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We could use your help! If you listen to an archived show that does not have a description next to the link, it would help us out if you could write a brief description of the show and send it to Jeanie along with the date of the show. Your time will benefit everyone that comes to these pages! Thanks for your help!
September 1
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September 2 | Labor Day! Thank you Michele for filling in for Jeanie. |
September 3 | Dr Tim directed Camille in Florida toward the Purpose, Personal Power & Commitment video and worksheet. To see if her designing jewelry is on purpose for her.
Then speaking with Jill in Wilmington about addressing her son needing to fall asleep with her presence, need to address her own fear. Matt Kahn on “Power of Self-Responsibility” at the 41 minute mark he asks “how do you feel? how old do you feel? and send the energy back to the ancester where it began.” Jeanie explained being on purpose may just be a change in the mind-energy held. Gave the example of the bank loan officer who quit his job to follow Ram Dass and then went back to the same ‘job’ at the bank but this time on purpose to share love and help others instead of just the bank. Example in the movie: Overcomer, one man asked another ‘who are you?’ and they answer a coach, a husband, a dad, a teacher…between each the other ma says ‘and if we take that away who are you?’ and finally he says ‘a child of God’ and is then asked ‘why is that so far down your list? What is your priority?’ he goes from there still being a coach and father, husband and teacher but with a purpose towards the Creator. Go to website scroll to bottom (footer) and click “Join Our Mailing List” and put your information in (new or update) so you receive our next newsletter. Will offer information on the Laws of Living intensive in February 2020 in Abingdon, VA. Caller Camille spoke towards her conversation with Dr Tim and michael gave her a MindShifter: “I am always in the right place at the right time successfully engaged in the right activity to fulfill every aspect of my purpose in this moment.” Caller Roma, sang in the silence love is there. Discussion of difference in Spirit and Soul. What comes into full expression is Being – Soul when one forgives. The Spirit is Rukha. Open the space for Soul – unchangeable essence of Love. Roma had a slightly different expression based on her ministerial experience. Chatroom question: what about dental implants? michael gave his personal opinion based on screwing things into the jaw bones and potential infection, etc and for him it is a no but he is not a dentist and cannot respond to other’s choices. Caller Susan B, three things: what is Camille’s jewelry website? (Camille and Magda yesterday. And Jill on sleep issues of her son, read a passage in ACIM about sleep (dreams are illusions of joining). Holy Spirit will use the dreams when awakened. When you awaken joyously you have utilized sleep for purpose. Then she commented on implants she has and she would not recommend them. michael offered dreams come from the same place as waking reality except without the barrier between conscious and unconscious. Misuse sleep as withdrawal? Luke got into Appalachian State but due to ‘missing his friends’ he has left for Washington Lee. Hold the space for him. Responsibility for Sight – not helpless but create the state we are in. |
September 4 | Dr Tim replayed Dec 30, 2015 show.
Caller Joan and the Birmingham Support Group called with questions. Caller Jean Rampage. Just completed the 5/day for 40 days and it has been amazing. Shared for Susan B. about daughter being abused. Cannot help daughter until addresses own fear first. Took many worksheets and mindshifters to get to the space where she could leave her own doors or windows open. Then can approach and support them in a genuine love based presence. |
September 5 | Dr Tim discusses with caller Michele Pischea the benefit of facilitating a Support Group and suggests she go into it as one of the group members (with an administrative role) and not as ‘the leader’ because you are not the ‘be all end all’ you are just another being applying the tools.
