Discover Your True Nature…LOVE!


Archived Radio Shows February 2013

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Listen to MindShifter Radio with The Forgiveness Doctor, dr. michael ryce

We could use your help!  If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Contact Jeanie along with the date of the show.  Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages!  Thanks for your help!

February 1



  • GUEST HOST:  Dr. Tim Hayes
  • An introduction to the reason for this show: responsibility, tools, forgiveness, our true essence – Love
  • Rex and Mitzi – go to to get information about the Saturday memorial and the Sunday service and workshop
  • Opening the mind to allow shifting the mind, questioning versus believing, being aware every moment as we create our reality by what we are focused on
  • Examples of information from the CIA website which has much data about how the mindworks to fill in the gaps
  • Every pain within us is from our own mental errors
  • Falling in Love Backwards” (Amazon) a new book  recommended by a caller as a help to uncovering dissociated relationship issues
  • Living from the present rather than the past
  • Choosing sustained incoherence or the coherence of a higher Mind
  • “I’m going to die if I’m not right,” a common and strong belief



It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
February 3



It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
February 4



       GUEST HOST: Dr. Tim Hayes

  • “I wonder” questions and how this practice helps improve the quality of our lives
  • The limitations of the mind to “figure it out” and how the forgiveness work leads to a better outcome
  • A discussion of the “power person” dynamic as it relates to a caller’s jealousy, fear, sadness, and anger
  • A story that illustrates that the advice we give, is the advice we need
  • A tool to guide us in how to communicate responsibly – free on this website
  • A discussion of the signs of power struggles and how to be aware of and handle them –
  • Listen to an audio file free on Dr. Tim’s website, , go to media, click on audio, and find the title “Dr. Hayes reads chapter 1& 2 of Parenting Power Struggle Handbook”
February 5



February 6



  • Discipline – properly beaten or properly taught? A discussion about violence in our culture and taking responsibility for teaching other skills – “Have you noticed that we don’t make very good choices when we are angry?”
  • Regulatory Speech is mostly solidified by the age of 13
  • Living in the world and speaking up while we do our own work
  • If I have turmoil about something and talk about somebody else, then I am in denial of a part of my carbon based memory that needs healing
  • The story of Gandhi, sugar, advice, modeling and children
  • Sharing elements of the grieving process for the generations
February 7



February 8



February 9



It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
February 10



It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
February 11



        Today’s Topic:  Healing Children, Loving Children

  • The brainwashing of our children into a mentality of violence
  • The balance between guidance of our children and allowing them to make their own choices (which are really the choices the world imposes on them)
  • An excellent example of teaching the work to children using a story that resulted from asking Rookha for help, and the continuing growth experiences in the family
  • Some wonderful examples of using the worksheet and teaching these concepts and tools to 1st graders  in school
  • A story of how learning this work as a 9th grader prepared a young woman for a fully Human and successful life
  • The value and importance of making our children do what they don’t want to do rather than trying to be liked
  • To get Dr. Tim’s free handbook on parenting , go to
  • Using  the “old lady, young lady” picture to show children that our focus produces the reality we see
February 12



  • Creating a mission statement with the family’s last name
  • Parents doing their own work and modeling the work moves children toward healing
  • Taking the opportunity to do worksheets with children
  • Forgiveness is secular
  • Modeling for children : what you do is more important than what you say
  • Labeling children on the inside, even though you don’t speak it, till affects the child
February 13



February 14



  • The meaning of “forgive as to your brother
  • To be able to communicate in the chat room, must create a user name and password on Earth Angels/ Blog Talk Radio so that when you log in each day, your name will show up and you will be able to comment back and forth
  • Setting limits in response to something that is unacceptable to us and doing our work around our own feelings
  • Our reality – internal to the mind, and unique to the person who is experiencing it as it relates to being insulted
  • How our perceptions change after clearing (forgiving) our own hostility and fear around another
  • How distorting it is when we want someone else to be different, and the “power person” dynamic
  • A discussion of propitiation (doing all the right things for the wrong reasons)
  • Practical tools for changing your life for the better rather than a philosophical/ theological discussion
  • Preventing the need to go to the doctor – proactive management of our stress using the forgiveness tools


