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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
May 1 | Thanks again Dr Tim & Michele |
May 2 | ACIM lesson 111: Review: “Miracles are seen in light.” and “Miracles are seen in light and light and strength are one.” ACIM lesson 112: Review: “Light and joy and peace abide in me.” and “I am as God created me.”Dr Tim shared discussion from his group last night and questioning as a child getting abused how did one ask for that? How children download their ‘experience’ and each child can download something different. Not that I asked for the abuse or deserved it. Dr Tim said it is a joy to be around people who are committed to make life better by using the tools. One person decided to be brave and do a worksheet that was potentially life changing. More honest I am the better the results.michael shared a text he just received from his niece (his sister’s child). He did find out a few years ago that his sister was adopted. The great milestone she has acheived. Caller Anna from MA. Grandson Luke is downstairs. Trauma from messages given him, he doesn’t think he wants to continue college. Deeply depressed she picked him up, he’s downstairs playing music. Conversation on the genetic abusive energy. Not fault but respons-ability. |
May 3 | ACIM lesson 113: Review: “I am one Self, united with my Creator.” and “Salvation comes from my one Self.”
Dr Tim said yesterday was full of questions, he wants to say “safety first” then all kinds of ways to apply the tools and remove what does not belong. Get help and keep everyone safe and let them be angry if that’s their reaction but seek help when someone is so depressed they don’t want to live. michael spoke to Ari today and he is bringing some new items to the 16-day Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work (June 8-24). Chatroom: I was talking to my sister about resonance and she wanted clarification when being a young child being abused when does resonance come into play? michael said from conception and went on to explain and give examples of how even at birth the experience impacts the rest of their life. Generational too. Child does not realize the unconscious driver. If there is abuse in the bloodline then there is potential for bringing abuse forward. No to blame just means that is the energetic pattern they are carrying. Dr Tim added that we are so programed that this means guilt or blame, open up to entertain a different definition. Remove energetic patterns. Ask and Receive. Ask means carry the frequency not that we verbally asked. Jeanie shared the background of her book around the physical abuse of an Indian girl and fast forward to her own life now and the physical abuse experienced at 16 yrs old. michael gave another example of attack that was not a verbal request. Jeanie added and the asker might be the fear around the potential event (fear is energy in motion) i.e. Job said “what I feared most has come upon me”. Chatroom: At the risk of majoring in the minors and minoring in the majors: I’m still not as clear as I would like to be about the 9 bit mind and 10,000 brain cells. I don’t understand the relationship of bits and brain cells firing. How many bits would I need to process 10,000 brain cells? Or how many brain cells firing can I process with only 9 bits? George Miller, “Magical Number 7” research, 7(+ or – 2) bits of information was active in conscious awareness in the timeframe when 10,000 brain cells fire. Meaning a minute bit is in awareness while there are thousands of bits potentially available. The goal is what chooses the 9 bits. It is the recruiter or driver and that is why we cancel the goal to clear the reality and see what is beneath in the unconscious (the root) that keeps us from getting what we say we want. Surface mind collapses and allows us to bring the pain forward in the active presence of love. Caller Anna and her grandson Luke. His father cuts off communication with someone (i.e. himself) when they don’t do something agreeable with him. What should he do? Lay back or communicate with him? michael offered first do wake-up sheets around the family abuse. Once processed through the pain then move forward with open conversation. Take care of you. |
May 4 | ACIM lesson 114: Review: “I am spirit.” and “I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation.” not so called physical – but a BEING. Perceptual construct from content. We have a part to play in cleaning up our mind if we don’t then the generational pattern will continue.