Jeanie shared her experience of facilitating a support group in 2014 and being so new to the work and having little knowledge but willing to learn with the support group. The facilitator is to keep the group ‘on target’ with this work instead of going off on rabbit trails. It does not mean we have all the answers. michael offered a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson “Let us take our bloated nothingness out of the path of the divine circuits.” Holding love to everyone in the path of the hurricane. Caller Jurate, appreciate Michele asking the questions and for the answers and support given. michael said there is the need for ‘a leader’ but remaining a student. michael is looking at creating a timeframe for a separate radio show for facilitators of support groups. Jurate has a fear that the support group would keep her from doing her own work (it actually pushes you to do your work) and that she would not have answers (and Jeanie addressed that one). michael said if the universe had not pushed him to teach this full time that he would not be doing this work as intently, teaching is engaging in the energy in a different way. Direction toward the Aramaic scriptures used. At you can see all the pages of the manuscript and additional information in ‘The Enlightenment’ When you offer the potentials of the work people are interested but when they begin to dig deeper they get a sense of what they must deal with (generational) and they run the other way (often unconsciously). It takes about 5 to 10 years to build the brain cells and truly get it. Example of Patrick McGhan (doing this for 30 years) and Joel Lopez (teachers’ training 4 years ago) and they are just now beginning to take the work to veterans. Jurate was in Lithuania and talking about the work and they want to organize it and Jurate to get michael there and she could translate. She said so much gets lost in translation. Would like to do teachers’ training but now interested in potential to do Laws of Living in February. michael offered payments to do it. She is in. michael offered he is doing his own work around his sadness that Ari would not be there physically with us. Ari created a 3 lb chocolate ball (super food bar) out of Quantum Chocolate, cocoa, walnut, pink salt, vanilla – everyone who was there please get info to Jurate she is going to recreate it. Heartland Aramaic Forgiveness App in either Google Playstore or iTunes Apple Store. Totally free and private. Also on line at Caller Peter, woke up with his eye issue (stye) – 2nd year syndrome. michael shared a story of a woman with Bell’s Palsy, impact of seeing another with the same. Peter offered to Lucy when she shared Monday of not ‘feeling’ happy. He remembers he saw her sharing and smiling yet tears coming, he saw her as a happy person going through unhappy thoughts and was able to stay there while processing. For himself going through the Jante Law and Lutheranism. Maybe look at her heritage and happiness was not allowed. michael shared Peter’s first visit to HeartLand 20+ years ago and saying he just did not ‘get this love stuff’ and yet one day coming out of stillpoint and experiencing his being as Love and Peter went to every person and embraced them. A totally different energetic appearance. Peter said he remembered that and thought of Shirley MacLaine’s book “What If My Friends Saw Me Now” Jeanie offered Louise Hay says eye issues represents the capacity to see clearly past, present, future or fear of really seeing self (I trouble) – and a stye is looking at life through angry eyes. (note the book is seeing) Peter spoke of his MindShifter, and that he did not want to complete his aspirations. michael offered retire from super critic of self. Conflict of his mind: he says running is not important and yet says not being able to run means life is done. Feels lost. Feels powerless. Power Person dynamic. continue tomorrow …. |
September 6 | Caller Magda.
Caller Ann. Caller Peter spoke of being introduced to the wake-up sheet 20+ years ago by Jean Rampage and arriving at HeartLand with Tania even before michael arrived. Tania was very triggered by everything. Peter said he realizes he resists obtaining ‘the carrot’ so he can hold to his story that everything is crap. Example: he repeatedly creates an illness to keep from performing in a race and yet he wants to perform well. House divided. michael explains the Power Person dynamic in an individual. So the BEING Peter wants to succeed and the non-being returns to the imprint of you can’t or you won’t … (Jante Law) … under stress that behavior becomes the root of perception. The advisor of the PP, message takes over. Those delivered messages coagulates into a ‘body’ we think we are – the false image generated must die for the being to live! When it comes up just know it is a lie and keep doing your forgiveness around it and dissolve the generational lie that it has to be drama and trauma. Peter asks why do I keep creating the trauma? michael said because it is there and life will show up like the image you hold in your mind. You have awakened but it is still there and yet it is not as strong as it was. The energy strength of the goal? That is related to the commitment to the goal you hold. The goal is what accesses the data we hold, whether is is deep or surface stuff, and willingness is key. Resistance to look and feel will hang onto it. Invite Rukha to assist in teaching us truth. You can turn toward Being. |
September 7
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September 8
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September 9 | michael spoke of perception and the receptors called eyes and ears. What ‘we see’ comes from inside not outside of us.
TED Talk with Anil Seth Ted Talk Anil Seth Caller Angie, Michigan, regarding perception. Had a dream, 666 was on the frontal lobes and it shifted to 777 when Rakhma assisted in the change. Was a physical shift too. michael said the 666 is called the mark of the beast in scriptures, it is CBM (6 electrons, 6 neutrons, 6 protons) but not sure about 777. Caller Susan B., looked it up and 777 is angelic, spirit guides. Then question on ACIM passage on forgiveness from EGO or true Aramaic forgiveness? What we are ‘playing out’ is not the truth of who we are – them or self. When we get to the state where we just see them and us as the being we are (created in the image of the Creator). Then false perception dissolves. michael gave the example of playing a melody on a piano that is out of tune and it sounds bad but after the tuner person works on it then the fingers do the same moves on the same keys and the sound is awesome. When we are physically ‘off’ it is more challenging to mentally or emotionally perform. Forgiveness is the piano tuner. speaking of music – on America’s Got Talent (watch on YouTube) a young man named Cody Lee is blind and autistic and stumbles to speak and yet when he sits at the piano and sings it is fabulous. He is 22 and the music saved his life. It is a vibration. |
September 10 | Dr Tim had conversations with Mary R. and Susan B and Jack.
