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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
November 1 | Dr Tim discussion with Susan B about her hydra – multiple issues popping up over what she thought was one issue with another lady. Reflected relationship with her mother, knows she has the capacity to shut people down/ out. (michael suggested writing a letter from Mom, who is deceased, to herself, Susan, reflecting what her mom wanted to say that she did not)
michael spoke towards “Love and Mercy” – bring that presence of Love and focus on the presence of mercy. Suggested add ‘mercy’ to the punishment line of the worksheet. Caller Tim B, has ‘floaters’ in his eye and the doctor says that is the cloud breaking up. Sunday is ‘All Saints Day’ and they are to place a picture up front of those who have exemplified a saint in their lives. michael gave the assignment to do what would need to be done to place his own picture up there with his grandfather’s picture. Susan said this all started because Tim B.’s eye issue and asking ‘what is it I am refusing to see?’ Caller Roma, her memory is keeping her from remembering what it is she does not want to look at. Did a worksheet this morning and realized she was in denial about what ‘denial’ means, on worksheet the definition for “Dissociation – Denial creates a hidden, separated, unchangeable (while denied) part of the mind referred to as the “unconscious,” “heart,” or “desert.”” Thanks to this community for holding the space and supporting her. Grateful. Had a therapy session yesterday, “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories.” And tapped into hatred within her for being accused of something she did not do. Realized 70 years ago her father did the same thing, he was lying and yet accused her of being the one who was lying. michael said her goal is ‘To be seen as innocent.’ She began speaking (still with her hostility) and michael stopped her and pointed it out and invited her to breathe and cancel her need to be seen as innocent. Underlying terror creates a split within. Caller Julie in Oregon, actually feels the ‘punishment’ part is critical to her process to recognize where she does punish herself and others. Must recognize the need to take responsibility in order to make the change. |
November 2
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November 3
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November 4 | Dr Tim processes with caller Susan B.
Caller Joan Tufts shares her talk from Sunday at Unity of Birmingham Caller Sam B in MO |
November 5 | michael asked for the community to send healing love and support to Terry Bowling who has been on the show many times, lived at Heartland for 2 years (back in 2009-2011) fell at one of his construction sites 14′ and has cracked ribs and fractured vertibrae and just came out of ICU
also holding space for Roma as she is in court right now and anyone else who is facing the need to return to perfection physically, mentally & emotionally, and spiritually “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” Einstein – michael continued talking about energy verses matter. Remove the distorted energy and the form goes back to perfection. Caller Jack, thankful for this work. Caller Susan B. the ACIM says faithlessness causes the crucifiction of the son of God. Even says his faithlessness caused his own crucifiction. What does that mean? michael said orientation of an energy field is important (think of the antenae) . Being out of alignment creates our own suffering. Looking within and finding endless self-talk, judgements, comparisons, etc (a worksheet factory) Caller Ann in FL. lack of sleep what is happening? michael offered, “glial cells or neuroglia, are non-neuronal cells in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system. They maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and provide support and protection for neurons.” deep breathing and sleep allows elimination of waste from brain, allows clarity. She said she was also dealing with changing the house around since Tim (her husband) passed. MindShifter: Appropriate changes are easy, comfortable, safe and natural for me to do. |
November 6 | Dr Tim said ‘my life is constructed based on the images my brain shows me and convinces me is true. It is not determined by events outside of me but by the way I interpret and respond to those events.’ This comes from the Bottom Line Observations that he shares with his clients in their first or second session. He proceeded to cover this list which can be downloaded at |
November 7 | |
November 8 | 9-bit mind
November 9
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November 10
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November 11 | Veterans Day.