Callers from yesterday continue. If let back into the family, caution, father will require submission. Luke taking a stand is seen as rebellion. Should I go with caution? michael offered you are trying to second quess what will happen. In CoDependence work, there are psuedo solutions of the non-being mind and the first one is ‘if I could just figure it out’ and you cannot do that but you can forgive. Now do not forgive your father – that is pardoning. michael explained true forgiveness. Also spoke on Respons-ability Communication. (Anna asked if it was OK for Luke to NOT go home.) Grandma, Luke goes to universities with fraternities and the use of alcohol and drugs. He has used marijuana and LSD where he had good trips and then he got a bad drug and went into depression. He feels strong enough to go back to school and can be careful but grandma feels he is fragile and might do more than would be wise. Grandma feels marijuana could be useful to both Luke and her husband, Luke’s father went ballistic. michaell offered in ancient teachings it says you cn’t storm the gates. You must do the work it takes to get to the real experience. Example of steroids and olympics, must earn by working out or can’t complete the task. Drugs trick the brain to think something is true and if you have not done your work you are setting yourself up for failure. Go back to school for 1 semester with the commitment to stay clean and develop your real faculties without the false experience given by drugs. They are feel good but don’t present the truth. No question there are medicinal purposes for pot (ie seizures) but it alters the brain chemestry. Be careful it anesthesizes from pain instead of dealing with the pain. see the poster of spect analysis. And pot has a side effect of depression (it is a thought disorder). Then michael brought in the info around the Power Person dynamic and ‘survival’ perception. |
May 5
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May 6
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May 7 | ACIM lesson 115: Review: “Salvation is my only function here.” and “My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation.” ACIM lesson 116: Review: “God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.” and “I share God’s Will for happiness for me.” ACIM lesson 117: Review: “God, being Love, is also happiness.” and “I seek but what belongs to me in truth.” |
May 8 | ACIM lesson 118: Review: “God’s peace and joy are mine.” and “Let me be still and listen to the truth.” |
May 9 | ACIM lesson 119: Review: “Truth will correct all errors in my mind.” and “To give and to receive are one in truth.”
Dr Tim & Michele filling in while michael & Jeanie are in a retreat as students!
May 10 | ACIM lesson 120: Review: “I rest in God” and “I am as God created me.”
Dr Tim & Michele filling in while michael & Jeanie are in a retreat as students! |
May 11 | ACIM lesson 121: “Forgiveness is the key to happiness.”
Dr Tim & Michele filling in while michael & Jeanie are in a retreat as students! |
May 12
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May 13
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May 14 | Play catch up on the Course lessons. ACIM lesson 122: “Forgiveness offers everything I want.” ACIM lesson 123 “I thank my Father for His gifts to me.” ACIM lesson 124: “Let me remember I am one with God.” ACIM lesson 125: “In quiet I receive God’s Word today.” ACIM lesson 126: “All that I give is given to myself.” ACIM lesson 127: “There is no love but God’s.” ACIM lesson 128: “The world I see holds nothing that I want.” ACIM lesson 129: “Beyond this world there is a world I want.” ACIM lesson 130: “It is impossible to see two worlds.” ACIM lesson 131: “No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.” ACIM lesson 132: “I loose the world from all I thought it was.”Degree from MSU – Making Stuff Up! Some Michigan State grads have an issue with using that acronym.Caller Roma is flying to CA, Hawaii has such vog going on right now. Hold all in safety. Caller Susan from PA. Ask about the ‘pain body’ showing up. Understands in her head but still holding on somehow. Feels if she is not anxious about her son then she’s letting him down. Or if not suffering with him that I am abandoning him. michael offered it is a family tradition to suffer with others. And that will not improve his lot in life nor your own. Dr Tim offered the ‘being patient … but give it to me now’ yes it is possible to be enlightened in a moment but in all spiritual traditions he has been involved in it is a process. Give yourself permission to be gentle with yourself. Sylvia Boorstein Fear is the remnants of your personal big bang. Fear is experiencing what is like without God. Question in chatroom to explain linear and vertical time. Is linear not real and we are only in the vertical? (ran out of time) Text: request from Nancy to hold loving support for herself and her son. |
May 15 | ACIM lesson 133: “I will not value what is valueless.”