Jeanie opened the 2nd hour explaining the difference between actuality and reality. Our reality / perception is based on past experiences triggered by a current event. Realizing the current event is NOT the same. Caller Shelly, sees himself doing the same behavior in this relationship that he has done in his past and he ‘does not want to ruin it again’ michael explained. Shakesphere says ‘words fly up and thoughts remain below’ not your words ‘I don’t want to do this again’ ‘I don’t want to ruin this’ etc. active brain cells firing tell us what we need to look at – from the unconscious level to conscious so we can change the behavior via changing the unconscious thoughts. Look at the goal you held for yourself – to be in harmony, to maintain the relationship. The file on not being able to trust is driving the jealousy. MindShifter: “I can, and have always been able, to trust the people in my life, especially women who are important to me.” Work on that and then come back and listen to the show. Another MindShifter: “I have always been totally trustworthy with the people in my life, especially the women who are important to me.” Be aware, notice, before this happened you were at a new level of aliveness and vitality. After speaking his energy softened. The Greeks taught to let self or others off the hook – that is pardoning which is nice but not forgiveness. True Aramaic Forgiveness is a tool for changing the reality in your mind. Collapse perception and bring forward the hidden part of the mind and it dissolves in the presence of Love. michael goes over the forgiveness process of cancelling the goal, to undo the energy driving behavior. HeatLand Aramaic Forgiveness App Laws of Living is different from the other intensives. This intensive has a textbook, and approaches the mind in a different way, using the Socratic Method of asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and draw out underlying presuppositions. Law is not obedience to an authority but is an expression of ‘how things work’ and come into relationship with the Eternal Forces of Nature. You can’t ‘break the laws’ but can fall out of harmony with the laws and come into collision with the results. Law of gravity, attraction, relationship, sexuality, nutrition, land, finances etc. YShua said to maintain self (Love) to have a Human Life, you must hold Love present when you think of neighbor or the Creator or Self. The intensive is set for February 14 to 29, 2020 in Abingdon, VA. Caller Susan D. teaches LOL and it is a powerful course. Eliminates victimhood. Sow and Reap. The essays are fabulous. Taught this 14 times now, done it as 8 weeks or 12 weeks and thinking of going 1 class per month for 8 months. It is like therapy. Fabulous intensive and then to teach it is to take your own life to the next layer. Certification process. Rex and Mitzi and Michele took it to the prison in Ionia, MI and took almost a year. Tithe to michael & Jeanie, donate your birthday to HeartLand. Richly blessed. Gratitude for the work. Susan said she is reading the Commitment every day and yet there are times she thinks ‘yeah I will be sweetness until you trigger me.’ michael said if something other than sweetness moves in the mind then behavior will follow. The Commitment will remind us of our goal to be sweetness…take a hold of the less than and do something different. And the Love Exchange, a loving thought is verification (fruit) that love is set. |
September 11 | Freewill cannot be usurped.
Caller Jill shared her son, 9 years old, seeing something on YouTube that brought up fear for him. She played the recording of Ho’oponopono and he has gotten over the fear and is kinder to himself. Together they are untangling the generational fear. refer to the 2019 intensive participants on What’s App Group…discussing the integrity with the use of these tools. Some people have taken it and claimed it as their own work for profit and some have left the actual forgiveness step out or have perverted the process for their own gain. Hold the space for them and the work. Caller Tim B. asked about ‘panic’ when driving at night. michael suggested safety or competence in driving? Tim said “I don’t want to be a putz.” Confidence and to do well. Goal from teenage years and condemnation of self for not doing so well. That energy can still be in play if not acheived or cancelled. MindShifter: “I am, and have always been, a safe, competent and capable driver. And everyone around me sees the truth of that.” Caller Patrick McGhan, shared his next opportunity to heal. Also Joel L. and he agreed to do 5/day for 40 days. Accountability partners. Asked for the story of the manuscript and asked about the ‘laws’ Most important is Rakhma to be active and present. |
September 12 | Dr Tim discussion with Mary Raatz and Susan Bingham. EGO is what is saying we need to be done – rate upset level with each sheet and you can see it may be the same experience but the level of upset has changed. Look at how often you used to get upset at inanimate objects and how seldom you do now. And how intense and how long does it last now verses then? Concept of momentum: deep seated issue. Abraham Hicks says “I have a well rehearsed / practiced pattern.” Just means more work to do. 77×70 – 7 is the number of completion and 0 is infinite so we will do an infinite number until we are complete. Allow life to unfold and teach me. Surrender to the lesson.