Caller Susan B. has an acquaintence / friend who won’t accept tools from her or anyone, some therapists have even ‘fired her’ because she won’t follow direction. Drew boudary lines which were not appreciated. Dr Tim asked what her goal was. She replied for her to either get better or leave her alone. Feels it is not healthy the way their relationship is now. Dr Tim asked what if you ‘fired her?’ She said she would feel guilty. She says Susan is her only friend. Especially if the lady did herself in. Dr Tim said if a person wants to end their life or hurt themself then there is nothing anyone can do. Susan remembers another lady she and her husband helped and helped and then she blamed her. Caller Magda, is victimhood and abusive relationship one and the same? Jeanie discussed generational abuse passed down and also that victimhood is also a drug of choice some times |
November 12 | Caller Susan B. discusses with Dr Tim how to handle a relationship (client & friend) that is unsatifactory / abusive. Handle the internal dynamic first that put you here. All the terxting or calling or emailing to attempt to change the other lady does nothing to change your own part of the equation. Ask yourself have I felt this emotion before I met this current person? Of course you have. Having the tools is here to help me not you. EFT Tapping – who do you tap on? Answer is self. It is all inside. Devinely selfish – rather say self-wise.
Speaking with michael, he told her it’s like running the hamster-wheel with them if they won’t ‘invest’ in their own work. She has fear in saying those things to her. You are not responsible if she chooses to live or die. Reminded Susan she just asked the universe to be sick (repeatedly said I’m sick & tired of it). Susan gave a testimonial of someone coming to the support group who shared the information with a man in his 90s and he said he had hope and ready to make the changes. One of the gifts of depression is an openness to find an answer. michael asked the community to hold the space for Steve (a friend of michael’s who is a fine craftsman, owns his own construction company in Florida) who has been diagnosed with cancer. Doing his internal work and headed to Anderson Cancer Center in Houston TX Caller Magda, she and Chuck head out tomorrow to KC then on to Mexico. Chuck has been diagnosed with cancer and will be 3 weeks in Hope4Cancer Clinic in Baja, Mexico. There is a fundraiser on his Facebook Page Chuck Blanchard. Magda mentioned more detail about cancelling goals each night. Then she mentioned to Susan, if it comes to the point of saying lets be friends or client/therapist and separate the two. Or would it be benificial to share with this person an experience of her own and listen to her friend’s feedback (like responsibility communication). Model how to go about working with her own problems? michael said listen to guidance, sahe has the right to keep her stuff private and she may do a responsibility communication letter to the friend as to what is up for her regarding their relationship. Caller Lucy, reconsider what people think about her being on the phone all the time, it is powerful. Thank you Susan (when you said you had the thought that when she threatens to kill herself, that you wish she would go ahead and die) for bringing that up for herself. She had the thoughts too around her Mom that she die instead of suffering. michael said if I am connected to love then I am connected to the actuality of what is happening and everything (including death) is extreme love. He admits he is not there all the time but has experienced it and knows it is possible. MindShifter: It is safe, healing and desirable for me to stay connected to active love in the presence of my own or another’s suffering. |
November 13 | michael is enroute to NC to visit Terry Bowling who had an accident and just released from hospital. Ask everyone to hold the space as they do energy work and assist him in repairing the broken bones.