Caller Laura, from Dr Andracki’s Support Group, panic attacks coming closer together, now having panic around having panic. Diagnosed with Major Depressive disorder and Anxiety disorder. Had panic all my life, don’t know what it is even about. michael offered, whatever it is at the root has to come forward in love to be dissolved so we are here to hold the space. Let go of trying to ‘figure it out’ but determine how you are going to walk through your world and when you can’t look at the object of attention and the goal you hold in that circumstance. Example, a hidden thought of not being good enough and someone may expose me, the goal (which is key) drives the mind that creates the panic. Her mind has become good at compartmentalization. Watch what happens with your breath when this happens. She said she has been prescribed a drug which helps but she feels like she is having a heart attack. michael asked if she felt a life threatening event in her childhood? Yes, her father is her PP and at times she was the apple of her eye but then he would drink into oblivion and call her a “two-bit whore” and michael said make a list of all the goals she ever had for her father, start with being called that name and wanting him to speak lovingly, gently and respectfully. Wanting his approval and affirmation. Want him to stay sober. She said her mother did the same thing to join him and she would come home from school and not know where mom was. michael offered to do the same thing make a list of goals for mom. Wanted mom to behave, to be the adult. Some of these things triggered the same feelings of panic as a child. Also, inherited the genetics of two people who were disfunctional. Deep breath … feel more relaxed. Install this peaceful feeling and touch thumb to two fingers and tell yourself you will remember this feeling when you touch them together again. Tapped into her Dad drinking that much and yet can go out putting on a face and look so together, he was abused as a child too. And she sees how she put on the face. michael said it is like Hank Williams Jr’s song “Family Tradition” Caller Michael Coughlin, visitor of old anger issues. Youngest daughter got married and some things came up around former wife. Brooded for 3 days then pulled out the Commitment and read it to Meghan. Stayed in that God space of Love. Be the example. Expressed his love towards michael and Jeanie and this work. How empowering it is. Had a tough upbringing and his demons come up still but they are gift shadows. Fear and anger can’t put the flame of Love out. His bride would not marry him until he was healthy enough to carry her love. He came to HeartLand three times and healed the child, the warrior and became a better man for himself and them. He came to HeartLand once in a wheelchair and left swimming across the lake and running up the hill. The VA put him on methadone for pain management and he was able to get off drugs and heal himself through Y’shua’s teachings. It is all undoable. Just got t do the work. When you don’t want to, when you are mad, when you are sad, you must do the work. This work brought him to knowing he is Love and the prcess of healing. michael said it is amazing how it comes up in his face and then he gets to teach it. Richard Bach, “We teach best what we most need to learn.” Caller Michele, added to conversation (to Michael Coughlin) the fear within her and some of the group when michael ryce took MC’s knife from him one day. Also, when MC called Michele out for dissing her daughter in the intensive. African proverb that “If you want to go quickly go alone but if you want to go far go together.” Michele offered her gratitude for MC sharing his testimonial today and so honored to know him and to do her own work. Appreciation that she has a client that needed to hear this today and MC has not been on the show in ages. |
May 16 | ACIM lesson 134: “Let me perceive forgiveness as it is.” Shifting perception out of the false into truth.
Dr Tim, support group last night, two new people and five regular attendees. Powerful discussion of the thing we do with our mind to create our reality. Worksheet process began at a level 10 and dropped by 2 or 3 points, connected to internal process used to create the process. Honesty at such deep levels creates synergy in the group. Hats off to those using the tools and making changes, like Michael Coughlin yesterday. Encourage everyone to start a support group. Caller Linda Russell, triggered today, need support. michael said cancel the goal to figure it out. Trigger is her body (heart in particular) and it is like terror. Sees her body is what causes the problem instead of being a trigger. She cancels and sees it is hopelessness. Feels she is going to pass out. Wants to feel safe and secure in her body. michael asked if she had made a list of all the goals from any time in her life when she did not feel safe. Maybe an illness or perceived illness she had? She remembers being 7 and getting bee stung and had an allergic reaction and did not even look like herself. Her Mother was in the hospital in November and it triggered all over again, could not even stay in the room had to go out and breathe. Not gone too deep since talking to michael this morning. Began 3 years ago. Waiting for the ‘other shoe to drop’ – a belief that if I am excited about something then something will go wrong. Cancel goals to be alive and well. Dr Tim added, get in touch with the physical and go