and my mother, bring stepmom into line, etc. Then drop underneth to the energetic level.

OOTA – a suffix that means there is an underlying force to the behavior … continue conversation tomorrow.

September 30



michael shared some texts between himself and another person (permission given) around the power of our words and seeing what is inside of us.  This gentleman said he had major madness at himself around all of his past relationships and how things could have been different.  michael offered the “non-being self” has to die for the “true being self” to live.  And the subtlety of words and what it tells you, observe your patterns and learn to catch your unconscious mind at its game.  The “major madness at self” is probably a power person dynamic that then impacts perceptions, decisions and behaviors. He goes on to say if he had been a true loving space instead of reacting (doing an action again) and sending them spiralling downward then the relationship may have been able to move forward.  michael explains until a deep, deep amount of work is done the behavior of the PP will automatically take over when under stress, even if you know better. It requires facing the unconscious dynamics and healing them in order to change the behavior.

Caller Shelly, the texts were his so to take it to the next level, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” but when stress is up we do the same thing. michael offered, when there is no stress it is easy to sit back and say “I should have…” and “in the future that is what I’ll do…” but until healed we can’t choose, the automatic decision system takes over.  Later in the text he said “I feel furious with myself”, notice it was earlier turned on her and when she is gone you pointed it on yourself..a lifetime of fury, generational habits.  Also, once you said “I don’t have a goal to get back with her” yet later you said “it may take me a thousand years to get back with her” so the goal is still lurking there. Once healed you can reestablish the goal but if you pretend the goal is not there then you can’t cancel it, without cancelling it, you can’t access what’s unresolved under it.

michael offered, you are so hard on yourself because your PP was. Shelly said his Dad used to say “If you are not the winner, if you are second place it means that you are just the first loser.” MindShifter: “It is safe and healing and I enjoy and delight in being the first loser.”

Caller Ann, conversation around her Power Person and her feeling abandoned. michael said notice how the PP dynamics played out with you and now ask “Were there times when my own kids wanted assurance and I did not have capacity to give it and they felt abandoned?” Acquire skills needed to do it differently than what was modelled for me.  And, “Has there been times when you wanted assurance from your kids and you felt abandoned by them?” They simply played out the PP dynamic too. And be patient with yourself and them.  It takes what it takes and the support is awesome.

Dr Tim, enjoying people being very honest about the work.  Shared his support group last night and the power of the worksheet process. Encourage people to find a support group and/or start one.

Caller Magda, share the work done by a Mom and her son in support group and also at HeartLand during the breath session last week.

Announcement: the wake-up sheet conference call, the hour before the radio show, call in 515-739-1020 access code 959327# for anyone who wants the support of doing a wake-up sheet.

September 31





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