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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to contact Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
February 1 | Talk about the “Commitment” today … the solution side of “Healing Through Relationships” (
Dr Tim Support Groups accessed at Caller Grady, transcribe radioshows and you have a new book (audio). Generate funds for HeartLand Projects and such. michael asked the community to hold the space for Susan D (from Wilmington) and her significant other, Doug, they are in Texas and he is having a medical procedure done. Personal Code towards self |
February 2
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February 3
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February 4 | “…feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear, instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we’re holding back. They teach us to perk up and lean in when we feel we’d rather collapse and back away. They’re like messengers that show us, with terrifying clarity, exactly where we’re stuck. This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it’s with us wherever we are.” Pema Chodron
Caller Susan in PA, Pema is an American Buddhist nun. Talk about Physiological Effects of Emotional Suppression (worksheet can be downloaded at We experience an energetic pattern moving within (E-Motion is energy in motion) that triggers us into activity to bring us back to what we need to heal. Perk up and lean in to feel and heal but the CBM will say back away. michael gave the example of a woman who had pancreatic / blood sugar problems until she dealt with the grief of losing her husband. Went through the Pineal Gland shut down linked to Enthusiasm not being expressed. Refer to: “Who’s the Matter With Me?” by Alice Steadman and “Heal Your Body” by Louise Hay Dr Tim spoke toward all the different people offering the TRUE teachings which are about a practive we step into not about following a person or institution. The ability to direct our mind energy towards fear or love. Takes awareness and practice. michael will be in Birmingham AL from Sunday Feb 17 to Monday Feb 25… 9 FREE workshops plus an all-day Sasturday MindShifter/StillPoint Breathing workshop. Next events are at HeartLand Caller Ann, what’s the difference between compassion and enabling? michael offered one is from love (holding the person in love) even if offering ‘hard’ truth about their behavior in order to assist them in changing their destructive behavior while enabling supports the destructive behavior to continue. Ann said sometimes she will get her husband the foods he wants even though she knows they are bad for him and his self created dis-eases. continue discussion tomorrow. |
February 5 | michael shared a conversation with a lady who was concerned about her daughter taking her grandchildren to Africa to live (job transfer)
continuation of the Physiological Effects of Emotional Suppression: worksheet can be downloaded at covered steps through Fear and Propitiation (doing the right thing for the wrong reason) which then leads to grief and sadness. Caller Michele, going into court tomorrow and has such sadness about being ‘ripped off’ – michael said rejection is probably the underlying issue. Cancel the goal for the outcome to be successful. Think about all the times you have felt rejected. Were my thoughts about not being good enough or guilt about what’s wrong with me or shame. Look at relationships with Mom and Mark and this is a reoccurring theme. Life sets up circumstances to ‘amp it up’ for healing. She remembers in 2013 (when she first began this work) and Aaron’s graduation party and being in overload and Rex saying cancel the goal for the party to be successful and thinking are you crazy? Dr Tim says the area is under threat of an ice storm tonight so he will do the support group tonight via Zoom. 6:30 central time – accessed at announcement that the work may be syndicated by another group and put us on many other radio broadcasts. continue with step on Fear and Sympathy. Caller Peter in Sweden. Sons are 19 and 23, Elliot was only 6 months when the family lived at HeartLand. Thinking about ‘Feeling’ and on the wake-up sheet there are a couple of places that ask for your feelings and yet you have said ‘don’t do what you feel’ and Peter said he does not feel anything. michael reminded Peter he said ‘too much was coming up when you went down the list of Physiological Effects’ that means he was feeling them and is denying he is feeling them. Ran out of time – he will call back on Tuesday (the only day he can). michael will touch base with him after the show. |
February 6 | Prayers for Dr Tim, he’s broken the top of his tibia bone and getting treatment today.
michael shared a post he made on Facebook of a man who during WWII shot a woman and it haunted him for 70 years until he returned to Germany and asked her family for forgiveness ( They can pardon him but forgiveness is his own removing of the internal wound, grief and pain. Listen to John McDermott’s song “Christmas in the Trenches” there are no enemies continuation of the Physiological Effects of Emotional Suppression: worksheet can be downloaded at covered steps Grief, Apathy and Unconsciousness. michael called Peter in Sweden to the show, discussion of feelings and crying. Am I in sympathy or compassion? Found it easier to identify with the negative going down the list instead of the wonderful things. caller Mary R. in IL, update on Dr. Tim’s Support Groups. Discussion on walking away and yet continuing to do our work around our part in the situation. |
February 7 | Hold the space for: Dr Tim who we found out has a bone fracture in his leg. Michele for her court issues. Susan and Doug during his surgery procedure.