to the breathe. There is a disconnect with the history of surviving those feelings and the present moment. Such a fever pitch that they can’t see they survived the past 1800 panic attacks. Triggered and so intense one can’t integrate and learn from the pattern. Make your home in the breath and make a list of what you are feeling physically and recall when you felt that before. George in chatroom yesterday, “I have a memory of my dad telling me to to take care of my mom when he went to work I was maybe 5 or 6 at the time and did not know how I could take care of this womam when I was so small and she was so big! It was frighting and I do not know what to do with it worksheet wise.” Object of attention, Mom being center of attention and Dad insisting you do what is not resonable for a child to do. 1. Goal for Dad to man up and take the responsibility not put it off on a child. 2. About taking on beliefs about self at 5 yrs old. A child tends to make it up that when they can’t ‘fix it’ and so it is their fault, failure, hopeless and helpless. Wanting to be seen as innocent and stay in approval of self. His Dad often said it in jest but did not feel that way as a child. Dad needs to treat you as a child Chatroom Cathy K, vertical and horizontal? Horizontal being past and future and vertical being present in love. Does not matter whether the trigger is like Linda’s and potential in the future or from an experience of the past. If it is in your face in the present moment then you do forgiveness. Caller Brenda, pg 7 – 8 in text, Revelation, Time and Miracles. ACIM says the miracle is a shift from horizontal to vertical perception. Y’Shua is equal with us on the horizontal plane but higher than us on the vertical plane as he has done his work. michael added that there is a collapsing of time and shift out of the construct of the mind and into truth faster as work is done. ACIM speaks of Y’Shua bridging the gap between God and man. He supports us in doing our work. Cathy asks is past and future real? michael gave the example of the 2-dimensional creature experiencing the basketball. It has limited ability to see it so it appears as time but the basketball is real and is one event just experienced over time. Caller Susan about the app and saving a pdf and recovering it later. It is saved in your device not the app so look in your files or documents or maybe even downloads Caller Roma said in her book it is pages 4 – 5 |
May 17 | ACIM lesson 135: “If I defend myself I am attacked.”
The newborn is the pure essence of Love. If we hold anything else in our field we will create that. If we hold defense then we hold that there is something attacking us that we must defend against and thus we will draw in attack. Resonance. Denial is when we think or speak that someone or something outside of us ’caused’ us to feel anything inside of us. June 8 – 23 we are doing Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work Program and have a few spaces left…have about 16 people coming right now and most are experienced in using the tools so we anticipate a new level of process. Only Dr Tim said he was sharing the show the other day when Michael Coughlin called in. To compare past times when he has called in and then the other day he was playful and fun and on top. It is a process. Be willing to be OK with the mess that may come forward. It is not a deficiency in the tools but a reflection of the next layer within my own mind. michael spoke of Michele last week and her commitment to keep using the tools in the face of the enemy. And Michael C. consistently and persistently doing the work and now teaching the tools and in the process of becoming a minister. But if you talk to either of them, there were many dark desperate moments. Dr Tim said it is worth all the energy put into the process and makes life so much better. Caller Susan from Wilmington, ask the community to hold the space as her son is coming to visit. Her paranoia is up as well as her fear. Thanks for what was said about the next layer and staying with the work. michael offered staying in the filter of love about spending time with your son and grandson. This may be the weekend of melting realities around Dad. Susan said she needs to hold love for her neighbor ‘self’ just as she does for anyone else. She also expressed thanks for the Power Point that Bill Constantino created Dr Andracki and Claudia in Pahrump NV have asked us to come out and we are looking for a suitable house to rent to do intensives in October timeframe. Caller Tracey. Nature of things. Going along great, 7 days without a trigger and then something happens and is watching her mind with sarcasm and yet telling herself to be nice. Then loses it. There is a lot of stuff still under there. Very grateful to recognize the sarcastic, belittling, mean voice and has the tools to work through it once more. |
May 18 | ACIM lesson 136: “Sickness is a defense against the truth.” |
May 19
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May 20