Dr Tim added a few questions to ask: What am I afraid to admit to myself? What is the most painful thing I believe about myself when no one is looking? Who do I think I would be without that thing? What if my worst fears came true? How does life change when I choose to see it as a flow of life instead of a direct reflection on me? 16-day Laws of Living flyer is now on website Jeanie offered Susan there are layers of the same issue but you won’t face the deeper ones until you are vital enough. And being able to see yourself and your reaction is big. We are talking about anger – there is irritation, frustration, anger and then there is rage and hate – all the same just different levels. And being able to “see yourself” is a move forward. Conversation of ‘choose again’ and Jeanie referred to ‘Amish Grace’ and one woman (who had 2 daughters killed) was asked by the widow of the man who shot the girls how she could forgive and the lady saying she had to choose to forgive for her own sanity and life not for him and what he did and she said sometimes she had to forgive every 30 seconds. Susan had a lady drop into the MindShifter Support Group who was wanting to end her life, she has physical and emotional issues. You could see her shift during session of the worksheet. hold the space, michael has a meeting with the person running the event posted in WhatsApp (around forgiveness). Caller Patrick McGhan, continue the conversation of yesterday. Requested explanation of how the Laws of Living began, Khabouris Manuscript. Then asked examples of ‘prayer’ (setting a trap for God) |
September 13 | Dr Tim discusses dental and medical issues coming up for caller Camille whose dentist is wanting her to get teeth implants. Dr Tim shared his experience of releasing pain using Dr Sarno’s work. Took time to let go of his beliefs that it required deep massage and stretching, etc.
Listen to an interview of Mark Hyman, James Gordon and Penny George with Krista Tippett on “On Being” Listen to Dr Tim’s interview of Dr. Albert Mensah on ortho-molecular nutrient therapy michael discusses the ‘blame game’ and the technology of the mind and how our words will tell us the internal dynamics that we really need to address. Forgiveness collapses the picture made by the mind that keeps our perception and belief that it is someone elses fault for what we are experiencing. The pained perception is about you not them. But that pained perception holds an energy and resonates and draws in someone to play it out with us. example of Patrick McGhan working through his grief from military days and his diabetic neuropathy shifting. From not being able to go a flight of stairs to walking for miles and from searing pain to just aches. It is not physical. |
September 14
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September 15
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September 16 | Dr Tim discusses with Jill (from Wilmington) doing work around ‘not enough’ in order to interpret the fear / thought of being abandoned. She abandoned them before they could. Dr Tim gave an example of a lady who appears cool, calm and collected and when things go sideways then everyone is baffled because she has not given any outward signals. If trying to always look my best and not upset then not being honest. That is a perfect recipe for burnout. Jill said other messages about being authentic is too much of a burden. Conflicting messages given to others, denying reality. Physically feels prickly – like quills are up for protection. Conditioned to believe I need to protect myself and that feelings will get me in trouble. A correlation (false appearance) but not cause and effect. The idea that other people can’t handle my emotions and if I take a chance and show my true emotion then it is easy to formulate a false ’cause and effect’ based on past experience.