February 15



  • Connecting to Love as a way to help heal self-loathing and negative thoughts
  • We will create negative thoughts out of habit until we change the habit by connecting to Love
  • Sending Love to others in pain
  • Four “files” parents often give to their children:  Fault, Failure, Hopeless & Helpless
  • Getting tools out to children
  • Being willing to go through the symptoms of healing
  • The attachment to guilt makes guilt  energetically attracted
  • Asking Rookha d’Koodsha for help in guiding children into their own insights instead of lecturing
February 16



It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
February 17



It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
February 18



  • Stories of “The White Birds and Black Birds” and the “gift given to the Buddha” from the book, “The Gentle Art of Blessing
  • Video “Stress, Portrait of a Killer” on this website to see the results of positive and negative energy in our lives    
  • An explanation of the mass cancelling step in the lower box on the worksheet 
  • Rex shares what he learned about regret (the invitation to do something differently); being in the present; feeling our emotions rather than indulging them; and the gifts of Oneness that have resulted from his son’s passing 
February 19



  • A discussion of premature positive thinking related to denial, trust, and building a positive foundation
  • A question related to Karma and Dharma
  • The reality shifts from watching and studying the On Creating Consciously DVD
  • Approval and Love; “I’ll show you” or allowing our creativity to guide our creations
  • The elemental force that was designed for humans to use
  • A discussion about the meaning of forgiveness
February 20



  • The new space that has been opened on the planet around processing the death of a loved one
  • Worldwide use of these tools, positive feedback, and welcoming support
  • A story of the “Michelin” lady that illustrates the layers that cover our true Being
  • Hostility and fear are acquired, layer over our Loving essence, and can be removed by the forgiveness process
  • The possibility of an intensive being the next step for a caller
  • A caller shares the remarkable changes in his life because of putting the pen to the paper over time (doing his forgiveness work using these tools)
  • Sad relegions” as observed by a 7 year old
  • It’s the pattern that we are in that tells us that we can’t change but it is not true
February 21



February 22



  • Dr. Tim invites people who want to start a support group to get in touch with him if they want some guidance
  • A new support group is starting in Gainesville, FL on Tue. and Thurs. and a new way of doing a support group
  • Definitions of the Aramaic meaning of sin – off the mark, missed the bull’s eye and evil  missed the target completely. Another definition is “unfinished.”
  • Alcoholism – the “Codependence to Interdependence Workshop” would be a wonderful help with this issue and a few spots have opened up in the workshops starting on March 17th and 29th (see the schedule of events on this website)
  • A discussion of how the meaning of forgiveness was changed, the affects on our body/mind structure, and how true forgiveness really works on our multi-generational data base
  • A caller shares how her life has changed since she started this work and how the intensives have been a tremendous support in learning to use the tools
  • A discussion of how we’ve been fooled: ” I love you”;  finding someone to love or to love you; forgiving others or ourselves; claiming the identity of a sinner.
  • Another caller speaks of the positive aspects of going to intensives (9 or more days at Heartland or other locations)
February 23



It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
February 24



It’s the weekend!  Please try another day!
February 25



  • The technology of forgiveness; the multi-generational data base; a true human life
  • An explanation of how the March intensives work (see the events schedule on this site for dates)
  • A discussion of victimhood or personal power and responsibility as it relates to interviewing a potential therapist
  • In depth discussion of fluoride and chlorine in water – see American Water Distillers on EBay if you are looking for a good, inexpensive distiller for drinking water, also important to use a filter in the shower or a whole house filter
  • The addictive aspects of sugar vs. cocaine and the effects on our bodies
  • Tune in tomorrow for more discussion on water: alkaline and acid, etc
February 26



February 27



February 28



  • A discussion of fraud and mis-representation of fish in markets and stores.
  • An in depth discussion of step 5 on the worksheet regarding the goal as ‘driver,’  ‘building’ our reality, and ‘collapsing’ that reality by cancelling the goal
  • A few more possible analogies that could be used to explain the dynamics of step 5
  • A summary of the process

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