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May 21 | ACIM lesson 137: “When I am healed I am not healed alone.” a little leavening leavens the whole loaf. ACIM lesson 138: “Heaven is the decision I must make.” in Aramaic the kingdom of heaven is the community of love ACIM lesson 139: “I will accept Atonement for myself.”Dr. Tim living life and using the tools and doing more of the same. Usually uses the 7-step for himself but uses the 5-step short form he created with clients and then moves them up to the 7-step. Ran across the abreviated version Jeanie uses in the women’s intensive. Getting ready to teach a class and downloaded the Mind Goal Management sheet. Get himself out of the way and the tools work. Well worth the effort.michael explained the Aramaic Forgiveness process … not the atrocity we have been taught as forgiveness (pardoning) which does nothing to change what my physiology is producing. The wandering in the desert said the old generation (genare means cause) must die to move into the promised land (conscious co-creation). Chatoom request for ‘how to’ stillpoint breath. Can’t explain the ‘how to’ – not even in a dvd – it is experiential (like in an intensive). However, asked michael to speak of why it works. Holding the breath locks the energy in and breathing moves it out. We will be doing it on Saturday during the Food, Fun, Forgiveness & Work Program (16-days in June). Caller Susan D shared how the weekend went with her son and grandson. He saw Liam pick up one of his behaviors and stopped. Grateful for community and love sent her way during the weekend. A never ending opportunity to do the work. Unfolding then a plateau then another level. Caller Jill L feels like her son is coming at her with what appears to be contempt and she is responding harshly. It is a miserable cycle. Can remember feeling contempt for her own mother too. Dr Tim offered taking the last name and turning it into an acronym and it represents who the people in the family are. Put a copy in each room and give permission for others to point out when they were following or not. michael told about the Marvelous Manners with Ryan when he was small. |
May 22 | ACIM lesson 140: “Only salvation can be said to cure.”
Arriving at a deepening understanding of truth. michael shared his experience. Dr Tim talked about Krishnamurti and being introduced to the concept of the addiction to the familiar and be part of a community that thrives on change. michael added bring the trauma to the presence of love where it can dissolve. It is safe to embrace those parts that have a painful block. There is no bad self-knowledge. You will arrive at Truth as you use the tools. We are not proclaiming Truth just providing tools. Caller Michele, current private practice and the legal stuff and garnishments from last partner. Last week conversation with current partner and there were upsets on both sides. Then her record keeper dropped her. Clients are questioning. michael said are there issues under the table that have not been exposed? And you are at a new level so they are coming up. She asks could perhaps she not ‘fit’ with this group any more. michael offered to continue working on this arena even if she chooses to leave. Some conversation on denial – the sadness or fear is not ‘because of them’ – it is inside. |
May 23 | ACIM lesson 141: Review IV: “My mind holds only what I think with God.” and “Forgiveness is the key to happiness. Forgiveness offers everything I want.” In the beginning of creation we were given a thought structure that is designed to run our whole life and guide us however it is covered over or is latent. It is there and available we just need to tap into it. Forgiveness uncovers the true mind and gives us wholeness.
Dr Tim, deep discussion in Support Group and in sessions today, if person is in anger or fear or some strong emotion then there is no sense moving forward – refuse to engage in the conversation about the content and focus on what is going on for them at the moment. Hold up a mirror, dismantle the upset then talk about the content. Even with myself, stop when I detect emotion that I am triggered, dismantle my own fear, pain or confusion. Caller Grady, got the Enlightenment book and it is so insightful. Just experienced this weekend, around family members at a funeral, and did what Dr Tim said. I recognized I was engaging in fear and hostility thinking and I called time-out on myself and became quiet and chose my words carefully. Stayed out of the arena of the debate and it actually swayed into a more loving space. It amazed me but also impacted sisters and those around. michael said to breathe and bring love present. Grady said over the 2 days his sister actually asked why I was different. Observe the database information that is being served up. Grady asked about the Be-Attitudes, and the description of Touveyhoun – to still the mind, “Let us take our bloated nothingness out of the path of the divine circuits.” (quote of Ralph Waldo Emerson) so the direct teacher can be heard. Is it the CBM mind becoming enlightened that asks Rookha d’Koodsha? CBM does not have a mindm just a database, but true Being is being restored and it takes a new, habitual pattern. Text from Julie in Oregon. It is the anniversary of her dog passing and she had a lot of sadness come up. She began the ‘things she did wrong’ and the feeling of no love. Then resistance came up and she even thought of cancelling her trip to HeartLand. Then she got back to the Truth and realized the Holy Spirit remembers what she asked for even when she forgets. A lot of dismantling going on. Caller Ann, encourage Grady to keep on. We build the brain cells and eventually get it. michael gave information for the Forgiveness App. |
May 24 | ACIM lesson 142: Review : “My mind holds only what I think with God.” and “I thank my Father for His gifts to me. Let me remember I am one with God.”