Communication – we can either react (re-do an act again) or we can respond responsibly realizing that whatever we are experiencing is ours (worksheet downloaded at went through Step 2, Objective Observation, stopped for questions. Chatroom comment: “My words are my spells, so I do cast them wisely, for the universe is always listening and takes everything I say, literally, Literally!” michael said look at the word ‘spelling’ it places a spell. Example people ask ‘how old are you?’ or how many times around the sun? Caller Michele update, joined Dr Tim’s Zoom Tuesday night Support Group and processed with the group the thought of ‘if I lose’ and realized re-living it over and over and suffering was not required. can access archives of the support groups. Comment to chat person, 2013 introduced to this work and joined this group of therapists, remember saying ‘I love my job so much that I would do it for free’ be careful what you ask for. The last few days the process has shifted. michael spoke of what signal is being sent out and gave the example of ‘living in poverty’ when he first began this spiritual work and when that changed was when he changed his mind-energy around it. |
February 8 | Dr Tim gave update on his leg. Grateful for use of tools. Thursday night group last night did Guy Finley. Awesome and amazing when people show up and are willing. The discomfort and pain in his leg increased and chose to go see an orthopedic physician but insurance did not cover specialists. Used the tools and breathing and realizes the frustration that would have been up withpout the tools.
We see as through a glass darkly – when a circumstance happens do we see it clearly or darkly. We must clean the glass of it’s darkness. Jeanie presented the questions (received in texts last night) that there was a conflict in what was discussed on yesterday’s show and Tuesday night’s support group around changing what expresses in the world by changing our thinking or does it happen anyway? Jeanie gave the example of GPS directions and free-will. michael said the real question is “are we creators or aren’t we?” If we are then what we think changes the outcome. If we are not creators then we do not change the outcome but change our feeling/thinking. If I hold a trauma then I will draw trauma to me for resolution, once I change the internal (i.e. release the trauma) then I quit drawing that experience to me … and if I draw it in then my response is different. His take is we do shift the event in our life. Dr Tim said it is both. And when he realized he could lay out his vision board and focus on it and at the end of his vision statement he puts “this is going to happen OR something better” he realizes there is something greater than he can envision in the first place. Hold the awareness that he does not know it all and many things that have happened that he might call disasters have led to the best in his life. Tuesday night they spoke of pouring energy into a goal and if it resonates peace and joy then add more energy but if it resonates fear or negative energy then I contribute to the outcome I say I don’t want. begin with Step 3, Subjective Observation through Step 7, Problem Solving. Dr Tim added how this process clarifies that I am the one creating my upset and that I really want to heal anything less than my clear focused awareness of my true nature. Caller Susan in PA, ACIM says “I need do nothing, my holiness can do anything and everything” this is something I invite on some level but there are two good friends who suffer from depression and won’t use the tools and I become frustrated. michael offered Y’Shua “thought it not robbery to be equal with God and yet remained humble.” Not talking to the EGO of controlling everyone but that when I show up as conscious active love then I become the space that can draw out of them (makes it safe enough) that the shift occurs. And if they need to suffer more then I can be the space for their suffering and do not have to have it resolved. Dr Tim offered the Q&A of the Way of Mastery, free will cannot be usurped. Y’Shua always said ‘your faith made you whole’ not that he did it. |
February 9
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February 10
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February 11 | Prayers for Kim Bruce who is in hospital. For Dr. Tim’s leg injury, see him dancing. Doug recovering from surgery and Susan D. We hold the space for the absolute presence of love to be in everyone. michael shared his healing crisis last week, was updating his CoDependence workshop notes in preparation for going to Birmingham next week. CoDependence portion including the Power Person dynamic. Jeanie inhaled a piece of cauliflower and went through about 24 hours of intense coughing and bronchial irritation before she coughed it up. Then he shared his lung issues from birth, so michael layed down to breathe and cancelled the goal for Jeanie to be well and comfortable and the base of his spine turned in 2 directions simultaneously. A huge physical spasm. What he got was that he had taken on the discomfort of his father as he himself had trouble breathing as a child. The genetically bred concern of his Power Person. Accumulative database stores everything. Healing crisis shows up sympomatically like the disease process did when the energy went in. We must look at these dynamics to heal.