Caller Jurate, resonance between she and Tom and the process of being aware that it is Power Person dynamics. Finds herself attempting to control him. michael asked how did she feel when her PP attempted to control her? She hated it. What were the goals you wanted for them? Goals to be honored, to make own choices, live own life in harmony with PP. Aggitated because he wants to sit and watch the soccer game. She wants him to be active, and healthy and not sedentary. MindShifter: “I love watching Tom gets sedentary, fat, and sitting in front of the TV watching sports.” michael explained the difference in creative statements and mindshifters. Caller Jack from Asheville, thanks for this work. Uses the breath when he needs to calm. Hold the space also for Chuck and Magda as they head to Mexico and Steve as he is admitted into Anderson in Texas. Both have been diagnosed with cancers. |
November 14 | Dr Tim “The Way of the Servant” discussions
Dr. John Sarno – All the Rage – unrespolved rage is linked to pain Jeanie is going to post something on the website about CoDependency and resisting the urge to “Fix” people. Maybe they need the struggle. During 2nd hour Jeanie replayed the show on the Khabouris Manuscript (michael is with Terry Bowling in NC giving him assistance, energy work and breathing him – there is zero cell signal there so he cannot do the show today) |
November 15 | Caller Susan B. spoke of with Dr Tim
michael gave an update on Terry Bowling. Also hold the space for Chuck B. And a third friend Steve who is in Texas under treatment. Matthias from Munich, Germany, cold & voice is not good so will call in another time. Cayenne Pepper, Lemon, Maple Syrup & Pure water – sip on it all day (helps eliminate easier). Question: ACIM says “you are not a body” so how does it all fit together? michael quotes Einstein saying there is no matter, we are an energy field. May need realignment or energetic adjustments within the energy field. The solidness of the body is a construct in the brain. See Anil Seth Ted Talk Anil Seth talking about the hallucination of the mind. Caller Peter in Sweden. Still has a stye. Has a hip issue too. So what is the governing force with this ‘so called body’ michael spoke of anomalies that are passed generationally. Recalled some conversations to look at and communicate with Dad about it (genetic). He would be told (when complaining of his back hurting, doing bricklaying) that is not a back it is a tendon upon which hangs a butt. Responsibility Communication Rules and a sample letter from a son to father although different issues Some kind of benefit or value in the pain. Still express my discomfort for attention (his mother would give attention and sympathy but Dad would ignore it). MindShifter: It is easy and beneficial for me to reliably receive attention and support as a result of functioning as wholeness and love. Perfection is entwined somehow. michael offered it is ironic that Peter is an optometrist too. Mentioned Grady’s book study on-line. Many ways to create a support group/community. Peter mentioned he can’t see something happening … note the language of ‘seeing’ MindShifter: There is always something right with me! You are designed for abundance and perfection. |
November 16
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November 17
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November 18 | caller Susan B
caller Grady caller Doug |
November 19 | Thank you Michele for filling in for Jeanie
November 20 | caller John in MI
caller Jack in NC – discussion about not doing worksheets, thinks he will uncover a hydra, uses many of the other tools besides wake-up sheet – Dr Tim offered several ‘topics’ to address in a wake-up sheet and also encouraged him to set aside time daily to intentionally do wake-up sheets Jill T. in chatroom “Thank you for sharing the comment about the woman being delighted to go to sleep because it’s her time to be with God. That’s very helpful to me and I’ll share it with my son too. Hearing this person’s perspective helps me further debunk my own story about sleep being a fearful time. When I hold that story up to the light of truth it really starts to unravel.” And “this morning I woke up with a scratchy, sore throat. I believe it’s no coincidence, based on our conversation yesterday with the tightness/choking feeling in my throat. Currently drinking lemon water + cayenne pepper…spicy!” caller Susan B -asked Jeanie how she is doing taking care of herself while she takes care of family caller Tim B. – asked about three Aramaic terms:
See the diagram of the filters in the mind Joan in chatroom asked if one must consciously set Rakhma and Khooba? Patrick Quinn is out driving for the first time in a year. Congrats. Steve healing lung cancer through Anderson in Texas. Chuck moving through the process in Mexico dealing with his colon cancer. Terry B. healing the multiple broken ribs and vertibrae and clavicle and the concussion from his fall. Caller Grady. When in the mind of active, present Love can you hold someone accountable? What tools? “All the Above” gave example of Asa D. Kelly in GA who put many behind bars protecting his community (not punishing the criminal) and offered them tools for healing. |
November 21 | Dr Tim spoke of the Khabouris, Aramaicisms, and the True Forgiveness.