CBM is resonance not thinking. When I think it is with God (Love) and I remember I am Love. And thankful for all gifts, even those that nudge us to do our work. Forgiveness removes the barrier we built around our true being. Jeanie ask people to be aware from their higher source, look at reviews on the movie “Show Dogs” it has the message that it is OK to be groped, just “go to your happy place” and endure it for the higher good. Boycott this movie. Dr Tim had a session with a 31 year old and is just stepping into how he was creating turmoil in the house because he would not act a certain way. When he stepped into Dr Tim’s office his head was spinning to learn the difference in trigger and cause. He was modeling pointing the finger when anger is up. Not useful Repeat of yesterday’s discussion of focusing on the process with own thoughts that are creating the emotions. Dismantle the upset and pay attention to my own thoughts not the content of someone else’s story. If I act when hostility or fear are active I will do something i later regret. Dr Tim shared from the Tuesday Support Group, The Way of Mastery. What I take away is completely 100% from my history and what is resonated by the lesson. Watch your thoughts and emotions as you listen to the reading. Everyone hears the same material and yet take a different interpretation. Example of the movie Jeanie was talking about, some may go see it and love it. Created out of our own thoughts and the essence of our reality (unique to me). Creating each moment with my own thoughts. If I am holding onto a belief system I am not able to observe or question…”is it possible that this feeling is a product of my misuse of my thoughts.” The solution is not found by applying my CBM mind but choosing something different, cancel my need to be right, ask to be taught in each moment, how can I apply this event differently and get a different result. Caller Julie, George wanted information on starting a Support Group. Dr Tim shared his experience of starting a support group. Also the links to information on the website |
May 25 | ACIM lesson 143: Review: “In quiet I receive God’s Word today.” and “All that I give is given to myself.” Whatever energy I send out, I get the original they just get a carbon copy (and they may not be home for delivery).
Caller Roma, shared her miraculous healing. Spoke of the killing of baby girls in China. Caller Susan in PA. Be willing to go through the symptoms of healing. The fear and anxiety that is triggered around grandson. michael spoke of the energy that reflects in the human system. What is not dealt with is stored in the system and when resonated comes forward again. He went over the symptoms of healing and how to determine whether it is healing or disease. Also has a friend with medical problems. The course says if you acknowledge something then it manifests. Tap into self, Luke and friend as love and it will set a field that will invoite them in. Julie Haverstick invites Susan and Luke and Dr Tim to consider coming to Food Fun Forgiveness and Work at HeartLand. Family Constellation Work book “It Didn’t Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle” Caller Ann in FL, as someone introduced to this work in 2011, did not do anything until 2013 when went to Jeanie’s Women Healing Women, then 2015 Laws of Living. I still don’t do it perfectly but healing still comes. Encourage you and Luke and Dr Tim to come to FFFW. This group of support is amazing and all of her group who has committed to go there have been so much coming up. Dr Tim shared from Support Group last night and no videos just discussion around the tools and a review of his experiences of the week. Then spoke toward the conversation at the end of yesterday’s show when they got cut off. Not relying on conscious logical mind. Step into the forgiveness process. |
May 26
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May 27
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May 28 | Blessed Memorial Day! Open with a moment of silence for those who have been impacted by war. We live either a driven life (from the inside) or a controlled life (from the outside) or an inspired life (from Being/Source). Especially around this day, see the movie: Hacksaw Ridge which depicts the inspired life. True Story. Desmond Doss comes from an upbring that creates him being ‘driven’ from within, then external circumstances ‘control’ him but he gets to express from a higher place of inspiration. He says, “with the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don’t seem like such a bad thing to me to want to put a little bit of it back together.” He served as a medic and refused to carry a weapon.