Jeanie directed people to the tools on the website, including the video on the Five Aramaic Keys to Life, the only video we have with sign-language interpretation. michael opened with the request to send love to a young lady (Minadora) who was at HeartLand this summer. She had a friend and coworker to take her life yesterday. The college is doing well at holding love and offering support to everyone. In the arena of the military, there is such pain and trauma and suicide is rampant. A temporary issue yet seen as ‘no way out’ Forgiveness removes those energetic dynamics. Chatroom Bob (in Australia) spoke of ‘dancing with depression and suicide for 20 years’ and ‘healing the wounds of childhood was his most powerful work’ Now being authentic. Then he called in and added, the longest relationship he has had in his life is with himself. The pain was real but he realized it was from within and the root was when he began to loose the belief in himself at about 4 years old and gave power over to his Mom and her opinion taking precedence over his own. Not about blame, but we are all victims of victims. He sent a letter to his Mom explaining his experience and her sharing hers. Then wrote one to his Father (who had already passed). Realize his mind is a tool and feeling directed. Caller Minadora, shared about her boss and mentor and friend. Caller Susan B., asked about a Facebook post from Jeanie, correction made. Her support group is moving forward and she worked with a new lady last night and feels she herself has gone through it so much now that it is flowing. Discussion of ‘key thoughts’ to promote weekly. Reading “The End of Suffering” Listen to the 1st two chapters michael explains the MindShifter process Caller Ellie, son is Joel from Florida, she is thankful for the show and the tools. Spoke of her grief over her husband passing and that her granddaughter is likewise grieving. |
September 17 | Dr Tim discusses repetitive pattern of upset with caller Lucy. Wanting clarification of not figuring out with the feeling or thought. Back into the worksheet if you know the goal.
Caller Patrick, gives feedback and gets judged for it. Judgement is joining with a thought and it becomes real. Can stand as the observer and see the situation and not join with ‘this is bad, or wrong or evil’ Patrick explained what he classifies as ‘negative judgement’ verses ‘positive judgement’ Love and Light and Being is who we are but then in manifestation there are the reflective self (adrenal glands and endocrine system). Further explanation of the difference in loving and being love. Then practical application – to cancel my goal for you to understand me or me to understand you. Confusion from generations. Let me seek more to understand than to be understood. |
September 18 | Dr Tim and caller Angie
Caller Patrick McGhan asks about “thine eye be single” refer to chart illusion comes from root ‘measured’ Discussion of Power Person dynamic |
September 19 | thank you Michele for filling in for Jeanie |
September 20 | Dr Tim discusses with Susan B (PA) about surrender. Recognize every perception that is ‘less than love’ is false. She said she had been in a state of hostility and fear. ACIM My holy vision is pure.
michael offered Susan, if you have the disturbance in you then it is yours to forgive. Luke is doing well in school, stopped pot, is talking to his Mom honestly and she is acknowledging the truth of what he was seeing, however he is vaping and cigarettes. Caller Magda, word link she was given a few weeks ago “Magda=divine” and was working on the issue of not being gentle with self and not being perfect and using the tools and this word link was the push over to accept self in the pool of Love. Now includes other folks like “President Trump=divine” and if she does it long enough she will change her outlook and see him as he truly is. Caller Julie H., reading the Course with Patrick and reading orally and ask what is a ‘special relationship’ verses ‘holy relationship’ and address guilt. Originally self correction? Caller Lucy, hit a new level of vitality last week, having lots of release physically. Caller Tim B., explain evil. michael offered there is not a ‘flash-dark’ because darkness is the absence of light, darkness is a nothingness. Evil is the same – it is nothingness – the absence of Love. |
September 21
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September 22
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September 23 | michael read his poem Love Mistaken
Caller asks for explanation of evil
September 24 | Dr Tim discusses “living in the question” and be open to be taught.