Spoke with Brenda in Memphis and the opportunity is open for her to go into the prison and do a program during the 90 days before a prisoner is released, teaching forgiveness. Many people in prison jump at the opportunity to release energies if it means their children will not follow in their footsteps. When I am not willing to deal with an issue …. I am condemning my children to the same. Summarized the Communication Rules 7-steps. Caller Linda from HeartLand. Was watching CoDependence to InterDependence video at the Support Group last night at Chuck & Magda’s. Question that came up, we come in as the essence of love and then it is killed, we give it up. michael corrected that it kills the “awareness of Love” (who we are) but Love is still there. Imagine the child running on the power supply of sweet energy of love. As it grows and the people around it are not functioning as love but out of their drama and trauma, the child can take on energy from their Power Person when they hear often enough the statements of ‘what’s wrong with you’ ‘why don’t you’ etc. Even without the generational impact. The moment of giving up their Being is the point of the greatest rage. Linda asked how do we dismantle the PP dynamic? Piece by piece and with every tool. Dr Tim shared Linda has participated with the Zoom Support Groups, its awesome to have people willing to take responsibility for their part. A cortizone shot and 6 weeks on crutches. Upper part of Tibia inflammation, etc. Avoiding surgery. See healing happening. michael read two actual letters of people taking Responsibility in their Communication. First one is a lady named Joy, working on issues of abundance and was a consultant to dental offices and had gone to a conference and was asked to leave the conference, here was her letter to the conference leader: within a short time the man contacted her and said it was the most powerful business communication and he wanted to meet with her, he took his own time and expense to get to her. As a result he asks her to come to his office and teach his staff (at his expense). He then offers her a job to which she declines because it does not serve her purpose. She went to another conference and the leader had her on the platform (before dental offices throughout their area) and she presented and thus gained more clients than she could have imagined. Her abundance issue solved. The second is a young man named David who had been through alcoholism, detox and recovery and then watched his father take a drink, his response to his Dad and the problem of alcohol within the family: (ran out of time, will continue tomorrow) |
February 12 | Continuation of David’s Responsibility Communication letter.
Dr Tim offered the vinettes michael has put in David’s letter are powerful. The thought to mention the “Gentle Art of Blessing” and the story of the man in the concentration camp who chose to be Love Disciplined use of my mind energy every day about what I am doing and how responsibly I am. What am I fueling and feeding? Caller Julie from Oregon, got involved in a relationship without the use of the tools and saw the pattern. |
February 13 | Happy Eternal Day michael!
Caller Susan D in Wilmington. Doug’s surgery was a success and he is cancer free. Celebrating! Thank you for the prayers and love sent our way. Caller Roma. Cold weather in Hawaii. Have you all had any experience with processing with Arya? michael explains the energy of Arya Reign from the day of her birth and the physiological experience of her being. Each time with her (wish I had understood as a new parent) the power and the job of just being that space with her. Her presence has processed me through so much energetically. Maybe some of my rough edges. There is a space with her, gentle interplay realizing something is moving in me. There is a ‘joke’ in the family that if she needs to nap give her to michael, she falls asleep in my arms every time. Caller Stacey in Miami, happy eternal day. Last time called about a UTI, now having ‘side-effects’ from antibiotics. Tells herself she’s not doing so well and questions health and wellness and ‘eternal day’ michael directed her to a probiotic called “Biohm” that rebuilds the microbiohm ( Also, video talks about the importance of the biohm (introduced to me by Mitzi Montague-Bauer who is a doula. Caller Rex and Mitzi and Paul sang Happy Birthday to michael. Discussion of the microbirth. Rex said they were inspired to call and say thanks for what michael has shared with humanity. |
February 14 | Happy Valentines Day. Dr Tim switchboarded for Jeanie with michael hosting. Thank you.