Jeanie read the description of the Poppy and how it grows where other flowers don’t and where the ground has been churned, ie graves and battlefields. The stimulus for the poem Flanders Fields from WWI. And what she wrote on her Facebook page to her Dad and brothers and posted the picture of the Vietnam Memorial Wall with the Dad and the reflection of his fallen son – hand to hand. Heal the Generations. ACIM lesson 144: Review: “There is no love but God’s.” and “The world I see holds nothing that I want.” michael spoke towards perception and added what the CIA says, it is a construct of perception based on the content within (not ‘seen’ without). Caller Lucy from OH, many worksheets around her panic attacks. Of course I want to ‘figure it out’ but what is 1C on a wakeup sheet. Difficult to go to space of love when in panic mode, can easily shift to love if irritated or fear. michael asked “are you willing to be shocked?” michael offered to her that there is a big difference when you say ‘when I am upset at them’ – you have upset in you. Lucy gave the example and michael offered that (from this and past conversations) the trigger is always around health for self or someone else. The event happened during the day and you were able to squelch it but then when asleep the veil is open for the unconscious to come forward easier. Worksheet 1C is the client and their condition, panic and anxiety are fear. Brought up a hydra on the world (1C) and fear they will see I am not perfect and can’t be responsible for the world to be ok and everyone around me to be healthy. michael had her close her eyes and fill in the blank…”if the world found out I was not perfect it would_____” she filled in ‘destroy me’ but I know that’s not true. michael offered if it is in her unconscious it will drive her to the panic. The goal around being destroyed, what age are you with that thought? Lucy said 5 or 8, maybe this life maybe not. Mindshifter: “Every time the world has discovered my weakness, they have always nurtured and cared for me.” Immediately she said ‘yeah right!’ That is what is at the root of the panic response, protecting oneself instead of dissolving the energy will create a build up that becomes the panic. michael suggested minimum of 2 hrs invested to get to the root of this issue. Big breath! michael offered it is exciting to touch in on that deep of a level. Emotions and Thoughts? Emotions are energy in motion. When you engage in mind energy it strikes the cell and informs you of the quality of the mind energy in regards to the cell. So if it is painful then it is a thought disorder and you don’t want to be engaging in that energy. If I can say “when I feel abandonded, I feel ____” angry, tramatized, etc then the first is a thought not a feeling. |
May 29 | Happy 13th Anniversary Michael & Jeanie!
ACIM lesson 147: Review: “I will not value what is valueless.” and “Let me perceive forgiveness as it is.” Access the forgiveness tool on your phone – Google PlayStore and Apple itunes store. Dr Tim interesting that the vibrational flavor is different for everyone, and everyone knows their answer. When one can turn it inside they see results. Call a time out on yourself. From a gentle, passive, allowance perspective and ask ‘I wonder how this is going to turn to my good.” Awaken to realization that I am not given control of how life unfolds but do have the control over how I interpret it and act towards it. Some false ‘flavors’: I’m not good enough. I’m no good. There will never be a place for me in the world. I’m helpless, it is hopeless, it is my fault and I am a failure. Those living as the presence of love, all things work for their good. Caller Lucy, did the homework. Got some insights about herself that she never knew was there. Now what does she do? michael referred to Robert Heinlein, “Stranger in a Strange Land” coined the term ‘grok’ means to understand totally. He suggests she be with it and integrate it into her structure. How do I mediatate on that? michael invited her to tap into the presence of love when she held her daughter for the first time. Experience who she was/is not the trauma that was going on for you. Then from that space ‘grok’ the insights you got. Takes time to integrate. (michael explained confusion is part of healing and it is a process to get back to clarity.) story of a child trying to get a basket of water – it was never about bringing the water but about the container and how it was cleaned in the process. This is changeable even though I may not know what is underneth that needs to be addressed. Just one step at a time. |
May 30 | ACIM lesson 148: Review: “If I defend myself I am attacked.” and “Sickness is a defense against the truth.”
May 31 | ACIM lesson 149: Review: “When I am healed I am not healed alone.” and “Heaven is the decision I must make.” |
…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””