Caller Lucy with Dr Tim spoke of her reaction to other’s in trauma. Caller Grady with michael, update of the book study group last night (which michael was able to participate in). Grady began the group with the Aramaic Keys to Life. To continue with the topic of accountability from Monday. Understands the first step is to do the work and hold self accountable but at some point we extend that to the world. Clarity increases and we understand better. Activism? Caller John from MI doing worksheets around a boy in the support group. Caller Jeanne asking about finances. Caller Lien S., need guidance. Doing worksheets and managing divorce but in a victim mode (he is avoiding the whole situation and saying he is not going along with the divorce). In an angry place. He is actually in another coun try, he is not the cause. michael directed her in the beginning of a worksheet “He is the object of attention, goal is I want him to make it simple, then cancel the goal” Behavior is caused by goals. Look at what is driving your behavior, habits acquired over the years have to change. Must give Rukha the ability to take it away, we have free will to hang onto it. |
November 22 | Caller Roma
Dr Tim talked about the free items for download on Caller Doug, asked about ‘all events are neutral’ seems there is a way of looking at things that this is true and some ways it is not true. Instead of debating, step into the experience. Gave the example out of the book ‘Why Again’ with Richard and his sister Amy. Also, a client of Tim’s, who saw herself as being an awful mother and he sees her as a wonderful mom. michael continued talking to Diane about her Healing Crisis then with Doug about ‘Are cats contageous?’ if you feed them they will come. Inherit vitality. OrthoBionomy experience – gentle frequency with Love. Caller Patrick McGhan shared a change in body work Dzogchen Khenpo Rinpoche and his assistant Padma Wongmo in Oregon in December, invited michael to speak at conference but speakers are not paid. Any donations appreciated. |
November 23
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November 24
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November 25 | |
November 26 | Dr Tim talks to Susan B. about the words not containing the meaning. Example of someone talking in another language and some understand that language and some do not, some are communicating and some are in the dark. The object is about the teaching not the individual. Purpose is to convey the teaching not the person.
michael shared our experience of watching “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” transformational power of the active, presence of Love. Character is Lloyd Vogel, a journalist interviewing Mr. Rogers for Esquire – based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. Caller Susan B. shared doing a verbal worksheet with her son on worthiness and innocent. Discussion of Power Person behavior in a relationship Would like to create Novellas that present healing (Jeanie mentioned like In Treatment – |
November 27 | Dr Tim discusses with Jurate the perception of God, Y’Shua, Buddha or anyone tells you more about the content of your mind more than what is outside of you.
Caller Tim B. doing a worksheet about not failing his father … michael had him reword what he wanted instead of what he did not want. He wanted to please his father. Then in number 6 a time when I have not done #3? michael directed him to look at a time when he did not please his father. Loving goal might be to be gentle with myself. MindShifter: “It is safe and healing and I receive Dad’s approval even when I do not have the skill that he would like me to have.” Spoke of eye still not being clear. MindShifter: “It is safe and healing for me to clearly see everything in my life.” Caller Susan B. a lady who has attended several workshops went to Canada the other day and worked with a lady who realized she was following a family script of suicide. Then discussed a friend who has inner ear problem (a chiropractor) and has to retire. The innate carries out, what instructions has she given the innate to cause the distortion? MindShifter: “I love the fact, and deeply enjoy, that its been years and the results it has brought into my world.” She has a pain in the neck, aware her mother used to say ‘don’t be a pain in the neck.’ Whatever is moving in physiology can I hold it in active space of love and decode it. |
November 28 | Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Dr Tim’s hour is pre-recorded from August 2018 with Michele and Susan B. michael & Jeanie’s hour is pre-recorded (only 22 minutes long) |
November 29 | Caller Grady asks for clarification on accountability verses punishment in prisons.
We have a 1 bedroom timeshare in Gatlinburg, TN from Dec 20 – 27 for rent – just found out the kids are not coming in. Contact Jeanie at 423-484-0120 or if interested michael discussed the Laws of Living intensive February 14 – 29, 2020 in Abingdon, VA at the Jubilee House Retreat Center – check it out Chatroom question about missing their family now that they went home after Thanksgiving. At the intensive you spoke about not teaching the perception of missing. michael suggested first do worksheets on thoughts of fear or loss, when someone is not in your physical presence and thinking you lost connection with them. Missing someone is the concept taught at an early age. You can be as connected and fulfilled with others whether in physical presence or not when experiencing yourself as Love. Missing is based on trauma thoughts. Caller Ann, added some comparison to keeping the kids’ dogs and the dogs response when they leave and she simply gets them distracted. |
November 30
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November 31
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…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””