michael went over the Purpose, Personal Power & Commitment. When in proper alignment with purpose then life is fulfilled and flows without effort. Gave the example of a young man whose Mom wanted him to be a doctor, he went to school and got the diploma and then walked down and gave his mother the diploma and went out and got a job driving a truck. First, list ten of your talents (skills, strengths and abilities), then list ten things you enjoy doing, describe your vision of the perfect world (from Rukha’s perspective the way the world can work), then combine from each list to form a statement. Such as I now use my researchability and support to present to an audience the idea of forgiveness so everyone awakens, etc. Then put energy in that direction and atune on deeper and deeper levels. Dr Tim promoted the FREE HeartLand Aramaic Forgiveness App in your store (Google or iPhone). michael read Jeanie’s Purpose Statement which was originally written in 2003 and took a big shift at an Intuitive Development Intensive in 2017. Can be read at (scroll down towards bottom). Dr Tim mentioned Jeanie’s skills. Then spoke of Guy Finley’s recent podcast interviews with Dr. Daniel Amen, their discussion was so clear and engaging and insightful. Here’s a link to all of them in one segment on Dr. Amen’s youtube channel michael’s Purpose Statement, can be read at (scroll towards bottom). Caller Tim from PA, does not understand our essence is Love. |
February 15 | Schematics of the Mind understand how the Mind works and operate it consciously!
February 16
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February 17
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NO SHOWS ON WEEK-ENDS. SEE YOU MONDAY. ![]() michael is at Unity of Birmingham through the 25th (flyer |
February 18 | michael is at Unity of Birmingham through the 25th (flyer
michael explained the MindShifters process and why and how it works – you can download the MindShifters List michael uses in intensives and during StillPoint workshops are at MindShifters page, pick two numbers 1 – 3 and 1 – 13 3 – 3 Cathy K (chatroom) 1 – 7 Susan B (text) 2 – 10 Tim B 1 – 12 Magda P 2 – 13 Joan T 2 – 2 Linda R 2 – 11 Camille 3 – 5 Roma 2 – 8 Dalby (chatroom) 1 – 7 michael 1 – 2 Michele 2 – 1 Michele bonus M/S 3 – 6 Brenda 1 – 13 Judy P. (also participating in Pay-It_Forward) Caller Susan in PA gave an update on her grandson Luke. Then asked a question about her pick 1 – 7 and also explanation for the one about Mom & Dad’s disrespect healing me. note: you can also download the Women’s List Jeanie uses in WHW intensives just pick 1 to 50 |
February 19 | michael is at Unity of Birmingham through the 25th (flyer
Dr Tim filled in for Jeanie on switchboard – thank you. |
February 20 | michael is at Unity of Birmingham through the 25th (flyer
michael explained how even a movie can act as a MindShifter, to resonate whatever is within you that you need to deal with. Ask for callers to share what they touched into with their MindShifters on Monday. chatroom Michele said 3 weekends in a row healing crisis, went into it agaain Monday night. michael explained a healing crisis. Dr Tim shared his Tuesday support group (6 people plus him). michael read from his book “Life With Tools, Life Without Tools” – can read online at Caller Tim B in PA asked about his MindShifter and clarification to the meaning of ‘through my relationship’ with my Father. Caller Susan in PA called in to add some of the information that Tim shared with her. There was extreme anger behind the pain. Issues from adolesence. Fear and anger. Jeanie added anger is a drug to cover the fear and perhaps the extreme anger is proportionate to the extreme pain. michael introduced the “Love Exchange” |
February 21 | michael is at Unity of Birmingham through the 25th (flyer
michael explains the difference in resonance (based on what energy you hold within) and extreme focus (if you ‘let down’ it will fall apart) to attract something into your life. A MindShifter is a thought that holds a frequency that will get what is in your unconscious to come to the sub-conscious level then the conscious level to face and deal with it. MindShifters List at Caller Stacey in KY, asks for M/S 3 – 7: “My relationship with ______ heals my guilt.” (laughter) Been working on this one since Friday. Caller Roma, reported that she realizes she is a master at suppression. Caller Carla in AZ (speaking just before the show) starting September she will be doing The Karen Carpenter Tribute Show in Branson (first time since 2013). She asks for M/S 3 – 3: “I have all the love, wisdom, time, money and energy needed to accomplish all my aspirations.” She said she believes it. michael said take 2 hours and write and see what comes up in the mind-dump. She shared the 3 – 7 resonated with her because she desperately wanted a relationship so badly that she allowed herself to get in one that was ‘so bad’ and almost ripped her apart. She wanted touch and sex and became so pissed that now her bladder is inflammed. Jeanie said Carla’s aspirations may not be just the show but her personal life, etc. michael gave her Roma’s M/S 3 – 5 (…approval of me being a sexual being.) Should