Caller Camille said she does not really have a question (even in school did not raise her hand) Jeanie offered living in the question does not necessarily mean asking the question outloud but just being open for information to come in. At night the barrier between the unconscious and subconscious is more open. Journal thoughts or images that come at night. Nervousness (nervous legs) may be around fear or anxiety of moving forward. Shoulders are responsibility, etc. Refer to Louise Hay Explain what is meant by ACIM when it says ‘Everything I see is meaningless’ michael Quoted Einstein that there is no matter but everything is energy. Recognize anything you see or say is material substance, it may be close to what is real but it is not necessarily true. Jeanie offered Camille that she mentioned she never asked questions, look at fear of asking questions. michael offered physiology is expressing what was locked into tissue. She said her father’s rule was children were to be seen not heard. michael gave a MindShifter: “My father, just like the men in my life, have always been a space that encouraged me to embrace my full, free and complete expression.” Caller Jack, realized his advice for a friend was for himself. Caller Judy P. in Springfield, on the worksheet when you get to the step of releasing ‘all the above’ can you also release the thought disorders and appendages, etc that you have not addressed directly? Make a side note and do another worksheet on those small thoughts and feelings. Does not have to be done with conscious awareness but if you pay attention you might ‘de-code’ and would suggest doing another worksheet. She asked another questions about cancelling all goals associated with that issue? People are more and more willing and can embrace without doing every nit-picking piece of it. Chatroom comment on ‘unsolicited advice is abuse’ – might have some work to do. If you were clear and someone gave you advice then you’d just let it slid away but if you think you have been abused then there is an issue to look at. Jeanie offered specific goals access specific files (thoughts and feelings) and impossible to cancel ALL with one single worksheet. Remembers a guy saying he was going to let his girlfriend do all the work to clean it up and he would wait for critical mass. With no questions Jeanie told about Arya saying hi to a fly and a beetle and following an ant. Different perspective of these critters. Enthusiasm of the innocent child. See chart this work is to return to Enthusiasm (En-theos – in God or Love) The true being is still there and untouched, just covered up with hostility and fear and this work is about removing everything so we experience our being again. Caller Lucy, anxiety is a result. Seems to be doing variations of the same worksheet but is she working with the symptom and not the issue? If you put the goal to not be anxious then you are not specific. Look at what is going on at the moment. Dr Sarno (he passed away in 2017 the day before his 94th biorthday) said backpain is not about the physiology but is unresolved rage manifesting in the physical. |
September 25 | Dr Tim talked about The Gentle Art of Blessings. The large number of Turks in concentration camp stayed healthy where others were sickly and the only difference was the Turks daily prayer to Allah (God). Jeanie added is also from Gentle Art.
Caller Jack in Ashville michael offered lemonwater & Cayenne pepper to help his throat. Jeanie shared working with a lady and her ‘support’ brought up sadness, described the difference in support and sympathy. Wisdom is not possessed it is accessed. michael read his poem again Love Mistaken I think it was George Washington Carver said “I will never allow a man to defile my soul by causing me to hate him.” Caller Melanie, struggling with self essence. Can’t feel deserving of love or appreciate self. michael offered she sounds like she is trembling, movement of energy. Sounds ready to move it out. Probably genetic component. |
September 26 | Dr Tim discusses with caller Susan B. modelling using the tools. That is the most powerful thing you can do for them or yourself. Susan said she ‘lost it’ with a friend and feels she had a relapse.
Caller John in Lansing MI. Shared his car breaking down and being towed yesterday then his brother picked him up and when he got home he had a letter from the bank and they charged him $25 for a 19cent shortage. He lost it – michael explained the Power Person dynamic and asked did your PP ‘lose it’? All the goals of yesterday created ultra stress and he automatically went into the PP behavior. Notice how many goals you can hold prior to being pushed into ultra stress mode. John said being in 12-steps for years he did not feel anything (it was hollow and empty) until using these tools. How long will he do this? He thought he was getting better. michael invited him to look at how much better he was doing. It is faced in layers and levels as we have the vitality to deal with it. Notice how far you have come – you are not drugging and drinking this time around. Caller Judy P. question on PP, seems to have one worked it out then another comes that is worse than the one before. michael explains the vitality meter again and that the deeper layers can’t be seen until one becomes more vital. Jeanie added her experience of discovering her power persons … Mom was in most areas but when ultra stressed I want to leave and Dad is the one who left. He had good reasons due to farm work but he left. He is the quietest and most gentle person and yet his behavior of leaving is what I do. Makes me think of a worksheet I did once that had the punishment thought toward them was to leave and to punish myself was to stay. As a child it is survival and in adultas it is called Stockholm Syndrome (condition which causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity). Every energy is an imprint. |
September 27 | Thanks Michele for filling in today. |
September 28
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September 29
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September 30 | Dr Tim discusses a book he is reading called “Suggestible You: The Curious Science of Your Brain’s Ability to Deceive, Transform, and Heal” by Erik Vance, about the Placebo Effect and gave his personal experience with Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS) – the mindbody syndrome so named by Dr. John E. Sarno to a condition he described as characterized by psychogenic musculoskeletal and nerve symptoms, most notably back pain. The power of the mind to effect physical and mental.