not feel guilt for wanting intimacy. Chatroom Lightness, asks can a M/S begin with “I love to feel my _____” michael said absolutely and explained, hitting the right frequency will allow what is hidden to come forward. Example of opera singers, many may have a perfect opera voice but maybe only one will break the glass. Develop the skill to create your own MindShifters. Caller Susan in PA, working with a couple that she feels she isn’t competent to help but maybe a M/S for them? michael first suggested one for Susan: “I am always intuitively guided to provide the input and support my clients need to heal into their highest potental.” Then give the man the M/S 3 – 5 of being approved as a sexual being. The lady is giving up the goal of wanting an intimate relationship with him. michael suggested to look at the message she is unconsciously giving that may be inhibiting the man. Ex. She thinks ‘you can’t perform’ and then he fears he can’t and physically he is inhibited. Physical manifestation is chemistry of thoughts. (Susan realizes this is really about she and Tim not the couple she’s working with – Tim wants intimacy and she is not as responsive as he would like) |
February 22 | michael is at Unity of Birmingham through the 25th (flyer
Julie Haverstick is going to offer 10 FREE one-on-one sessions for those who register in advance for Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work Program (May 30 arrival, begins May 31 – June 15). Ari will be there doing both raw and cooked food. Julie’s sessions will begin in March so register now. Regular intensives begin June 19th and Julie will offer the 10 sessions for pre-registrations for those as well. Intensive program may change based on registrations. Our MindShifter shows will be syndicated on several podcasts and radio stations. Contract has been signed, details in process. Continuation of the conversation / processing of MindShifters over this week. michael explained the difference in the conscious – subconscious – unconscious mind. Based on amplitude of frequency added the hidden thoughts will move forward to awareness. Dr Tim is a Clinical Psychologist, added he has had clients who have had a break through when something popped into awareness when they did not expect it. Encourage people to use these tools. This tool adds energy and overrides your decision to not look at something and issues will make themself known. Can only deal with things we have conscious awareness of – we want them to come forward to heal. Caller Brenda in Memphis, said when Susan in PA mentioned the other day that her husband Tim had a challenge believing this would work. michael said yes, question everything we say and do not believe it … use the tools and get the experience directly. Dr Tim added the Zoom Support Group last night, had new people and when someone else did a worksheet, the energy of the group and the power of the tool when engaged willingly was powerful. Stepped through the process, cancel the need to be right, etc. turned in to be a huge blessing for all. Encourage people to start their own group if there is not one near them. Spend and hour or two doing the work. Will add the audio of the process to our special MP3s of instruction on the website. and tap into Dr. Tim’s Support Group, Audios and Blogs. The society wants to control our minds and tell us what to think, one of the best activities is to watch what you put in your mind and explore to live in the question. Technology gives us access in many ways to select what we listen too. Choose positive, inspirational things. Caller Susan in PA, working on the mindshifter and one of the questions she and her Tim have, when studying the Hindu beliefs of kundalini they teach to bring your energy from the base of the spine up to the third eye and that when a couple marries and procreates then they are to live ‘as brother and sister’ and not bring the energy back down. michael explains there are many perspectives around sexuality. Susan said physical attraction and affection can be confused with love. She shared an experience of when she was 19 and now with this mindshifter it is coming forward in a new light. Access and forgive and a whole new energy may come into your life. When the presence of Love is ‘beat out of us’ then the world comes in with it’s story and gets us to buy into sexual athletics as love instead of being part of intimacy (in-to-me-see). She was raised with no physical contact. Dr Tim input that Ken Wilber wrote “A Brief History of Everything” and it says when physical touch happens the body releases hormones. He says when a woman chemically releases extrogen she is loving and bonding and comforting where as men’s release of testosterone is connected to either mate or kill. It is an automatic urg. We do not have to act upon it. |
February 23
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NO SHOWS ON WEEK-ENDS. SEE YOU MONDAY. ![]() michael is at Unity of Birmingham through the 25th (flyer |
February 24
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NO SHOWS ON WEEK-ENDS. SEE YOU MONDAY. ![]() michael is at Unity of Birmingham through the 25th (flyer |
February 25 | michael is at Unity of Birmingham through the 25th (flyer
michael shared from the MindShifters & StillPoint Breathing workshop on Saturday, experience from one man who had ‘dropped’ doing the work for 30+ years and got it. Dr Tim spoke of a client who did not feel the worksheet was getting the big ah-has she wanted. Have patience. Maybe even do worksheets on not getting the results desired. There is a benefit even if not the big break-throughs. It is a process. michael shared Joan held the space and her partner was in great resistence with many excuses why it was not working for her. (Thanks to Joan for hosting him this week) The conscious “logical” mind will sway one. Caller Roma, update on her MindShifter this week (about approval for being a sexual being). Came upon some revelations and was wonderfully surprised she did not feel alone with the community of a dozen people all doing MindShifters this week. Julie Haverstick is starting a 10-week series of personal support (1-1/2 hr a week) for those registered for either FFF&W or a regular intensive. And our summer season will be altered. With Jeanie’s Dad (who is 86) and his current physical condition needs continued support so she will be staying in Bristol and michael will return to HeartLand. Right now michael will do the 9-day Why Again and with enough interest the 9-day Teachers’ Training and cancel the rest of the schedule. He may do Laws of Living back in VA/TN at a facility there. Please let us know your interest sooner than later. explanation of collapsing the conscious mind and dropping into the heart (unconscious) to remove ’cause’. In the Book of Thomas “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” HeartLand Aramaic Forgiveness App Caller Tim B. in PA, question about Steps 6C and 7. Caller Susan in PA, one foot in the male department (tomboy) and one foot in the female department (tender interchanges with all of my dolls). My sexuality was in confusion growing up. Caller Joan in Birmingham, shared what a miraculous week this has been. Last year I did not get it but this year it is ‘oh yeah’ and appreciate it so much more. Building Brain Cells. During the SP Breathing my partner was in physical pain and it was startling and yet awesome to watch michael work with her. She came to church yesterday and was changed. It is amazing. Return to Susan in PA. listening to Tina Louise Spalding channeling Jesus. She says the human incarnation is low souls. michael said the human incarnation is a mode of expression, a medium used (so yes a lower expression) but the BEING is the high expression created as the active presence of God (Love). Question: In Matthew 9:6 “But so you will know that the Human One has authority on the earth to forgive sins — he said to the man who was paralyzed — get up, take your cot, and go home.” this is the translation of the Common English Bible, other Bibles refer to “the Son of Man” |
February 26 | Dr Tim & Michelle covered the show – michael was returning fromv Birmingham |
February 27 | michael told of the movie “Saved by Grace” – a police officer goes through some devastating situations and is about to commit suicide when a lady named Grace comes into his space and ‘saves’ him.
We can do a MindShifter and face issues without creating the real situation in our life. Dr Tim said one caller called in and said something that opened conversation. Support Group last night. Each moment is not an ordinary moment, comes through as the next lesson. Luke 8:4 – 15 Parable of the Sower. “…when it falls on good soil it grows, yielding thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold.” those with the braincells that accepts the process and willing to move forward. Caller Julie H., been wiith michael (the work) for 30 years. The forgiveness worksheet process is the most powerful tool for her. Shared supporting 2 students yesterday and the big breakthrough. What Julie did is held the space and listened… to be there for them. A new worksheet about re-active behavior (want to introduce it this summer maybe in Teachers’ Training). There is a part of her that has been hiding and she wants it to come out. Invite people to come to HeartLand and heal. Offering a “Pay it Forward” Program. Express who we are not who we are not. michael said there are services that will record the sessions you do with people that are free. Dr Tim asked Julie what was the ‘break through’ and are you going to have a ‘coming out party?’ Julie said her desire is to speak up, she has something to say and it is time. michael spoke of the 16-day FFF&W Program and the 9-day Why Again intensives are confirmed and if enough are interested will do the Teachers’ Training. Several people suggest both Julie and Dr Tim have their own radio show. Julie appreciates Dr Tim framing that but will focus on the Pay-It-Forward and may consider doing one day a week. Caller Tim B in PA, wants another MS 2-9. Caller Roma wants anoher MS 1-12. |
February 28 | |
February 29
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February 30
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February 31
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…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””