Jeanie invited people to check the site for support groups and if your group is not listed please contact Jeanie at – Jeanie shared her experience with being told by a person with a biofeedback machine that I had breast cancer metastasized – it was an opportunity for me to be tested as to what I believed. I wrote to my doctor (thank God he is conscious) and his response was, “I cant imagine that biofeedback can tell the difference between the energy that produces breast cancer and the actual physical manifestations of breast cancer. I question the ethical nature of someone being so bold as to diagnose it without actual tissue sample either. We will get the comprehensive yearly panel on you and discuss this further. Remember the thoughts and emotions that feed cancer are anger, shame, guilt…breast would indicate it is likely directed at self…but there is a big difference between harboring the energy and physical manifestation.” I did my work around anger toward self and then when he ran tests 2 weeks later I was all clear. Did I do enough work to clear it or was it there to begin with? I do not know but I got the opportunity to do a lot of internal work. Now why do some people not get that clean report, I do not know. michael offered it takes skill and skill building to access things that might be from generations ago and just showing up physically – and to be willing to develop the ability to clear it out. It is a process. Early adopters have more work to do. 77×70 If you receive benefit from this work please support us. Jeanie’s Dad is unable to live alone so we are here supporting him and keeping Arya Reign three days a week so the kids can work without putting Arya in the hands of a stranger. So we have changed our normal travel with workshops and besides the intensives offer most of this work for free and our income is limited. Caller Lucy, assist on a worksheet about herself and shame on doing a mistake, goal is wanting to be perfect. Same goal multiple sheets. Cancel the goal then asking for assistance and now feels like crying. Then saw she was letting go a connection with her Dad and began to cry. Had to stop and now does not know where to go with it. michael said start another with Dad as object of attention (and another with yourself as object of attention) and see what the goal was for self around Dad. Did you displease him or were not perfect in something involving Dad. Where did you take on the thought disorder that something was broken about you that you could never make him happy, etc. Very profound. MindShifter: “Of course, my Dad was always 100% happy with everything that I did except _________” Lucy said she knows she is protective of the men in her life, she has been lucky. Caller Rex, calling to connect. Realize a profound experience today with a client. The idea of as a child giving up my beingness as Love and another big layer breakthrough. Happened with a client but realize it is an aspect of myself and the beauty of oneness and connection. Acknowledge everyone. And we are all one. |
September 31
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…One year ago I attended the Co-Dependence to Inter-Dependence Intensive workshop with you or you were instrumental in encouraging me to attend. I would like to share with you my experience. Read more… ““I am proof that forgiveness and using these tools can absolutely transform a life.””
“The seminars Dr. Michael Ryce is doing are directly related to ACIM and have been very helpful to me in removing the fear and hostility thoughts that block our natural Love state. In what I… Read more… ““The seemingly solid wall between me and Spirit is proven…to be nothing but a wispy cloud.””
My arrival home was awesome. My roommate Kay welcomed me home with fresh banana bread and a surprise. She had planted me a flower garden with bulbs that would come up year round. This was… Read more… ““I find myself smiling and laughing and enjoying life the way I did in my early childhood.””
I have been studying Michael’s work for 20 years, and just found Vimeo Group: Forgiveness on I want to share my experience with Forgiveness as Michael teaches it. I first went to Heartland in… Read more… ““The rewards are life-changing!””
Michael and Jeanie, The first week of workshops, three weeks ago, was something! The field trip on that intensive Saturday, was unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects. Thank you… Read more… ““Unlike any thing I’ve experienced and it seems to have lasting effects!””
Hi michael, I am going to re-read your book, paying close attention this time around to my pain around emotionally distant loved ones. I like your new worksheet as well! I’ve printed numerous copies off… Read more… ““The work you’re doing is fundamentally needed to help shift the pain and suffering in this world…””
Prior to meeting you on January 12, 2008 at your first workshop in Honolulu, HI, I had just experienced a separation from a long term relationship. Although it was anticipated and a mutual decision, actually… Read more… ““I left a new person!””
Aloha to the community. My circle is excited – we saw the information here. I have been poking around for this info for weeks and I will be sure to tell my membership base to… Read more… ““Answers to my revolving questions.””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive. I have been working on my top 3 challenges. Got a note book and been writing a lot of the MindShifters, the word links, doing the reality wake-up sheets… Read more… ““CoDependence / Communication Self-Study Testimonial””
I’ve known for a long time that God is love. I’m well aware that if I want to live in His house when I leave this body, I have to learn to be a conduit for that love. Read more… ““Setting a Trap for God – Living Not Saying the Lord’s Prayer””
Participant in the CoDependence/Communication Self-Study Intensive and student for many years, lived at HeartLand for a couple of years, continues doing his work. Listen to testimonial of Terry Bowling shared during StillPoint Breathing session July… Read more… ““Keep doing it until you want to do it.””